The Certain Death Tournament.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Sounds good, i'm in.

I'll be starting my first ever (first ever completed) trap-sin.
we'll see how that works. i'll check the stickies for advice.

Forum Name      Character       Class            Location         Level
Bluechip        Sickness        Poison Javazon   Cold Plains      8
wakiki          BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains      6
nermind         EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Camp       1
Brutass         Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Camp       1
HanShotFirst    Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Camp       1
Morathi         Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Camp       1
EmperorMoo      FineFingers     Strafeazon       Rogue Camp	  1
Tarantella      Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field      13
Kefka           Fergie          Trappa           Rogue camp       1
best of luck everyone
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Better start trying out tournaments sometime. With no thought behind it whatsoever I am now entering with Blade, the BF/Light trapsin.

Forum Name      Character       Class            Location         Level
Bluechip        Sickness        Poison Javazon   Cold Plains      8
wakiki          BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains      6
nermind         EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Camp       1
Brutass         Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Camp       1
HanShotFirst    Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Camp       1
Morathi         Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Camp       1
EmperorMoo      FineFingers     Strafeazon       Rogue Camp	  1
Tarantella      Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field      13
Kefka           Fergie          Trappa           Rogue camp       1
Galningen       Blade           BF/Light Traps   Rogue Camp       1

First HC char, this can never end well :whistling:
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Ugh well I'm dead. Rushed into the barracks at level 15 with ~70 life, got frozen in the middle of a bunch of devilkin and fire mages = gg. I'll enter again, this time with Inevitability, the soon to be dead sorceress.

I like the name, because it hints at her impending demise, and ironically has 'vita' right in the name.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Forum Name      Character       Class            Location         Level
Bluechip        Sickness        Poison Javazon   Cold Plains      8
wakiki          BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains      6
nermind         EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Camp       1
Brutass         Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Camp       1
HanShotFirst    Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Camp       1
Morathi         Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Camp       1
EmperorMoo      FineFingers     Strafeazon       Rogue Camp	  1
Tarantella      Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field      13
Kefka           Fergie          Trappa           Rogue camp       1
Galningen       Blade           BF/Light Traps   Rogue Camp       1
poops           ??????          ES/GS            Rogue camp       1

I'm going to do this in SC, since part of my intent is to eventually write a guide - and dying in HC could complicate that :p. I wanted to do a single-pass/untwinked build to test before the writing the guide anyways, so this tournament is a good reason.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I'm diving in with an assassin named GlassCannon. So much for common sense... :)

Still wondering about the merc situation with characters who won't have a summons till level 30. This might apply to an assassin too.

[highlight]JayeM, GlassCannon, Assassin, Rogue Camp, 4[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Forum Name      Character       Class            Location         Level
Bluechip        Sickness        Poison Javazon   Cold Plains      8
wakiki          BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains      6
nermind         EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Camp       1
Brutass         Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Camp       1
HanShotFirst    Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Camp       1
Morathi         Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Camp       1
EmperorMoo      FineFingers     Strafeazon       Rogue Camp       1
Tarantella      Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field      13
Kefka           Fergie          Trappa           Rogue Camp       1
Galningen       Blade           BF/Light Traps   Rogue Camp       1
poops           ??????          ES/GS            Rogue camp       1
JayeM           GlassCannon     Assassin         Rogue Camp       4
ancalagon       Shatterproof    Strafer          Cold Plains      6

I named her Shatterproof, in hopes that, despite being a glass cannon, she won't shatter.

WRT the single pass rule: does this rule out clearing half of a level, then getting the waypoint, then coming back later and clearing out the rest? Are you meant to clear out the entire level before getting the WP?
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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

First one to "Lionheart" wins!

Wakiki, the No Vitality Tournament was a runaway success. Hopefully this one is similar. Are absorbing items allowed? For instance, Blackhorn's Face, Dwarf Star and Ravenfrost can boost resistances indirectly. If I missed it, my humble apologies!

