About D2R patch 2.4 - their ideas - and mine

Yeah, me too, lots of previous versions - as long as my legacy save files would still work.
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New skins for player characters seems like an obvious thing to do as paid content. Cheap to make, not necessary to play the game, but the kind of thing that long-term fans will often go for.
I think the one thing from D3 that I really miss in D2 is having both male and female options for all the classes. So, that's definitely something I'd pay for skin-wise.

The long game is still D4. Many players like me who love D2 and hate D3, so they want to keep those of us engaged as well. I started playing again because of D2R, so they want to retain as many returnees as possible playing for D4 release.
I also suspect this is the long game with D2R. It's less about making money off it after launch and more about keeping the fan base engaged until D4. When they talked about releasing the new runewords over several seasons I realized they probably have it planned out to space out the new runewords until D4 is ready. So, it wouldn't shock me in the least if D2R (as well as D3) basically went dormant development wise once D4 comes out.

I'd pay for 1.09 DLC.
If they did want to make some DLC money off of D2R, this is a brilliant option as an optional game mode. I know a lot of people really have nostalgia for 1.09 and it feels like it would be way less development work than D2 1.14 > D2R with D2R ready to go as the base.
they can do a lot to monetise online. stash tabs, pets, cosmetics just to name things they already did with D3.

i would not be surprised to see d2r plus. a sub which gives you +10 stash tabs +10 char slots, transmogs, or even loot filters.

we wont see those things in SP, obviously, which i like and as long as the content (RWs, balance changes and Ubers) gets enabled in SP, i am fine with it.

My long term hope is in projects like opendiablo2, which aim to make d2 open source and could open up community patches/mods and "fixing" older versions.

I'll follow d2r and play here and there, but my heart is in older versions of the game.
If they did want to make some DLC money off of D2R, this is a brilliant option as an optional game mode. I know a lot of people really have nostalgia for 1.09 and it feels like it would be way less development work than D2 1.14 > D2R with D2R ready to go as the base.
I don't think it is entirely out of nostalgia, though I admit I am not exactly the best source as I have played 1.09 somewhat recently (as in, the past 12+ months) via time traveling rather than go by the ye olde days gone by prior 1.10 with hazy memories. It is not without its flaws but in terms of reasonable options available and how the gameplay flows, it tends to work a lot better relative to higher difficulty levels than 1.10-> ever does... which is of course why it could be arguably said to be "easymode" in sense relative to any post 1.10-> era. Then again there is also MSLE and plenty of other quirks that post 1.10 era lacks, which of course makes it also tricky to say which exactly is more balanced and in what way, as just because there are things I dislike about 1.10-> doesn't mean it's all bad. I personally just think 1.10-> just messed up with things that say, even 1.07 actually handled better.

Remember when 1.10 synergies were hailed as creative way to make unused skills actually useful only tobe discovered they still tended to only served as bizarre novelty or synergies to the same skills most builds used as primary skills anyway? That is also one chief reason I am bit skeptical what they will come up with the D2R 2.4 even as bystander.

Still, as monetisation option allowing "official" time traveling offline in D2R would be nice, but unfortunately probably bit too niche maybe outsde something like 1.09. Or just a can of worms in general, but who knows.
Nostalgia might not have been the right word. I really just meant that 1.09 seems like best "non-modern" version of the game to convert to a DLC. 1.10 changed the game dramatically — almost at the level you'd expect from an expansion — and 1.09 is the most "polished" version of that older flavor of LoD. (And also the only pre-1.10 patch for LOD that was around for any appreciable amount of time.)
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I've been playing PoE a lot over the last 18 months or so and I have seen the basic game being bloated with more and more powerful items brought about by new content, crafting methods mostly but a few "aspirational" items as well. It has caused a significant power creep and GGG have been back-pedalling furiously trying to reign it in. Some of what I'm reading, especially some of the suggestions I have seen of Redit, forums, etc., have a definite PoE smell about them. D2 is a very different game but I hope Bliz avoids some of the things GGG has done.
I'm interested to see what they'll do.

The changes they've spoken about in this upcoming patch aren't concerning to me. Everything seems pretty mild. The slippery slope concern raised by others is a concern of mine, I guess, partially. It's a fear of the unknown generally though. I know I've liked d2 for a long time, if there are many changes, I'm not sure I'll like it in the same way. Like you say @TheNix, PoE has problems because of changes that they've made, a large reason I've drifted away the last few seasons, it would be a shame if the changes they made to d2 don't work out.

My worry is that we'll only see patches like this one where there are only small adjustments. My main issue is a severe lack of content in the endgame. I mean how many times can you run the same areas? Level 99 is difficult to reach, but what is the achievement? It is only a test of will, a pure grind involving ultimate boredom, and only available with a select few builds. There's no other activity, kill 3 monsters that's it. Want to get items? Just do the same few areas in the same way over and over, no variety, been doin it 20 years.

I've seen some solutions like rotating lvl85 areas or increasing other areas to lvl85, to that I say boo. I want somewhere new to go and something new to see. Ubers and anni was great for like.. a week, and that wasn't even new! It was just new to me. So I say add new areas, add maps, add something to add variety or an element of randomness to the endgame so I'm not looking at the same old areas once again.

I might not even come back for this patch, maybe if they do something with bowazon and make it juicier I'll test out my bowas with the changes. I might play through on a character or two with the other class changes if something looks good but slight tweaks aren't too exciting for me.

Edit: One thing that really gets me about d2 (I'm on a bit of a rant here) is that you can't really grind levels at all on certain classes, entire skill trees aren't really viable on anything other than /players 1 so you hit a wall, there's nothing you can do, and your character fizzles out unceremoniously. If I want to play my bowazon, she's already effectively capped out. I log in, run through the Chaos sanc on /players 1 or 3, feel sad and bad that I'm sort of wasting my time, I'm gaining no exp and the items dropping could be dropping faster on a bunch of different builds. So I have no reason to log onto my bowazon. If I could get some exp, that'd be great. It already takes SO LONG on /players 8, and only a handful of builds can do that.

It's kind of BS that even with super hax items from previous patches, full of crazy no-longer-available max damage charms, best possible gear that you can't even have on the live realms, reaches a point where they can't get exp killing monsters in the 3 places you can even get exp in the first place. Just because of bad skill balance for an entire tree and the way exp gain works. They should fix that up so you can play characters and get exp, possibly in more places, possibly in a PoE-style map system :sneaky: That would require sweeping balance changes though to many skills since so many wouldn't even be able to do content that's a step above CS and oh lord I can just imagine the reactions to that.
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