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My wife regularly gets asked to put a plan in place. Vacation days are a liability for a company, particularly as peoples wages generally go up relative to inflation (as you gain experience etc).

All my wife does is book in leave for random dates and then cancel it later.

How much leave do you have?
I once had 6 months up. got told every week at the meeting I had to start taking it. then it'd get rejected every week because I was the only tradesman they had on staff. it amused me mightily. some companies also let you get it paid out. which Is what I did, my apprentice leave become tradesmans pay. bonus
Dutch government already implemented rules about this as apparently i'm not the only one that has quite a few vacation days (at least i'm gonna assume they didn't implement this specifically for me ;) ). I'm (just) within the rules of the law, so frankly i feel the company has no business telling me i should make a plan for this. Lots of people were actually not happy with this law as they were saving for like half a year or a year of sabbatical, but that's now made impossible.

And i wish my wages would go up. Even if it was just with inflation. But i'm pretty sure that next week i'll be hearing that despite having done well, they find the same 'flaws' in me as pretty much every year and so there's no room for an increase in pay. Or they'll just throw it on the general tough market conditions.

I have 15 weeks and some change right now. But overall the amount hasn't changed much in the last few years. I accumulated quite a bit in my first few years. After that i pretty much use what i get during a year. So it's not like it's still increasing. Which it couldn't because of law anyway. If it did they'd have to pay it out to me like they did with corax. And frankly i'd rather take the days off. With summer holiday, taking off xmas/new years and a few days here and there the real surplus amount is about 10 weeks.

Also a fun fact is that my previous manager once refused me a day off because i didn't ask for it far enough in advance. Had to tell him he couldn't refuse it (after asking around) so in the end i did get my day off, but when we're gonna talk about this 'plan' this will be thrown back in their faces.

Not to mention i don't want to hear any more of this total BS of 'it's good to relax a bit and charge up from work' when on the other hand they want (read: expect) you to do courses in your own free time. I mean, if they don't want me to burn out they should first stop doing that. But that's not gonna happen.
My wife's company starts getting antsy if you have more than 30 days (6 weeks).

There is no law preventing accumulation, but companies can enforce that it is paid out.

What I find more annoying is the enforced Christmas shutdown. This year I would have had to take 2 weeks if I didn't have heaps of work.
I could have them paid out. But i won't be going for that. Half of it would be lost to taxes and besides that i'd much rather just have the free time.

Interesting day. Guy at work here walks in with a (blunt) katana. In a bank. You'd think security would have a problem with that.

Also went to a shoe store (no, no Al Bundy there) for some new shoe laces. Unexpectedly that was something they don't sell. Then the girl there says: "Lots of people come asking for those. If we sold them i'd be rich by now". I'm like: o_O"Wouldn't that be a good reason to sell them?". Got no reaction on that. At least she did know a store nearby that did sell them.
My wife's company starts getting antsy if you have more than 30 days (6 weeks).

we are allowed 4 weeks before we start getting harassed. I've also now got 8 weeks long service. muahahahaha.
My big concern for when I quit is the hundreds of hours of sickies I have built up, which when I leave just vanishes. so i'll have to be sick for a few weeks at least.

I am now curious about shoe laces. theres a shop across from mine, i'll go there today and ask.
we are allowed 4 weeks before we start getting harassed. I've also now got 8 weeks long service. muahahahaha.
My big concern for when I quit is the hundreds of hours of sickies I have built up, which when I leave just vanishes. so i'll have to be sick for a few weeks at least.

I am now curious about shoe laces. theres a shop across from mine, i'll go there today and ask.
Apparently they cannot harass you about long service leave. I've never been in a job long enough though
Be your own boss, nobody harasses you at all!

And I get free shoelaces from the place I buy my boots. Just for reference.
Apparently they cannot harass you about long service leave. I've never been in a job long enough though
no my long service is fine. it's the rest. but i'm working on banking up my other stuff too. so I keep putting in dummy holidays and then cancelling them. That said the two weeks off I had in January, longest holiday in seven years mind you, I ended up having to threaten to tear up my contract as they were in breach and head back to Townsville.

So they demand I take these holidays then make it just way too much effort to generally bother.
Corax always looks mighty unhealthy its cause of everything that is stuck in his beard.
it's not stuck. it's saved for later. currently its bits of lamb ribs as that was lunch.
Now i'm cooking curry for dinner and debating making applie pie and some chilli chutney
Make sure to be the one that makes other people drop their soap.
i like to sneak into the shower and cover all the soap in oil so its extra slippery
If I ever go to jail I'm never taking another shower.
i smell you started early!

Went doggablading last night. which is like rollerblading but u take a dog in a harness. alternatively dog sledding.
Estimated market value