Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Let's look at why mara is not a great choice for a roleblock:

If he's townie, you blocked him from using his ability to try to check others if they are mafia. That is a hamper to the town and his ability to support his claim with the usage of his role.
If he's regular mafia, you blocked him, but it would have no effect and one of his buddies would make the nk.
Like I mentioned before, he'd have to be a mafia with a power role for the choice to be effective.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Let's look at why mara is not a great choice for a roleblock:

If he's townie, you blocked him from using his ability to try to check others if they are mafia. That is a hamper to the town and his ability to support his claim with the usage of his role.
If he's regular mafia, you blocked him, but it would have no effect and one of his buddies would make the nk.
Like I mentioned before, he'd have to be a mafia with a power role for the choice to be effective.

I know it doesn't look good, but I just have a bad feeling about Mara and Gorny.

Someone mentioned that there could be a recruiting role, which makes sense based on the movies. Atm The rolestealer can easily be used as cover when recruiting. I didn't really have any good targets, so I went with my instincts.

Although atm I don't really know what to believe. It seems like we've already had tons of roles claimed, and so far no mafia lynched. I don't like that.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I see there have been no great developments since korialstraz claimed his ability. I'm beginning to doubt whether there are going to be any before more information is revealed. However, there are now only six people left who have not claimed, myself and korialstraz included, and the more people claim, the closer we get to revealing further power roles. I still have hopes that we have another doctor in the game, possibly Lynn Denlon with a connection to Ankeli's win condition, and we're getting dangerously close to revealing whoever that is.

One thing I've not seen mentioned yet is the significance of Marahumm's claimed bus driver switch. If I was blocked and switched with Zhao_Yue on the first night, should that not have resulted in Zhao_Yue being blocked?

Also, one question I've been meaning to ask. I've seen some speculation that the role stealer was a neutral role, though I believe it would still be compatible with the town. Gorny and Marahumm would know. Can you tell whether it is neutral or pro-town, and if neutral, what the win condition is?

All this said, if my role claim is necessary for us to move on, then so be it. If you think it is for the best, then ask and I will deliver.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

The role stealer is in fact neutral. I didn't receive a win condition in my PM, so I imagine it works kind of like a game of hot potato, whoever has it at the end of the game loses.

So right now it seems Bad Ash and Feysal are my suspects for today. Now that it's revealed that Feysal wasn't switched the second night phase, and I didn't get blocked on that night either, it narrows down the possibility that either the 25% random fail role passed or he is in fact mafia.

Bad Ash on the other hand presents a different potential threat. If a role was immune to investigation, what would turn up if a different sort of investigative role targetted him, like one that revealed names. Would TC have a reserved name to give out if Laarz investigated someone immune, or would it just fail?
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

The only reason, I believe, why a role would be immune to investigation is if they were either neutral or anti-town. Also, if you could only investigate someone every other night phase, couldn't you safely assume that that's enough of a handicap to assume that your investigations would come out accurate?
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

stop voting for Feysal.

Now this comment should get you my vote straight away. DON'T tell people how to vote.

I've roleblocked Feysal this game. We still had a night kill, I've also roleblocked Uraj because I got a scum vibe from him, but we had a night kill.

This clears neither of them, there will be at least 4 if not more mafia in a game this size, unless you can block the whole team(or their hitman if one exsists) you can block a mafia and still have a night kill.

Also I roleblocked Mara the same night he tried to switch himself with Feysal for the second time. So Mara has in fact only tried to switch Feysal once where that 75% chance of success was applied. Now considering I've only gotten a pro-town vibe so far from Feysal, I'm willing to believe he is pro-town. And I'm fairly certain I remember others saying that they feel Feysal is pro-town as well.

Why on earth would you block Mara?????????????????????????

Have you not been reading the thread, blocking a possible investgative role will ONLY help the mafia.

As to getting a pro-town vibe from Feysal, what do expect? Him to sit in the corner with a big hat saying mafia on his head?

The mafia are going to try to blend in as best they can.

Mara because I didn't quite trust his claim.

So what benefit is there to blocking him, the only way for that to work would be for a third person to come forward and say his/her role had been switched, as the switch involves 2 people.

You would be better leaving him unblocked and let him slip up on his own.........

By the way, I've seen some very odd numbers for my chance to be mafia. With two failed role steals, the correct probability for me to be mafia would be about 84%. With one failed role steal, 57%.

Would like to see the maths (note the s at the end, the english spelling) behind this.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Now this comment should get you my vote straight away. DON'T tell people how to vote.

