Forum Assassin Discussion thread

KyubiNaruto said:
I need to have some way to add 2 posts before RK's Cattelya/Dracoy post.

Or if RK doesn't mind, add it into his post.

That's not possible because the Forums database arranges posts by timestamp, so if a mod moves a post from one thread to another, the post will always end up where it should be in relation to the timing of the other posts.

Only way around this is to have a mod edit your text into a post somewhere.

Edit: That's a mass amount of text Kyubi might not fit, max in 10k characters
That's okay, I already posted it.
Post #80. Check out the intro Gorny, you're all Darth evil guy.
KyubiNaruto said:
That's okay, I already posted it.
Post #80. Check out the intro Gorny, you're all Darth evil guy.

I just finished reading it ..I guess I should do an avvy switch?
Totally up to you.
If you do, may I suggest going back to Anakin?
Xenon[KoA] said:
If i may suggest something as well:
Qbi cover me ><!
Ohhhhh... No...
Im not falling for this again.

Fool me once, shame you you, you know?
Xenon[KoA] said:
You're not a target / assassin though o_O
so no worries :p

You would still use her as a shield if it came to that ..shame on you girl!

And a word of advice ..when praying to Fercil your traps are not neeed.

Careful with them though, they might suddenly not work :evil:
What's this "praying to fercil" thingie?
Do I have to read the rules to get it or what?
Gorny said:
You would still use her as a shield if it came to that ..shame on you girl!

And a word of advice ..when praying to Fercil your traps are not neeed.

Careful with them though, they might suddenly not work :evil:
N00blarz mods shouldnt be allowed to change the rules mid-game, to benefit their needs :unimpressed:

If Fercil suddenly becomes penguin-dogged, I dont want to be praying to an deity covered in ketchup and mustard.
Xenon[KoA] said:
N00blarz mods shouldnt be allowed to change the rules mid-game, to benefit their needs :unimpressed:

No rule change ..praying to Fercil prevents an attack in the Newcommer Forum or Pal Forum ...or did you miss that one?

Thats why you dont need to protect yourself at the same time.

Well Im out till morning ...night.

Fercil used to be the mod that hung around the newcommer forum anyway.
Ruffles chips?
*puts up hand*

Goes back to writing another death piece.
RevenantsKnight said:
I mean, that's the way it is, and we can rearrange it into the right progression after the game's up if you want to tell the story (and that even assumes we get to all the kills and lead-ins...not a given right now.)

I actually prefer to go this route. When round 3 is finished, we could have a story thread and fill it with all the death bits - in whatever order makes the most sense. Maybe I'll even stick it for a while and let everybody have a little after-party inside.

You two have done a great job so far, I'm impressed - so just keep doing what you're doing and we'll get it all sorted out when things wind down. :smiley:
I know ip2F4P isnt a rule change, i was referring to my traps -suddenly not working- :s

Intro was awesome Kyuubz =)
Thank you.
Remember to thank RK for his gruesomely detailed death scenes.
nice job kyubi...see guys i have been telling you all along gorny is the bad one. :evil:
Well, I need to be off, so here's the last of it for now. Kyubi: please let me know if you want me to keep sending you these before posting, or if I should just put them up.


The soft whirr of the ceiling fan was, for once, quite audible in the bar; as it was only the early afternoon, the place was empty save for Garion and the bartender. The former sat quietly in the corner, staring into a shot of amber whiskey, and from time to time, his hands would stray to the Tasers stuffed into his belt before he caught himself and brought them back up to the table. For his part, the bartender seemed to take no notice of this nervous tic; rather, he continued polishing the glasses lining the wall, occasionally pouring another shot of whiskey from a brownish bottle and setting it down in front of Garion.

Damn it...I can't believe it triggered early. Garion rubbed his forehead blearily and swore to himself, then picked up the glass and poured it down a dry throat. Too sweet, he thought with a wince before fading back into the past. I checked it over and over again, and it was all set to go off once he sat down in the driver's seat...

With a shake of his head, Garion tried once more to dismiss the memory, barely hours old, from his mind. And yet, it remained so real, the echoing blast of his bomb tearing Kireiray's car to shreds. By itself, he wouldn't have minded it, but what inevitably followed had shaken him to his very core. Every time the memory surfaced in his mind, he relived the moment of himself leaning out from cover, expecting to see the completion of his goal, and instead beheld Kireiray running towards the burning wreckage, knife in hand. Then, no matter how hard he tried to pull himself away, Kireiray met his gaze, the promise of revenge dancing hot in his eyes as he smiled evilly...

"Enough!" Garion shouted, slamming a fist down on the tabletop with a crunch and a clatter, and the visions disappeared, replaced by...pain? Puzzled, he frowned, raising his hand to his eyes, and the afternoon light sparkled in the side of his hand. From there, his sight moved to the ruins of the shot glass on the table, and he shrugged slowly, tiredly. Oh.

For a short while, Garion remained as he was, lost among the grooves and lines of the table. Then, suddenly, he felt something alight on his face; its touch was light, but also unwelcome, like the sensation of a fly landing upon his nose.

Irritated, he swiped a hand over his face, and then gasped in surprise as he felt the fly flit upwards, out of his reach, and then dart back down to bite at his nose. A stabbing agony flared between his eyes as the creature tore into his flesh, sending a stream of blood running down into his mouth.

The metallic taste in his mouth sent a surge of fear driving up into his guts, and Garion lurched out of his chair, clawing at the fly with his fingertips. Each time, though, it danced away from his strikes, then closed in for attacks of its own; soon, blood was streaming freely from his many wounds, spattering over the table and the walls at his every move.

I have to kill this! I can't die here! Kill... kill kill KILL! In desperation, Garion slammed his face against the wall to crush the beast, rebounding off hard wood, and as the floor careened towards him, everything disappeared behind a rising wave of black.

The bartender looked down to the body lying in a growing puddle of blood and nodded, then reached up to his face, fingers digging into his skin, and pulled. A second later, Kireiray's face emerged from behind the latex ruins of the mask, bearing a sadistic grin. Excellent, he thought, spitting towards Garion's corpse, then carefully picked up the whiskey bottle and placed it in a bag. "I sure can mix a drink, can't I, Garion?" he whispered mockingly. "I'll bet you never even noticed it in your own little world."

And with that, Kireiray made for the door, turning out the lights as he left. He was, after all, the last one to leave.

(Can anyone guess what ended up in Garion's whiskey, by the way? :evil:)
superdave said:
another good job RK...i do believe a few hes should be changed to shes i correct intelligntx?
Do my girly avatar fooled everyone?
BTW I am a male
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