Autumn/Winter '06 OT Thread

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I use ScreenDragon, it isn't free though. It also sucks up a lot of resources so everything goes chunky when I record, I might try Fraps myself.

Oh, and if you still need DirectX 9, it's probably on just about any modern game disc.
Woohoo, I'm a Sayclub pimp!

Thanks, Gorny.
Warning sent via PM, asking for siles/software over the internet is piracy.

Nicro, since this your second warning, the next could generate a temp ban.

Gorny, it's only piracy if it's software you'd normally have to pay for. Many companies provide free software, like fraps. Though I believe asking for software on these forums in against the rules anyway, isn't it? Or is that my mind making things up again?

Gorny, it's only piracy if it's software you'd normally have to pay for. Many companies provide free software, like fraps. Though I believe asking for software on these forums in against the rules anyway, isn't it? Or is that my mind making things up again?

That's exactly it.

More specifif and to the point, if he asked where he could get it from (the freeware type stuff), I would call it borderline and disregard it unless there was a problem.

Hoewver asking for stuff via email is a different story

That's exactly it.

More specifif and to the point, if he asked where he could get it from (the freeware type stuff), I would call it borderline and disregard it unless there was a problem.

Hoewver asking for stuff via email is a different story

New keyboard?

Hey I received an email and a link in it, they have great services. They
Offer power leveling, rentals, they buy and sell, they can even trade. Check
Out ~

Shuffles hastily towards the sexily coloured hub,
doink, doink, doink, doink, doink, doink, doink, DOINK!
Ban, burn, mutilate, souffle please.

Ohh yeah... I'm gonna sit on my arse and watch the James Bond Marathon on Spike T.V. alllll day long... It's going to be quite a productive day! :fortuneteller:
First, I'm going to have a little fight, then I'm going to party all night long with friends.
Actually, it's a real fight. I got set up with a Thanksgiving Day match. How awesome is that! :grin:
Just a martial arts fight. I quit a few months ago since I had to leave to go to attend college. Rules is I guess...use whatever tactics/techniques you want and try to get the other guy to submit/give up/whatever. You can try to win by KO, but that's obviously a bit harder. The only no-no's are attacks involving eyes, joints, biting, hair pulling, etc. You can ground fight if you want, or you can stay on your two feet, whatever you want to do. It's pretty informal; nothing more than a few dozen people getting together and having some fun and showing what they're made of. :grin:
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