The SPF Elite Runners

Zaliquai is 100% correct. Unless you are looking for experience or non-magical drops(like socketables or runes), /p1 is the way to go.👍

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

Vang              Pindleskin      350   Death's Fathom             20k / CoA(2os), Dragonscale. Rares

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels          0                                1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

500 more runs down, and an Arcanna's Amulet dropped somewhere around run 480.:jig:

I also added the Tal's Amulet back onto my wanted list, since it makes sense to have it listed for when I complete this. (It doesn't make sense to remove it just because I actually found it. 😁 )

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

Vang              Pindleskin      350   Death's Fathom             20k / CoA(2os), Dragonscale. Rares

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels          0                                1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Darkoooo          NM Andariel       0   -                           500/jewelry

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Put myself up on the NM Andariel, hoping some jewelry and items will drop...

I wanna make grief. Adding myself to this list for LK.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

Vang              Pindleskin      350   Death's Fathom             20k / CoA(2os), Dragonscale. Rares

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels          0                                1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

wagthesam        LK superchests 500  Lem, skillers           5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Darkoooo          NM Andariel       0   -                           500/jewelry

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

Vang              Pindleskin      350   Death's Fathom             20k / CoA(2os), Dragonscale. Rares

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels          0                                1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Darkoooo          NM Andariel       0   -                           500/jewelry

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels          0                                1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Darkoooo          NM Andariel       0   -                           500/jewelry

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Removing myself from the table, as I no longer need what I was after due to a trade, and really there isn't anything specific I see I can use.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels          0                                1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Removed myself from Andy runs cause I decided I need to get some items (Infernal Cranium isn't really a solution for a helm:tongue:).
This is the second time now that someone didnt quote my update post. So now my post is approximately 6 months old since the info in the current table was from two posts ago.
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin       0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto         0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

EasyGijs          Baal            130   1 rare PB                 2.5k / Azurewrath

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Added myself with quite a few projects since now with the use of Silospen's save counter I won't need to write that much down.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

jjscud            Pindleskin     3500   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 3   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin       0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto         0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Sigh, you hace some serious plans Sir...

Ok update of my Baal Runs for Azurewrath:

Since run 230, I lowered my MF from 250 to 200, so the odds for Azurewrath became a little lower, but my runs are averagely 3-5 Blizzards faster (1 in the 3,4and 5th wave and 1-2 blizzards less for Baal, average time per run is under 3:30 now I think if I don't pick up too much items, damage is about 7.5k I believe.

I'm now at run 300 and found 3 grailers and 4 rare PB. The odds are now:

rare Phase blade: 1:186

Lightsabre: 1:574

Azurewrath: 1:2870

So I'm kinda lucky with the amount of rare Phase blades, but I would prefer to be happy with the Azurewraths. Secretly I hope to find Azurewrath in the same run as hitting lvl98, that would be in run 900 or something.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin       0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto         0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Still working, no luck with the grailers though. Aside from the grailers though, its been a good week. Cranium Basher and Executioner's justice this week, three IKSC's earlier this week and another TWO today.
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin       0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto         0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Going to do LK --> Meph a *few* [thousand] times. Need to farm after restarting recently.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto        918   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

asdfgah           NM Andariel       0   -                           1k / Tal Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Did make a start on some. Baal will have to wait until my blizzwaller hits 92. I intend to try and do some cowruns with my javazon (but it means moving all my mf charms and some other gear), but my expectations are low, last time she really wasn't up to it, the blizzwaller is. My countess runner is ready (orb/lightning sorc), and those runs will start shortly. Since my Baal and Meph map are quite good on my blizzwaller, I'll probably try the Lower Kurast runs with a different character, suggestions?

On the tunnels: are there maps where the bosspacks spawn most of the time in the same place? On the map for my blizzwaller, they tend to spawn all over, although there are two places with a high likelihood of one bosspack, apart from near the chest.

I still need to complete the grail, ethereal grail, perfect grail, perfect ethereal grail, rune grail, and runeword grail, so I guess serious plans are needed.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Updated my mephruns from 918 to 1511 done :D

Only < 500 runs left and I have found all I need except Mara's.

I'm also removing my 1k nm andy runs for tal's amu and soj since I've found three sojs and one tal amu allready.


I would like to add myself to the list as well but do not want to mess up the tables because I dont know what to do with it.

I will be doing 2k Meph runs. I will be looking for Skulders, SoJ, Shako, Occy, and a HoZ.

Is there a special way to update the chart, or do I just leave it for the Mods to do?



