The Certain Death Tournament.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Thanks for the congrats everyone.

@LoZ – Congrats on reaching on Hell! . . (wait what! . . your first Conqueror!? . . congrats again :thumbup: ) . . and does the mystery missing text have anything to do with using Revive charges from the Harmony? . . otherwise you’ve got me stumped.

@Mournblade – Congrats on your first Destroyer . . . best wishes for NM.

@Tarantella – I was wondering where you went . . . any chance we’ll soon be hearing about Guardian Damasque?

@Morathi – Um close, Hadriela is only my second tournament Guardian (the other was Hoshi the crossbow wielding Enchantress for the Bow Masters Tournament) . . . and then I’ve had a bunch of Guardians on USwest and USeast but Hadriela’s my favorite. Also, sorry to hear the Valk isn’t as great as expected (but I’m guessing it will improve quickly :nod: ).
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Thanks Han. Only my second ever HC character too. :)
That's right, I used Revive for the Baal battle then forgot to mention it on the write-up :(

I was wondering where Tarentella went, too.

Morathi, the Valk is a damned good tank, but needs points putting in it. I use pre-buff gear to shave off some of these points, but that means a weaker Valk if I battle-field re-cast.

Sorry if I'm not making sense, I am really ill at the moment! Gastric-fluey sort of thing. Yuck.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

@Hans and Loz. Yeah i have played 2 Amazon's before that both featured a high level Valk. Once she gets to level 9 and more importantly level 17, she becomes a killing and tanking MACHINE! Its just, the sudden change from a overpowered Act 2 merc, to a level 1 Valk is quite a shock. Progress has taken a turn for the worst, however we are still chugging along at snails pace. Alice has had to do ALOT more work than usual, but it is still fairly safe.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Despite her miniscule playing time Britta has completed her clear of Act I, and entered Lut Gholein.

She generally cruised through everything pretty easily, so there were few instances of fear. The high lit resists of tainted was very noticeable however. FB actually worked faster on them despite not being that high of a level yet. One scare incident came when a pack of extra-fast tainted came from two directions. The boss was also MultiShot and I suspect Britta would not have survived a full volley of three lightning balls. Britta ran, drinking purples as she went, until she got to a safe distance. Another one also had to do with Tainteds, this time in Catacombs 4. When she opened the door to Andy's room there were about 4 normal tainted immediately on the other side, just millimetres away! They fired immediately. That was a shock, but again, a quick purple and run and the excitement was over pretty quick.

Not surprisingly, Andariel droped crap.

It's sure noticeable the difference in number unique monsters compared to normal. Britta had quite a few greens and golds, including Tancred's Hobnails from a corpse in the back of Andy's room. I got my hopes up on a green ammy, but it was a Civerbs. She also got a nozokan relic.... that made me wonder.... if she used a +10 max resist item, would she be allowed to have up to 60 in that resist?

Britta, lvl 53 Trapsin, NM Lut Gholein

Edit: I really should read through the thread again before I post! Wow, congrats on Guardian Han. That's an amazing accomplishment.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Hans! A Big congratulations to you. An amazing accomplishment, and great Guardian! Just wow!
Are you going to make a Guardian thread for Hadriela (and the Mat/Pat/Guard thread?)

Unfortunately, Argoel got very silly in Act I Hell. After taking things slow and having numerous breaks, Argoel eventually reached the Catacombs waypoint. On the following session Argoel decided to go back and do the various caves. I had already set it to /players3, and went through my options:
Change the settings back and kill (knowing that I don't do full clears anyway, so the extra exp on /pl1 or 3 wouldn't do much anyway,) or do some teleporting. I even thought that the chances of teleporting were pretty slim, and that it was a dumb choice.
But Argoel tried it, and got stuck in the middle of a pack of spearwomen.

[highlight]RIP Argoel, *1.13 Sorceress, Catacombs Lvl 2, Lv.77[/highlight]

1.13: The lack of IM on Oblivion Knights is a big change. I'm one who enjoyed the fact that these areas were different to every other area, and that you actually had to change your strategy/skills (every character has a number of options to avoid IM,) to pass through these areas. But at the same time, I also think that IM was way too damaging. I don't agree with 1-hit ko's very often. However, even though they removed this challenge, it just meant I never had to worry about running out of gold or trips back to town.

Respec - I actually kind of enjoyed progressing quicker early on. It did remove some of the characters 'uniqueness/personality' [for the lack of a better word,] that you get without reskilling, but I enjoyed progressing and having to choose which point to respec at. Infinite respecs is overboard though IMO.

Again, thanks for running the tourney Wakiki, and good luck to the remaining participants. It's been fun! :thumbup: And again, BIG CONGRATS to Hans and Hadriela!
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Congrats on the Guardian, Han! Very impressive!

I thought it's time for a big update, as I reached destroyer.

I was somewhere in act 2 iirc when I last posted. Many things happened since then. Ormus gave me a nice ring. Maggot lair was relatively easy. No PoisonImmune=cakewalk. P3 Duriel wasn't hard either: I had a strong merc, with a savage polearm. He gave me some crap of course.

