D2R - Bugs & Suggestions


  • Concentration Aura affecting magic Skills. Necromancer's Bone skill can be improved with Pride and the new Runeword Mist. They are quite weak spells in PvM at players 8. Will give Cham a greater value too.
  • Removing Zod should maintain its indestructibility mode. That will make a Zod really worth its rarity!
  • Summoning should be kept after exiting a game. It takes too much time farming with a Summoner every time you start a new game.
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Necroing this thread to report a bug in 2.7
This has been reported twice on the official forums and there is a youtube video demonstrating it.
My reason for reporting this is to warn HC Amazons relying on the Decoy
Basically high level Decoys work as intended at the start of a game and in the progress of it start to get 1 shot from anything (spell, attack etc.) which previously didn't faze them.
This is making my single pass HC Amazon for the Random tournament a real chore to play. I tend to leave the game open and sleep the pc in order to not lose the single pass.
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Necroing this thread to report a bug in 2.7
This has been reported twice on the official forums and there is a youtube video demonstrating it.
My reason for reporting this is to warn HC Amazons relying on the Decoy
Basically high level Decoys work as intended at the start of a game and in the progress of it start to get 1 shot from anything (spell, attack etc.) which previously didn't faze them.
This is making my single pass HC Amazon for the Random tournament a real chore to play. I tend to leave the game open and sleep the pc in order to not lose the single pass.
That explains a lot about some stuff I've experienced on my Amazon. (Fortunately not HC.) I had some very confusing experiences where my Decoy was getting one shot and so proceeded with extreme caution only to find that whatever had killed her wasn't that dangerous. I'm not running a high level decoy (level 1 with some +skills) so I wasn't expecting it to last all that long, but what was killing her seemed wildly inconsistent.
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