how far can superdave go? [by superdave]

BAMFSpecialOps said:
i must say i do admire you SD, and ive read thro this several times, and still cant believe it, but my question has this not been stickied yet? even if its not a guide, its still crazy good, and worth the hours to read it on dial up hehe
Rynefire said:
I finally got around to reading this thread and I all I have to say is wow.... This obviously took a lot of time and dedication and I respect your perserverence through this insanely difficult journey. You rock!
Morathi said:
WOW dave you got past my challange of hell ancients....i have been gone for a while and totally forgot about your journey but now that i am back i had a look and i was amazed to see you guardian her !!CONGRATS!!!.

I have one question though....WHAT IS NEXT? do you have another character in mind? a summoner druid maybe?.
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