Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

How do you know this, did you get korials PM or are you just assuming from previous games?

He assumed it from previous games. He even guessed my role without me actually saying the name of my role or giving away too many clues. At least if I recall correctly.

Quoted below is parts of our conversation, first quote is my PM to him, second is his reply.

korialstraz said:
Yea I was hoping you'd see it as a pro-town role, since giving mafia the ability to talk with someone at night doesn't make sense. They can already talk amongst themselves.

As far as ability to talk with others, yes it was my doing, but it's also a random factor in there, so I'm not in full control of it. And yes I'm hoping to use the ability to establish some trust, but since I gain no information on who I'm talking with, I'll do as you say and be a bit paranoid.

Those traps sounds like it could be a lot of fun, and thanks for the advice. I'm not sure if always jumping at what you're being told to do is the best thing, since it depends on the situation, but I'll keep it in mind.

Anyway I know this is not a question you can really answer, but is there any players you'd be suspicious of? I know we have absolutely no information to go at, but from past experience, just who would you keep an eye on? From what I've experienced, the more seasoned players are also the most dangerous ones. Although Ankeli seems to have a knack for sniffing out mafia, so if he's not pushing too hard for mafias this game... could be a sign of him not being pro-town.

Obviously this is all speculations at this point.

Feysal said:
This really sounds like a custom role of TC's I've played as: the barkeep. When I had it, I had to choose four people, one of whom would be randomly chosen for me to talk to. The person I spoke to was also role blocked. The role was criticized for being too powerful after the game, so TC might have changed it though. Am I even close?
It is the seasoned players I would watch out for too. Gorny, Ankeli and Marahumm are the first that come to mind. Ankeli has fooled me completely once, and there must be some reason why Marahumm has never been lynched.

Oh, one more thing I thought of: post restrictions. At least one Saw character I know of had his mouth sewn shut, so we could have something like that. Ankeli will probably be annoyed if that happens.

Preview edit: Or the role block from my role does not get affected by the busdriver.

In fact I was worried it would be affected for the same reasons Feysal already explained.

If the busdriver waits until the last minute with sending in his/her decision, then my role is useless.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

most likely because TC did a coin flip to see who Korial would get to talk to.

and voting Korial is probably not wise. if he was a mafia barkeep, that would be EXTREMELY unfair for the town and (pardon my bluntness) a little ****ed up.

So 3 cops, a reporter and 2 docs is not a massive town advantage?

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Oh and no that is not made up. And if you believe so, then all of this is made up as well?

Btw sorry that it's such a mess. Copy/paste from word. Might be some errors after removing quotes and getting stuff in the right order. But the text remains the same. A few paragraphs may have been removed as well, since they were of no interest.

My first PM to Feysal.
I don't know if TC told you yet or know, but I've been allowed to communicate with you for the remainder of this night. I hope this doesn't make me appear on your mafia radar, although I would be surprised if it didn't.

Anyway got any thoughts about the game so far? Any clues on what possible roles we might see?

I'm going to be honest here, I'm absolutely clueless on the whole Saw deal and can't be of much help theorycrafting. I know you've only seen the first movie, but it will be of better help than me. I've not seen any of them. >_>

Feysal’s reply to my PM:
Well, since we've only got one night, let's make the most of it. For starters, I'm getting a deja vu of my first game here, where I had the power to speak to someone during the night, picked randomly from four players I could name. First thing I did was try to establish some trust. TC said that you had not been told my role or anything else, and I've not been told anything either. However... I know that I've done nothing that would enable us to speak, so it must be something you did, unless it is completely random, which would surprise me. Being able to talk sounds like a pro-town power to me.

As for the movies, we have good cause to be paranoid. In the first movie, the serial killer was lying face down on the floor, pretending to be dead, right in front of his victims. Until he got up and just walked out, leaving them to die. I fear we may get some really evil twist at some point, with someone we never expected turning on us. This could be a good time to watch out for a mafia doctor or roleblocker, all power roles we find may not be pro-town.

