The SPF Elite Runners

Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

MrAkon            Pindleskin        0   N/A                        10K / TC85+

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / More merc equipment, grail

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um           10k / Ber

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Darkoooo          Countess          0                               1k / Pul

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            768   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

I am putting my Meph project down to completed runs, as I've just found the Mara's I've been looking for. I have done 4000 runs instead of planned 2000 and I am still missing a few items that can be dropped by Meph, but hopefully I'll find them elsewhere.

Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

MrAkon            Pindleskin        0   N/A                        10K / TC85+

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um           10k / Ber

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Darkoooo          Countess          0                               1k / Pul

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            768   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

5K Pindle runs completed, the halfway point. I have completed by original goal (IKSC), so goal has been shifted to a Griffons, and any other nice items I can find. I was toying with switching to tunnels, but I think I will complete the 10K first and see how it goes.

Total haul so far:

Aldur's Deception 2

Boneflame 2

Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge 2

Death Cleaver 1

Death's Fathom 1

Frostwind 1

Giant Skull 1

Griswold's Honor 1

Gut Siphon 1

Immortal King's Soul Cage 1

Leviathan 3

Mang Song's Lesson 1

M'avina's True Sight 1

Medusa's Gaze 2

Messerschmidt's Reaver 1

Natalya's Mark 1

Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer 1

Seraph's Hymn 1

Stone Crusher 1

Taebaek's Glory 3

The Cranium Basher 1

Trang-Oul's Girth 1

Trang-Oul's Guise 4

Widowmaker 1

Windforce 1

Wraith Flight 1

Interestingly that is 5 TC87 Uniques which is bang on the "1 TC87 Unique every 1000 runs" theory.
Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

MrAkon            Pindleskin        0   N/A                        10K / TC85+

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um           10k / Ber

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            768   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Removing myself from the runs in progress table.

Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

MrAkon            Pindleskin        0   N/A                        10K / TC85+

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 6000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um           10k / Ber

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            768   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Back in the LK treadmill.

I'm now using my old blizzard sorceress on a special chest oriented map
Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 6000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um           10k / Ber

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            768   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Updated with my first K.

Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 6000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um           10k / Ber

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Reached the 1k Baal runs
Runs in progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30000   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits            595   CoA, Templars x2, Gul, Fal  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 7000   Vex, Ist               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers


Runs in progress:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    16000   Mangs, Ast, 2x Dweb, DFS   35k / WF

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 7000   Vex, Ist               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Found an Ohm just outside the entrance to the pits, that was nice. Not much else besides that.
Runs in progress:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6350   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Runs in progress:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

Paladingo         Baal            104   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers
Signing up for 1K LK runs. First 100 done @p3 (killing boss packs for exp)
I've now done over 200 of my 1000 Hell Baal runs. Got some good stuff so far, Windforce, Gavel of Pain, Horizon's, Cranium Basher and more.

Just did the world's worst Baal run; one of those bad rolls where every boss pack has the worst possible mods, and every minion pack, normally I can handle that but my merc had the worst luck/AI ever and died a total of 7 times, and after going through almost 2 whole belts (32 potions) killed Baal and the mongrel dropped me a blue dagger and an El rune!! :evil:

Runs in Progress;

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

nooby             Pindleskin      200   Tal's Armor, Astreons       5k / gib all

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Runs in Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

I slacked off for a month or two, but I'm back at it.
Runs in Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

I have a dumb question. How do you guys keep track of your runs? XP,Runs/Hr,clicker?

Edit: Thanks nacaa!

In the first post, there are links to counters that count for you :)

Some use pen and paper.

Runs in Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

I decided to finally sign up for 1k LK runs. Hopefully this'll give me enough motivation to keep at it.

