Your D2 moment 0f 2006 & ambitions for 2007

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Got bored with the game and drifted on to other games, picked it up again now and then, but dident get hooked again untill lately, where I threw all my old stuf and characters away and started all over again. Now finding a dol rune or a set item is exciting, and the game is fresh and fun again.

Getting my amazon to matriarch, and I miss my metaorb, so I guess I'll have to make a new one. And finding time to play some mp with my husband would be fun too :laugh:
2006: Doing a complete restart due to death of computer. Actually sticking with the directions for a cookie-cutter character (Meteorb) who can run bosses.

2007: Finally get LeapKingBrad project going (IK set given by bradley_turner ages and ages ago, to make a Leap Attack barb), try not to make a zillion restricted characters all at once, keep hunting rare items with Valencia to make twinked characters in 2008, pat her and fishymancer, and keep my HC Obsession sorcs alive (one in tourney, one just for fun). If I meet all those goals, mat/pat some severely restricted and themed builds & write about them.
2006: Winning three SPF tournaments ("Tournament of the Scavenger," "The Diablo Players Thespian Tournament" and "The Three Monsters Tournament").

2007: My New Year's resolution is to get serious about my HC grail. I have 98 items left, including Rainbow facets and high runes. Most of those need to be found from either Pindle (who I've always hated running, but have started to run lately) or from TC85 areas. My goal by the end of the year is to get the # of outstanding items down to 30.
2006: Finally making a Patriarch that wasn't a Barbarian, Quickdeath's Scavenger Hunts, the MFOs, the MFL, the SPF.

2007: Find the elusive IKSC to Patriarch another Barbarian, make a Mavina's equipped Amazon my first Matriarch.
2006: Gambling a Stormlash, finding a Lo then using RWM to make Fortitude, getting a non-barb to Patriarch.

2007: Getting my "stranded" characters through the game before I start a new one.
2006: Definitely finding my first Bartuc's. Matting my untwinked Tiger Striker using two Strength claws took the majority of the year. So when I finally found my first unique claw (thanks Andarial!), there was much rejoicing. Especially since I found my second Um a mere 10 minutes later. The Duress that ensued essentially turned my little assassin into a PvM lawnmower.

2007: Find an Ohm. The first Um I found has been sitting in my stash for about 8 months, just waiting to go into a Chaos. I also wouldn't mind finding a Natalya's mark. Even though Nat's set probably isn't as good as the setup I've currently got, I'd still like to complete it and just see how it plays.
2006: Quitting B.Net and joining the SPF.

2007: Get my Single player carerre up and running with lots of twinking gear and nice MF chars and maybe build some kind of PvP'er, althou I am not a big fan of PvP, It's just a good challenge to make a decent PvP char and do well with him.
2006: Playing the game again. Due to my job needs, I had to quit for a long time. I took the game again around mid-year and then took another almost 2 months of non-diablo. I pat'ed my fishymancer and then currently playing my blizzballer. I admit that I'm surprised of playing caster type chars, since I mostly play melee type. Best find was the ever-elusive SoJ, courtesy of meph.

2007: Well, bringing my blizzballer to a high enough level to run hell meph, pinndle and baal (I don't care if she isn't the fastest running char, I'm having loads of fun and that's what really counts). Getting some good weapons-armor and starting a melee king (Barb or Paladin surely)
2006: Joined a few SP tournaments and even won one (6 of one, half dozen of the other). Finished a few Matriarchs/Patriarchs (Avenger, Frost Zealot, Summon Necromancer, Strafazon). Oddly enough, even though I love the Paladins my Strafazon was the most enjoyable character.

2007: Finish off the characters I currently have in progress before starting anymore. Solve the game with one character of each class (still need Druid, Assasin and Barbarian).
2006: Realized that no matter what game(s) I play, I always return to D2 LoD. Guess this game offers me way more than any other game I ever played.