Other than that, I bet there are going to be some sort of tests, as mentioned in the flavor text for tonight. According to wikipedia, there will probably be some sort of deathtraps or challenges. In the movies, not doing as you're told is the recipe for disaster. If the serial killer tells you to get inside a coffin filled with sharp shards of glass, best thing to do is to get in the coffin. It is probably the only safe exit.

Of course I don't know how TC might use deathtraps in this game, but it would be a disappointment if there were none.

My reply to Feysal:
Yea I was hoping you'd see it as a pro-town role, since giving mafia the ability to talk with someone at night doesn't make sense. They can already talk amongst themselves.

As far as ability to talk with others, yes it was my doing, but it's also a random factor in there, so I'm not in full control of it. And yes I'm hoping to use the ability to establish some trust, but since I gain no information on who I'm talking with, I'll do as you say and be a bit paranoid.

Those traps sounds like it could be a lot of fun, and thanks for the advice. I'm not sure if always jumping at what you're being told to do is the best thing, since it depends on the situation, but I'll keep it in mind.

Anyway I know this is not a question you can really answer, but is there any players you'd be suspicious of? I know we have absolutely no information to go at, but from past experience, just who would you keep an eye on? From what I've experienced, the more seasoned players are also the most dangerous ones. Although Ankeli seems to have a knack for sniffing out mafia, so if he's not pushing too hard for mafias this game... could be a sign of him not being pro-town.

Obviously this is all speculations at this point.

Feysal’s reply:
This really sounds like a custom role of TC's I've played as: the barkeep. When I had it, I had to choose four people, one of whom would be randomly chosen for me to talk to. The person I spoke to was also role blocked. The role was criticized for being too powerful after the game, so TC might have changed it though. Am I even close?
It is the seasoned players I would watch out for too. Gorny, Ankeli and Marahumm are the first that come to mind. Ankeli has fooled me completely once, and there must be some reason why Marahumm has never been lynched.

Oh, one more thing I thought of: post restrictions. At least one Saw character I know of had his mouth sewn shut, so we could have something like that. Ankeli will probably be annoyed if that happens.

My reply to Feysal:
Well like you said it might be best to stay somewhat paranoid, and especially considering it's the first night, and I don't get any information on if you're a good or bad guy. But my roles does not seem as strong as the one you had though. All I really know is that I'm able to talk with people at night, which is chosen semi-randomely for me.
I'm always weary of Gorny. xD But good point on Mara, I played with him once, but it didn't seem any different than with the others. Then again it was the SG themed game, and us Wraiths were found incredibly early, as well as us getting greedy and trying to use our ability. We basically only killed like 1 person, so it seemed very UP compared to others.

Anyway enough sidetracking there. I dunno how much I'll have chance of getting online before the day begins, due to work and everything. I should be able to right after work though, and maybe a couple times during work. We'll see.

Well I guess I better get back to work. If there's anything else you think I should know, shoot me a PM. I'll do the same to you, but atm I can't think of anything. >_>

Feysal’s reply:
There might be more to your role. The barkeep role I had was connected with another role, who could see two of the players I invited into the bar, and he had the passive ability of identifying anti-town players among them.

I understand you being paranoid, since after all, I've learned things from you that strongly suggest you being pro-town, but you've learned nothing about me. The problem with being paranoid is that it limits the things we could do with your ability to speak, even if it is only tonight. For instance, I've been thinking of sharing our role names. There is a good chance that the names of night kill victims will not be made public, and the killers could try to claim either of our names - unless of course one of us was still alive.

The reason why I asked about your role was that I hoped for something I could confirm. If you are able to block, I am going to find out anyway, since I also have a pro-town power role.

Okay, I'm going to take a leap of faith here and just say who I am. The odds are in favor of you being pro-town anyway. I am Daniel Rigg, cop. You can keep that to yourself, and should someone else try to claim that after I'm killed, you can expose him.