Use quote button, then delete someone’s talking and add what you need. I always use preview post before posting it.
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

Darkoooo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Silkweaves

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Kaz               Mephisto          0   -                         2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Kaz               Mephisto          0    -                              2K / Shako, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders, Occy

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

I added my self to the list. I hope it is ok so I do not mess it up for everyone. 2k Hell Meph runs. I am looking for Skulders, Shako, Occy, SoJ and anything else that comes along. Mor merc gear would be nice to.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Darkoooo          Mephisto        500   Arach, Heaven's light...    1k / Shako, Silkweaves

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Kaz               Mephisto          0   -                         2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's 

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Kaz               Mephisto          0    -                              2K / Shako, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders, Occy

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Finished 500 Mephisto runs. Detailed finds here:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Cygnus            Pindleskin      150   M'avina's Embrace          10k / Class-specific sets

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Kaz               Mephisto          0   -                         2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Kaz               Mephisto          0    -                              2K / Shako, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders, Occy

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

:shocked: 500 runs in just two days?!:laugh:

Here are the detailed finds of the last 500 runs:

Funny, I got everything except Shako and Silks:tongue:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Kaz               Mephisto          0   -                         2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

Kaz               Mephisto          0    -                              2K / Shako, SoJ, HoZ, Skulders, Occy

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87
Done with a bit more than 1000 Pindle runs. Aldur's Watchtower is complete, and I also found Natalya's Mark :) My girl is now ** and has 382 MF.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers     5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

I have updated my runs. I have a bit over 200 hell Meph runs complete. I am running on p3. Noteable finds were Anderials Visage, Wizz Spike, Rainbow Facet, Shako, Gheeds Fortune (My first) Lidless Wall. Found some nice sorce stuff. Helped with my MF, but also with my FCR%.


Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyreal's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 4000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um       10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Did 324 LK runs so far. The goal is to get a lots of Pgems, some charms(hopefully there will be some skillers), and of course runes. Best finds so far are 80 cubed Pgems, 13 life fire skiller, plain lion-branded, 4xDol, 4xIo, Lem, Ko, Ist. Hopefully I'll finish with 1k by the end of the month.
Corrupted said:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

sequana           Pindleskin     2670   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2450   3xIst, 2xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Spiritual Grand Charm of Vita

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus

Required Level: 69

Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Item Level: 80

Fingerprint: 0x24c5a202

+40 to Life

+1 to Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)

Amber Small Charm of Good Luck

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus

Required Level: 33

Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Item Level: 80

Fingerprint: 0x67658176

Lightning Resist +11%

6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Back at it. Got bored of DotA again and summer holidays incoming = D2.

I'm not looking forward to the day I can say "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND" without Sur/Ber.

sequana said:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2050   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                       1k / Mal, Puls

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Pindleskin: in last 1530 runs I found several grailers including Widowmaker, Frostwind, Halaberd’s Reign, Natalya’s Mark, Boneshade...and my highest rune from him was Pul yesterday.

Countess: nice progress – 180 new runs with Mal (was in IFT) and Fal as only noticeable drops.

maxicek said:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:

hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    10163   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Up to 2500 Pindle runs, the only Grailler in the last 500 runs was Sazabi's Balrog Skin. Switched to Meph, mainly for some more merc equipment (Reapers Tolls, Shaftstop, Tal's Crest, Duriel's Shell) and some missing exceptional graillers. In the first 1000 runs I have found 2x Shako, 4x Stormshields, 2x Skullders, 2x Kira's. Graillers includ Metalgrid, Atma's Scarab, Rockstopper, Blinkbat's Form, Steel Shade, Andariel's Visage and Toothrow. I am still looking for Crow Caw, Blood Raven's Charge and Warpspear to complete my Exceptionals.

I am marking my Countess runs as completed for now. I will probably start LK runs instead.
Hi, i'm new here and i have one question

MF help to find runes?

I'm doing hell cows with my hammerdin and have this question.

And other question:

Hell cow isn't better than LK super chests to find runes?


And other question:

Hell cow isn't better than LK super chests to find runes?

For jah+ cows are probably better,but for vex sur and ber Lk is the best.

Since that topic is open now...

I'm building myself a LF/FA zon who is supposed to run Cows. Are cows just as good as LK in terms of gems, jewels,charms and gold? Should I run them with minimal MF with those goals?
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

jjscud            Pindleskin     7050   Grailer: 0, tc87 uniq: 5   30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

This was a horrible set of 5k runs, if it not was for the Gold Myrmedon Greaves that dropped this morning, it would have been a dry spell of 5k rusn :shocked:

However, I completed my Set Items Grail just a few days ago 😁

And clicky.

