This just in...

Re: This just in...

Alrighty... Games should be fairly easy.

1) Planescape: Torment
2) Fallout 2
3) Final Fantasy 6 (3 in the US)
4) Warcraft 3 Mod - DotA (I assume it doesn't have to be a singleplayer game)
5) Diablo 2 (duh?)

Pet... Hm... I think this guy:


I will call him Mr.Wigglesworth. (Anyone who knows what this critter is off the top of his head wins +10 approval :badteeth: )
Re: This just in...

1. Diablo II + LoD + ATMA + RWM + Trenshadow + modding tools
Greatest game ever, and quite easy to mod post-1.10. Once I'd found enough Zods to make indestructible verions of every possible ethereal unique, then I'd spend a fair chunk of the next trillion years writing mods at my leisure.

2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Would be the greatest game ever if not for the existence of Diablo II. Truly phenomenal game when you conisdre the resources they had to work with in that little N64 cartridge. And not a bad first step into the 3D realm for the Zelda series.

3. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Probably qualifies on the basis of the title alone. An awesome game based on Lovecraft's Kthulu myhtos, with a nice twist of cool sanity effects if you encountered too many miond-bending nasties in too short a time.

4. Demon's Souls
Haven't played it yet, but if I keep hearing how damned good it is, the drool will short out my keyboard.

5. Diablo + Hellfire
I've never been able to track down the expansion. My initial copy of Diablo was the PlayStation version, for which Hellfire obviously wasn't available. By the time I picked up the PC version in the battle chest, Hellfire was basically unobtainable.

Games that would have made it were it a top 10:

- Wolfenstein 3D
- Minesweeper
- Gran Turismo 4 (GT5 did nothing other than add extra pixels and take away the farming of prize cars)
- MariKart64
- Some football management game or other

Pet: I'd stick my wife and kids in a horse costume, then spend a few trillion years listening to them whinge about how I should be paying them more attention instead of playing video games! ;)
Re: This just in...

Assuming trillions of years (sounds a bit like hell no matter how you try to angle it) I'll go with replayability over how much I actually love the game in question (assuming great broadband and access te yuse' gyse for MP sessions):

1. Heroes of Might and Magic III
2. Starcraft
3. Left 4 Dead
4. Diablo 2 LOD + ATMA (only way I'll ever see a grail :D )
5. Neverwinter Nights 2 (because of the mod pack, infinite possibilities)

I'd have a dog as company.
Re: This just in...

Diablo 1

Diablo 2 (duh :coffee:)

MLB The Show -- What can I say, I love baseball.

Age of Empires 2 -- Only RTS I am mildly-ok-don't-suck-that-horribly at.

Maybe Oblivion? I'm thinking something I that has a ton of stuff to do that would take me forever, then I could play the other games then go back and do all the stuff again.

As for the pet, hmm... I'm thinking a well trained tiger would be pretty sweet.
Re: This just in...

"Hold on to your lug nuts, it's time for an overhaul!!!"
~The Mask

Incredibly legit replies! And some really unquie picks!

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon? GET OVER HERE!

Shadow of the Colossus? Obtained item of mental calming effect(+1).

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem? 5 trillion years in a white room...GENIUS!

Planescape Tormet? Hell yeah!

Heroes of Might and Magic III? Both expansions awarded for excellent choice!

MLB The Show? Your room now comes complete with hot dogs, beer, and cornuts, lucky!

"1. Diablo II: LoD (w/ ATMA & RWM) -- shocking choice! Have to be specific in this, as I get the feeling that god would have a slightly twisted sense of humor...

2. Starcraft2 -- if I could get it all as a single game & not doled out in 3-4 pieces (damn Blizz!)... if not, then BroodWar or Warcraft3, not too picky as to which

3. SLAi -- I <3 big-stompy-robot fps-ish games! (MechWarrior2: Mercenaries is a very close second

4. Unreal Tournament 2K3 -- for when an 'actual' fps was in order

5. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon -- mainly because its pretty much every MK game rolled together

now... as most of these are severely MP (and other reasons I assume are obvious), I would have to choose a female human companion. If that isn't possible, I guess a chimpanzee... given 3 trillion years, I assume I could teach it to play video games."

Party like a rockstar Z!
Very solid list, your tactics for destroying that chunk of time impresses the best of us. Anyone else want Z on his starcraft 2 guild?

MK: Arm is like a fully loaded burrito with extra sour cream and guacamole! A one size fits all velvet Under-Armour jumpsuit!

You know Elvis would be all over that if it was invented back then.



Legit! legit! legit!

Batman: Arkham Asylum is right up there with GTA: IV.
Those brits might talk funny, call cigarettes by very unsocially accepted terms, and drive shaguars, but if thats what it takes to make games of that magnitude... Well i'm about to go smoke a queer.

Groovy baby, YEAH!


"Alrighty... Games should be fairly easy.

1) Planescape: Torment
2) Fallout 2
3) Final Fantasy 6 (3 in the US)
4) Warcraft 3 Mod - DotA (I assume it doesn't have to be a singleplayer game)
5) Diablo 2 (duh?)


Fairly easy, yet utterly awesome!

Fallout 2, don't leave home without your G.E.C.K.!

Planescape: Torment!
Why do i feel such a psychological connection with the sadistic creation of grim ego's? Past lives forgotten while traveling through realms of agony, wondering what i said to make death reject me...
But then again. "HOW CAN A MORON TALK SO MUCH?!"
*+25 for a roleplaying cult classic making a list that you'd play for eons*

"Pet... Hm... I think this guy:


I will call him Mr.Wigglesworth. (Anyone who knows what this critter is off the top of his head wins +10 approval )"

No idea, But i'd freak if he was on top my head.
*+5 for clever name*


Jason Maher

Acute yet funny wording, fantastic structuring, sense of duty to family.
If it wasn't for your ideologically perfect picks i'd think your not even a game junky at all.


"Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem"

STILL yet to play this, but i did stop drooling until you brought it up again! Damn you Maher! Tried to cure my insatiable urge to tweeter a sanity meter by screenshotting and youtubezing, BUT;

"If I did have a tumor, I would name it Sanity's Requiem. Eternal Darkness, the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you would stop tonguing it, but you can't." -Sky



Heroes of Might and Magic III

Oh how the sands of time bury the unworthy.
More often then not we are hindered by popular fads and undesirable generational influences, but not his guy.

Corale's lineup showed a reliable attitude, picking instant classics from this era and absorbing his own personal testaments like a finely aged wine.


Cheap wine enhanced by beautiful sunsets does not make it taste better.


*Thinks to himself*
`What is it with people and not capitalizing their forum name!`

Svidikus! Whats up man? Liking your creative style!

"... I am mildly-ok-don't-suck-that-horribly at."

AOE2 - Well ten thousand years later and you've be betting bill gates a million per peasant.

Oblivion - Personally i'd say Morrowind with expansions. But thats just because oblivion doesn't feel right to me. Maybe i'm just being a nervous nelly, but i'll keep an eye on Bethesda's future releases. (Meaning i'm not paying 60 for any of them... Yes that included FO:NV)

MLB The Show - Awarded every game in series cause of pure unadultered uniqueness.

"... I'm thinking a well trained tiger would be pretty sweet."
Yeah, wouldn't want god giving you another couple million because you stink from spending 4 trill in the stomach of a large cat... :p

Is detroit your favorite team by any chance?

Thanks for all the stellar replies, this forums got some true enthusiasts.

"You might as well be staring at the sun, uh ah uh ho!"
~The offspring
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