I'm aware of this, but when I got online I already saw votes on Feysal, and I saw several people online. And before I've seen bandwagon votes move incredibly fast, so I wanted to grab the attention of whoever was online.

Apparently once I was done writing up a post, looking up some stuff etc, those people were offline. Had I known they would go offline, I'd not have started my post the way I did.

This clears neither of them, there will be at least 4 if not more mafia in a game this size, unless you can block the whole team(or their hitman if one exsists) you can block a mafia and still have a night kill.

Isn't it only 1 person that actually performs the killing by the mafia? They all agree on a target, 1 person sends in the nk action, and if that person is role blocked, there is no nk.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was certain that that is how it worked.

Why on earth would you block Mara?????????????????????????

Like I said, I didn't have a good feling about him, so just went with my instincts.

Have you not been reading the thread, blocking a possible investgative role will ONLY help the mafia.

I have in fact been reading the thread, but atm I'm not sure who to trust and who not to,

As to getting a pro-town vibe from Feysal, what do expect? Him to sit in the corner with a big hat saying mafia on his head?

The mafia are going to try to blend in as best they can.

Well duh. That is kinda obvious, but I still don't get the feeling that he is mafia. What more can I say?

You would be better leaving him unblocked and let him slip up on his own.........

I'll keep that in mind...

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

What a coincidence, I post the question right after Mara finally posted. But that is no fault of yours.

If that is so, 1 kill per night means vigi + cult? Or lucky doc or roleblocker?

Like I mentioned before, if you claimed Amanda is already mafia, there is no recruitment. Having a fixed team and can recruit is a bit much. I would think if Mr. Jiggles was a recruiter, he'd be alone at the beginning and build his forces as the game went on.

Don't count yourself short, you would provide information upon lynch. "If you were not who you say you were, you would be good lynch?" - So if we think you are lying, we should lynch you? That's good to hear since you come up short on facts.

o_O I should be scolded ... don't worry, I'm sure YAWP will give his son a tongue lashing for the silent treatment.

It would be more effective if you used objective facts instead of emotional pleas to help your case.

When I was asking them questions yesterday and getting heat for it, what were you doing at the time?

I said you were a little suspicious, I wasn't pushing your lynch train. Such over reaction.

first off you arent even reading my posts so get off your soap box. I was posting my opinions, not facts, and in a game that started with almost 20 people for there to only be 1 kill a night is ridiculous. I am expecting this to change at some point, I am not saying someone has been roleblocked every single night and I am seriously pissed off at you cause youre spinning my words to make yourself look better. Shut up if you arent even going to read the posts fully

... and korialstraz and Feysal run away. Now there is no one left, I'm cold and there are wolves out here. Arhooo!

more like a wolfpack of ritards

The only reason, I believe, why a role would be immune to investigation is if they were either neutral or anti-town. Also, if you could only investigate someone every other night phase, couldn't you safely assume that that's enough of a handicap to assume that your investigations would come out accurate?

no, not at all. plus, I wanted to live. Investigating people was too big of a risk at its present stage on night 2. there had been a no lynch, not enough information, if I investigate amanda I die, if i investigate someone else I am not even sure if its accurate or not. It is no where near unthinkable that my readings wouldnt be accurate especially with an every other day investigation.

Also Zhao if you want Facts than ask questions.

korial has claimed a role that held Dr. Gordons family at gunpoint and would have killed them if jigsaw said to. Good to see you are picking up on this zhao

and a roleblock on feysal means jack. Look at the last game when I came out too early with my roleblocking ability. and the fact that you roleblocked marahumm korial who was a legitmate chance to prove people are innocent, wtg

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

talk about over reacting korial, there were 2 votes on feysal and still are
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Done for they day. Heading out to with the gf parents (I'd rather be lynched hahaha)

Sorry for over reacting zhao, its just a game. Also wolfpack of ritards was not meant as an insult but a joke from the movie the hangover.

Sticking my vote with feysal as the roleblocks mean nothing. Almost switching to korial but sticking with feysal
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Alright guys, I think it's time for me to role claim. While I gather all the info and write it up so it doesn't look like a huge wall of text, stop voting for Feysal.

What "info" did you have to gather, did you forget who you were and what power you had? You've got quite the memory.

Most certainly. You're right that I should've done that, but I just got out of bed, so the post didn't come out as well as I'd hoped.

Night 1: Feysal
Night 2: Uraj
Night 3: Mara.

Feysal was just randomely chosen at night 1, hoping to get lucky.

Uraj was chosen, because I didn't have a good read on him.

Mara because I didn't quite trust his claim.

