Covid-19 Prepping thread

Pizza? :p
Yes, please! We will be making our own pizza this sunday! I'll have a half and half, ansjovis with some black olives on one side and a spice hawaian chicken on the other.
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It would appear that the more hospital beds you have the better your countries ability to absorb these kinds of diseases when they pop up. In my opinion its got more to do with increased global traffic. We need a certain level of governmental sophistication to deal with these situations. But cultural change must become more fluid as well.
It would appear that the more hospital beds you have the better your countries ability to absorb these kinds of diseases when they pop up. In my opinion its got more to do with increased global traffic. We need a certain level of governmental sophistication to deal with these situations. But cultural change must become more fluid as well.
Well, not exactly "sophistication". Flexibility, perhaps.

In both capitalist and socialist systems, maintaining spare capacity that goes unused isn't beneficial.

In capitalism, that spare capacity is generally sold off. So when a plague or whatnot hits, there's always a catch-up period during which there's no new capacity to be found... which leads to panic buying of toilet paper and bottled water.

In socialism, that spare capacity is illegally or unethically sold off, as seen with NYC, and what isn't generally rots away. There's a cottage industry in the U.S. (now a shadow of what it once was) that buys up old capacity "Government Surplus" and resells it via the capitalist model. It seems great for Keynesian economists like Paul "I like kiddie porn" Krugman, but it ignores the fact that all that capacity is bought for top dollar out of the taxpayers' pocket initially. There's even greater panic buying, except that the shelves are often bare.

Of course, most governments aren't "pure" Statist or laissez faire at this point, so you often see a mix of the above. However, the outliers like China, Venezuela, and Iran provide stark contrast to the others. Italy is particularly noteworthy as an EU example, as it has extreme socialism, substantial corruption, AND an aged population. I don't recall to what degree the private/public health care in Italy is differentiated, but if Germany & England are similar to what I remember, they have a goodly degree of private care providers who can be mobilized, while I imagine Spain is more similar to Italy.
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What I find embarrassing, if not shameful and appalling, is that NYC is digging up mass graves. The state of New York has 20 million citizens, so with an average lifespan of 80 years, there will be 250,000 deaths per year, i.e. 700 a day. With an additional 1000 corona deaths a day (some of them involving old people who would have died from the flu or whatever in that year anyway), I see no necessity to take such measures. It seems to me that this is mainly a matter of money. Poor countries might have no other choice, but a wealthy country like the US should put more serious efforts in maintaining dignity and piety. I'm not expecting fancy burials from tax money, but it should be one coffin per grave. This might have a devastating and dreadful effect on some people. Terrible!

The British health care system is paid from taxes while Germany has healthcare insurances that offer a fixed catalog of services and conditions. That's a significant difference. The British system is more "socialistic", with the expected consequences, like a lack of preparation for unexpected incidents. They are rather badly prepared for the corony pandemy. Germany three timey as many hospital beds per capita as Britain, 8.3 per 1000 citizens versus 2.8 (and 2.9 in the US BTW). In the last few years, the British system struggled badly from the yearly flu epdemic (which cannot even be called unexpected), with people dying because there were not enough ambulances or hospital places. According to some news, the British system is about to collapse. That's probably an exaggeration, but they are having dire problems.
I'm not expecting fancy burials from tax money, but it should be one coffin per grave. This might have a devastating and dreadful effect on some people. Terrible!
A certain amount of the "mass grave" claim was utter horseshit by Progressives trying to rile citizens up about EBIL DRUMPF and what not ... they had to retract, of course, but the important thing is getting the lie out there to damage others as quickly as possible, because they don't risk having their filthy asses thrown in prison for spreading lies:
De Blasio on coronavirus victims being buried in NYC parks: ‘Totally false’

In a nutshell, Proggy media is attempting to imply that deaths in NYC are as bad as those of Iran or China. The reality is that the so-called "potter's field" graves have existed for most major cities for quite some time... I personally believe that if there's no next of kin or someone who will handle the remains, cremation ought to be the order of the day (and it isn't).