Now im taking a break from Pindle, only going to lvl some chars up there, just one little problem, sould I go rune hunting or AT's :scratch:

I'm a lot happier with my AT runs than I am with Pindle right now. I can clear 100 a day without even really trying, and that's (conservatively) 500-600 Pindle runs which I could never bring myself to do in one day. I'd go that way if I were you.

Nice caddy.

I kept pushing because I wanted to be ontop of Corrupted :azn: And yes, that did sound ***..

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       1500   SSx2, Shakox2,HoZ,Metalgird 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, War Travs

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Just hit level 94. Now I've done 93 - 94 with the same build on pindle, baal, and pits and I gotta say, pindle is definitely NOT the way to go.

Replacing my SC self with my HC guardian doing a 2k mephy run stretch.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Drixx             Mephisto       0                                 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Signing myself up for 1k pit runs. Mainly for TC 87 items, with a slight hope of maybe, just maybe finding a Tyraels. :)

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl          Pits              8   -                           1k / TC87's, Tyraels

Drixx             Mephisto       0                                 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems


@Belcarl - I'm guessing you'll want a 10k pitruns signup to have a legitimate shot at really getting a tyreals

Added myself up for 1k Mephisto runs. Around 520 MF each run taking 37 secs average.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor           10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                      2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s          xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl          Pits              8   -                           1k / TC87's, Tyraels

Drixx             Mephisto       0                                 2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto         67   Mara's, Eth Shaftshop       1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers       2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

im sure ill screw that table up if i try to put myself in it... is there someone who could do it for me? I want to go for 10k pindle runs, best thing ive got off him so far is eth gaze, and im aiming for CoA

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin        0   -                          10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits              8   -                           1k / TC87's, Tyraels

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto         67   Mara's, Eth Shaftshop       1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Added you, dysgenics, also added myself to Countess runs and fixed the table a little.

thanks tupsi, im sure i can edit it all myself when needs be etc... i found a stormshield today, first elite unique from pindle.. i know it could take several thousand runs to get a TC'87.. but dos being level 83 restrict finding them??

Character level has no impact on the drops of monsters. Again, refer to Hrus' MF guide.

ok ok, i may aswell succumb to reading through it, playing the game all day definately dosnt tell you enough :badteeth:
Did 200 runs today, 1/4 done! Woohoo!

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin        0   -                          10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits              8   -                           1k / TC87's, Tyraels

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      800   IKSC, +2 Valor             10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits              8   -                           1k / TC87's, Tyraels

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Cygnus            Pindleskin     1183   1/7 sets, 2 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      800   IKSC, +2 Valor             10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems

Added another 30 pit runs.

Finds where Tal rashas crest, Blackhorns face, Tranqs scales and this:

Andariel's Visage


Defense: 528

Durability: 11 of 11

Required Strength: 92

Required Level: 83

Item Version: 1.10 Expansion

Item Level: **

Fingerprint: 0x23f6632c

+30 to Strength

+128% Enhanced Defense

Fire Resist -30%

Poison Resist +70%

+10% to Maximum Poison Resist

10% Life stolen per hit

20% Increased Attack Speed

+2 to All Skill Levels

15% Chance to cast Level 15 Poison Nova when struck

Level 3 Venom (11/20 Charges)

Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      15k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      800   IKSC, +2 Valor             10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm             5k / Tc87's

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87
Added back the completed runs table.

I completed another set of 1000 pindle runs. Two more tc87s: Steel Pillar and Cranium Basher.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      800   IKSC, +2 Valor             10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Updated goal's for Pindle and Tunnels, just so I will push harder :jig:
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

Darkoooo          LK superchests  324   Ist, Lem, Ko                1k / Pgems, charms, runes

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 1000   Ist,Fal,skillers             1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Added another 2k runs, best finds were BKWB and more IKSC's/Tals guardianship's...

am i ment to post both tables even though im only in 1?

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

jjscud            Pindleskin    11000   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq: 8  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

1k LK runs done. Finds can be found here:

I think I'm gonna turn to Pindle now, mostly because of the exp and no need for a map, so I can MP:laugh:


Yes please, both tables
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Ardo              Mephisto        265   30% Maras                   1k / Eth Reapers

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Nice run lately, 3 tc87s in the past 1500 runs including Griffon's Eyes yesterday and today. Most importantly though was an Earth Shifter just over a week ago, the first grailer of the bunch.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            300   4 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

1k runs done @ Mephisto. 535 MF/37 secs a run. Made a new goal for myself, 2k atm. I guess it will raise in future even more!
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin      2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Did another 100 Baal runs and died at the 97th one. Combination of mulitishot, fire enchanted, might succubi and extra strong extra fast fire enchanted frenzy beasts and me teleporting right into those frenzy's while being cursed by the succubi. I think they killed 1300 life, 24%DR in two hits. I should try to keep her alive over 100 runs if I want to be serious about lvl 99.

