Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

*throws melty ice cream cake at corax* what? you were in a hurry, I figured you wanted it to go. :grin:

@pancake, I hear you! the only class I hated more than geometry was trig.
wassat food fight *flings a trout at pancakeman* i'd never throw food at WM. she could definetly take me down.
That's amazing, Mungo! Big congratulations.

So, is Thyiad going to ban you if you don't give it to her?
Thinking of saving up to make Doom now ,Thyiad seems to like the idea of her sorc carrying the infinity and her merc having that, and I am sure my new polearm wwbarb will like it too:smiley:

yea Dave she taxes me all the time
Anyone want to buy a Cham?
I resent that.

EDIT: For those of you who think we've killed the Bar ... Mungo is as acerbic as I. No offence was given or taken in the making of the previous posts. :smiley:
I agree with silo. Why cant that quick navigation + commercials come to right side of screen? This way I gotta scroll from left to right when reading posts :rant:
I posted my displeaseure already so I'm going to go hide in the EU lounge until it goes away.

Though I was reminded of a question, why do some posts make the bar need scrolling, and other don't?
Why the EMB and not other threads? How much wood can corax chuck if corax could chuck wood?
Purple passion sounds like a girly drink.

I'll have a french martini please. *sips martini*

hey, wait a minute....

Mmmm red wine

Are there any more cookies somewhere?

*Search under furnitures and other logic hiding places for the cookie box* (what do u call them in english btw?)
ewwww, get your hand out of there!

*removes biscuit*

*waves his 'magic wand' and turns Mungo into a CHAMeleon*

Hey everyone, CHAMomile tea is on Mungo!!

I am the pun CHAMpion
Estimated market value