Deerslayer is still alive and watching this closely...
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Well, continued quite a bit, this char is really being enjoyable... so far p8 full clears, except for... countess, who kindly dropped tal and eth. Finally changed my hand axe for a scepter socketed with a chipped sapphire and a chipped ruby. My first S/U dropped from the corpse of a rogue, Death Hand... nice but if I use it I go over 50% poison resist since my mf boots got poison resist... So far have been selling everything that dropped... let's see how long my patience lasts for this... 1 more level and I will go into gambling frenzy for some of luck boots and gloves... so far over 50k saved for the purpose.

Forum Name      Character       Class            Location         Level
PepitoSari        Kratos            Barbarian         OuterCloister    16
Tarantella      Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field      13
Bluechip        Sickness        Poison Javazon   Cold Plains      8
wakiki          BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains      6
nermind         EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Camp       1
Brutass         Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Camp       1
HanShotFirst    Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Camp       1
Morathi         Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Camp       1
EmperorMoo      FineFingers     Strafeazon       Rogue Camp	  1
scrcrw          Kaiko           Ninja            Rogue Camp       1
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I'm doing something similar to this in the Sept tournament (which I need to update tonight). I'm seeing how far I can get into the game untwinked with no stat points placed at all on each character. I might take any knowledge I gain in my attempts (likely none, lol) and give this tourney a try.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Forum Name     Character       Class            Location               Level
Bluechip       Sickness        Poison Javazon   Barracks               15 RIP
PepitoSari     Kratos          Barbarian        Outer Cloister         16
Tarantella     Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field            13
wakiki         BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains            6
ancalagon      Shatterproof    Strafer          Cold Plains            6
JayeM          Glasscannon     Assassin         Rogue Encampment       4
nermind        EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Encampment       1
Brutass        Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Encampment       1
HanShotFirst   Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Encampment       1
Mournblade     Mouse           Golemancer       Rogue Encampment       1
kavarin        Roadkill        Fire/Wolf        Rogue Encampment       1
Morathi        Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Encampment       1
EmperorMoo     FineFingers     Strafezon        Rogue Encampment       1
scrcrw         Kaiko           Ninja            Rogue Encampment       1
Kefka          Fergie          Trappa           Rogue Encampment       1
Galningen      Blade           Bf/Light Traps   Rogue Encampment       1
Bluechip       Inevitability   Sorceress        Rogue Encampment       1
sirpoopsalot   ???             ES/GS Sorc       Rogue Encampment       1

R.I.P., Sickness. Sickness is currently in the lead despite the fact that she is a lower level, because the Barracks is farther in the game than the Outer Cloister. Bluechip, I'd say that's a pretty fitting tribute for the first character death. Do you agree? Also, I really like the name of your character as well. I would have never noticed the "vita" if you hadn't pointed that out. :)

WRT the single pass rule: does this rule out clearing half of a level, then getting the waypoint, then coming back later and clearing out the rest? Are you meant to clear out the entire level before getting the WP?

That's awkward to do, but if you want to it's fine. I'd hate it if a Gull dagger dropped from a pack somewhere near the edge between where I'd explored and where I hadn't. I wouldn't know what to do!

Just looking for a bit of clarification on the merc/summon rule. You state one or the other. Would that mean that if I wanted to be a druid and have a bear in the future I could not use a mercenary for levels 1-29 until the bear becomes available. I'd have to go mercenaryless from the start? That's my guess but just making sure.

Edit: Another question. What about skills that boost resistances, like Fade and Natural Resistance. Can I have 50 resistance from equipment and then use Fade, or is it 50 max including skill bonus?

Mercs: that's an interesting point. I'll update the merc rules. The rule is going to be that you can use mercs until you get your summon, and you have to get your summon at the earliest level, at which point you kill your merc.

Resists: you can't go over with those skills. I'm thinking like this: when you get those skills in normal play, you are aiming to get your resists to 75, and getting those skills allows you to use slots for other mods when they would have been used for resists. Here it's the same, the target is just 50 is all.

Wakiki, the No Vitality Tournament was a runaway success. Hopefully this one is similar. Are absorbing items allowed? For instance, Blackhorn's Face, Dwarf Star and Ravenfrost can boost resistances indirectly. If I missed it, my humble apologies!

I hope so, too. :) Absorb items are allowed.

Welcome to the new players! And a double welcome for scrcrw. I love seeing people register for my tournaments. I'd recommend posting an introduction thread.