However, you'd be amazed at the cemetery "overcrowding" in NYC, so without knowing specifics of what you'd seen I can't address the veracity. Funeral homes are a very lucrative business in the U.S., undeservedly so, and often have the support of local governments in their unethical behavior.
The British health care system is paid from taxes while Germany has healthcare insurances that offer a fixed catalog of services and conditions. That's a significant difference. The British system is more "socialistic", with the expected consequences, like a lack of preparation for unexpected incidents. They are rather badly prepared for the corony pandemy. Germany three timey as many hospital beds per capita as Britain, 8.3 per 1000 citizens versus 2.8 (and 2.9 in the US BTW). In the last few years, the British system struggled badly from the yearly flu epdemic (which cannot even be called unexpected), with people dying because there were not enough ambulances or hospital places. According to some news, the British system is about to collapse. That's probably an exaggeration, but they are having dire problems.
I doubt the British system is any nearer to collapse than that of NYC, the problems of which are being dramatically & falsely overstated. I drive past an outpatient hospital daily & it's almost empty. What's happened is a combination of specific hospitals being barely short of overwhelmed because of walk-ins (illegals aren't the only ones who will show up at Emergency Rooms in order to try to avoid presenting insurance) and the aforementioned corruption.

NYC officials are screaming about how much damage the epidemic is doing, even though this points directly at their own incompetence & corruption, knowing full well that the Federal Gov't won't tell them to piss up a rope. They also know full well that they'll never pay a personal price for grotesque incompetence or fascistic behavior, aside from perhaps some lost future opportunities like a Presidential nomination (Exhibit A being William "DeBlasio" Wilhelm).
Mass graves planned for NY city parks.....

"Trenches will be dug for 10 caskets in a line." <<<Quote from the chair of the New York City Council’s health committee.

Mass graves in the old potter's field in Ny. Not just 10 in a line but a deep trench to stack caskets 3 high and 2 wide. The trench is hundreds of feet long.


This is not a horseshit lie to rile up the voters. What is happening in the potter's field is not business as usual. When more than 2000 people a day die due to gov't incompetence, this is the result. Own it so it never happens again.
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They all died from Captain Trumps.
I'm pretty sure the death certificates all say "Coronavirus" as the cause of death, not Gubmint incompetence.

So pneumonia, heart attack, exposure,. allergic reaction, massive trauma from traffic accident, gunshot wound, Bad Orange Man ... all recorded as Coronavirus. Keeps things simple and easy to understand.
I'm pretty sure the death certificates all say "Coronavirus" as the cause of death, not Gubmint incompetence.

So pneumonia, heart attack, exposure,. allergic reaction, massive trauma from traffic accident, gunshot wound, Bad Orange Man ... all recorded as Coronavirus. Keeps things simple and easy to understand.
Some Internet fool claimed I was making that part up. Dr. Birx actually admitted it during one of the briefing Q&A.
Some Internet fool claimed I was making that part up. Dr. Birx actually admitted it during one of the briefing Q&A.

Internet fools claim a lot of *crazy shit*. Did you know that a complete halt of the economy and the suspension of human rights are "necessary"?
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One of the best examples was when two police patrol boats arrested a lone paddle-boarder at sea for insufficiently following "social distancing" decree. The police didn't wear PPE taking him into custody, either.
Paddle boarder chased by boat, arrested in Malibu after flouting coronavirus closures

No PPE? I bet the police didn't have a 50cal on a mount in either the boats, either.

When oh when will these clowns start taking this stuff seriously?

We gotta save humanity, if we have to lock up or execute every last human being to do it.
I spend five minutes a day reporting price gougers on EBAY. A 10 pack of 3M masks that i paid 24.25 with free shipping in Nov is listed at over $300 now and one guy was asking 2K. I guess I'm not a capitalist afterall.

edited to add this link....

Estimated market value