I found one rare PB again and 3 shadow killers (same TC).

Damn jjscud, I was hoping to keep the 2nd place in the Pindle list for a long time :laugh: Guess I will have to start Pindeling again :rolleyes:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

IronCrown         Pindleskin        0                               5k / Lash, IKSC

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Just signing on for 5k pindle runs. Would really like to get a stormlash out of it. Will see how it goes.

Sorry KV, I don't like just barely one-upping. I meant to post at 15K but I thought I still had a few hundred runs to go. If I can just find that Astreons like everyone else around, I'll happily step out of the way.

I was actually hoping to hit first on the list soon but I misread and though hepcat was at 18000.:banghead:

Lol...good luck at passing hepcat 😁 What grailers are you missing now?
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

IronCrown         Pindleskin        0                               5k / Lash, IKSC

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Woo.. adding myself to the list ;D

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

IronCrown         Pindleskin      150   BK Swords                   5k / Lash, IKSC

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Finished my first batch of 150 runs. Nothing spectacular yet, but we are hoping.

I must say that I am enjoying Silospen's runcounter immenseley. A great running tool with all the times & averages on hand!!

According to the counter, the 150 runs too me around 1:10hrs, averaging 33sec per run (this included one big atma muling session wich was included in the overall time - 4min I think) with the fastest run @22sec's Edit: btw this is for pindle
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

IronCrown         Pindleskin      150   BK Swords                   5k / Lash, IKSC

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

The first staff after posting here:

Cedar Staff

Two-Hand Damage: 11 to 32

Durability: 29 of 35

Required Strength: 25

Required Level: 25

Staff Class - Slow Attack Speed

Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Item Level: 64

Fingerprint: 0x178d4652

+2 to Energy Shield (Sorceress Only)

150% Damage to Undead

Oops accidently edited my last post instead of quoting and I couldn't edit back because 1 hour was over :) The orignal post had this text:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

IronCrown         Pindleskin      300   Mara's                      5k / Lash, IKSC

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Just updateing the runs. Found a mara's off Pindle
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Darkoooo            Pindleskin      480   NW, SS, Mav's Sight          x k/ DF      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

IronCrown         Pindleskin      300   Mara's                      5k / Lash, IKSC

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Hrus              Tunnels        7451   Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Well, I started with my Pindle runs couple days ago, but now my run times have improved greatly, from 1 min to 20-25 seconds. I really, really can't complain about the drops.

Report for 480 runs here:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Darkoooo            Pindleskin      480   NW, SS, Mav's Sight          x k/ DF      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

IronCrown         Pindleskin      300   Mara's                      5k / Lash, IKSC

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

I haven't played much D2 recently, but I was able to get to half of my project (25K AT runs) Only a few runs were left after rhe last MFO. I wanted to post an Atma report of my elite SUs, but I couldn't find my Mang Song's Lesson anywhere! I even made Atma dumps and tried to find a text in the dumps. Nothing! Grrrr. I am (almost) sure I did find it. Do you believe it's possible to not remember such a drop? And the search function on this forum is still not working properly :cry: .

Anyways - highlights:

Azurewrath x2

Crown of Ages

Darkforce Spawn

Death Cleaver x2

Death's Web x2

Earth Shifter

Executioner's Justice x4

Gargoyle's Bite x7

Ghostflame x8

Griffon's Eye x2

Ormus' Robes - Fireball x2

Ormus' Robes - Blizzard

Shadow Dancer x3

The Cranium Basher

Windforce x3

and perfect Death's Fathom given away as a prize in MFO.

and Mang Song's Lesson ??? :scratch:

and about damned Sacred armors:


NO Templar's Might !

NO Tyrael's Might (of course)
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

IronCrown         Pindleskin     1100   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Darkoooo          Pindleskin      480   NW, SS, Mav's Sight         xk / DF      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Just updating my runs. Starting to get the hang of it. Nothing too spectacular.

Highest rune - Lum

Best items - Mara's, SS, Gris Caddy (3soc)

Cleaned up the table a bit :wink3:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

IronCrown         Pindleskin     1100   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Darkoooo          Pindleskin      480   NW, SS, Mav's Sight         xk / DF      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul                1,5k / Azurewrath

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                            2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            400   5 rare PB, 3 grailers      2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

I have added myself to table.