On to Act 3! I hate that act, especially the endless jungles. Doing full clears dosen't help me to get used to it. Anyway, it passed. Kurast was more interesting. Many chests, and temples. They are frightening at p8. I had an NDE in one of the temples, as I was greeted with some fireballs and meteors, and some other strong melee monsters. Luckily, I could handle the situation, I had to go up to Kurast only once. Also, there was a lucky drop in LK. That gives 40 life on a pair of gloves! :cloud9:

LVL 30 came, and a sad moment with it. I said goodbye to my merc. I had to kill Oak sage and Poison creeper, otherwise his regen was too fast, and he would have killed the monsters without a weapon. After that I summoned the Grizzly, and we became good friends in no time. We had a nice special chest drop in the sewers. (Nice, but not useful...) Council, Durance's monsters and Meph all died with no difficulty. (I had to resummon my bear many times, and meph was sloooow but heh. It's a rabies druid.) Meph dropped some crap.

Act 4, my favourite act came. Monsters are tougher. I had to bite bigger monsters 2-3 times. No problem, I just needed some patience, and everything was full cleared. After a funny HF drop I was ready for CS.
Infector of Souls and his minions was the first tough fight, I had to run for my life. Finally, they fell.
Diablo appeared. Luckily, I had a stamina shrine in CS, and it was very useful. My strategy was:
1. Summon Bear
2. run to Big D in a spiral
3. Bite
4. Run away in a spiral
5. Run in big circles, resummon Oak and PCreeper.
Then repeat. like 50 times. Yeah, and it was p3. My bear usually died in between step 1 and 2, and I couldn't stand the fire for a long time as well. The game rewarded me with a better drop this time.

My drood arrived to Harrogath, and received the usual welcomes. Outside everything went smoothly. I gained some levels, and killing speed went up. Arreat Plateau, and places like that were a bit annoying, as monsteres aren't enough near to each other, and I had to bite everything. Also, the stupid barricades, towers and doors are PI, and it took many time to get past them. I was rewarded with some uniques.War hammer, Morning star, Bone Shield (eth) Also, two blue rings dropped from consecutive monsters. :D

I dropped to p3 for Pindle, as they have high resist to poison (or big life pool) I had to kill every undead warrior at least twice, because they resurrected faster than I could handle them.
Nihlathak was realtively easy, and gave me a nice pair of boots.

I continued to the Ancients, and WSK. Ancients were separated. At that time, Grizzly was durable enough: I didn't need to recast him. WSK and throne was easy.

p8 minon waves weren't easy. They were TOUGH. On Wave two, I killed the mummies with 5-6 bites each, with an NDE. But Achmel didn't fall, he was PoI. We tried to kill him with the bear, but his life didn't start falling. Went back to town for the Goblin Toe, and we still weren't able to reduce his life. Then an idea came: if only we could get out of Baal's Decrep range, that would be enough. The only problem is that Achmel dosen't move: he just resurrects mages. How to get Achmel out to the throne room enterance? It's easy: Grizzly has knockback. With '~10 resummoning, I could get him to the middle, but it always went wrong, as those small fireplaces act as a wall. With 15 additional recasts he was at the enterance, and we took him down.

Wave 3 was easy, wave 4 was slow, but doable. Wave five was tough again. No, I didn't drop Psetting. We managed to separate Lister and an other minion. We were already at the door to WSK. (no screenshot unfortunately). It took ~10 minutes to bring that two down. In the first 6 minutes nothing happened, other than some town trips for potions. After a while, I realised that I can't hurt Lister, so I and the bear both attacked the minion, It fell in 1 minute, and then we could handle Lister. Other minions were done one by one.
I dropped to p3 for Baal. I'm not sure if the experience bug exists in normal or just hell? Anyway, it was relatively easy. Crushing blow from Goblin toe, and hard poison brought him down quickly. He didn't even clone himself. His drop: clicky!

Now I tossed on all my MF gear again, and visited the cows. It was tons of fun! Bite&wait=40 cows dead. Here are some screenies: 1, 2, 3

Fastpoison's stats after clearing normal: clicky!

[highlight]Fastpoison, lvl 48 rabies/summon druid, act 1 NM Rogue Encampment[/highlight]

I will try to update more frequently in the future. GL everyone!
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Ok, after watching the progress of this tournament i'm finally in.

Havent played hardcore in quite a long time so what better time to start than in a no vitality tournament! :crazyeyes:

cant imagine i will last too long but...

I'll be playing with Groth-GolemGuru, a 1.13 necromancer who will attempt to master the art of bows and hopefully maintain control of some golems. I will also assume some corpse explosion abuse will me in the mix too.

Groth-GolemGuru, 1.13 lvl 1 Golemancer, act 1 Rogue Encampment.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Good luck to you shizwiggle - I'm fond of golemancers and so wish you well :)
RIP Argoel - I had high hopes for you, and your deeds in the Catacombs just before I was due to enter them kinda spooked me!
Shaandore, that's a brave choice of character, good luck!
crazy_bear, best of luck for your trapsin.


Andariel is dead. Not much in the way of drama in the battle: just stock up on antidotes, re-cast Valk and portal back to town when the poison starts to bite. The un-buffed Valk lasted about three shots, the buffed one about five so in the end I didn't bother buffing her. Guided Arrow did my killing. The drop was the worst I've ever seen from Andy (aside from once when I had a no-drop from her, early in my D2 career).

The journey to Andy was where the fun lay. One NDE in the Catacombs (never allow You've Been Framed to come on TV when playing HC) due to less than 100% attention. The Act was played at Players3 throughout, except for P1 for Tower Level 5 and Andy herself. Kill speed is worryingly slow and I foresee Players1 being the norm for the more dangerous underground areas in Act 2 onwards.

