Alysha The HC 99 Adventurer.

Disposition said:
I have also been playing for 20 years. :/
..... MMMmmmmmm. It's hard to believe Diablo 1 was released in 1996, which I played when it was released, along with StarCraft classic (1998). I was in school then.
And Diablo 2 released in 2000... 18 years ago. I played that growing up as well, along with through my university days with LoD (2001.)

Time... It's interesting seeing how much time has passed since these releases. It doesn't feel that long ago. Then I hear the radio say "classic" and play a song from 2010... :S

Act 3 can be somewhat random in that the areas don't always line up, and even if you go one way, it could be the exact opposite. Plus, all those flayers... They're not exactly terribly strong, but definitely annoying.

I'm house-sitting at the moment, with my new laptop. When I get home (returning tomorrow,) I'll check my old laptop with GoMule, and see what the colours are. Maybe it's just something I adjusted to, but your screenshot really demonstrates the colour difficulty. Again, I can't answer, but will check what my old setup was, and let you know if it's the same for me.
I haven't changed anything to GoMule, and never had any issues with the colours. Can't really help you there I'm afraid.

About the clvl and the post of @Baltha ... check the links in my post above his post. Clvl does matter, or at least may matter, depending on the other stuff like magic lvl.

The imbue quest sets the ilvl to character level plus four. In equation form

  • clvl + 4 = ilvl

That's why Baltha posted those. They are the minimum clvl you have to be to be sure you can roll +2 skills.

It is hard to believe it's been 18 years hey. :D (I stand corrected) and with all the other games that have come out, I still always revert... D2 was just made too good, I played and beat TL1/TL2 and I'm sure a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head and I play CS:GO but other than that I play D2, work and enjoy life.

Thanks for checking in to that.


What color is your rune page if you don't mind me asking and what version of GoMule are you using?

Ah so that's just minimum level, if you're above that it's fine to imbue that item for chance then! Thanks!


And thank you for the info and clarification. :)
I didn't know! I wasn't correcting you. I grew up with Brood Wars, Diablo 1, One Must Fall 2097... Really classic games. In 2003, early high-school, my friends and I would talk about SC, games we played, and play together after school on I even recall Diablo 1 multiplayer, where everyone had the Resurrection Player Killer spell, as if you didn't have it, someone would just insta-kill you by reviving you... Even during late high-school/uni, I would play Brood Wars competitively, 1v1 and various 2v2 games. That was after playing the original D1 series. I never got into CS, although most of my friends did. I was more into the strategy of Brood Wars. But, time moves on. The main Brood Wars players I played with slowly dwindled, and the last time I checked, there wasn't anyone remaining.

At the same time, it is hard to believe that SC2 is now 8 years old (release date 2010.) I know I'm late to the party (finally, after posting on these forums for ~10 years that I needed to upgrade my laptop, I did so.) I look back, at what my laptop can now play (SC2) and contemplate that SC2 came out 8 years ago! And I can give SC2 and D3 a go. They don't compare to BW, D2, or even Baldur's Gate. They are good games, but, nostalgia (compared to truly classic, nostalgic games)? I don't know. Maybe I'm no longer what is considered a modern gamer. XD
Time goes on, but, I like the classics. I like seeing the newer games, but they don't draw me in as once they did.
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GoMule? Latest version, R0.43. They look the same as the pic you post here. I don't have any issues with the red though.
slow but steady.

That's what wins the race, mate - especially in HC. :D

That is correct good sir. :) Alas, we finally made it to LK, now the grind begins. :)


I am actually very surprised that there haven't been better tools created for run counters / ect for such and old game.


First unique mace I believe!

Last time we get a butter knife with Alysha 1.0... She will forever remember the junk rings that she recieved from ormus for her hard work!

Man, I wanted a 3OS knout on my zealadin in nightmare, this would have been beautiful for black.

The second part of the healthy breakfast. :D

Made it to LK! Unfortunately not a good map, only one camp by the WP... Time to re-roll. WIll be farming LK on P8 and will be running a run counter so I know where I'm at. Infinity is my main goal, if runes are really good I may push for Enigma right away aswell.
Small tip: run it at /p7. Yields the same results when it comes to runes, slightly less risk when monsters hit you.
Small tip: run it at /p7. Yields the same results when it comes to runes, slightly less risk when monsters hit you.