I'm also thinking of setting up some system by which I could share my reads during the day. Each day, the first player whose post I quote will be the one I investigated, and the first character of my reply will indicate the read: vowel for anti-town, consonant for pro-town, punctuation if I did not get a read. Since I don't know my sanity, I might not jump at the first anti-town read I get. This way, as long as you live, I will not have to worry about my information being lost with me, should I be killed.

Now I really can't think of anything to add. I really hope I'm not making a huge mistake by trusting you, but I'd hate to let an opportunity like this slip. You don't get the chance to play a cop with a mason friend (sort of) every game.

My reply:
Well since I hate going around feeling paranoid all the time, I'll be honest enough and say that the role is indeed the barkeep, although slightly altered compared to the one you had. I choose 2 instead of 4, and one of the two is randomely selected for me and I can chat with him/her during that night. And I do indeed block the person that's chosen, which is unfortunate considering you're a cop. But I think that this will benefit the town even more in the long run if neither of us is killed right off the bat.

For the moment I can't do anything but trust that you're a cop. If you are pro-town, then there's no reason for you to lie, if you're anti-town, then I'll be dead anyway having revealed a power role.

I like your system of sharing information, which could prove unvaluable in the coming days. I'll keep a list with the quotes you do and the reads you get, so if we need to go after someone, I'll be able to back you up. Btw maybe we should have some sort of backup system, so in case someone figures out what we're up to at some point? Oh and a way for you to let me know if you need another night of communicating with me. I know it's only a 50/50 chance of working, but it's worth a shot at least.

Apart from that however, can I ask how you played your last barkeep role? Any tips I could use to best utilize my role?

One more thing that just popped into my head, which is why I'll still be a little bit suspicious. Even thought you can communicate to me the read you get on people you investigate, there is no way for me to confirm this. So I hope you will excuse me if I stay somewhat suspicious until we can lynch a guy or two to confirm it. This is also why I was thinking of not giving you the name of my role, since atm I cannot confirm if you are mafia or not, and do not want to give the mafia a free roleclaim to use once I'm dead.

Although if you are pro-town, you shouldn't have any problems with this right? I won't need to use your role for role-claiming, since I am also pro-town. This is the reason I'd like to establish some kind of signal you can use so I can attempt to contact you again. If we've confirmed that you are indeed a cop, we can try and communicate again, and I will share my name. That way if someone tries to roleclaim it after I am dead, you can expose them.

But if you believe it is more beneficial for the town if you know the name of my role as well, then I will consider revealing it. The night phase should still last several hours, and I'll have time to reply once I get back from work.

Feysal’s reply:
Since we're still talking, I feel good about my choice to trust you. If you were anti-town, I'd have already told you everything you wanted, and there would be no reason for you to talk to me any more. That also goes both ways. If I was anti-town, I would not need anything more from you. I know from experience that the barkeep can be a very powerful role, and if I wanted to claim your name, I could just kill you for it. Anti-town killers learn the roles of their victims, and you'd have to be dead anyway before knowing your name would be of any use to me.

Come to think of it, who else did you try to talk to besides me?

Otherwise, I started out just talking to people, trying to establish trust, and to gather and share information. Later on I started targeting players I thought might be anti-town, hoping for my block to come into play.

About sharing information, it might not be a good idea to tell everyone that I've told you my name. If you ever told an anti-town player that, it would warn them not to even try claiming my name.
This is fine. I looked up my character from wikipedia, and he made several bad calls in Saw III. I could turn out to be insane, so I don't fully trust my own ability yet.
Like I said before, I wouldn't need to ask your name if I was mafia, I could just kill you to get it. And frankly, your role is rather vulnerable. You could get an anti-town player to talk to at any time, and end up killed because of it. I'd rather know your name now, so there would be no need for us to talk again, and waste our actions at it. Even if you decide not to share your name, I still think our respective actions are more valuable.

By the way, I believe I'm going to target myself tonight, just to get a confirmation of your block, so the first day I won't be leaving any sign of who I targeted.