[highlight]Rule Change Alert![/highlight]
I changed my mind about Crafts. Since they are made with Runes, which are limited, I've allowed them, no matter how much life they have. People will probably try for Blood belts with this. Sorry for changing the rules like this. In this case, I thought of it before it became an issue, which is nice. Not so with summoners and mercs. :\ Here's the new rule for mercenaries:

If you are a summon user, you may use a merc until you get your planned summon, at which point you must strip your merc of its gear and kill it. You must do this when your summon first becomes available. For example, let's say you are a Valkzon. You kill a flayer and get level 30. Now it's time to put your first point in Valkyrie, strip the gear off your merc, get him killed, and then summon your Valkyrie. If you are a Druid planning on using Bears, you have the choice of getting a merc early but never summoning a wolf, or summoning wolves and never using your merc. Once you get level 30, it's time to kill your merc and make your bear.

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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Tane has begun his quest and completed the den and currently running around the Cold Plains. No problems, no issues, no dramas, no finds
A question though - is oak sage and/or heart of the wolverine allowed since they add to life of you and your party?
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Yep, all spirits are allowed. (Does HoW really add life? o_O)
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Yep, all spirits are allowed. (Does HoW really add life? o_O)

Well one of those skills lol, wasn't sure on HoW since i'm at work and can't check. Thanks for clarification Wakiki

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Thanks for the welcome, wakiki. Also my condolences to Bluechip for his premature loss ;)

Fragile little Kaiko has been progressing nicely along her way to the tree of Inifuss (just arrived in dark wood). Full clears on /players 8 until now. Burst of Speed helps a lot. She also discovered that max block with a (rare) buckler is actually doable when you don't have to put points in vita. Additionally a fortune of over 70k gold is waiting to be gambled away. No interesting drops so far.

I actually killed of my rogue merc as soon as I got her (so as not to risk breaking the rules). This led to my first and only nde, when I let her get trapped in a corner by a cursed boss + minions. After the merc had died, I suddenly realized that I was trapped in the same corner... :thumbup: Thanks to her first purple potions Kaiko prevailed.
Hope I will actually make to lvl 18 for the shadow warrior.

Forum Name     Character       Class            Location               Level
Bluechip       Sickness        Poison Javazon   Barracks               15 RIP
PepitoSari     Kratos          Barbarian        Outer Cloister         16
scrcrw         Kaiko           Ninja            Dark Wood              14
Tarantella     Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field            13
wakiki         BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains            6
ancalagon      Shatterproof    Strafer          Cold Plains            6
JayeM          Glasscannon     Assassin         Rogue Encampment       4
nermind        EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Encampment       1
Brutass        Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Encampment       1
HanShotFirst   Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Encampment       1
Mournblade     Mouse           Golemancer       Rogue Encampment       1
kavarin        Roadkill        Fire/Wolf        Rogue Encampment       1
Morathi        Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Encampment       1
EmperorMoo     FineFingers     Strafezon        Rogue Encampment       1
Kefka          Fergie          Trappa           Rogue Encampment       1
Galningen      Blade           Bf/Light Traps   Rogue Encampment       1
Bluechip       Inevitability   Sorceress        Rogue Encampment       1
sirpoopsalot   ???             ES/GS Sorc       Rogue Encampment       1

[HIGHLIGHT] scrcrw, Kaiko, Assassin, Dark Wood, 14 [/HIGHLIGHT]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Forum Name     Character       Class            Location               Level
Bluechip       Sickness        Poison Javazon   Barracks               15 RIP
PepitoSari     Kratos          Barbarian        Outer Cloister         16
sirpoopsalot   QuestionMarks   ES/GS Sorc       Dark Wood              15
scrcrw         Kaiko           Ninja            Dark Wood              14
Tarantella     Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field            13
wakiki         BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains            6
ancalagon      Shatterproof    Strafer          Cold Plains            6
JayeM          Glasscannon     Assassin         Rogue Encampment       4
nermind        EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Encampment       1
Brutass        Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Encampment       1
HanShotFirst   Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Encampment       1
Mournblade     Mouse           Golemancer       Rogue Encampment       1
kavarin        Roadkill        Fire/Wolf        Rogue Encampment       1
Morathi        Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Encampment       1
EmperorMoo     FineFingers     Strafezon        Rogue Encampment       1
Kefka          Fergie          Trappa           Rogue Encampment       1
Galningen      Blade           Bf/Light Traps   Rogue Encampment       1
Bluechip       Inevitability   Sorceress        Rogue Encampment       1

