how far can superdave go? [by superdave]

NewForumBloke said:
Me now wonders as to why SD wants this back open, i did miss all the drama that happened with the hack or w/e, but hopefully this thread doesnt get that out of hand again.

What is it that your trying to say Dave? Theres more? She's doing what?

-BLoke :smug:
superdave said:
Last Update

i found these screenshots on another diablo site...many of you have seen them before...a few people haven't(the one's who fill my pm box up pleading with me to post an ending...stop that!!!). 👅

i never intended to release these publically but because they are already in the internet tubes, they might as well be hosted here too.


rykuss...this one is for you.

Thyiad said:
Anyone else think he's baal running?

that's exactly what i did to get anna to level 90 ...still at players 8 and yes i had souls every run. :cry:

this is the last screenshot i took before i deleted anna_goanna.

Paladine said:
congrats on the guardian SD! If I had your time to develope each and every one of my characters as you did with your essentially naked zon, I would be a D2 legend. I congradulate you on your patience and efforts! I wonder how long it will be til everyone realizes there is an ending posted?
MrKaxe said:
I only just realised now! Gratz again there any piccies of you pw0n1ng Baal or did they get lost in the hacking/banning? Shame that had to be done as the wait was making that victory more sweet...
jakotaco said:
Congratulations once more superdave, I'm sad it had to end this way with the leak but must one again applaud your dedication and patience. I hadn't seen the screenies, but I had read his posted spoilers (unfortunately)
superdave said:
leetserv said:
Very nice. I've been following this story since it started :)

One last thing: Why delete her? :)
i sent her file to a Thyiad to retrieve her gear before i deleted her(i couldn't get atma to work without giving me an error message)...yes that godly cracked sash is saved. :laugh: all of my single player characters are named anna_goanna...when i finish a build i delete and start over...when anna hit 90 she was finished.
superdave said:
Evrae Altana said:
Congrats again. 👍
You have the patience and mad skillz very few people possess.

Was wondering though...who is Anna? :wink3:
anna goanna was a character played by justine clarke in mad max beyond thunderdome...some of the characters had the coolest names...scrooloose, finn mccoo, aunty entityand dr dealgood.

anyone know max's last name? it might be a good one for a barb to use but it wouldn't work for a zon...a cookie to the first person who knows his name.
DimeVision said:
i just spend three hours reading all your posts..

i must say...


What else is theyre to say. youve done it all. Guardian is not a noteworthy enough title for anna. Thus. i shall call you

Crazydudewhodonetheimpossible Anna_GoAnna.


may your hands be ever-filled with pancakes.


side note: lucky enough im skilled in flash and i think i might have found my first EPIC series.

check newgrounds in the future. you might see anna doing battle with hell ancients in flash!

yet again, with love hot n fresh out of the preverbial oven,

superdave said:
DimeVision said:
side note: lucky enough im skilled in flash and i think i might have found my first EPIC series.

check newgrounds in the future. you might see anna doing battle with hell ancients in flash!

yet again, with love hot n fresh out of the preverbial oven,

if you ever do a flash movie with anna be sure to post it here. 👍
nelohalo said:
did this end your desire to try new characters in diablo? i mean, you did what is seemingly the most difficult task possible in the game. you can probably count on one hand the number of people who have done what you did, i don't know what else to say about such a feat.
zeskelnec said:
While quickly jumping from posts to posts, I saw SD's link to this thread wondering about a passive zon build.
I could not escape from going through the major part of it despite my work.
This is probably the most interesting heroic fantasy book and entertaining story I've read (because it has also pics:duh: ) after lord of the rings and David Eddings Belgarion's quest.
I did not even wonder whether Anna killed Baal or not, I stopped reading on your last "update post 1173"...and clap clapped. The End is a perfect "The End".

Superdave, you really deserve your forum name. Bravo !
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