One of the caves was where we first started meeting the harsh reality that is Hell difficulty. This guy took some careful manoeuvring and reminded me once again that a Valk is a hundred times more useful than a merc-bugged hireling. Almost all monsters preferred to target the Valk.

I was rather dreading the Countess Tower cellars - hugely dangerous place. For some reason, I had convinced myself that I would meet lots of cold immunes, but they were the exception, rather than the rule. Still, the welcome I received was somewhat frosty. Further on into the cellars, conditions did not improve. Our encounter with a triple boss pack when better than I expected, thanks to terrain and bottle-necking tactics. I shudder to think what might have happened if we had been caught in the open, faced with such fanatical and mighty adversaries. (Watching the auras of the monsters flicker between the two held an almost fatal fascination for me, kind of like being stuck in your car on a train crossing, whilst wide-eyedly staring at a freight train approaching you.)
The Countess' drop was useful from a crafting standpoint, but not outstanding.

By comparison, the often difficult Smith was easily disposed of. Pitspawn Fouldog would have been completely vile, had he and his crew not been caged and helpless. My arrows easily out-ranged his lightning volleys.

No pictures of the Andy fight, I was a little busy and a mis-click may have been costly.

Cold Arrow     20
Ice Arrow       1
Freezing Arrow 18
Magic Arrow     1
Multiple Shot  10

IS, SM, Decoy   1
Valkyrie        9 (17 with Harmony & Pre-buff)
D/A/E           1

CS & Pierce     5
Penetrate      10

LCS here. After FA is maxed, I was going to pump MS, but it looks like I will need to have more hard points in Valk if I am to have any chance of beating the tougher monsters in this game.

[highlight]WitherBow, MS/FA Bowazon, Level 78, Lut Gholein (Hell)[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Okay, everyone else seems a bit faster than DeadTwo. Anyway, what's new?

(did I say grats Han yet? Awesome play dude)

So, I'm a man with a plan, or at least a barb with a plan. And that plan is... Up [highlight]Bonesnap[/highlight], put a bunch of skillpoints in mace mastery / berserk (I have spare) and go crazy at p5. But, you know, I hate to commit myself so I thought I'd try slugging it out with the skillpoints I've got and a non-upped Bonesnap to see how it goes. It goes okay, I'm killing things now, even on p5.

And then corpsefire is PI. Out comes the [highlight]malice[/highlight]. Bleed darn you. I gamble a nice ring. Bit too much life though :( More (maw?) PIs in the cave, where did I put that malice? (whack whack whack, it kills okay with slvl1 berserk. Good choice to upgrade to a jagged star).

This double champion pack was not awake when I got the screenshot. When they did wake up, I didn't have time for a second. And I thought I'd never be able to get in to the second level. This is dicier than it looks, honest.

We set up a nice stable situation, killing this boss and every so often, his buddies would come back to help him out. Begone chaps, ahem. Anyway, he was about 80% down when I ran out of super healing juice and I didn't want to waste full rejuve so I, er, mistakenly got Azrael killed while I was deciding what to do. Idiot! That is >35k instead of 750 (not k). I rezzed Azreal, came back and General's-ed him to death. That's Black Jade, not Azrael again.

Blood Raven was taken at p1. You know, I don't care what people say, she is one of my top 5 worst critters, not as in oh no, she's gonna kill me, but as in oh no, I'm not going to be able to kill her. I hate that. After running around for 15 minutes, I brought out the old favourite malice and sorted her out. Everything about this runeword is good - -100def, open wounds, decent +dam. I can't believe I didn't use it for so long.

I decided to take the Mausoleum and Crypt at p3 with Rhyme for maximum MF. I'm still packing 96 (armour) + 72 (helm) + 21 (ammy) + 22 (nagel) + 35 (boots) -> total 246. I've had some luck here in the past. Aaaannnd...

RNG all is forgiven. 66 life, CBF and a bit of life replenish. Which means, if I pre-buff with my +3 warcries ammy and swap my mf ammy for my ammy of the tiger (+29 life) I can finally hit 1k life! Yeah.

And after all that, I'm still only at the Stony Field.

[HIGHLIGHT]DeadTwo, Level 76 BO Barb with Azrael the Mighty Desert Guard, Hell Stony Field[/HIGHLIGHT]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Morathi, lol about your Golden Bird. Can't it drop all act, though? By the way guys, just a clarification: if you are unable to complete a quest due to a map glitch, you are allowed to try again on /players 1 without picking up any items. I once had a map without Radament on it! In this case, you coudl re-roll it and look for him again.

Drystan, I'm sorry to hear that you died in an already-cleared area. :( I especially enjoyed read Argoel's progress since she was in a different version. (Anyone wanna try this tournament out in 1.06 Classic?:D)

Shaandore, good job beating Achmel to reach Destroyer. I love hearing about battles like yours where people try multiple tactics to kill a monster.

shizwiggle, welcome to the tournament! I look forward to hearing about your Golemancer's progress.

Loz, your description of the Might/Fanaticism auras was very poetic. :D Cheers and nice progress! :thumbup:

kav, nice Hell progress. Characters with good 'toolkits' are so cool to read about. :) Nice Trang's, too.

* * * *​

Progress in Act III for S_S has been safe and steady. The worst NDE in the act so far was against a Possesed Thrasher in the Bazaar. He couldn't be decrep'd and was tearing Alhizeer apart with Frenzy, so S_S figured he would walk up to him and spam Bone Armor. Bad idea. The thrasher attacked so fast he interrupted S_S's casts! He had to run away and gulp a potion, then feed Alhizeer a bunch of potions to take him out. S_S encountered another Posses Thrasher-type in Upper Kurast, but had learned his lesson quite well, staying way back and feeding Alziheer potions.