2007: Stop planning to make certain chars in a certain way, certain amount, double-triple-etc, but just make a char (or several) that I feel like making right at that moment. Really, plan too much, and the game starts to lose some of its fun... So planning has been thrown out of the window!
06 - I don't really know exactly. Spent most of '06 off d2 actually. Probably a Jah or it was the year before? Boh.

07 - It's obvious: Tyrael's
2006: 3/3/3 darkforcespawn, Quiting realm emptying my hc and sc realm chars to friends ive amde over 5 years off realm play.

2007: Deck my hc java zon with godlys, (griffons, eth titans, coh/fort, cta) those being the godlies ^^.
2006: Didn't get to play much diablo but I did three good things. Patted a fanazealot , fishymancer , and a fury rabies druid. I guardianed one hammerdin in the early 06 year.

2007: Complete my hc sept just started. Mf away at my hc (trading) grail and hopefully get close. Lk run for days on end for some roons!

Also Im not sure why your biology is year 12. Im in my 11th year of highschool (junior) and I did biology in my freshmen (9th) year. Right now im actually taking chemistry which is normal for 11th. Next year where you take bio im "supposed" to be taking physics. This is according to nyc anyways. My school is teh ghey nubz!!111!
2006 highlight: Getting back into the PvP scene a little bit. I still miss GM duels though :(

2007 goals: Finish off my ES/Orb Sorc and Charger so when I next have net access I'll be able to pwnify everyone :D
2006: Realized that no matter what game(s) I play, I always return to D2 LoD. Guess this game offers me way more than any other game I ever played.

My exact thoughts!

2006: - finally finding an IKSC (even though in hunting for it i had found
many rarer items)
- playing D2 heavily early in the year and then going to play other
games (Oblivion (big letdown could have been so much better), Star
Wars Empire at War (ok.. but just couldnt get into it really)
WoW (Got to 60 yet couldnt afford the lack of freedom scheduling
playtime and also the setup of items (tiers etc)) a few others in there
MTW2, revisted C&C's etc... Yet I came back to D2 and picked up
pretty much where I left off :)

2007: -Try and get into PvP more
- Manage to compete in the MLD single pass tourney
- Find an Azurewrath
- Find Mav's bow
- Find another tombreaver, preferably with more than 1 socket this
time *grumble* :)
- Pretty much just keep chipping away at the grail
- Play some of my 'Pirate' party of 7 (all chars using the IK set)
- Work on baal running either with my current Blizzardess or any other
of my prospective runners
- Pat some of my characters before i start new ones (bul kathos
Frenzy barb (43), trangs poisonmancer (34), leap attack barb (44),
Novasorc (20) Trapsin (17) and many more)

Best of luck to everyone in the new year! :smiley:

2006: Probably finishing off my enigma or finding a Jah rune.

2007: Want to make some more PvP chars.

edit: @TheGentleMan the only one that will be "pwnified" is you my friend :cool:
2006: Mating my Mageazon after over 15 months of play and Pating a Freezealot, first melee char in 1.10. Running the Countess 1K, which is most I have run a single target. Also a couple of good finds like DF and 2x SoJs 40ED/-15 req jewel, staying self-found makes those finds more enjoyable to me.

2007: Pating a Poison/Summoner, build an Assassin, Druid, Barb and Fanatazealot. Give HC a try, get my Fishymancer to L95 then retire him. Not planning to much Find more stuff, make some runewords no specific plans around this.
2006:Joining this great forum...

2007:There i have just one target:Complete septumvirate (maby septamvirate, i'm not sure) untwincked Vanilla Guardians (1.11)

Edit 2006:Damn, i forget, that i found my first SOJ ever :grin:
2006: participating in my first tournament and not doing half bad (aside from the MFO and UGT, the first due to computer, second due to me lacking time and sucking)

2007: I want to say complete the grail or grail -1, but lady luck hasn't been with me for a while, so maybe get a character to clvl94, beating my current record of 93.
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