My reply:

That actually makes a lot of sense, since if I was anti-town, I wouldn't have bothered talking with you much more after learning that you're a power role. Right then and there I would know that you could be a potential threat to mafia and would suggest killing you early. I won't of course, seeing as I can't communicate with mafia unless I find/target them. Which I hope I don't in the beginning. >_> Don't want to get killed too early.
We could try and make a similar system where the last 2 persons I quote will be the ones I intend to target. Although that can prove to be tricky depending on who's posting or not. Actually come to think of it, the same applies for you. But considering the 1 contributive post a day rule, I expect most people to post at least once a day.

I think we should go for similar system as you are using. The last 2 people I quote before the day ends, is the ones I'll be targeting. The first person I quote the following day is the person I spoke to. Now I know I won't get a read on the people I talk to, but if I start the post with a consonant, I got a bad feeling about the person. If it starts with a vowel I got a good feeling from him.

Will that work out for you or?
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! =)
Trionth. It was actually a bad choice, since I was about to go to bed, and the way I read my description, I thought I could invite 1 person and TC would select another one randomely for me. IE I'd be able to talk with 2 people during a night. So choosing Trionth was like a spur of the moment sort of thing.
Don't worry, not a word of your name or role will espace my fingertips.
I'm confident that you'll figure it out. I can't recall what insane cops or paranoid cops and all that has altered as far as their abilities go, but like I said I'll keep a list and check up on who you get anti-town and pro-town reads on and such. Unless my understanding of the info I get from that is extremely flawed, it will enable me to figure out what kind of cop you are once the lynch results starts coming in.
Well I think I can start putting that paranoia away as far as you're concerned. You've addressed a few points of concern I've had when talking with you, so either your previous experience as a barkeep enables you to completely trick me or you're the good guy. With that said I'm leaning more towards the good guy theory though, so here goes. I'm Agent Dan Erickson, barkeep as you already know. >_>

Got it! Btw do you plan on targeting yourself at some point in the game though? If so it might be useful for me to know the read you got? Not sure what the best way of doing this would be, but I'm sure there is an easy way of getting the message accross without you having you quote yourself.

Feysal’s reply:

I think this will be good enough. We just need to remember the system, so we don't accidentally give each other wrong reads. At the start of each day, my first post including a quote will indicate who I targeted, as promised. It may not be my first post of the day though, we can both always post without quoting anyone.
Not if I can help it, but I will target myself if I can't figure out my sanity otherwise. And I will stick to the system... I'll just make it a correction or addition to my previous post and quote myself, keeping this simple is the best way to avoid mistakes.

I'll probably not have time to get online before the night ends after this, but I should show up early in the day phase. Good luck.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Yes I know Feysal. Might not have been needed to reveal all that. But if they really believe we made that up as a cover story for being mafia... well in that case go ahead and lynch me. If it's the case that I'm supposed to be doubted at every turn, I honestly won't care if the town wins or not.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

While it is true that me and korialstraz have played as if we were mason friends, I don't think this is the time for such tests. Suppose korialstraz is lynched, revealing him pro-town, and by extension, I am pro-town. An outed cop with the doctors dead. I would probably be killed tomorrow night, and tomorrow you would be in the same situation as now, only you'd have two more people dead.

I think it would be best for you, me and korialstraz to survive today. In the endgame, korialstraz's block may yet save someone's life and reveal the last killer.

What the heck are you talking about?

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Well it's past 1 am, and I should've been sleeping a couple hours ago.

With the above post done, I'll get some sleep and check back tomorrow. Take it or leave it, but I've not lied once this entire game.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Wouldn't the ex-wife of John Kramer be Jill Tuck though?

Tuck, Kramer, same female. some women keep the married name, some do not.