Pushed pretty hard this afternoon, though the going is slow. 60 life isn't a whole lot, even for this early on. No NDE's though, as I've been drinking life & mana potions liberally. I have IceBlast up to level 7, which is tearing through things at a pretty good pace, even on /players8. I'm still mixing in some melee too, but I don't think that's going to last much longer. BloodRaven was a lot of fun since she spawned with a cold-damage bow.

I've done full-clears so far, /p8 the entire way, and am about ready to step into the Black Marsh.

[highlight]sirpoopsalot, QuestionMarks, DarkWood, 15[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Amarantine made it safely to inner cloisters at p8 then switched to p1 and plague javelin for a quick run through the catacombs. Gambled 60k improving pilums, boots(with 10frw) and gloves. Dropped an axe of fechmar as first unique, an el off the countess and after setting up Klaudia(45mf) for the finishing shot on Andariel,she dropped a magnificent 3 gems(adding to her 50 plus chips) and nothing else.:thumbsup:

So she currently stands at

Tarantella Amarantine Skirmisher Lut Gholein level 19
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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

[highlight]Rule Change Alert![/highlight]
I changed my mind about Crafts. Since they are made with Runes, which are limited, I've allowed them, no matter how much life they have. People will probably try for Blood belts with this. Sorry for changing the rules like this. In this case, I thought of it before it became an issue, which is nice.

Can't some crafts get of the whale? If so, this is a huge change that could make things a lot easier, at least for the life boosters (Druids / Barbs).

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

You can get more life with Crafts than with other methods, but it's probably as hard to get a craft with good life and other decent mods as it is to find a Unique or Set, so I'm hoping it's balanced. Blood belts will probably be the most common crafts. A perfect Colossus roll is 60 and a perfect blood recipe roll is 20. If you roll the Colossus, there is a 1:200 chance of this happening. The difference is having a guarantee of 81-100 health vs. a limited chance to get 51-80 health.

What do you guys think of this rule? There's still time to change it.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I actually killed of my rogue merc as soon as I got her (so as not to risk breaking the rules). This led to my first and only nde, when I let her get trapped in a corner by a cursed boss + minions. After the merc had died, I suddenly realized that I was trapped in the same corner... :thumbup: Thanks to her first purple potions Kaiko prevailed.

You are allowed to use a merc until you reach the level were you can summon, so you could use it up until 18, then get it kill and summon shadow warrior.

Forum Name     Character       Class            Location               Level
Bluechip       Sickness        Poison Javazon   Barracks               15 RIP
PepitoSari     Kratos          Barbarian             Jail          18
scrcrw         Kaiko           Ninja            Dark Wood              14
Tarantella     Amarantine      Skirmisher       Stony Field            13
wakiki         BathtubPancake  Chargadin        Cold Plains            6
ancalagon      Shatterproof    Strafer          Cold Plains            6
JayeM          Glasscannon     Assassin         Rogue Encampment       4
nermind        EatMyBones      Necromancer      Rogue Encampment       1
Brutass        Tane            Summon Druid     Rogue Encampment       1
HanShotFirst   Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       Rogue Encampment       1
Mournblade     Mouse           Golemancer       Rogue Encampment       1
kavarin        Roadkill        Fire/Wolf        Rogue Encampment       1
Morathi        Oliver          Ranger/Smitadin  Rogue Encampment       1
EmperorMoo     FineFingers     Strafezon        Rogue Encampment       1
Kefka          Fergie          Trappa           Rogue Encampment       1
Galningen      Blade           Bf/Light Traps   Rogue Encampment       1
Bluechip       Inevitability   Sorceress        Rogue Encampment       1
sirpoopsalot   ???             ES/GS Sorc       Rogue Encampment       1

[HIGHLIGHT] Kratos, Barbarian, Jail, 18 [/HIGHLIGHT]

Estimated market value