Edit: Wow, I just discovered something that I'm sure is old news to you experienced people but was new to me. Sorc's can telekineses the WP and use it from the max TK distance. Not a huge deal, but shaves at least a few seconds off runs.
Runs in Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

charlengu         Tunnels           0                               xk / Death’s Fathom, Other Elites

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Anything of Use

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

charlengu         Hell Andariel    0                               xk / Unique Jewelry

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

haha, after a long hiatus, I finally came back and finished off my Pindle runs this weekend. I came off with a decent haul, although my first tomby, alas, got only 1 socket :(

Runs in Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Rolled an ok LK map yesterday, so I'm going to devote all my D2 time to it for a while..
Runs in Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            109   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Edit: Some pindleruns and tunnels in last months 😃

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     2k / High TC EUs/Sets

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Krovak            LK Superchests 1665   2 Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul        1k / Ber, Charms

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Slight update to my pit runs. Found some nice stuff lately, including:

Halaberd's Reign

Conqueror Crown

Defense: 385

Durability: 35 of 50

(Barbarian Only)

Required Strength: 174

Required Level: 77

Item Version: 1.10 Expansion

Item Level: 87

Fingerprint: 0xaf5d8352

+141% Enhanced Defense

Replenish Life +15

+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels

20% Faster Hit Recovery

+2 to Battle Command (Barbarian Only)

+2 to Battle Orders (Barbarian Only)

+1 to Masteries Skills (Barbarian Only)

Natalya's Shadow

Loricated Mail

Defense: 661

Durability: 35 of 36

Required Strength: 149

Required Level: 73

Item Version: 1.10 Expansion

Item Level: **

Fingerprint: 0xcb52ed45

+199 Defense

Poison Resist +25%

Poison Length Reduced by 75%

+2 to Shadow Discipline Skills (Assassin Only)

+1 to Life (Based on Character Level)

Socketed (2: 0 used)
In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Updating Baal runs(~600 more runs, 2 more TC87 items - IKSC and BKTG) and LK runs(~1300 more runs, found no runes above Lem)

In Progress

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Added myself to the list: Pindle 10K runs for Windforce, 3531 runs completed, pencil & paper tally.
In Progress

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin    12100   WF,Griffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3005   3xIst, 4xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

After running Pindle like mad and my recent rune find I decided to give The Countess a try...only for some diversity. So 1k is the goal, high runes on the wish list.

In Progress

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Update in Pindle runs, only noticeable drop was Griffon's Eye in Pindlethon, still no HR from that ugly guy :sad2:, and little update in Countess runs.
In Progress

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ... 2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Well, I might as well join this thread, seeing as I'm doing the same thing. Pindle for x (where x = 10,000 probably) looking for a Griffon's. :/

I've already done 3k, 2k with the Pindlethon, and the rest still looking. If I get the Griffon's soon, I'll say I'm completed. :D

In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin     6725   3/7 sets, 8 tc87           20k / Class-specific sets

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Cygnus            LK Superchests  100   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Updating pindleruns - reached 3000, finding 3 more TC87s: Griffon's(#3), Gargoyle's Bite(#2) and BKTG(#4). Now heading towards Mephathon, when it is done I'll probably do some more Baal runs.
In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     3531   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Added LK full clears with a hammerdin, Pit clears with either a Bowazon or Hammerdin and updated from the Pindlethon. It seems I was lucky with Pindle, however I occasionally and randonly run Pindle at the end of another runs and I don't record these but I done a lot of these runs. But I admit the Pindlethon runs were lucky for me
In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

I continue to continue. Found a Schaeffer's, a Stormlash, another Mvina's Casters, and a couple of more grailers.

In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        3275   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

I declare my LK runs finished. I didn't find a VEX, but got enough to cube one, and the discoveries about drop patterns there discourages me more than a bit. I'll do a serious attempt on improving my grail status though, I set a goal of 10k tunnel runs. I'm at well over 3k now, and hope to get a couple of hundreds every week... Currently I lost a bit of motivation to finish my bonemancer and some other builds I started, so it's MF time for a while.
In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Bassano           Pindelskin     4200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        3275   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        2350   Templars,ravenlore        many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach many k / Tyrael's Might

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Added myself for NM meph runs.. I want to try and finish off the normal and exceptional items toward my grail. I rolled the perfect meph map so I figured now is the best time.. After this is completed i'll signup for hell meph to knock out some more grailing..