So 3 cops, a reporter and 2 docs is not a massive town advantage?

it is, but a mafia barkeep who knows specifics about roles? wouldn't you think that a bit unfair? why are you being so aggressive? why don't we lynch you and see what you come up with? are you Amanda? John? come on, ITY. you can tell me. ;)

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

it is, but a mafia barkeep who knows specifics about roles? wouldn't you think that a bit unfair? why are you being so aggressive? why don't we lynch you and see what you come up with? are you Amanda? John? come on, ITY. you can tell me. ;)

This role blocker does not know peoples roles unless you choose to tell them, it is not an investigative role.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I believe posting PM's is allowed, as long as you don't post your role-giving PM from the moderator. Just my understanding - I may be wrong.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

While it is true that me and korialstraz have played as if we were mason friends, I don't think this is the time for such tests. Suppose korialstraz is lynched, revealing him pro-town, and by extension, I am pro-town. An outed cop with the doctors dead. I would probably be killed tomorrow night, and tomorrow you would be in the same situation as now, only you'd have two more people dead.

I think it would be best for you, me and korialstraz to survive today. In the endgame, korialstraz's block may yet save someone's life and reveal the last killer.

But are you not a random cop? No more danger to the mafia than a vanilla townie? If not a help to them? they already know you are town, all the rest is just fluff.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I think this may clear up the whole "who is the real cop" question, how is that a waste of time?

For all I know, we could both be real cops, and there is something else in the game messing with my reads. Maybe a mafia framer, maybe something else, I don't know.

Here is a little something for you to think about: the mafia knows whether either of us are mafia. They will want us both dead if we're pro-town. I say we should both live today, and whoever is killed by the mafia was not mafia. If we're both killed, then neither of us was mafia. While we're alive, we can try to get more results. How is that?

How do you know this, did you get korials PM or are you just assuming from previous games?

I guessed the role like korialstraz said, and he told me about the difference. When I had invited four people, korialstraz only invites two. I have not seen his PM, but I believe him. After I claimed cop, he'd have killed me long ago if he was anti-town.

Because I Know Mara is telling the truth, so if your night one block occured and Mara was lying then we must both be lying.

Explanation why the block on night 1 does not necessarily mean anything, click the damn link and read it.

Sorry if I sound annoyed, but I really don't want to keep repeating the same things over and over.

So 3 cops, a reporter and 2 docs is not a massive town advantage?

If the cops don't trust each other and get each other lynched, it is not such a great advantage. I don't know what good the photographer role was - I am Rigg, and even I don't know what those pictures were about. And the two doctors... nurman was trapped and unable to use his ability, and if Goryani and Ankeli were lovers, it made Goryani extremely vulnerable as a doctor.

But, I still get your point. I don't get why we would have this many power roles, when the enemy does not appear to be all that formidable.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

ITY, i have a feeling you know something. what is it?

I know that Mara is Eric Matthews, he has switched roles with YAWP who can now talk in breach of his post restriction.

I know that korial and feysal say that Mara must of been lying due to a night 1 block.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

What the heck are you talking about?

I was explaining why it is a very bad idea to lynch someone just to get some information on one other player. If korialstraz was lynched, making me seem more pro-town, and then I was killed tomorrow night - what good would that do? Me and korialstraz would be confirmed pro-town, but we'd also be dead and unable to help the town any further.

This is the same reason why you don't instantly lynch a claimed mason just to learn whether the other mason is pro-town. You just don't, it's insane.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

But are you not a random cop?

I don't know. My read on Marahumm may have been tampered with somehow, my read on Uraj may yet be correct. If the mafia tampered with my reads, then they will know whether I am a threat to them. If they did not tamper with me, then even the mafia doesn't know whether I am a threat to them.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

If korialstraz was lynched, making me seem more pro-town, and then I was killed tomorrow night - what good would that do? Me and korialstraz would be confirmed pro-town, but we'd also be dead and unable to help the town any further.

I think you may be forgeting the mechanic of the game, the mafia know exactly who are Town, lynch or no lynch they know who we are.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I know that korial and feysal say that Mara must of been lying due to a night 1 block.

For the ...is it the fifth time? The block does not prove anything. Get over it.

I think you may be forgeting the mechanic of the game, the mafia know exactly who are Town, lynch or no lynch they know who we are.

What does this have to do with anything? Of course the mafia knows. If you want the town to know, then killing me and korialstraz is the stupidest way possible of finding out.

Estimated market value