The Daily -- All Daily, Every Daily

RL: Built a computer today (yesterday) going to go to bed, but when I get up, it's going to be a whole new world. Definitely going to be an upgrade from this 6 and half year old laptop.

D2: Not for the past couple of days, just some rune hunting.

OVG: Hearthstone and whatnot.
RL: Finally most of the snow melted so I could play some football (soccer). It's a good change from all the laziness of the winter.

D2: Leveling a SC Sorc for PvP week, Pindle runs here and there and trying to figure out why I don't like my Furyzon.

OVG: Haven't played anything else in a while. I'm considering re-installing Dragon Age: Origins tho.
RL: I'd rather not say. My flatmate is in love with me and I don't seem to be allowed any guests to the house without some act of verbal contrition to follow in the aftermath. Also I don't seem to be able to hold management in a high regard even though they fail to follow the simplest procedures at the best of times. And that's my fault. Even though I used to be a manager to that high standard I expected all to follow. TLDR: I hit a glass ceiling and I hate my job.

D2: Wha? That game's like ages old.

D3: Pffft. Got a S2 char to 70, got the unlocks and quit.

OVG: Hah. Depression has killed my motivation despite the fact I bought a gaming rig last year. A bit of Alpha Protocol and that's it...
Double congrats, Kitteh!

RL: hanging out with my brother right now, going out to a friend's place to watch all of the Harry Potter films later today.

D2: not at the moment, no.

OVG: Hearthstone and some indie rougelike dungeon-crawlers via steam now that I have a computer capable of playing things made past 2004
I haven't qualified yet :p

A HP marathon? That sounds awesome. Personally I prefer the books, but I would travel up to 23 miles to attend such a marathon :)
That is an oddly specific distance.

Rl: transitioning into a new role at work which will be interesting.

Ovg: picked up stick of truth for $11, so far had been very enjoyable.
RL: I am newly employed! First real job after college, so.... good things to come, hopefully. I start in just over two weeks.

D2: Not recently

OVG: Skyrim
RL: I am newly employed! First real job after college, so.... good things to come, hopefully. I start in just over two weeks.

D2: Not recently

OVG: Skyrim
Nothing good ever comes from working
RL: I am newly employed! First real job after college, so.... good things to come, hopefully. I start in just over two weeks.

D2: Not recently

OVG: Skyrim
Good luck! It will be a different experience from anything you have tried before. It has has it's advantages and disadvantages. For example today I'm still sleeping in my mind, currenty sitting on the tram and I'm late as always. 7:30 am I officially hate you.

D2: two weeks ago, me and my buddies started MPing. It's fun, because we chat on skype in the mean time and drink some booze if we can. Last night we managed to kill nightmare diablo on players 8. We were trying to go untwinked but we couldnt kill shit, so I gave them exceptional uniques. The WW barb got a Hone Sundan, bow amazon uses WWS, the assassin made for herself a Spirit sword. And I, the fanatic zealot hits with a Butcher's Pupil.
My biggest problem is that they deny farming for better gear and want to complete the game on p8. D3 is that too easy? They played previously that rainbow version.
Woo! Congrats, helvete!!

RL: Just had my last day of work yesterday until I start my new job. Movie marathon date tomorrow.

D2: not recently

OVG: Skyrim and Hearthstone (Blackrock Mountain is rolling out, and so far, so fun)
RL: 3034 grams, 49 centimetres, healthy girl with hair after her father :D

D2: Probably not tonight, but a lot while mother and daughter are at the hospital

OVG: Starcraft2 stream and cognac!
RL: 3034 grams, 49 centimetres, healthy girl with hair after her father :D

D2: Probably not tonight, but a lot while mother and daughter are at the hospital

OVG: Starcraft2 stream and cognac!

P.s.: When does she start running Meph? :D
RL: 3034 grams, 49 centimetres, healthy girl with hair after her father :D

The SPF population explosion continues!! Congratulations all round!!!

RL: Finishing off my eighth and ninth MOOC over the Easter break. Waiting for doctors to arrange a few appointments for MrsNix.

D2: My 1.08 Elemental Druid is approaching a date with NM Meph.

OVG: Nope.

Edit: The date with NM Meph went well but we decided you to see each other exclusively. It was a mutual decision!
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Way to go Helvete!

With everyone gettting babies around here i'm wondering where mine is? Or was this something i had to subscribe to?
Thanks folks =)

I currently have a feeling of happiness, purer than anything I've previously experienced! Also, big kudos to the Norwegian (free) health services, as I'm not very sure this would have gone very well without them =)
^holy crap, you've been brainwashed by big gubermint. Everyone knows that the magic hand of the free market will make healthcare accessible and cheap and effective for all
Estimated market value