In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     3745   Nothing amazing             xk / Griffon's+grailers

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        3275   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Updated some pindle during pindelthon and few hundreds tunnels

I strongly suggest not to run NM Meph if you are capable of doing Hell Meph. You'll find plenty of normal / exceptional stuff while running in Hell. If your goal is closing gaps in the grail, you'll just waste time and find all that again. My latest 1k tunnel runs yielded about 60 elite green/gold, but an overall count of more than 300 set / unique items... that is more than 240 normal / execptional ones. The ratio at Meph will be similar.

The only reason to run NM Meph would be to gather MF equipment. TC3s should be acquired in in early normal somewhere.

I could run hell meph.. Actually that was my next step. I didn't know meph would drop them all though. I thought I read that its more rare for him to drop a lower s/u then an exceptional/elite. Or something around that..

Coudn't hurt though.
In the Mephathon I have done 652 runs so far (with a lot of MF), I have found 79.5% of all normal unique, 73.1% of all exceptional unique and 34.1% of all elite unique.

This must mean he drops a lot of normal/exceptional, the same goes for sets, I have not been picking all sets up, so I have no numbers for you here.

My advise is also go with Hell Meph runs, and do them as fast as possible and then add MF, but don't loose speed as speed is the most important thing.

In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        3275   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Updated to 6k Pindle runs. Some nice items, but none that I'm really looking for. I've decided to try to get to 10k, then call it an end to Pindle running. Stingy corpse...
In progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        3275   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Added myself to the following tables: NM Andy (in progress), Pindleskin - Mephisto - LK chests (completed).

St. Anger
In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        3275   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Adding myself to pindle runs, running my sorc to L99 so quite a few in front of me :p

In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        4100   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

4.1k done, grailies down to 35 (maybe 36 ... one of them dropped in the MFO and may be lost). Not a sign of Tyrael's though... but lots of blue Phase Blades, there is hope for an Azurewrath.
In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

Neksja          Pindleskin     1000    Grandfather, Stormspire       10k / Griffon's & Lo (and missing grailers)

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        4100   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Decided few days ago to start 10k Pindlerun project (Yep, saw again those KV's haul pictures, so I wanna make my own one 😁) And now, I've managed to get a bit over 1000 runs, but roundy 1k looks better than like 1012. Hoping to find Griffon's and possibly other missing grailers. This far I've found 4 grailers, Grandfather, Stormspire, Gut Siphon and Serpent Lord.

Of course Lo rune, would be nice :rolleyes:


In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     4878   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

Neksja          Pindleskin     1000    Grandfather, Stormspire       10k / Griffon's & Lo (and missing grailers)

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        4100   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Callador          LK Superchests  600   Ber, Sur                    5k / Runes/charms/jewels

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

As I started to keep track of my LK runs I might as well report it here...

Don't know if I'm going to complete that 5k but you gotta have an goal :wink3:

At least I got a nice start when I found Ber & Sur during runs 200-300 😁 (posted in IFT a while ago)
In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     5625   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

Neksja          Pindleskin     1000    Grandfather, Stormspire       10k / Griffon's & Lo (and missing grailers)

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        4100   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Callador          LK Superchests  600   Ber, Sur                    5k / Runes/charms/jewels

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

Just updating my status. Still picking up the random grailer and/or TC 87 item but no Windforce yet. I should probably start hoping for something else so the Windy will drop.

2/3 of the way to level 95...if no Windy by level 95, I'm going to finally pay my respects to the Old Guys and Baal. Then I will go back to making Pindy undead life miserable.

In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     5625   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1121   Death's Web, Death Cleaver 10k / grailers / tc87's

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

Neksja          Pindleskin     1000    Grandfather, Stormspire       10k / Griffon's & Lo (and missing grailers)

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        4100   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Callador          LK Superchests  600   Ber, Sur                    5k / Runes/charms/jewels

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

St. Anger         LK superchests 2500   Ber, 3xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

St. Anger         NM Andariel    2000   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy    xk / SoJ

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

-Added myself to the pindle list (in progress). It originally started as a project to get my blizzballer past level 90 (from mid-70's), but with slightly over 1k runs under my belt I've actually gotten some pretty good stuff already (half a dozen grailers and two tc87's).

