X-men mafia game thread

mhmm mmm hhm   mhmh hm mh   hhmh hh mh mhh   hm   mhh mmm hhm mhhh hmhh h   hhh hmmh hm mhmh h   mhhh mhmm   hhhh hh m m hh mh mmh   m hhhh h   hhh hmmh hm mhmh h mhhh hm hmh   m hmm hh mhmh h   hh mh   m hhhh h   hhmh hh mh mhh   mhhh mmm mhhm   hm mh mhh   m hhhh h mh   hmmh hhm m   hh mh   hm   hhmh mmm hmh hmm hm hmh mhh   hhh hmhh hm hhh hhhh   hm hhh   m hhhh h   hmh h hmmh hmhh hm mhmh h mm h mh m   hmm hhhh hh mhmh hhhh   hh mh   mm mmm hhh m   mm mmm hmh hhh h   mhmh mmm mhh h   m hmh hm mh hhh hmhh hm m mmm hmh hhh   hh hhh   hhhh mmm hmm   m mmm   hhh hhhh mmm hmm   m hhhh h   mhhh hmh h hm mhm   mhhh h m hmm h h mh   hmm mmm hmh mhh hhh   m hhhh hh hhh   hhh hhhh mmm hhm hmhh mhh   hmh h hhh hhm hmhh m   hh mh   hhmh hm hhh m h hhh m   hm mh mhh   h hm hhh hh h hhh m   m hmh hm mh hhh hmhh hm m hh mmm mh hhh

you can find a double space by hitting the spacebar twice in the find box and then put in a forward slash as the replacement which in most morse code translators is how to show the break between words this should result in fastest and easiest translations

My Find...Replace wouldn't recognize a double space as a target. I tried space and double space and even triple space after I noticed them in the code blocks.
you can find a double space by hitting the spacebar twice in the find box and then put in a forward slash as the replacement which in most morse code translators is how to show the break between words this should result in fastest and easiest translations

My Find...Replace wouldn't recognize a double space as a target. I tried space and double space and even triple space after I noticed them in the code blocks.

Please place quotations or something around the parts that Drixx says!
Also, Drixx, the Spaces are lost in the translator. It seems as though it will only read the morse code and then lumps them all together. This isn't a problem of double spacing or using code.
hh hmmmmh mm hhh mmm hmh hmh mhmm mmh hhm mhmm hhh hh m hmh hh h mhh m mmm mm hm mhm h hh m hmhh h hhh hhh hmmh hm hh mh hhmh hhm hmhh
drixx: "you can find a double space by hitting the spacebar twice in the find box and then put in a forward slash as the replacement which in most morse code translators is how to show the break between words this should result in fastest and easiest translations"

My Find...Replace wouldn't recognize a double space as a target. I tried space and double space and even triple space after I noticed them in the code blocks.

Fixed that for me. I had been only translating, and saving my responses for another post. I will keep that going from now on, if I do anymore translating. Also, I agree with post 203, I think the translator only notices dashes and dots, and ignores everything else, so, it all gets jumbled together no matter what you paste into the translator to act as a space. I will try with a forward slash, as per Drixx suggestion.

It's fine. Just...do your thing.
hh hmmmmh mm hhh mmm hmh hmh mhmm mmh hhm mhmm hhh hh m hmh hh h mhh m mmm mm hm mhm h hh m hmhh h hhh hhh hmmh hm hh mh hhmh hhm hmhh

i ' m s o r r y g u y s i t r i e d t o m a k e i t l e s s p a i n f u l
Since I doubt anybody will care to figure out my last comment...
Drixx, just type normally, enter it into a binary translator.
Replace m with 0
Replace h with 1

Everybody else,
Replace 0 with m
Replace 1 with h
enter it into a binary translator

problem with formatting and spaces solved.
When I Find...Replace " " with "/" then m and h, and paste into the translator, those are the results I got. That is still easier to read, even without adding the spaces back in by hand.
Drixx: I just fried find and replace on spaces to make all of the spaces 1's. It worked! And 1 can be translated to Morse Code. So just Find and Replace all spaces to 1's, then translate to morse code, then on our end we can just find and replace all 1's with spaces! Problem solved.
Since I doubt anybody will care to figure out my last comment...
Drixx, just type normally, enter it into a binary translator.
Replace m with 0
Replace h with 1

Everybody else,
Replace 0 with m
Replace 1 with h
enter it into a binary translator

problem with formatting and spaces solved.
Let's just continue with Morse Code so we don't get anyone confused.
From this:
This is an example.
01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101 00101110
mhmhmhmm mhhmhmmm mhhmhmmh mhhhmmhh mmhmmmmm mhhmhmmh mhhhmmhh mmhmmmmm mhhmmmmh mhhmhhhm mmhmmmmm mhhmmhmh mhhhhmmm mhhmmmmh mhhmhhmh mhhhmmmm mhhmhhmm mhhmmhmh mmhmhhhm

To this:
mhmhmhmm mhhmhmmm mhhmhmmh mhhhmmhh mmhmmmmm mhhmhmmh mhhhmmhh mmhmmmmm mhhmmmmh mhhmhhhm mmhmmmmm mhhmmhmh mhhhhmmm mhhmmmmh mhhmhhmh mhhhmmmm mhhmhhmm mhhmmhmh mmhmhhhm
01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101 00101110
This is an example.
But for now, can we just stick to Morse Code? It will just confuse everyone if we don't.
hh   mm hm mhmm   mmm mh hmhh mhmm   hmmh hm hhh m h   m hhhh h   hmhh h m m h hmh hhh   hhhh   hm mh mhh   mm   hm mh mhh   mh mmm m hhhh hh mh mmh   h hmhh hhh h   hm mh mhh   mm mmm hmh hhh h   mhmh mmm mhh h   hmh h hhh hhm hmhh m hhh   hh mh   m hhhh h   hhh hhhh mmm hmh m h hhh m   mm h hhh hhh hm mmh h hhh

Well Zokar is suggesting changing 'h' and 'm' to '0' and '1' in stead of '.' and '-'. It's the same basic idea, just in binary.

I only want to keep the type of translation consistent, for both future reference and consistency.

Well Zokar is suggesting changing 'h' and 'm' to '0' and '1' in stead of '.' and '-'. It's the same basic idea, just in binary.

I only want to keep the type of translation consistent, for both future reference and consistency.

I was just suggesting instead of ._ you start with 10 and then convert to mh. The only reason I even cared to suggest it was because the complaints about formatting, space, punctuation, capitalization and such. You can't have those using the way you're doing now but can with the way I'm suggesting.

If it doesn't really matter to you all and don't care about making it harder to read, then please continue. Just trying to make things easier is all.
I like Zokar's binary suggestion, but, can you just imagine the wall that Drixx could potentially post, if he had access to punctuation right now? Just look at what "This is an example." turned into! Imagine that, times a significantly larger Drixx post. The m's and h's post would be longer than Graham's number!

(stick to morse code)
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