Wow Thx Pindle

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was the guy who dropped it up in the corner or something? i see no body from whence it came, did you pick it up and take to a safe place to take a picture?
kind of i mean i aint gonna stop and take a screen shot in a middle of a fight :) just no guys on screen pindle is not dead yet but u can't see him
:D how many sockets did it get?
I think he picked it up and dropped it in the corner, I was in there when it dropped, but didn't bother to pick it up. :) (although I think it was a zombie, not pindle dropped it)
Those minions can actually drop a nice item once in a while. I got a Phase Blade from them once. The lightsabre's stats really sucked though. :(

I hope your Rune Master was better. It is a great find when Pindleskin's cronies drop something.
nice, in fact, damn nice :D i dont really think that map hack is "cheating" as it doesnt really change how you play, or alter drops, or anything, but yours is different than the one i used to have before i reformatted, it has the handy item levels of the stuff :D
TekkaZeroX said:
Those minions can actually drop a nice item once in a while. I got a Phase Blade from them once. The lightsabre's stats really sucked though. :(

I hope your Rune Master was better. It is a great find when Pindleskin's cronies drop something.
You actually bother to kill those zombies? I (my frenzy barb, find item is nice) just run pass them, leap into the pindle pack and pray they (outside zombies) don't wake up, those damn charges hurts. :D
NSXdreamer said:
You actually bother to kill those zombies? I (my frenzy barb, find item is nice) just run pass them, leap into the pindle pack and pray they (outside zombies) don't wake up, those damn charges hurts. :D
I have to fight them when I have to get my body back or save my mercenary’s life. ;)
Nice find... especially being near-perfect. I always looked at the Rune Master and thought how great it would be if you had a perfect one and loaded it with 5 Ohm runes (the ettin axe has the highest avg damage of any one-handed weapon... other than the legendary mallet) and this baby would get +520% enhanced damage... pretty nice, huh? Just theoretical obviously... but the sockets allow for some nice customization.
ya well i got nothing for those sockets yet :( but i will find some high % ed jewels and maybe fill it with ohm's and ber's LOL.
SgtTMan420 said:
ya well i got nothing for those sockets yet :( but i will find some high % ed jewels and maybe fill it with ohm's and ber's LOL.

ooh, never thought of Ber runes... since we are on the subject of theoretical socketing... 5 Bers would get you 100% Chance of Crushing Blow. That weapon would make Hell Baal cry.
Awesome find there.

I don't think anyone will get mad about the maphack. If they do, they can bugger off. I honestly could care less if someone used maphack or not.

Very nice find! :clap:
Congrats, it is nice find! :)

But socketing it with Bers/Ohms is huge waste, rather use them to make runewords or wait until you get better weapon to socket

I think this would be one of the best Blade Fury weapons available - ultimate customization to make up for any weak points in the build - plus you get a fast attack speed without heavy investment in IAS gear - Just think about it :)
i know my zealot pally would really like this weapon but i gotta figure wut to put in it. any suggestions be realistick
SgtTMan420 said:
i know my zealot pally would really like this weapon but i gotta figure wut to put in it. any suggestions be realistick

Well some kind of comnination of Amns and Shaels will do fine. The amount of Shales socketed of course depends on how much IAS you have on your other gear :)
Nice find...I have a 3 socket and 4 socket, no where near that damage though.

I don't care too much about maphack either, in b-net it's a cheat, but in SP since we keep the map, who cares.
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