-removed my NM Andy project from the 'in progress' list to the 'completed' list, because after 2k runs still not a single trace of an SoJ. I might pick up on it later on when I feel like it, I've had enough of her for now.

-Updated 'completed' LK superchests list with a Ko I found during 500-some runs.

St. Anger
In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     5625   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

Neksja          Pindleskin     1000    Grandfather, Stormspire       10k / Griffon's & Lo (and missing grailers)

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        4100   DWeb, Lash, CoA            10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Callador          LK Superchests 1000   Ber, Sur, Vex, HoZ          5k / Runes/charms/jewels

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

1k LK runs done - 3 high runes 😁

Hopefully this pace will continue :rolleyes:

first, do you have to be SP to participate?

second, what wp would i use to get to LK?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Lower Kurast waypoint...

😁 Thanks!, I didn't know what LK stood for

Well, I will post when I get >1000 runs

In Progress:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


jjscud            Pindleskin    30700   Sur, Ist, 4xMal, DWeb      30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

sequana           Pindleskin    15600   WF,2xGriffon's, Grisw. Honor  xk / TC87s

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

RibGriller        Pindleskin    14500   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

Cygnus            Pindleskin    10100   5/7 sets, 10 tc87, DW      20k / Class-specific sets

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

Bassano           Pindelskin     7200   Griffon, Shaefers           xk / TC87 grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Drystan           Pindleskin     6000   SoJ, Fathom, Tomb, stuff   10k / Griffon's+grailers

o1d_dude          Pindleskin     5625   Templar's, Griz, TC87      10K / Windforce

maxicek           Pindleskin     5000   DF, MSL, WF, IKSC          10k / Griffons

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

IronCrown         Pindleskin     3250   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

Bodis             Pindleskin     2270   IKSC, 3XStormspire +       50k /

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin     1791   Astreons, DF, Gris Honor    2k / TC87 S/U

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

MrAkon            Pindleskin     1000   Giant Skull                10K / TC85+

Neksja          Pindleskin     1000    Grandfather, Stormspire       10k / Griffon's & Lo (and missing grailers)

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

nooby             Pindleskin      400   Windforce, Astreons       5k / gib all

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Tupsi             Pindleskin      300   2 Frostwind                 2k / TC87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     247   Frostwind 75.48%           1k+ / (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Hrus              Tunnels       12.5k   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels         11k   Lash,Mangs,Ohm,tc87s        xk / Tyrael's

tweety            Tunnels       10.0k   Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels        6340   Lash, Schaefers, 2xLo      10k / Grailers

EasyGijs          Tunnels        5000   2/11, D-Fathom, Ist        35k / 11 TC78+ Grailers

Cormallon         Tunnels        5000   DWeb,Lash,CoA,Azurewrath   10k / Tyrael's, Azurewrath

Bassano           Tunnels        3150   DW,asterons                 many k / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

RibGriller        Tunnels         450   CoA, Maras, Steel Pillar    2k / Dweb

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

IronCrown         Tunnels         300   Templars                    2k / IKSC, Lash, DW, DF

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels        153   Widowmaker,TalRasha armour  1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

sequana           Tunnels         110   Death Cleaver               xk / Grailies

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

jjscud            Pits           1000   CoA, Templars x2, Ohm, Gul  2k / Astreon's Iron Ward, Stormlash

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's 

TedDeeBoy         Pits            170   Grandfather, Ist            ??k / Good stuff ??

