Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Well, if it's a muslim country I would go and eat somewhere privat out of respect. Otherwise, no, I don't think I would. It never even occured to me to ask my collegue 2 years ago if it was ok to eat lunch at my desk beside hers. She never said anything either though.
Moar said:
Well, if it's a muslim country I would go and eat somewhere privat out of respect. Otherwise, no, I don't think I would. It never even occured to me to ask my collegue 2 years ago if it was ok to eat lunch at my desk beside hers. She never said anything either though.

I agree that there is a but of a difference if I are in their culture. And no, I don't think Netherlands are Muslim.
*grabs a glass of wine*

The kitchen fairy still hasn't been here. You think she comes by night?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I killed the cleaning fairy and sold her wings on the black market.
Out of curiosity. were they white or black? The wings.

*returns from class waypoint

*serves Iced Dew
The wings of the fairy. If you killed her, then they should be black. If not then white.

*off to go sleep for a while as tonight is probably my second ever all-nighter.
Why am I even bothering...*sigh* I will ignore that kitchen tonight of you fairy guys want to sprinkle some dust in hubby's eyes so he cleans it and reward him afterwards? :smug:
No, but I offer an alternative course of action:


I am going to keep on drinking until work gets easier or until I stop noticing that it sucks. :yes:
I taught my mother about skype and I am regretting it!

*grabs a glass of wine*
Estimated market value