In last year I have done some pindleruns,tunnels and LK trying to find some nice grailers and runes. 😃
Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

IronCrown         Pindleskin     1100   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -

Darkoooo          Pindleskin      480   NW, SS, Mav's Sight         xk / DF      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul                1,5k / Azurewrath

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                            2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            498   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

That was exciting, I ID'ed the first Lightsabre since this quest (7th in my Atma stash and sold one out of frustration, so it's actually my 8th LightSabre)

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

IronCrown         Pindleskin     1100   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     1000   NW, Lacerator....           xk / DF

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul                1,5k / Azurewrath

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                            2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            498   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

1K Pindles done. Report of the finds for 1k here:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

IronCrown         Pindleskin     2052   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     1000   NW, Lacerator....           xk / DF

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      105   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         105   Skillers                    2k / Grailers, anything good

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul                1,5k / Azurewrath

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1025   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                            2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  105   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            498   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   105   Um, Treks                   2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Completed another couple of runs. Closing down on halfway.

I might continue running pindle if I do not find what I want, but I'll see.

Nothing too spectacular yet, but I did find a couple of grailers.

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                     Goal:


hepcat            Pindleskin    28000   3x Lash,Astreon's,BER      25k / Death's Web

jjscud            Pindleskin    15050   Sur,Ist,2xMal,tc87uniq:12  30k / Astreons, Lash,  4 more grailers

Klamint Vagadal   Pindleskin    15014   Lash, Asterons, 3xMal      30k / DF, DW, Tc87's

Corrupted         Pindleskin    13500   DWeb x2, Astreon, DFSpawn  35k / Death's Fathom

aitrus            Pindleskin    13001   DWebx2, Asteron's, SoJx2   15k / Death's Fathom

RibGriller        Pindleskin    11000   Schaeffers,CoA,DC,WFx4     20k / Dweb

Phosheez          Pindleskin    10808   Schaeffers, Mal & Pul, DC  40k / Stormlash, grailers

Tracul            Pindleskin     9000   Death's Web (-50)          20k / Stormlash,DWeb,DFathom (1/3)

DeathMage         Pindleskin     7000   Jah, Lash                  10k / D-Fathom

Tasdaz            Pindleskin     4495   Stormlash, Death Clvr      10k / Death's Fathom

sequana           Pindleskin     4200   WF,Gargoyle's Bite,IKSC    10k / TC87s

lachen            Pindleskin     3610   Griffon's, DC               5k / Nightwing's / DF

Aerwynd           Pindleskin     3548   IKSC, Templar's, WF        10k / Elite Uniques

Jaedhann          Pindleskin     3050   darkforce spawn            10k / Windforce

Cleyus            Pindleskin     3000   IKSC, Tal's Armour, Ohm    10k / Griffons TC87s

Frozen Orb        Pindleskin     2500   D-Web/D-Fathom        Infinite / WF, Griffons, and Lash

maxicek           Pindleskin     2500   Death's Fathom, Windforce  10k / IKSC

IronCrown         Pindleskin     2052   Mara's, SS                  5k / Lash, IKSC

DeePee            Pindleskin     2048   B-K WB, Tal's Armour x2     5k / Tal & Ik Armour

Cygnus            Pindleskin     2022   1/7 sets, 4 tc87           10k / Class-specific sets

shleefin          Pindleskin     2000   Griffons, Deathcleaver    100k / TC87s

DX                Pindleskin     2000   IK Armor                   20k / Grailitems

Vemp              Pindleskin     2000   Mav diad|BK myth|Nat mark   5k / Tal's Armor

Saucy             Pindleskin     1826   Dragonscale                10k / Natalya's Mark

Bassano           Pindelskin     1500   Griffon, IK armor           xk / TC87 grailers

XpucTo            Pindleskin     1330   Spirit Keeper              20k / Death's Fathom 

Hoid              Pindleskin     1100   Gris honor,Trang helm      10k / Stormlash/Schaffer's, TC87s I can trade, Doombringer (230ED+)

Krovak            Pindleskin     1000   IKSC, Trang belt 2x         3k / TC87

Darkoooo          Pindleskin     1000   NW, Lacerator....           xk / DF

jrlafrance        Pindleskin      750   Halaberd's Reign            2k / Elite Uniques

Nerigazh          Pindleskin      750   NatShadow, Draculs          1k / D.Web etc.

pwangsta          Pindleskin      612   BKSC, gimmer, trang's helm  2k / tc87's

Dudzy             Pindleskin      524   2x Lsabers,Taebaek's Glory 10k / -      

Dornak            Pindleskin      400   Nothing nice                2k / Nice stuff

Oblivious         Pindleskin      350   Skullder's                 25k / IKSC,Tal's, Lash

Naitti            Pindleskin      240   Set col blade               5k / IKSC, Griffon

asdfgah           Pindleskin      618   Arkaine's valor            10k / TC87s

TedDeeBoy         Pindleskin      266   Shako                       2k / TC87 S/U

synax             Pindleskin      150   Tals ammy till my paper is out / Lash, Shaeffers, tc87s

