I am Vex

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SincereX13 said:
I need some shaving cream and a bag o' M&M's... oh wait, this isn't CVS :scratch:


I can say no more, otherwise AE will think I'm spamming again.

Talking of spamming, where is Strijdje?
DurfBarian said:
No. Screw all of that.

* Many of the people who got killed were offended.

I'm sorry but anyone who actually gets offended about what takes place in a computer game needs to seriously re-evalute their life.
* This clown joined questing games and forced the participants to take part in unwanted duels.

No one forced anyone to participate in anything. Last time I checked the "Save and Exit Game" option was still right there on the menu where it's always been. And I would have expected you to be above petty name calling.
* It's not for you, or for Muffy, to decide when the game gets less interesting for them, and whether it can be made more interesting through LLD. It's for the people who are playing in their games.

It's not for the player to decide when the game gets boring to them and time to liven it up? Ok.. who's job is it to decide? Random people on a internet forrum?
I have zero respect for Muffassa, even after his revelatory post. Forcing people to stop playing the game THEY want to play and take part in HIS game--one he is prepared for, with his duped crap, and they are not, since they're low-level questers--is selfish. He shows no respect or friendship to anyone in any of those games with that kind of behavior.

As I said before, no one forced anyone to do anything. Anyone who's played this game longer than a week knows what's going to happen when they get hostiled. If you don't speak up or go to town or exit the game, when follows is on your own head. PvP is part of D2, if you're playing D2 and you're not on single-player then accept the fact that not everyone wants to have a hunky-dory party/quest experience. PvP is there for a reason.

Single-player is single-player, hosted MP games are not. When you post a MP game in the game thread, you are opening that game to whoever decides to show up. Understand that.
I would say 99% of us play DII for enjoyment and getting PK'd isn't fun.
By making this thread he is just trying to get the whole 'Vex' thing going again. It's a dead-subject IMO, yesterday's news.

Ok, I believe all positions have been aired - again.

Nothing nore to see here.

edit: Milamber you spammer :lol:
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