Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Thyiad's old avatar was an animated one that said "..attempting to give a damn." "Attempt failed." "Damn not given." or something very close to that.
Never heard about that book :) In general gif-tars annoy me. But I want one.

And thanks for being error again kegs!
AAAAAH! Iseewhatyoudidthere!!!

Edit: will you put a christmas-hatty on mr. salvador for me?
Edit: or maybe just the kitteh? in my tar.. not the bar-kitteh
Yes pleeeeaaaaaase :loving:

That's so nice it deserves a double post!

NOW I'm feeling the december spirit!
I'm going to the Kristkindlemarkt here in Nürnberg to buy some stuff for my grandma and -paps. It's the world's oldest christmas market :)
Sounds fun :)

I'm not a big fan of shopping, I need to get my shopping done for the wife soon though.
I'm not either. I'm just going to get some typical German food and a christmas decorations. The gifts I let my little sister handle :p
Well.. Why not let her do it? And then just give her money?

My landlord just emailed me a photo of what looks like a dead lady laying on a hospital bed with roses. wtf.
I know, I'm just saying you could be responsible :p

Not real sure about that picture, he didn't give you any explanation with it?
No nothing. Just the picture. And it's named something like JPG01282.. Didn't even talk to him since I moved in? Looks like he took it himself..

Maybe he got hacked? Or maybe he accidentally sent it to the wrong person. Was it sent to a bunch of other people too?
Nope, it was only send to me. It's kinda creepy :p

This is all. I wish it were payday so I could buy beer. I would actually buy beer today and not rum. Oh well...

That is wierd, FoE. Your company computer now has a virus.

Nice bier wagon, Looks like fun.
It's really weird!

Coju: someone's been browsing imgur :p I rode one of those in Denmark once..
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