The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

Buying tickets to Evil Dead the musical :D

Already lined up my dates too, December 4th will be awesome! Woo!
Re: The Noodle Compound

The only musical with a spatter zone,sounds like "The Rocky Horror Show" for your
Re: The Noodle Compound

Man, I LOVE the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Just watched it again a few days ago. I was worried that my date wouldn't want to go if I told them I bought the splatter zone tickets, so I just mentioned it and get a text that says "there better be splatter" :D Awesome!!

Nurman, this computer (server, it runs the trendsetter...) is so old that gmail no longer supports the version of internet explorer it uses. The gmail on the computer is like the gmail on my phone. Its crap. All pictures show as links, and only half of them open. All the smiley I use I gotta spell out, and all smilies used just show as the text lol. I DO get avatar pics though.
Re: The Noodle Compound

The guy who does the layout has a better computer, and when he's gone doing stuff I can use his. And I have a decent computer at home (I think it runs the thing right before vista, so I'm only 2 operating systems behind) It might even run vista, I don't know lol.

Gorny, what is your avatar from?
Re: The Noodle Compound

Ghost Rider with Nicholas Cage? Never seen it, but thats what I was thinking.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Yes :grin: My buddy here at work went to it a few days ago, so I bought tickets when its closer to my town. Go to They're probably showing somewhere near you sometime. There were 3 "splater zone" seats left, and only $9 a seat :)

Re: The Noodle Compound

Off work now, and get to mow 5 acres of lawn... for the last time before snow though, so thats a plus.

Talk to you all later tonight!
Re: The Noodle Compound


Bad Ash, someone told me something HILARIOUSLY funny today about Ash from Evil Dead. im trying to find it, but i don't think i will have much luck. i'll send it to you shortly. instead, here's Lego Ash:

Re: The Noodle Compound

Nothing like a little MJ to start off the day...

Really nothing, lets not do that again lol.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Ooh... I like so much music. If I had to pick an older decade (pre 2000) I would probably pick the 60s. For Led Zepplin, the Beatles, Righteous Bros, Rollin Stones and Bob Dylan. :cloud9:

There were lots of other awesome groups that were big then too, CCR, Bee Gees, Kinks, Jimi Hendrix, etc, etc...

Listening to California Dreamin -- Mamas and papas now.
Re: The Noodle Compound

i really like the Kinks! :D

was going to post some awesome 90s music and i FINALLY just remembered the song i was looking for. but you're into the Classic stuff atm, so.... here. dunno if you know this song, this is the only song i know from them..

Re: The Noodle Compound

Classic rock and progressive metal... mmm Queen :D

Though I think some of the 90's music is good as well.
But I'm in a bad It'll be Jeff Buckley I shall listen to next.
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