Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I will look into that tomorrow. Thank you very much for that link. I does look promising!

Think I got connected to mumble now. I see an AFK kestegs (and 2 more), but no drunk Canadian. ;(
I've never paid much attention to Windows 8, but it sounds perfectly awful.

It certainly is! Sadly you can't buy a new computer these days without it. It might be good if you bought a touchscreen comp, but seriously, who wants that crap? I want a computer and not another pad. #Ihatewindows8andwillbuyamacnexttime
At least I own a copy of win 7 if I ever need it later.

Nah, I'm just sitting in the living room, won't be on mumble for a few hours.
I think people prefer it to be weird than normal. Everybody is probably just on hot dates.
*serves obligatory red celebratory Dew for Ohio State win

That one was uncomfortably close...

*serves wine

*serves sangria
I really hate my life. Or more specifically, my body's devolution.

Ok so I have to live with digestive and bowel issues. That sucks.

But for many years - already in my late teens - I've suffered from sore legs. That got worse. Knowing the fate of my family I decided to just pretend it wasn't there. But then, now 5 years ago, a doctor had to do some prodding and within 24 hours my legs were bandaged up to drain out moisture and waste. Without warning, unable to shower for a week, diagnosed with lipoedema which can't be cured and cursed with the lifelong prison of medical support stockings.

I was lied to that most people find them beneficial and the pain will get less.
It got worse. My legs feel like they're permanently bruised. Which they are in a way. My feet suffer - tight stockings around them leave my forefeet swollen and walking isn't improved by wearing these torture devices.

Then, now 2 weeks ago, I was getting a checkup. The doctor suggested that given my enduring pain and suffering, and given how thin my legs had gotten, I should see how it goes without the stockings. That felt as a relief but in the back of my mind I felt something was wrong.

Whenever something sounds too good to be true, it always is, isn't it?

The past week the pain's gotten insufferable. I'm now thorn between evils - stockings and severe pain in feet and ankles with walking difficulties, or no stockings and heavy pain in calfs and walking difficulties.

There's no cure.
Every checkup I've mentioned the pain. Every time I was told tighter stockings would cure it. They made it worse.
I was then told I am unlucky as most people profit from the tights.

How is that helping?
A childish thing to say but it does feel like it: aren't I already unlucky enough? My other disabilities already disable a normal life. I always have to be careful. I'm slowly turning into a monster.

Evolution has failed us. Even the gods cursing Medusa were kinder.

I can only say I love knowing you over the internets Vivi.
Your my Librarian Mermaid friend that has to pay the high price of life in your own way.

Life is cruel and much to short Vivi.
I also hate windows 8. stupid windows where I cant find anything.

I'm going on a hot date in a few hours, and its labour day tomorrow, the least labour intensive day in QLD, so I don't even have a bedtime.
In theory it will also be my first 2 days off since starting my new job over a month ago, provided the idiot apprentice turns back up.

I shall also look into this mumble, mostly for Canadian goodness
This is how I walk my dog these days.
View attachment 4826

She's quite the conversation starter. The funniest is how the old people respond to her. They get it instantly. Then there are people who see "stroller" and mentally insert a baby. They do humorous double takes.

I don't really care tho. I think this is prolonging her life by letting her visit her favorite places, which she couldn't do any more otherwise. And I'm careful to have my son with me so I don't look completely bat guano mad. Maybe I should hang a sign off the stroller saying "Doggie wheelchair."

That is very sweet and caring!

Maybe you should put a sign on the pram (we call that pram on this side of the pont) saying it is a vehicle for the disabled. I know I would.

It's also much better than parents who use their pram as a battering ram - just because they have children they have right of way or so and use the pram as a way to make space, ramming it against others peoples ankles. If you say something about it you get this look that you shouldn't talk to them, and that there's a child there and whatnot. Which seemed to me the formost reason not to ram the damn thing against other people and I tell the poor child that his parents don't love him very much and that he's merely a way to let his parens get quicker through crowds. That didn't go down too well last time I did that but then fortunately my train arrived.
That's cool that they did that, ggg is such an awesome company.

They really are easy to install, but someone would certainly do it if you paid them also I'm sure. :p

I haven't played much either lately. I may play just a bit after they finish the leagues next week, but I'm mostly going to hang tight until release.

The general rule is that when guys who are handy with computers say it's easy to install or do, it really isn't. If possible, I let said guys put protecting sticky foil on a book which I find incredibly easy but leaves them glueing their back almost.
It certainly is! Sadly you can't buy a new computer these days without it. It might be good if you bought a touchscreen comp, but seriously, who wants that crap? I want a computer and not another pad. #Ihatewindows8andwillbuyamacnexttime

I cleverly bought a computer a year before W8 came out. Now I have a license number for W7, yay me. My tech guy says W8 is awful and it'll be long before it's useable, bit like Vista when it started.
He also says Mumble is awful.
And he's usually right.
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