Oh? I thought I read a ton of places, /P3 or /P8 are the two recommended. :/ I'll run P7, I couldnt find a thread that said P7 had the same patterns as P8 to verify. Would love to take less risk some of these guys hit hard. -_-
I'm not sure if assassin is efficient for running LK to start with. You'll need ~2570 runs on average to farm Infinity from zero assuming you cube Sur runes into Ber. So be sure you have a good time.
I'm not sure if assassin is efficient for running LK to start with. You'll need ~2570 runs on average to farm Infinity from zero assuming you cube Sur runes into Ber. So be sure you have a good time.

That's fair but really... Other than a sorc, what's efficient? I'm at home at the moment but i'm 70 runs in already. :)
For non-teleporters, assissins are actually very efficient. BoS, Harmony Bow, and no need for keys make the runs fast. CoS for safety, Mind Blast to clear chests if you need/want to.
Sure they are. The question ist (hehehe): is it worth running 2.500 runs (on average) with a non-teleporter?
Sure they are. The question ist (hehehe): is it worth running 2.500 runs (on average) with a non-teleporter?

It's the fastest route to Enigma without relying on wild luck, so if that's your end goal with an untwinked non-sorc, then yes.
My untwinked HC Hammerdin is farming his Enigma that way too. Some 2000 runs in, only 1 Sur to go. You can do it too, gogogo !!!
What would you do over farming Infinity if you were me?

I'd play a sorc, as we talked about in the other thread. It is a really good idea to keep at least two high-lvl chars in HC just in case one of them got killed.

Give her some items you have farmed with your assassin. Reach LK. Give her merc your Insight, make sure she has 63% fcr (105% fcr is better), 30% FHR (higher is better), 2-6 mana teleport cost, and max block. ES optional.

It's the fastest route to Enigma without relying on wild luck, so if that's your end goal with an untwinked non-sorc, then yes.

We were talking about Infinity. Enigma takes ~3855 runs; Infinity AND Enigma from zero: ~6425 runs. Sorcs can do a LK run in a good map sub 25 s. I don't think an assassin can do it sub 45 s (correct me if I'm wrong!). 20 seconds of difference in 2.500 runs for Infinity is farming for 14 hours more. 20 seconds for Infinity and Enigma is 35 hours more.

Yes sir, you're right... It is the fastest way to any RW, I'll be farming on my sin, don't want to get a sorc to hell to farm LK, this one is self found untwinked 99 so I'll be doing it the long hard way. Infinity is first, then I can run w/e else I want with ease.


Nice man! Push through. :D We can do it together!


Yeah, sorc can be a bit faster, I'd say without the right gear though sin is safer? I just cast my SM in the distance, takes all the cover, I get to open more things and have more chances! And right now I'm averaging 56 seconds / run, I believe I can get it down to 50~ but I managed to roll a really good map really fast.


I wont be posting all of my finds, but good ones, I'm keeping track of all Rune pickups and I will also be trying to screenshot anything Pul +


Average 55.9Seconds / 75 Runs (90% Complete)

This time also includes IDing ect, I don't stop the timer except muling.

Tir - 1
Nef - 1
Eth - 1
Ith - 2
Tal - 1
Ort - 1
Amn - 3
Sol - 2
Shael - 2
Dol - 2
Hel - 1
Io - 3
Fal - 1
Um - 1 (Run 72)


It took me 3 re-rolls to get this, aside from the 2 bodies that always spawn and the 6 chests and two rack sets it also has 4 skeletons and 2 logs so I'll be running this for the unseen future.

This map also likes to spawn Spiderweb sashes on both of the armor racks 1-2/6 times, so that means I have a 1-2 in like 720 chance ( I think?) of an arachs as I farm this which is great.

What a nice fcr ring so soon.

First Skiller.

I wanted the boots but I pansied out instead of using MB..

Almost something almost useable. :D

Rack dropped this, will definitely be trying for some sockets. :D

First HR, run 72

May play more tonight, may wait until tomorrow at work we will see.
Estimated market value