Belcarl           Pits            129   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Phosheez          Pits              0   -                           5k / Grail, runes, 4os archon plate

Krovak            Mephisto       4000   Mara's, Metalgrid, 3x SoJ.. 6k / Jewelry

maxicek           Mephisto       2000   SoJ, HoZ, SSx5, Metalgrid   5K / Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul            1.5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto       134   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/ (ethereal)(perfect) grailies

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Nacaa             Mephisto        109   Ondals Wisdom               5k / Azurewrath / Grailies

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Corrupted         LK Superchests 8000   Vex, Ist, Mal               10k / Ber

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Krovak            LK Superchests 3000   2x Ber, Ohm, Um, 3 Pul       xk / HRs, Charms

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Callador          LK Superchests 1000   Ber, Sur, Vex, HoZ          5k / Runes/charms/jewels

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

charlengu         Lk superchests  500   Lem, Fal, Fal, 5x Skillers  xk / skillers, runes

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                         2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Cygnus            LK Superchests  264   -                           1K / HRs/charms/jewels

poops             LK Superchests ~250   2x Preservers, Shael        1k / PGems

Tupsi             LK Superchests  200   Ist                         2k / RWs finished

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0   -                           1k / HRs & skillers

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0   -                          1k+ / high runes, gems, skillers

Jackalope         LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

Phosheez          LK Superchests    0   -                           xk / Ber, exile shield

Kedali            LK Superchests    0   -                           1k / High runes, charms

TedDeeBoy         LK full clears  10   Lem               ??k / charms, runes, jewels 

sequana           Countess       3345   3xIst, 5xMal, 4xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess       206   Ist,3xKo,Lum,3xHel          1k+/ hels, lum+

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

Grisu             Countess         20   Dol                         1k / Lum+

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

smilts            Countess          0   -                           4k / her highest rune or CTA

Krovak            Baal           1450   Lo, Gul, 2x SoJ, 10x TC87    2k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal           1000   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Paladingo         Baal            221   Gheeds,SoJ,Draculs          1k / Stormlash,Hoz,Grailies

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             6   perfect Centurion           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2727   113 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / Stone of Jordan

Cattleya          NM Andariel    2000   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

St. Anger         NM Andariel    1567   perf. ribbie, 3xtals ammy   xk / SoJ

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          53   2ES cedar staff             1k / 3ES staff

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

YoungDbl          NM Mephisto      50   Ribby                       1k+/ Finish off normal/exceptional uniques/sets

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed Runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Corrupted         Pindleskin    17576   Mangs, Ast, 2 Dweb, DFS, WF 35k / WF

Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

Phosheez          Pindleskin    12570   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC   40k / Stormlash, grailers

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     3345   NW,Stormspire,DF Spawn,WF   xk / DF

Krovak            Pindleskin     3000   Griffon's, Gargoyle's, IKSC 3k / TC87

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

Nerigazh          Pindleskin    >1000   Tomb Reaver, Tal's           1k / D.Web etc.

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

St. Anger         Pindleskin     1000   Ko, Highlord's Wrath         1k / useful items

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

St. Anger         Mephisto       2000   Ko,HWrath,Tals ammy,Eth Andy 2k / Arachs, skullders, Shako, Hoz

Grisu             Mephisto       1.5k   3xShako,Andy's,3xArach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor


Phosheez          LK superchests 8000   Ber,Lo,Ohm,2x Vex,2x Gul    10k / Bers

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

rollom            LK superchests 2000   Sur, 3x Mal, 2x Lem          2k / Vex

St. Anger         LK superchests 2000   Ber, 2xKo, Pul, Fal, Lem     2k / runes, charms, pgems

Cormallon         LK superchests 1400   LEM                         5k / VEX

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

Tupsi             Countess       1000   Mal, 2xUm, Pul, 4xLem        1k / Ist

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        600   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC      16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Phosheez          Pits           2372   2xDFSpwn,2xTmplr,gris cad   5k / Tyrael's, astreon, lash, last 24 grailers

5k tunnels done. Tan-Tsu reached level 95 a few runs before reaching 5k, and I guess perhaps one more level is possible at P1, but not much more. Good thing: Azurewrath dropped for her during the MFO, that's one of my two primary targets down. Now I have to get that Tyrael's ... hehe.
Estimated market value