After some thought, I have finally figured out a proper name for this Necromancer class. He has maxed Dim Vision, put 10 points into Decrep, and is maxing Bone Wall/Prison, which are all defensive spells. Thus, he's a Defencemancer. Anything difficult was handled this way. Extra Strong, Extra Fast, Cursed, and he still could take Alziheer down when Life Tap'd.

S_S cast Dim Vision every time he stepped into each of the Kurast Temples. One of them had a cursed/magic resistance set of Vipers mixed with normal lightning beetles near the entrance, but the vipers were dimmed before they could even charge once. Alziheer took down the Life Tap'd unique while one of the beetles annoyed S_S's bone armor.

Good finds (I won't list every S/U anymore):
  • Shael Rune (I can't complain about never finding these anymore -- I've found two with this character so far!)
  • This Hell-worthy-but-definitely-improvable ring. Every mod there is useful, but the lack of life is such a shame. I plan on squeezing as much life as possible out of every slot, so this one might not make the cut.

[highlight]Shadow_Salad, level 63 Defensemancer, Travincal[/highlight]

P.S. A question. I couldn't think of a name for this character so I used a random word generator, planning on changing it later like I could with ATMA. I'm on a mac though, so ATMA isn't available. Is there any way to change character names with Gomule? :scratchchin:

* * * *​
Forum Name     Character       Class            Location               Level
HanShotFirst   Hadriela        Frozen Orb/TK    ==Guardian 1==           86
Tarantella     Damasque        Skirmisher       (H)World Stone Keep L.1  84
ancalagon T.B. Shatterproof    Strafer          (H)Bloody Foothills      80 RIP
Mursilis       Jaheira         Trapsin          (H)Spider Forest         78 RIP
Drystan        Argoel          Sorceress        (H)Palace Cellar L. 3    80 RIP
scrcrw         Soapbubble      Strafeazon       (H)Far Oasis             78 RIP
Lozhinge T.U.  WitherBow       MS/FA Bowazon    (H)Lut Gholein           78
Drystan        Argoel          *1.13 Sorceress  (H)Catacombs L. 2        77 RIP
Hp_Sauce       AlreadyDead     Trapper          (H)Black Marsh           74
kavarin        DeadTwo         BO Barb          (H)Stony Field           76
HanShotFirst   Mara            Traps            (N)Throne of Destruction 73 RIP
scrcrw         Kaiko           Blade Fury Asn   (N)Throne of Destruction 72 RIP
Tarantella     Amarantine      Skirmisher       (N)Throne of Destruction 72 RIP
jiansonz       Morte           Mojo/Bonemancer  (N)Plains of Despair     65 RIP
Ohomemgrande   Josephine       ES/FO sorc       (N)Pandemonium Fortress  64
HanShotFirst   Ulquiorra-san   Bone Necro       (N)Mephisto              64 RIP
LozHinge T.U.  WitherStick     Psn Daggermancer (N)Mephisto              62 RIP
wakiki         Shadow_Salad    Defencemancer    (N)Travincal             63
soulmanz       SparkyPancakes  Novawaller       (N)Great Marsh           58 RIP
scrcrw         Becalmed        Wind Druid       (N)Kurast Docks          58
Alfonso T.G.   TheAragorn      Ranger Paladin   (N)Tal Rasha's Tomb      59 RIP
Morathi        Drake           Fire Druid       (N)Arcane Sanctuary      58 RIP
scrcrw         Enchilada       Entrantress      (N)Coldworm The Burrower 55 RIP
HanShotFirst   Helen           FA/Strafer       (N)Halls of the Dead L.1 54 RIP
MOOsaccre      Zapsarrap       Orb/Fireball     (N)Dry Hills             53
scrcrw         Jenna           Poison Java      (N)Radament              53 RIP
crazy_bear     Britta          Trapsin          (N)Lut Gholein           53
Morathi        Iago            Fury/Rabies      (N)Pit Level 2           50 RIP
Bluechip       Inevitability   Sorceress        (N)Black Marsh           44 RIP
Thomh          Uzumati         Fire Claws Bear  (N)Dark Wood             49
kavarin        Roadkill        Fire/Wolf        (N)Underground Passage   49 RIP
NagisaFurukawa Rin             Strafer          (N)Underground Passage   46 RIP
Tarantella     Mortiphye       Summoner Hybrid  (N)Cold Plains           48
Mournblade     Freddie Mercury Singer           (N)Cold Plains           47
jdkerr         Lifeless        Wind Druid       (N)Rogue Encampment      48
Shaandore      Fastpoison      Rabies/Summoner  (N)Rogue Encampment      48
cenyth         Teff            ES Sorceress     Baal                     48 RIP
Alfonso T.G.   Fishyzon        Fishyzon         Baal                     48 RIP
Mournblade     Svelte_Savage   Spearazon        Baal                     41 RIP
EmperorMoo     MELIKECAKE      Concbarb         Crystalline Passage      37 RIP
Ohomemgrande   GeneralJoe      Summon Necro     Bloody Foothills         32 RIP
MOOsaccre      Wallerina       F-wall/T-storm   Diablo                   36 RIP
HanShotFirst   Scorn           Fire Druid       Diablo                   34 RIP
Mournblade     Mouse           Golemancer       Diablo                   31 RIP
Brutass        Tane            Summ/Fire Druid  Diablo                   30 RIP
nermind        EatMyBones      Bonemancer       Chaos Sanctuary          34 RIP
EmperorMoo     FineFingers     Strafezon        Chaos Sanctuary          31 RIP
wakiki         BathtubPancake  Charge/H.Freeze  River of Flame           34 RIP
pepitosari     SassyAssasin    Assassin         River of Flame           33 RIP
Brutass        Icybiatch       Frost Maiden     Mephisto                 29 RIP
Brutass        Sparkles        Lite/Orb Sorc    Bremm Sparkfist          27 RIP
MOOsaccre      Moossacre       Bowzon           Ruined Temple            32 RIP
Morathi        Alice           Valk/GA Zon      Lower Kurast             30
Zelator        WitchOfEndor    CE/Curse Necro   Flayer Jungle            29
soulmanz       SwayBabySway    Passivezon       Kurast Docks             27
Cor Blimey     Sir_Healzealot  Cowardin         Kurast Docks             25
Morathi        Blake           Zerker           Tal Rasha's Tomb         28 RIP
scrcrw         of_Worlds       Light Sorc       Tal Rasha's Tomb         26 RIP
Docturnal      Zmeli_Khat      Necromancer      Tal Rasha's Tomb         26 RIP
Brutass        Jezabelle       Javazon          Tal Rasha's Tomb         26 RIP
JayeM          Glassjaw        Barbarian        Tal Rasha's Tomb         25 RIP
Bluechip       Vitamin         Throwbarb        Tal Rasha's Tomb         23 RIP
Lostprophet    Cody            Blaze/G.Spike    Harem Level 1            24
PepitoSari     Kratos          Barbarian        Fangskin                 25 RIP
scrcrw         Clodius         Throwbarb        Maggot Lair level 3      21 RIP
Morathi        Sibella         Cold Sorc        Maggot Lair              24 RIP
JayeM          Glasscannon     Assassin         Maggot Lair              20 RIP
JayeM          Trixie          Bladesin         Rocky Waste              20 RIP
scottasin      Todetta         Amazon           Rocky Waste              21
holiecows      HolieTraps      Assassin         Lut Gholein              21
pepitosari     KillAll         Sorceress        Lut Gholein              21
QuickDeath     CandleintheWind Javazon          Lut Gholein              20
scottasin      Toddetta        Amazon           Lut Gholein              20
Jason Maher    Lurz            Summoning Druid  Lut Gholein              20
Bluechip       Murderherder    Hunter Druid     Lut Gholein              19
scrcrw         Summer          Blizzsorc        Andariel                 19 RIP
EmperorMoo     Magrat_Garlick  Trapsin          Andariel                 18 RIP
Myth           RAWR            Throwbarb        Inner Cloister           19
JayeM          GlassEye        Necromancer      Jail Level 2             17 RIP
Galningen      KingLeoric      Bonemancer       Jail Level 1             19
UllaV          Tilsit          Blizballer       Jail Level 1             18 RIP
sirpoopsalot   QuestionMarks   ES/GS Sorc       Barracks                 18 RIP
Brutass        Snatch          Trapsin          Barracks                 18 RIP
Ganoidyn       Arvon           Psn Novamancer   Barracks                 17 RIP
Bluechip       Sickness        Poison Javazon   Barracks                 15 RIP
MOOsaccre      VikingJoe       Conc/Find Item   Outer Cloister           17 RIP
Skjoldmose     Nico            Fire Trapsin     Outer Cloister           16
NagisaFurukawa Isumi           Trapper          Forgotten Tower          15 RIP
Docturnal      Toxarys         Strafezon        Black Marsh              15 RIP
XxUberStarxX   Inevitable      Chargadin        Stony Field              12
mattinm        TomCruise       Leap/Howl/Ward   Stony FIeld              12
Docturnal      Papa_Bear       Wearbear Druid   Cold Plains              12
NagisaFurukawa Kirei           Bonemancer       Cold Plains              8
Lostprophet    Bill            Fred Phelpsin    Cold Plains              8
Galningen      Blade           Bf/Light Traps   Cold Plains              6
EmperorMoo     BraveSirRobin   Mojomancer       Cold Plains              6
MOOsaccre      Kharne          Fireclaws Bear   Cold Plains              6
Brutass        Sparky          Lite/Orb Sorc    Den of Evil              6  RIP
Kefka          Fergie          Trappa           Rogue Encampment         1
maareek        DeathtoCurtains Berserker        Rogue Encampment         1
Machete        Benny           Bow Barb         Rogue Encampment         1
Zefimas        Susannah        Bowzon           Rogue Encampment         1
EmperorMoo     Circe           Sorceress        Rogue Encampment         1
cenyth         Cytohu          Windy Druid      Rogue Encampment         1
Docturnal      Zmeli_Khat      Poisonmancer     Rogue Encampment         1
Morathi        Aisha           Thrower/MB Asn   Rogue Encampment         1
Ganoidyn       Arvon           Psn Novamancer   Rogue Encampment         1
shizwiggle     Groth-GolemGuru Golemancer       Rogue Encampment         1
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Heh - it's not too bad. Normally I'd just kill some monsters if I had to go through an area twice, my reason being that I don't do full clears, so the extra experience doesn't even come close to the extra exp from full clears. It was merely carelessness and a risk that wasn't required. She probably could've gone a bit further (I was hoping to beat my first attempt of Lvl 80/Act 2,) but decided to take that risk.
And as said earlier, Argoel was really just testing the waters of 1.13, respec and IM removal, which I'm very happy with the experience and experimenting. :)
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.


