A ROSE by any other name - Item Find Thread April 2017

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I probably forgot about beta Bramble since I got about half a character's use out of it after I made it. I guess someone might want to make one down the line, though.

Everyone in the 1.10a Andariel running guide thread had pretty good luck with theirs, too. I've been getting hosed by item variance pretty hard for a couple of months now.
Another thing that's been bothering me about 1.10a: In 16 drops, I've yet to get a Tal Rasha's Belt with more than 13% MF. What the hell?

after a bit of a dry streak from Trav (nothing past an Ist in a couple of thousand runs), they dropped something nice after I respecced a new runner

So I rolled this after a lot of LK farming on the self-found untwinked Sorc I've been playing:

 Call to Arms
Twin Axe
One Hand Damage: 68 - 206
Durability: 13 of 13
Required Level: 57
Required Strength: 75
Fingerprint: 0xe4782c48
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
262% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
7% Life stolen per hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+5 to Battle Command
+1 to Battle Orders
+2 to Battle Cry
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
5 Sockets (5 used)
Socketed: Amn Rune
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Mal Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ohm Rune

So yeah, not what I was looking for, but I've got enough fuel to try again!

 Call to Arms
Divine Scepter
One Hand Damage: 59 - 142
Durability: 41 of 70
Required Level: 57
Required Strength: 103
Fingerprint: 0xf8cc21a9
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
274% Enhanced Damage
+150% Damage to Undead
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
7% Life stolen per hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Holy Shock (Paladin Only)
+3 to Battle Command
+1 to Battle Orders
+4 to Battle Cry
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
5 Sockets (5 used)
Socketed: Amn Rune
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Mal Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ohm Rune

Felt inspired to do Hell Andy runs on my Throwbarb. A some grailers rolled in:

Two Hand Damage: 59 - 161
Durability: 27 of 130
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0xee983cad
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+50% Increased Attack Speed
+50% Faster Hit Recovery
271% Enhanced Damage
Adds 30 - 65 Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+100% Enhanced Defense
+100 Defense
+15 to Dexterity
+100 Maximum Durability

Not a bad roll by any stretch, maybe it'll see use somewhere down the road. Apparently ribby chars are fun

Matriarchal Spear
Two Hand Damage: 358 - 525
Durability: 15 of 15
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 104
Required Dexterity: 132
Fingerprint: 0x1ebe9c31
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
270% Enhanced Damage
Adds 101 - 187 Magic Damage
+441 Defense
All Resistances +38

(New for the eth grail, at least. Who cares though--has anyone ever used this thing?)

And now for the pièce de résistance:

View attachment 5543

Highlord's Wrath
Required Level: 65
Fingerprint: 0x71c45dda
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 1 - 30 Lightning Damage
34% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
Lightning Resist +35%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15

Yes, it's my first one I've ever found; I don't think I ever found one myself on BNet, even. What's more is that this baby is going to be put to use on my untwinked throwbarb here. Yeah, it feels good. Now if I could only find a raven, I'd be set on all non-weapon gear.... bah
+1 for complaining:
Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xfbb7b706
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+248 to Attack Rating
Adds 15 - 45 Cold Damage Over 4 Secs (100 Frames)
+20 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
Cold Absorb 20%
Cannot Be Frozen

And it's near perfect. My best one. And Ayura getting chilled is now a thing of the past! :D :D :D

The only remaining gear improvements will consist of steadily upgrading his weapons, perhaps crafting him a better ring for his other hand, or possibly finding a gore to replace sander's riprap. Granted, sander's boots are among my favorite boots in the game.... Travs might also prove to be a worthwhile upgrade over sander's.... dang

Anyways, thanks for finally showing my throwbarb some love, game. It's been a while.
I swear tal's never gets 15 MF. I think only like 1/50 of them do
I had a dry streak of about ten with less than 15% as well, now I have two more 15% ones than Tal set users :)

+1 for complaining

I probably found like 50 of them since I'm playing the game and the closest I ever got was something like 20/245. I think I already had a 15/250 and a 20/150 one. It's my D2 uncertainty relation. The closer to perfection the one variable, the further away the other.
You need to complain a little harder. Btw that is slightly more rare than a Zod in 1.13. Congrats.
@necrolemming looks like you'll get a CtA when you move to 1.10s instead :)

Btw, that is 1.10a you are grinding in, but it's display just as 1.10?

I was trying to find the correct patch last night on phrozenkeep, they have 1.10, 1.10s, and 1.10final. Is it safe to assume that the one without the prefix is in fact 1.10a where the +2 bkwb exists?

I have two 1.10s CtAs and a Bramble already; not much use for more of either one.
Best drops so far had been the high FR/LR, 5 dex, 10 FCR ring from nightmare andy and then a 35/9 Vipermagi from her as well (I think anywho) and the UM from hell council that I put in it.

Last night after finding a War Trav, only to find out it was ethereal when I picked it up (46MF), I saw a Thresher drop and thought damn! why couldn't that be eth and the war travs non eth?!?! Well I picked it up, and it was ethereal :D.. I took a pic of it but didn't feel like going through the hassle of posting the pic since everyone knows what it looks like lol. its still UNID, I'm waiting to identify it I guess because its going to be a fun moment knowing how valuable it can be if it rolls very high or even perfect. Have a unique ring, couple rare amulets and ormus that are UNID that I'm going to ID them all at once sometime today. I just love how UNID things look and the thrill of identifying them. All of it was found off of Hell Meph by the way, the ETH War Travs were from one of the council guys in the same room as meph. Oh, found a 23ED / 14 Max Damage jewel in that room too.

My buddy who introduced to this place and the single player found 50% non-eth war travs two days ago. hed been finding some pretty good things but getting bad rolls, not on those! He was a legit player from b.net who was fed up with the dupes/bots like I was and I think hes really digging how there is a single player community that plays the game the right way. He almost always played classic so its kind of exciting for him seeing all of this stuff on xpac lol.

I need to make a trading profile again I think. I had played single player on here a few years ago but lost all of my chars when I had a hard drive crash and didn't play for a few years.

While anyone may be reading this, can anyone kind of explain the pros and cons of using the Rune Word Mod for ladder only runewords. I know that I wont be able to trade with all pure players if I use it so I'm just not sure which way I should go or which one is more popular. I guess Id rather go with what the most active amount of players do. Me and my buddy both have 1.14d and only use gomule at the moment, but we are going to stick the same way so we can play together.

I know ladder only runewords have some really overpowered stuff, but runes are so hard to find so its not like we'd be loaded with them lol. Ive only found a few high runes in 15+ years of playing, but I hear they are a lot easier to find in new patches. Spirit shield is really tempting because of how good/cheap it is.

ill update when I Id the reapers toll to let you know if I got lucky.

yes I noticed they have around 40 dura on eth travs I believe. less str req and more def too :p
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Estimated market value