1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Sirpoopsalot Ive had the same thought. ive upgraded so Id be happy to test it on my fireball FOH pally and see. He was supposed to go hydras but figured out before it wouldnt work.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Couple things I like:

I hate to say it, but the IM change is good. Sure the casters have a similiar spell, but it is no where near as powerful.
The gloam fix was needed, but that is about all.
Love the windowed scaler, I was about to install virtual XP on my system so I could have a bigger play window since full screen won't load in W7 at all and with a 1920x1080 screen that mini-screen was getting hard to look at(and probably the cause of a few deaths in HC to boot!)
Hydra buff

Things I don't like:
Respecs, I don't mind a one, but three is a little outrageous, though like a previous poster said some tournaments could be interesting.
Seems like the overall change has made the game easier. Both the gloams and IM were things you had to counter, I wish some other buff was made to make the game more challenging.
NO INFERNO/ARTIC BLAST FIX. Come on. This is a fix that is highly desired, infact it is the only one I wanted.
No expanded stash, I understand it on battle.net, but throw the single players a bone and implement it in open/single player.
No ubers added to SP.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

"Post Holiday PTR Update"

Bashiok said:
The legacy team met late last week to decide how to proceed on the 1.13 patch and the decision was made to go back into development to incorporate a few additional changes. While this patch has already seen its fair share of delays we still want to ensure we’re releasing a patch that hits some key community issues. I do want to stress though that while we did look at feedback and responses we’re obviously not going to be able to include everything requested. Our hope is to hit at least a decent portion of what we saw people discussing and correct some of the more severe issues while keeping additional development time as brief as possible.

We don’t have a current estimate for release, and because work is only just beginning on these new changes we won’t be announcing their details. We’ll be keeping everyone updated as to the progress of the patch though, and we hope to see this update on the PTR as soon as possible and then off quickly to a release and ladder reset.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

*Here's hoping they get the final patch out in time for christmas*

*And here's hoping even more that they will include Ubers and the Diablo Clone, which they should have done a long time ago*
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Go Blizzard!

I really wonder why there's no update on anything yet. The crash hack that got out for Warcraft 3 has been patched for some time now so there shouldn't be anything removing complete focus from D2 right now.
Maybe they're settling for April after all :badteeth:
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

[BLUE="http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=23393189431&pageNo=1&sid=3000#0"]The Diablo II Public Test Realm for patch 1.13 is being brought offline as we prepare to deploy a new build that includes additional changes. We'll post patch notes and further information when the update is live. [/BLUE]

Something is happening? :scratchchin:
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Ah, nice. Seems like things are moving a little. Lets hope they include something nice in this next build.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

This makes me happy :D. Not so much that I'm expecting earth shattering improvements over the current beta, but that final *might* be coming soon. I've been really, really craving the game the past week+, and I might take a run around this beta before final goes live.

I find it somewhat odd that Bashiok didn't give the announcement. I wonder what's up with that.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

I just hope they don't make drastic changes, especially regarding rune drops - I liked the increase from 1.12 to the first 1.13 beta and I feel that rune drops are just fine now (at least for us single players, they are still rare but not unobtainable), but the majority of battle.net players are still calling for drastically increased rune drops, as well as a hellforge max rune increase past Gul and something along the lines of a quest (or the new essences/token) allowing you to get high runes easily.

I'm quite happy with the current 1.13 build and would be content for it to be the final 1.13 build.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

And I hope they continue with the reduced IM in Chaos Sanctuary, at least until I start playing again and take a physical melee build for a run again. My random tourney TS/DTailer (or was it some other tourney? GwE? jeez, idk) wants revenge from the grave, for sure.
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

A whole lotta meh...at least for us SP folks...

EDIT - Good Call jjscud. Hopefully that name catches on.
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Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

I dub this patch

1.13b The Drop Mod

Also, lightning mastery nerf was removed from the list and mercs will automatically re-apply item based auras when res'ed
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

What jjscud means, is that rune drops have been greatly increased. It seems as though 1.10-1.12 to 1.13 sees Zod being a lot more common in 1.13b.

I definitely don't like this change at all.

EDIT: Fixed my numbers, I thought Zod was 2x more common in 1.13, my mistake. It looks like a 5x for all rune drops according to jjscud, from 1.13a->1.13b.

EDIT2: Ignore any numbers I said about 8x or 5x above, I have looked into it, results are summarized in my later post in this same thread: http://www.purediablo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7451591&postcount=569
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Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

- When creating a single player game, pressing the 'Enter' key now
automatically creates a Hell difficulty game if possible.
Still doesn't work :(

@DC. Zod was 4 times as common in the first 1.13 beta compared to 1.12, wasn't it? Now it's an additional 8 times as common than what it was in the first beta? Or "just" 16 times as common as 1.12?
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Where does it say the rune drops have been increased again? It seems to me nothing has changed about that.

However, the Act 5 mercenary name change is no longer listed; I guess they were too embarrased about that? :p
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Since I'm about to start a lightning sorceress, I'm glad they removed the lightning mastery nerf.

Is it confirmed that rune drops have been further increased since the last beta? I actually won't mind that, as long as they aren't so common that they start dropping left and right. It just means more playing and less running for me, which should equal more fun.

I also didn't see the part about reduced damage from gloams anymore. Did they remove that as well?

Anyone know what the issues with stacked auras were? Something like dual Dream not possible anymore?
Re: 1.13 Public Test Realm online!

Since I'm about to start a lightning sorceress, I'm glad they removed the lightning mastery nerf.

Is it confirmed that rune drops have been further increased since the last beta? I actually won't mind that, as long as they aren't so common that they start dropping left and right. It just means more playing and less running for me, which should equal more fun.

I also didn't see the part about reduced damage from gloams anymore. Did they remove that as well?

Anyone know what the issues with stacked auras were? Something like dual Dream not possible anymore?

Rune drop odds were definitely dropped to through the floor. As an odd side effect though, everything was lowered so much that is somewhat unlikely to make it to the bottom of the list so El is rarer than Hel now. Yes, it was 4x for zod in 1.13a and 1.13b adds 5x for everything so 20x for Zod compared to 1.12.

The gloam damage "fix" was for the physical damage so adding/removing it is pointless.

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