Sir Lister of Smeg Pindleskin     111   Que Hegan 60%perf          1k+ /(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Barren            Pindleskin      100   Marrowalk                  10k / TC87s

djscooter         Pindleskin        0   -                           1k / TC87s

Serdash           Pindleskin        0   N/A                       1337 / A lot of stuff

Samsung           Pindleskin        0   None                        1k / 2 Griff 2 Fathom

NZDiablo          Pindleskin        0   -                           5k / CoA, Griffs, Fathom

dysgenics         Pindleskin     2750   IKSC x3, BKWB, +2 Valor    10k / CoA

Hrus              Tunnels        12.5k  Mang's, Death's Web        25k / Tyrael's Might

tweety            Tunnels        10.0k  Astreons                   20k / Tyrael's Might

Naab              Tunnels        6200   Lash,Ohm,some tc87s         xk / Tyrael's Might

Aman              Tunnels         470   Darkforce                   5k / 5k

Bassano           Tunnels         350   Grandfather,Nats mark,Arach    many k / Tyrael's Might

Klamint Vagadal   Tunnels         338   Lash, Gris Helm            10k / Grailers

Krovak            Tunnels         320   Fleshripper, Doombringer    1k / Elite uniques/sets

TedDeeBoy         Tunnels         266   Ist,Fal,Fleshripper,Skillers 2k / Grailers, anything good

aitrus            Tunnels         200   Eth Demon's Arch            5k / DFathom, TMight,...

Suiling           Tunnels         100   Stoneraven                  xk / Grailies

sequana           Tunnels          10   Fal                         xk / Grailies

Sir Lister of Smeg Tunnels          8   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Tripsu            Tunnels           0                               1k / Tal's Armor, Ammy, Mara's

The Mariner       Pits            590   TC87:1, Dscale              2k / Tyrael's

Phosheez          Pits            308   DF Spawn,Templars,Highlords 1k / Tyrael's and grail items 

telloran          Pits             15   Kelpie                      1k / IKSC or 100 grailers

LprMan            Pits              0   -                           1k / Grailers, useful stuff           

XorceR            Pits              0   -                           1k / TC87's, Shako, good stuff

Belcarl           Pits             38   Andariels Visage            1k / Tyraels, useful

Krovak            Mephisto       1435   SoJ, HoZ, 5/5 light RBF     2k / Mara's, War travs, Goreriders

Bassano           Mephisto       1350   4xMara's , Gul                1,5k / Azurewrath

TedDeeBoy         Mephisto       1186   Arach, HoZ,Tal's Ammy, more 2k / Missing Grail Exceptionals

Slothman          Mephisto       1100   Mara's, 2xHoZ               5k / Mara's, Azurewrath

asdfgah           Mephisto       1511   3x arach, soj, 20% wisp     2k / Mara's!!! Please =)

Ardo              Mephisto       1019   3xMara's, 2xAzure           xk / Hoz, Homunuculus, other stuff

maxicek           Mephisto       1000   SSx4, HoZ, Metalgrid        5K / More merc equipment, grail

Tartanasia        Mephisto        700   Arach,WT, Arreats           xk /  Lash ^^

Grisu             Mephisto        700   Shako,Andy's,2xLS,Arach,HoZ 1.5k / Arachnid, Shako

Bockhorn          Mephisto        423   BK,Eth Arkaine,SS,Shako,WT  1k / Harlequin Crest, Skullder's Ire, War Traveler 40+, Viper 35

Aerwynd           Mephisto        392   Boneshade                   5k / Grail Fillers

BadHorsie         Mephisto        300   1xSOJ,Shako, much more      1k / HoZ,Mara's

omgmir            Mephisto        300   Travs                       2k / Harly, Skullder's, War Travs, Mara's

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Shako                       2K / Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Martinkingss      Mephisto        170   Arach and reapers           1k / Anything

nilynrae          Mephisto        116   SoJ,Reapers,Demonhorn       1k / Grail

Bugzy             Mephisto        100   -                           1k / HoZ

LprMan            Mephisto        100   Shako, Reaper's             1k / Grailers, useful stuff

Sir Lister of Smeg Mephisto        32   Trang Wing,perfethMaelstrom 1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

Cenerae           Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Harlequin Crest, Guardian Angel

ShaytanSlayer     Mephisto          0   -                           1k /Shako/SS/Mara's

NZDiablo          Mephisto          0   -                           1k / Shako, Skullders, Travs, Arach

charlengu         Mephisto          0   -                           xk / Hoz, Maras, Arach, Variety between LKs (lol)