Groth was preceeding strongly, casually slaying things on players 3 with help from a golem and a long bow stuffed with 3 chipped topazes.

It is quite fun pumping golem mastery and watching the golems zip around the screen, not something i have done often. The new blood golem in 1.13 was fun as well, tanking and stealing life while i fired off volleys of arrows.

After merrily slaying my way through the dry hills and into the far oasis i created a new bow and decided that things were all too easy so i uped the players setting to 5 for the maggot lair, maybe not the best idea because the screen that no-one likes suddenly appeared.

o well it was very fun and a character i would like to create again.

goodluck to the rest of you!
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

@shizwiggle RIP Groth. Sidenote: It is allowed (encouraged even) to enter with multiple characters. So you could give the bow/golemancer another try in this tournament.

Also: Go Witherbow!
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

RIP Groth and Argoel!

Britta the fragile sin started her act 2 journey in the sewers of Lut Gholein, off to kill that creature known as Radament. While there, she got a bit of a preview of what she would find through the rest of the act – gold! As in she found BloodFist for the second time. Nice gloves for 40 life, but not needed (yet) and she already had a pair. In any case, Radament was dispatched (at a safe distance) and Britta moved out into the desert.

Into the stoney tomb she went. It was the layout with the small loop at the entrance. So she opened the door immediately north of the entrance…. Beetle boss pack! Trap, trap retreat south … skeleton mage bosspack! Ack! Up the stairs. Ok, back in, try for the second door. Nothing behind it. Phew… got enough space to deal with it. Turns out there were three packs in that little area. I learned not to open any doors until I’ve dealt with the open areas. I don’t know how anyone manages screen captures without dying when there are monsters all over. With space the rest was straight forward, Creeping Feature dropped double green – Isenhart’s Helm and Sander’s Boots. And then there was this!. Sweet. Nice little MF boost.

The rest of the desert areas were fine, as one would exepect. Maggot lair didn’t give any excitement, and then there was Ancient Tunnels. A plain eth partisan dropped….Azrael really needed a better weapon so I thought about trying sockets, but I never remember to use the imbue quest, so a quick trip was made to Charsi, yielding this. Wow, that was awful. A Hel rune also turned up though, so no complaints on the AT drops.

The Claw vipers didn’t stand a chance as there were no resistant monsters. Open door - drop traps - repeat. Sol rune, Bvertt Keep, and axe of fechmar were the more interesting finds.

The Palace cellar was a lot more painful. Horror archer bosses all over the place, some of them LI. Britta started using CoS a lot more, and there was lots of running away. It was the first area she used more blue pots than she found.

Meanwhile, she gambled a nice MF ammy. Take a look at the resists… Grr, have to rearrange everything for 3 resists…. She did manage it though it took some work. At this point she ended up with about 260 MF overall.

The Arcane Sanctuary didn’t pose any real problems, nor did it offer any good finds. The summoner was on the last arm tried, which was nice considering she would have cleared it all anyway. So it was on to the false tombs, which were very productive! To start with Kaa dropped a rare circlet, which turned out to be this:
Eagle Visage
Defense: 48
Durability: 31 of 35
Required Level: 43
Fingerprint: 0x213bb018
Item Level: 52
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25 to Life
56% Enhanced Defense
+1 to Assasin Skill Levels
All Resistances +19
Unfortunately, Britta Can’t get her cold resist below 50 with it and her other gear! I guess it can sit in the stash until really needed. Here is a nice chest drop. Too bad she’s not a zon! Even though the rest of the mods don’t really help Britta, she did decide to equip the Silks though, as the 3 chippy ring mail she had been wearing was pretty pathetic. Late r on, she found Magefist and Battlebrach as well. Quite a collection of unique happening.

Finally it was on to Duriel. I decided to go p5 for this, and was glad I did. Had to keep feeding the merc potions, and one tp out was taken, but here was the result. Here it is ID’d.
 Chance Guards
Chain Gloves
Defense: 27
Durability: 11 of 16
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0xac6e6df5
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
24% Enhanced Defense
+25 to Attack Rating
+15 Defense
200% Extra Gold from Monsters
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 to Light Radius
Nice Roll! I’m not sure the extra MF is worth it though, as I’m not sure how Britta could make up the resists lost on her current gloves, which already have 24 MF.

In any case, Britta is done with the desert, and off to the Jungle.

[highlight]Britta, lvl 59 Trapsin, Kurast Docks, NM.[/highlight]
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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I've been reading this thread religiously, but I haven't posted recently. Wakiki's chart says I haven't updated since I was in Act 1 Black Marsh. Much has happened since then, but I can't really remember what I read when, so I just want to say a blanket: congrats to everyone who has progressed, and RIP to anyone who has died, since my last post.

AlreadyDead & Haseen have been slowly plugging their way through Diablo's minions in-between work, work & office hours.

I don't want to write a novel, so I'll try to make this brief-ish and interesting.

Andy died and dropped crap (though it feels like I already updated that part of our journey).

I had troubles with my PC in Act 2 (note the fps). My PC pulls this trick often while playing, generally only for a few seconds and then it sorts itself out. However, this time it was quite persistent. I paused the game for a few hours and when I returned it had sorted itself out. The Halls of the Dead had a stair trap, but not too bad. CoS and Mindblast sorted it out.

Found a replacement +life LC for a couple extra life.