Nothing happened to Feysal the first night, right? That was when Gorny and Mara switched (Gorny becoming bus driver and mara becoming role switcher)

Then the second night Feysal failed to switch with a 25% chance (53 or whatever it was statistics math stuff) That night you blocked Uraj, sot he % stands on Feysal.

Then the third night, when I fully expected Mara to try Feysal again (I assume some of you did too, it makes sense) You blocked mara from either proving his role, or giving more evidence against him if it failed, or Proving maras roleclaim and giving evidence Feysal is pro-town if he suceeded. What the hell were you thinking?

Korial, I don't believe you. It sure seems to me you're trying to save Feysal.


How do you think it would be benefitial to reveal town power roles?

Once we all roleclaim we can be picked us off from most important to vanilla.


Off Topic a bit.

I had to work one job today, and now they're sending me to get ink north of the cities. I will try to follow on my phone, and I might have time to get to a library while I wait for Ink to mix.

In case I don't get back in time:

Vote: Feysal

If he isn't mafia, then it clears Korial (a nice power role) and if he is, then there more evidence against him. Hopefully I can get on later to see what you all think.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Forgot to add:

Bad Ash, I didn't forget about you. You better have concrete evidence tonight or you're Lynch target #1 tomorrow. Your claim is too sketchy for my liking.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Ok, it appears that you are not going to get over the idea of me being mafia unless I role claim. I've been struggling all day whether to role claim, waiting for the best time, and now it seems the time has come.

Give me a moment while I write my post, I have a lot to claim and to explain.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Well we got just over 3 hours to go:

Vote: Feysal

It's our best shot to get confirmed on the Mara/Gorny situation, it also appears to give us a read on Korial, his stout defender.

Bad Ash, I think you need a successful investigation tonight or you are on the block tomorrow.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

talk about over reacting korial, there were 2 votes on feysal and still are

Yea sure I overreacted. Like I said before, I got out of bed, saw the votes, noticed that people were online etc etc etc. **** happens.

What "info" did you have to gather, did you forget who you were and what power you had? You've got quite the memory.

I was planning on writing up more, but figured I might be more useful if I do not make myself a target for tonight.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Feysal don't roleclaim.

What if you lynch me instead, if I show up pro-town, would that clear Feysal?
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Ihat leaves what...8 people withough a role claim. In a game of 19 people and not counting any unrevealed neutral roles or non mafia anti town roles, we could have as many as 5 scum.

Based on that, I think lynching one of the above would make sense today.

To those that are named, you are potential scum.

Why should you live the day and who of you should go and why?

I suspect the role stealer is neutral and that mafia win condition is when their numbers comprise half of the town players. Which if the neutral players don't count against the mafia for their win, makes Gorny a little better to keep alive. Additionally if Mara is lynched and town, then Gorny at least has a chance to keep himself alive if he's a busdriver. Whereas Mara will probably die if Gorny turns up town.

I'd say this is the best evidence I'm town. Willing to roleclaim though.

I started making my list for Bad Ash, of the players I would like to see investigated. So I started cross referencing some things. I came across something interesting regarding vote history.

If I were to pick three players to investigate, I'd choose between Uraj, ITY, and BA. [It's a rhetorical question, so this is a rhetorical list, so I don't mind asking the claimed cop to investigate himself, again.]

There is more evidence I could dig up, but their vote history does a good job of summarizing things. They all voted for Sathoris. Bad Ash was also the one to start the switch from Gorny to Sathoris.

Why would Bad Ash switching to Sathoris be significant? You haven't listed Gorny in your suspects, so that's a switch from a towny to another towny.

korial has claimed a role that held Dr. Gordons family at gunpoint and would have killed them if jigsaw said to. Good to see you are picking up on this zhao

Actually that was Dragomir who claimed that role.

Feysal don't roleclaim.

What if you lynch me instead, if I show up pro-town, would that clear Feysal?

Not really since Marahumm's first rolesteal attempt fail is the issue.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I got drafted into helping my mother move furniture. I haven't had much time to read the thread this morning. I don't know how much time I will have before day ends.

I'll role claim.

I'm Lynn Denlon, the Pro Town doctor. I can save someone from harm each night. Night 1 I targeted korialstraz. Night 2 I targeted Marahumm. Night 3 I target Gorny.

Night 1 was a semi random choice. korialstraz was familiar name I haven't seen in a while.

Night 2 I choose to keep alive the old rolestealer (I assumed a rolesteal would happen) to ensure a trail of townies we can use to eliminate possible mafia.

Night 3 I choose to keep alive the busdriver.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

You realize by targettign me that night, you kept Noodle alive.
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