A challenge to "Vex"

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Vex took my ear last night - Kool knows, he saw the calling card.

I was a level 23 sorc (enchantress - 2 handed axe) just starting act 3. Actually, I was looking for the jade figurine.

Vex joins, and I party (im out questing). He immediatly unpartys and hostles.

I figure I'll stay out there, after all, Act 3 and he is 12!. I recast enchant on my merc in hopes that if he does come, I can teleport/hit him.

Well, sure enough, he comes around the corner somewhere in spider forest, whacks my merc (1 hit kill) - I didn't even get to teleport once - man I suck. Then he turns on me - I tp 2x and run out of mana (dohhh). He charges and smacks me - I try to tp (still no mana) and get hit again. Down I go.

He then grabs my ear and tp's to town.
I guess he then goes to act 1 briefly, cause he said "Check by stash, Act1"
He leaves, I go to get my body.

Then Kool and the gang all join, and I tell them to check by the stash for me. The leg has vex jewel vex - I think the jewel was a damage jewel - not sure though (kool looked at it, not me)

anyway, maybe that is another clue. Now that my ear is involved, I'm kinda interested.

anyway, drink lots of beer :buddies:
Ya know, I've been thinking lately about doing some MP'ing with some of my fellow SPF'ers, but this certainly doesn't encourage me.

*sprays on Vex-repellent*
One of you needs to get an item with IM charges, or an IM necro to jack his ***. I read a funny story about a B.net experience with this strategy used on an overzealous pk'er. I'm sure there are other tricks...at lvl 12 he can't equip a t-gods...a couple traps and down he goes. Anyway that's what he wants. If you want to play that game, go for it. I'd just ask him to leave if I wasn't in the mood. I hope AE closes this thread...flame wars remind of when I was in 6th grade on a local BBS.

bannings about to commence... and I thought I would get to enjoy my lunch hour :grrr:

thread locked


And now for the part everyone is wondering...what did AE do about all of this?

1) Light of Eternal, banned (again)

2) sam_manzanza, temp banned for his over the top flames

3) chaos, you again managed to walk that fine line

4) Kool69, no more Vex threads. They are not good for this forum, and I will lock them on sight.

5) Milamber, Whiskey Jack, strijdje - Spamming violates the site rules. I don't mind a little fun, but you guys are pushing it. Tone it down.

6) Durf, I loved the pumpkin!

Now back to your regularly-scheduled gaming threads...
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