Drixx             Mephisto          0                               2k / SS, Shako, Occy, HoZ, titan's, stormlash (yeah right)

Marvel            LK Superchests 6790   2xBers, Lo, Ohm, Vex, Vex   ?k / Bers

Corrupted         LK Superchests 5000   Vex, Ist, Um, Um              10k / Ber

Phosheez          LK superchests 3224   Ber, Vex, Um, Pul, 2x Lem  10k / 1/3 ber for enigma

DeathMage         Lk superchests 1750   2Lem, 2Ko                   5k / Ber

Cormallon         LK superchests 1200   LEM                         5k / VEX

Naab              LK Superchests 1200   Vex,Lem,skillers            5k / HRs and skillers

Masas             LK Superchests 1000   Pul, PnB, Spark GCs        10k / High-Runes

Krovak            LK Superchests  665   2 Ber, Um, 2 Pul, 2 Lem     1k / Ber, Charms

Wagthesam         LK Superchests  500   Lem, skillers               5k / Lo

Bassano           LK superchests  450   Fal                            2k / Ber

Schmaleop         LK superchests  400   2x Fal, Lem, 2x Ko, Vex     1k / Rune =< Ohm

TedDeeBoy         LK superchests  266   Lem, Lum, LB Skiller        2k / HRs,decent socketables & charms

Deaddave          LK Superchests    0   -                           3k / HRs and Skillers

YoungDbl          Lk superchests    0   -                          10k / HR's, skillers, Stone Runes

Zaliqai           LK superchests    0                               1k / HRs & skillers

rollom            LK superchests    0                               2k / Vex

Sir Lister of Smeg LK superchests   0  -                            1k+/high runes, gems, skillers

charlengu         Lk superchests    0   -                           xk / skillers, runes, gems

Jackalope      LK Superchests    0   -                          10k / Vek + anything else

sequana           Countess       2630   3xIst, 3xMal, 3xUm          5k / runes

poopie_pants      Countess       1000   Ist                         2k / Mal, Ist, Vex, Lo

Jingizu           Countess       ~200   Um, Pul                     xk / runes       

asdfgah           Countess         54                               1k / Fal + plx

Steven Q Urkel    Countess         25   Hel                         5k / HotO

jrlafrance        Countess          0                               1k / Mal +

Sir Lister of Smeg Countess         0   -                           1k+/hels, lum+

Tupsi             Countess          0                               1k / Ist

Krovak            Baal            833   Lo, 2x SoJ, 8x TC87 S/U     1k / High TC EUs/Sets

EasyGijs          Baal            498   1 LightSabre              2.5k / Azurewrath

Sint              Baal            175   Scroll of Identity         10k / Tyrael's Might

SkaMan            Baal              0   N/A                         5k / 'lash, CoA, Griffons

Nacaa             Baal              0   N/A                         5k / ITAMZ

Sir Lister of Smeg Baal             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies

asdfgah           WS K             78   Tyrael's might             1k+ / Gralies! Tals armor 

Nightfish         WS K             55   Griffon’s, Gul              1k / Tyrael’s Might

nichols           WS K              0                               1k / IKSC, TC87's

Nacaa             WS K              0                              25k / Itamz

sirpoopsalot      RoF/CS            1    Shaftstop ;)               1k / Ohm, Tyrael's, DWeb, etc.

Aerwynd           Hell Andariel   665   SoJ, Carrion                2k / Unique Jewelry

TedDeeBoy         Hell Andariel   266   Um, Treks, Shako            2k / Unique Jewelry, anything decent

Corrupted         NM Andariel    2416   100 URings, 4 Tals Amu      xk / 2x Stone of Jordan

IronCrown         NM Andariel     450   Eth Ribby, Tals Amu       2000 / Tals Amu, Soj

Cattleya          NM Andariel    1500   Tals x3, ToB x2, Arc Sign 3000 / 2x SoJ, Tal's Amu, Arcanna's Sign

xDuckster         NM Andariel     500   SOJ                         2k / Tal Amu , Soj, Crow Caw

Vemp              NM Andariel       0   -                         2500 / Tals Amu

Zarfen            NM Andariel       0   -                           1k+/ Soj(s)

Lasco             NM Cows         700   WC/Jav skiller              2k / Skillers 

EasyGijs          NM Cows          42   2ES cedar staff       1k / Memory stick

jrlafrance        NM Mephisto     500   Carin Shard                 1k / Finish off Exceptional Uniques

OneFromBeyond     NM Mephisto      10   Titans                      1k / 2 Guillaime's+2GoreRider

simura            Cows             19   Gul, Mal                    1k / 'Nigma runes

