City Mafia Game Thread

Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Let me say: Awesome awesome game. Thanks for hosting. Loved the WIFOA.

That being said: I highly disagree with the number of anti-town. If Noodle hadn't been killed due to inactivity, even being stumpy, or if FoE had used his kill or outed Val, or flub hadnt slipped up, woulda been a sweeping victory for any anti-town.

Of course a lot of things make a mafia game, but I dont agree with "Noodle being stumpy nullifies him as mafia", I feel like it was actually the opposite. If he had been close to a lynch he woulda claimed stump, not been lynched and made neutral, and been able to sway peoples opinions till the end game knowing who the other mafia were. His modkill changed the game.

Very fun game though, congrats to Val very very hard to win as the SK and you pulled it off in grand fashion (probably woulda survived another day phase if there had been one. I would enjoy playing this again in the future.

The craziest part of WIFOA to me is how NO ONE was cop or doc. After those first 3 spots every just assumed that they were taken. WIFOA indeed (and another reason I dont think this game was balanced)

but again, despite me complaining, this was one of the stronger games that has been run around here.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Actually Bad Ash, I was certain that Flub, Laarz and Fred were mafia before each of them died. Nevertheless, it did surprise me that Fred decided do reveal himself to the SK and didn't send a kill last night. In other matters, best quote from the death QT thread:

Flubbucket said:
Good grief...coju called me glib?!?!

Is he retarded??
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Well played Valhauros (liar). In my lynch manifaesto, I deleted a line stating, oh BTW Valhauros is your SK 1) because DEATH TO TOWN and 2) I was concerned it would give you credibility. It seems my word was doubted by RE anyway regarding other mafioso, but I kinda wish I would have said something now...

CG, I was quite rivieted throughout and obviously spammed the dead head thread... Great job hosting!!!
Great game. I didn't follow it super closely the whole time since I died early.

I'm disappointed in my role choice, I debated it for a very long time and was really close to choosing sk.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Also CG what about my bussing question...If I bussed myself and Valhauros and he attempted to kill me, would he have killed himself (hope, hope, hope)?? The lying liar lie face...
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Wow, I din't think about that. 6 anti-town out of 18, without a doc or cop. Town did pretty good until the coju lynching debacle. Would have been awesome if coju and Val were left at the end of the game, resulting in a full game wipe.

Also after reading dead thread:

Goryani, this seemed like a claim to me and was pretty convincing:
I chose two lower numbers (8 and 15) to avoid duplicates and still I didn't get the tree stump role.
Maybe I should have read over Vals stuff closer as well as RE's, would have seen otherwise.

Also RE jumping on me for bringing up my different result than FOE and the passive play style with his role choice convinced me he was more likely the SK.

It didn't occur to me that a mafia vig would take credit for the SK kill. I did find it odd I got a different result than FOE on his kill - if we continued to have 2 night kills I might have figured that out though.

And finally well done Pyro - I was 90% sure you were mafia day one, but you an amazing job defending yourself and convinced me otherwise.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Also CG what about my bussing question...If I bussed myself and Valhauros and he attempted to kill me, would he have killed himself (hope, hope, hope)?? The lying liar lie face...

Nope. Would've resulted in a failed action.

Re: City Mafia Game Thread

I loved the open setup. Maybe not for every game, but it definitely needs to happen again sometime. I liked the number of possible roles versus the number of players. It's good to have fake claims and lies available. It's good to have enough roles so someone feels they can receive a role. By all means shuffle some roles in or out, but keep the same basic ratio of roles to players.

Role thief is indeed awesome but especially in an open setup. I'm not sure I agree with killing the role thief for targeting the SK. Either way the role thief is pretty screwed, but the non-killing version lets juicy WIFOA action occur in front of all.

To the town: a breadcrumb isn't a claim! Val didn't claim until after Noodle was modkilled and his role revealed.

Game balance: 5 mafia + 1 immune-to-mafia SK + 12 townies in an open setup is pretty balanced. Town gets help from the open setup and from a SK killing mafia at night and can't be killed in return.

@Rlyeh and coju - I wish you two would have lied to punish scum targeting you. Fake a VT claim. Fake another role. Fake a VT then claim a power role after all claims have been made. If I had a free pass to lie, I'm sure going to use it. I thought bomb, party host and busdriver were, hands down, the BEST roles available. I thought for sure that some or all would be gone by the 5th pick so I picked something "safer." WIFOM! :steam:

Goryani, this seemed like a claim to me and was pretty convincing:
I chose two lower numbers (8 and 15) to avoid duplicates and still I didn't get the tree stump role.

I pressed Val for clarification and he flatly ignored responding until after Noodle's reveal. Val isn't a native English speaker (I believe) so it's entirely possible what Val meant to say is that he didn't pick treestump because he was so far down the list. Val neither confirmed nor denied until the prevailing wisdom was safe to clarify. I've no doubt that if Noodle didn't turn out to be treestump, Val would soon be claiming something very similar.

Plus, Val admitted his D1 post was not a role claim:
Pyro's "Why did you see it as necessary to claim your "vanilla" status early on?":
I didn't. When I saw Goryani's reply stating "Roleclaim?" I freaked out, and thought he was the cop and had checked me the night before. Later, I realized there was no night before, so I asked Caluin and he pointed that was stated in the rules (If a role is chosen that has already been chosen by someone with higher priority, then they are assigned a vanilla role). I decided to ignore the comment, hoping that no one else would notice, specially the anti-town.

Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Mafia had day talk! No wonder the game thread had a lack of posts.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Very nice game! And glib, lol! I'll be sure and call you that for now on!

I was really hoping to make it to the end fur a full game sweep as well, thought that would have been awesome if the game went to 'Cat'

Yes, the coju lynch debacle was indeed a debacle, cannot for the life of me figure out why all but two (foe/Val) wanted me lynched before the end.

Yes, I thought about lying about my claim, but was way too excited about bring the bomb and claimed before I thought it through. My main reason for bomb choosing was the hopr that it would help me live longer than normal, and it did, just a day late.

Being able to actually play the game really helps one develop ones own strategy. I really look forward to the next game

loved the wifom.awesome it was.

Val, very much grats on the win. One man team ftw
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Im amzed mafia didnt take bomb or 2x voter though.

Both are insanley powerful if mafia takes them

2x voter lets you seize the lynch control to win quicker (You can even lay low and not use the ability, just treat as though you had an extra man)

And bomb in hands of mafia punishes town for lynching...mafia ie: playing their win condition.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Coju, it would have made no difference to me if we two were the last remaining players, because I would have won anyway (win condition: all other players dead, regardless if I am too).

Also, lol... Glibbucket.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

Eh, blame coju, he started it, either that or Val since he tricked us all, that works for me too XD.

So whens next game? This has been pretty interesting so I think I will take my learning from this one and post less, haha.
Re: City Mafia Game Thread

As said in the sticky, I'll post sign ups on wed if no-one above me on the list does before hand. Zemaj has a game ready but doesn't have time to host right now.
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