High hopes! But it turned out to be a crappy Nagel (17%)
High hopes! But it turned out to be an Angelic (although if I find the ring, I could potentially have another +75 life).

We were kicking over jars in the lower right and got hit by 2x lightning nova traps for half health... that was humbling.

I always say I'm going to try crafting things, but never get around to it for one reason or another. Anyway, this time I finally tried. So here is my first ever (in god knows how many years) attempt at crafting. The +life is great, but I really needed it to come with +Cold resist... So this belt is currently collecting dust in my stash while AlreadyDead still wears the Hsarus' Iron Stay I found in like Act 2 Norm.

Fangskin dropped nothing, I mean literally nothing. I was holding the 'show items' button at the time of this screen shot. There were a few Health and Mana pots up to the left, off screen. His drop must have glitched onto a bad tile or something, I wasn't impressed.

Danger, and hard to kill, but we survived.
More danger! I thought I was safe when I took this screenshot. But about 0.5 seconds after (you will notice I'm standing within the conviction radius) AlreadyDead took 2 charged bolts to the feet and NDE'd. Needless to say, the rest of the battle was fought from much further back.

Loaded up on Thawing and Antidote potions, Duriel left me wanting for more.

My second ever attempt at crafting. I really needed Cold or Lightning resist for the gloves and got neither.

Doll pop. Ouch.
LK chest drop.

Disused Fane stair trap. This one was rough (you can see all 3 types of monster in that shot if you look close). I couldn't really consentrate traps on one location, because I kept getting flak from the other direction. And I couldn't really concentrate Mindblast in one direction, because I kept getting flak from the other direction. So basically AlreadyDead ran back and forth while sweating a lot, and spamming a lot of Mindblast. Many full juv pots were lost to Haseen in this battle. I think it's a pretty good 'action capturing' screenshot though. Things are a bit safer in this shot, but you can see how close that one spider (dead at my feet) actually got. Mindblast rocks, but sometimes you just can't spam it in enough directions quickly enough!! And clearing up... I'm glad I wasn't close to that unique spider when he died!

The next stair trap (Ruined Temple). Close quarters, but none of them were unique, so it was a bit more tame.

And the Upper Kurrast WP, my current location.

This is one of those "long haul" areas of the game that are created by the "single pass" mentality. As soon as I venture past this WP, I have to clear Upper Kurrast, and I have to at least stick my nose into the 2 temples (and hopefully clear them), and then the next 2 temples in the Travincal (and hopefully clear them). And by the time I've cleared my way to the Travincal WP, it will be a shame to s&e, so I have to clear the rest, and kill the Council. Once the Council is dead, you have to clear Durance level 1, and by the time you've found the Durance level 2 WP, you've probably cleared over 50% of that level, so s&e at that point is a shame... you might as well press onto the Durance 3. With a powerful character, the above isn't a problem, but in this case, it can be a considerable time investment. So I've been dragging my feet. However, I am hopeful that this weekend I can press through and either finish off Act 3, or die.

Conveniently enough, the beginning of Act 4 is also a "long haul". You have to get through 2 large areas (with Izual as a bonus), and then eventually find the WP in the 3rd area. To me these areas are hurtles in a busy life, and they bother me. But as I mentioned already, I am hopefully Haseen and I can pull through them this weekend.

The next "long haul" being the Ancients Way to the World Stone Keep 2 WP.

Anyway, that's my story thus far. I am sad I had to find this thread on the second page. Smarten up everyone else!

[highlight]AlreadyDead, Trapper, Upper Kurast WP, Level 80[/highlight]


Edit: Looks like I wrote a novel anyway. Sorry!
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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Congrats to our first Guardian! I only hope more people can be so fortunate.

Warning, tediously detailed post ahead.
tl:dr: noobmancer Arvon II survives Act I in melodramatic fashion :D

So! With Arvon II I was far, far more cautious than with Arvon the Unfortunate. I didn't even visit the Den of Evil until Arvon had reached Level 6 and discarded his wand (and erstwhile skeletal companion) to become that delightful provisional build known as Stingermancer. Right off the bat I bought a good socketed dirk off Charsi and put in a chipped emerald - couldn't wait for an Envy to drop - and prepared to play the waiting game with pretty much every monster I came across.

Poison-and-run may not be the most savory of techniques, but it certainly did wonders, and for the more persistent creatures there was also amplify damage + stabbity-stabby to death.

Unlike Arvon I, I didn't have a lot of early luck with topazes, but I did get this grand charm that I thought was a pretty neat early booster for a no-vit contest.

As soon as I could, I got myself a cold rogue and headed for Blood Raven. Olena starts out two levels below me, but she will learn, oh yes, she will learn...

When Blood Raven went down, she was so far away (poisoned or not that girl can dash!) that we only saw the tail end of her chain lightning graphics as we chopped down the last of her Hungry Dead.

A neat charm in the Stony Field ensured that Arvon II had a permanent headstart over Arvon I in terms of +life, but there was still no sign of that topaz luck. Oh well, life's not all about magic find, and, as most of the SPF would know, if you're not getting enough loot, kill more damn monsters (of course, most of the SPF here seems to be preoccupied with the idea of killing ALL the damn monsters).

Surprisingly, judicious usage of the Terror curse, coupled with the long duration but sizeable damage on my poison dagger, made clearing my way through angry hordes of corrupted rogues, fiendish smurfs and angry porcupines far easier than I thought it would be. I realized what I had become as I herded off yet another Terrorized flock of poisoned monsters in order to face down an S/U: A Nancymancer!