Timinator         Alvl85            0   Not started                50k / 22 grailers

Sir Lister of Smeg Cows             0   -                           1k+/(ethereal)(perfect) grailies, high runes, gems
Completed runs:

Username:         Target:       Runs:   Finds:                      Goal:


Vang              Pindleskin    17045   Astreon's I.Ward, SUR       20k / CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice

AJK               Pindleskin     5000   DWeb,CoA,IKSC,Tal's plate    5k / Grailies (Griffon's)

Mursilis          Pindleskin     5000   Marasx2, BK Ring, Arkainex2  5k / Griffon's and/or HoZ

nubikoen          Pindleskin     5000   Griffon's, IKSC, Gris caddy  5k / 4 sock gris caddy / DF / DW / CoA

Jose              Pindleskin     2950   IKSC Windforce              20k / IKSC

crazy_bear        Pindleskin     2800   Tal's Armor                  5k / Esets, EU's

nazgarok          Pindleskin     2597   Death's Fathom, Gut Siphon   5k / Death's Fathom

Zaliqai           Pindleskin     2000   M'av's TS, BK's TG           2k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Tartanasia        Pindleskin     1800   ward, ormus,IK arm          10k / Girffons / eschutas / fathom / coa /nightwing

newco             PiElTu         1000   Steel Pillar                 1k / 1k

nichols           Pindleskin     1000   SoJ, Arkaines                1k / Elite S/U's

LD50              Pindleskin     1059   Mav&Gris Helm, Steelrend    Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Slothman          Pindleskin      490   IKSC                         5k / IKSC

Phosheez          Mephisto       8315   Ist,Pul,5x wrath,3x SOJ      2k / Stormlash, the rest of NU and XU's

XpucTo            Mephisto       1354   Azurewrath,AoKL              5k / Azurewrath, grail items

mwints            Mephisto       1000   See post                     1k / 1k

asdfgah           Mephisto       1000   The report                   1k / Stuff to get me started.

factory           Mephisto       1000   2 x HOZ                      1k / mara's and a bloody fetid sprinkler

Zaliqai           Mephisto       1000   2x Mara's, Kira's, Reaper's  1k / Merc equipment, anything good

sequana           Mephisto       1000   HoZ, 6 x facet, Reaper's     1k / elite uniques

herobomberman     mephisto       1000   3xarach,azurewrath,Lo        1k / arach/azurewrath

pwangsta          Mephisto       1000   4/-5 cold, skulldersx2, bkwb 1k / HoZ, Mara's, Andy's

Darkoooo          Mephisto       1000   Arach, Heaven's light...     1k / Shako, Silkweaves

rollom            Mephisto        377   HoZ, SS, Shako, Reaper's     1k / HoZ

lachen            Mephisto        320   Highlord's                   1k / Highlord's Wrath, Azurewrath

Kaz               Mephisto        200   Anderials Visage             2K / HoZ, Shako, Occy, SoJ, Skulders

Oblivious         Mephisto        189   Mara's                       5k / Mara's

Tartanasia        Mephisto         x                                  x / Hozx2 Wt maras 2skillValor

jjscud            LK superchests 5000   Vex, Gul, 3xMal, 40/15       5k / Lo+

Darkoooo          LK Superchests 2000   2*Ist,Fal,Lem,skillers       1k / Ber

VCrow             NM Andariel  ~1,410   SoJ x 2; Lum x 4             2k / Stone of Jordan x 2

herobomberman     NM Andariel     150   SoJ                          1k / Stone of Jordan

TedDeeBoy         NM Andariel    1208   6 SoJ, Lum, Ko, 299 Ribby    2k / Tals Ammy

Kefir             Countess       4085   Ist                          xk / Vex + Gul

Klæmint Vágadal   Countess       1000   Ist, 2xMal, 2xUm, 2xPul      1k / Mal +

TedDeeBoy         Countess       1000   3 Mals, SoJ, Eth Titans      1k / Pul & Um

VCrow             Countess        600   2 Ists, 2 Mals             1125 / HotO

maxicek           Countess        400   3x Um                        1k / Mal, Puls

nepeta            Council        1000   Gul                          1k / A good rune (objective not met imo)   

telloran          NM Meph        1500   Oculus/War Trav             1k5 / Skullder's

charlengu         Tunnels        2350   CoA, Darkforce, IKSC     16810 / IKSC/Other Elites

RKC               Tunnels        1000   REPORT Kiras Guardian (2)    1k / Tal's

Zaliqai           Tunnels        1000   Nat's Mark, 2x TC87          1k / Griffon's, Nat's Mark, TC87

Updated , Pindle, Meph, Tunnels, LK and Andy runs.
Estimated market value