Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

*wakes up from somebody shouting in the bar

Hmm, time to go home I think. Sleeping in a bar for 3 days isn't socially accepted most of the times.

*grabs water on his way out
Depends if your the owner of the bar, the bartender or a really regular customer with no strings attached.
I demand to speak to the management. I had this blasted contraption set to ring bells whenever someone entered this here bar and days and days went by and nothing happened. Then I show up and the place is overrun and Ariadne is crying and no one is properly comforting her with tea and cake!!! Dietarily appropriate cake at that! I'm disgusted and I'm demanding a refund.

*flounces to the bar in a tremendous huff*
You know how I'm always full of doubt about myself and my skills, mainly because that's what I grew up on?

I have been recommanded to get a certificate to state that my English is good. My former English teacher told me I should go for Cambridge Proficiency, as I'm good enough, and she convinced me to give it a go. I got the book, started working my way through, and found that probably due to my complete absense of any academic background I struggled with the exercises - either I used perfect English but didn't do the exercise well, or I did understand the exercise and focussed on it so much I wrote apalling English you'd never catch me doing otherwise.

So I decided to take a course, which started, after a lot of hassle and stress, last week. I was given a test to see what entrance level I am.
In a seperate mail, the teacher told me I had grade A, C2, which is the highest, that I made very few mistakes and that I am very likely to pass the exam in one go..................!

After crying about that for about 15 minutes I decided that I will still need the course to tailor me for the exams, so I am used to the way things will be asked and I will be able to answer accordingly.
But still. Not bad for a drop out with only a librarian diploma (not widely recognized officially even when they should, but well, it's not university so it's not accepted...) with no university or other academic background at all.....

Well, that shouldn't be a surprise to you! You at least write excellent English, so much so that I forgot that it's not your native tongue!

And you're awesome, so quit acting like you're not!

I demand to speak to the management. I had this blasted contraption set to ring bells whenever someone entered this here bar and days and days went by and nothing happened. Then I show up and the place is overrun and Ariadne is crying and no one is properly comforting her with tea and cake!!! Dietarily appropriate cake at that! I'm disgusted and I'm demanding a refund.

*flounces to the bar in a tremendous huff*

@Ariadne - thanks for the happy birthday wishes!

You are awesome and you do write well! I had no idea that English isn't your native language. Sounds like you are being really brave. Good luck with the test!
Thanks everyone!

My friend did tell me that the only person doubting me Well he's probably right but I do need the course.

Goldthru, don't worry, by the time I got here I had stopped crying for a long time but tea is always a good idea.*)

Next class is 5 weeks away, and we've been given a ton of homework to catch up with the two resident students. I'm not getting anywhere with it after a rather stressful week, so I should, and will, definitely do some of it during the weekend.

Sadly I am to read two novels. Now, any good librarian would be doing happy dances now.**) But I have always been a slow reader, worse so when reading in English. I read because I enjoy reading so I don't read fast and normally don't care I do. But I best get going on reading the novels too.
And then there's the matter that I haven't a clue what is being asked of me to do with those two novels.....

*) even so, or maybe particularly so, at metal concerts.
**) you really don't want to see me do that in the first place.
*serves tea

*serves cake

*serves wine

*serves Dew

We're not responsible for other devices in the Bar. Just the cleaning system.

*serves water

*serves sangria

*serves lemon lift
Yeah the toys above the fireplace are added by customers past and pressent.

Which two novels are you gonna read ariadne?
I demand to speak to the management. I had this blasted contraption set to ring bells whenever someone entered this here bar and days and days went by and nothing happened. Then I show up and the place is overrun and Ariadne is crying and no one is properly comforting her with tea and cake!!! Dietarily appropriate cake at that! I'm disgusted and I'm demanding a refund.

*flounces to the bar in a tremendous huff*

Still internet Mom, I see.
Poor kid with no daddy?
Yeah the toys above the fireplace are added by customers past and pressent.

Which two novels are you gonna read ariadne?

From the mail it says Penelope Lively, Family album, which I still have to find somewhere, and F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby which was available for free on my tablet.
Today a little girl, during a birthday party at work, asked me if I would be her daddy. I was both flattered and repulsed.
Fortunately, nobody ever asks me this, nor to be their mommy. I have a complete absense of any maternal feelings. That's probably unnatural but what can you do.
The weirdest thing happening to me was 2 young girls in the public library I then worked in asking me "where my man was" and sadly with my poor humour my reply was "don't ask me, I've been wondering about that for years myself"
Ah, the Great Gatsby. Brings back unpleasant memories of high school english......

*serves Dew

*serves tea

*serves Northern Maine Ice water

*serves wine

8serves sangria
Oh god, what happened to the forum layout. Has it been so long since I've been here that everything now looks terrible? Like going back to a 15 year old game after not playing for years?

Edit: Thinking its about time to get back into D2 again. I wonder if I can get any of the old crew back together. Although probably all gone by now, except Pharphis, I know he is always around. ;)
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Oh god, what happened to the forum layout. Has it been so long since I've been here that everything now looks terrible? Like going back to a 15 year old game after not playing for years?

Edit: Thinking its about time to get back into D2 again. I wonder if I can get any of the old crew back together. Although probably all gone by now, except Pharphis, I know he is always around. ;)

I'm not a crew, but I'm old(ish). Does that count?
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