In the Dark Woods, Treehead Woodfist dropped my first Unique of this run. Mmm! Now I have something on switch with which to thwack things that I don't have to poison!

"Deckard Cain. If you value your life, leave here immediately!" With that melodramatic declaration, I rescue Cain and proceed to loot Tristram dry.

To celebrate Cain's successful retrieval, I decided to try my luck with Gheed, who chose now to tell me he'd hoped to never see my kind again before selling me this baby. Great, I thought, all I need is a new pair of boots. And lo and behold...

Hear that? It's the sound of my luck changing, that 666 in my stash notwithstanding. Of course, I continued spending, but when I ended up with this pretty creature for my Rogue, I decided, spooked, that it was time to stop pushing it.

On my way down to meet the Countess I got pushed back by a bit of a pack, but fended them off before I got cornered. Ain't nobody gonna stair-trap me on Normal Act I, no sir. My topaz luck came flooding back, and I'd filled my three-socket ring mail before long, giving me a rather decent MF rating of 50% in total. Still can't compare to Arvon I's 64%, but that's all dead and buried, now...

Normal Countess drops are usually rubbish, but I got blessed with a neat shield that will carry me until I find a useful +curse head to go with the Knell Striker.

Pretty soon (and uneventfully, aside from a surprisingly high number of Champion packs from the Tamoe Highlands all the way to the Devilkin Shamen surrounding The Smith himself), Arvon II had found the Jail, reaching level 18 and surpassing Arvon I. I immediately went to celebrate my emptying out my stash into Gheed's pocket, but found nothing useful in return. That's Lady Luck for you!

Poison Explosion is my first AoE damage spell and I have a great deal of fun watching monsters drop dead with the poison-daggeresque damage done in 2 seconds instead of 6. Dark Ones, Bone Archers, Wraiths (ooh, don't you love how they stack on each other in their haste to get to you) and other fiends all fell prey to the toxic clouds emitting from the bodies of their own slain brethren. Best of all, its mana cost was so cheap I felt like I was cheating.

Pitspawn Fouldog died somewhere off-screen, still trapped in his cage. Bone Ash was slain in a poison duel. I progressed without mercy.

Andariel was a really nerve-wracking fight. Several times I had to flee with my health going down to 1, dodging that last burst of poison just after I applied my own. Olena wasn't very much help, but she at least occupied Andariel for periods at a time while I dashed about and attempted to administer my dagger to Andariel's hairy back. It got really bad at some points - when Andariel was about 60% down I had to pause the game and grab a steadying glass of water. Every time I ran out of antidotes, stamina, or health potions I'd dash right back to the Rogue Encampment for more.

Eventually, however, my efforts paid off. I began to relax as Andariel's life shrunk to a sliver, and delivered the last stab at my leisure. Good win out in glory in the end! Useless loot, but oh god, so much satisfaction.

And with that, Arvon packs off with Warriv, and off he goes to Act II! Without even going out to level up, Arvon quickly sacks Olena and hires Gulzar, a tough Combat merc, selling Olena's lifestealing longbow for an imposing-looking poleaxe. That done, I exited, satisfied that Arvon II had been overall satisfactory.

Knowing my luck, though, I'm probably going to lose all this work to beetle bolts on my way out of town. Oh no!

Arvon (the Second), Nancy/Stinger/Splodermancer, Aspiring Novamancer, Level 19-going-on-20; accompanied by the surly Level 18 Gulzar the Combat Mercenary - Lut Gholein.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I got my xkcd book yesterday, so D2 play was slow (kept having to take breaks to read it)

I also took a brief break - to change my underwear - after this stair trap in the Forgotten Reliquary. The monsters were so dense that AlreadyDead actually appeared pretty much where you can see her in that screen shot. At that point there wasn't a lot of options other than say and fight. The wookies were a unique pack, but luckily they weren't immune to lightning or DS. And thank god for Mindblast! Without it I'd be telling you about AlreadyDead's deeds right now.

The Durance 1 & 2 had Urders which were immune to lightning. They also required a lot of FireBlasts to kill, and they hit Haseen really hard. We used a lot of Mindblast and Lower Resist charges but did eventually find our way through to the Durance 3 where tensions were high.

The fight with Bremm and co. was a bit stressful, I think I had to retreat 2 or 3 times to save Haseen's life. However, there was also a number of Vampire bodies laying around which DS took advantage of.

Mephisto was bravely fought from the other side of the moat. With Lower Resist on he dropped relatively quickly (thought not quick enough to save Haseen's life). He dropped nothing useful.

[highlight]AlreadyDead, Trapper, Act 4 (Hell), Level 80[/highlight]

There is going to be Souls in Act 4... I'm not looking forward to that.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I also took a brief break - to change my underwear - after this stair trap in the Forgotten Reliquary. The monsters were so dense that AlreadyDead actually appeared pretty much where you can see her in that screen shot.

Yikes! And the entrance room in that variant of the dungeon is so small to fight in...

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Great progress there HP. I hope that we soon see a second guardian in this tourney.

Good luck Gandolyn with your necro!

Britta has survived act 3 NM with only a couple of panic moments, each caused by dolls of course. It would be much easier if the merc would actually attract the monsters to him and tank. Instead Britta and Azrael seemed to be having a running conversation something like this:

Britta: "Look, I hired you to go up there and keep them occupied."
Azrael: "Yeah, but it's way nicer back here where you've already cleared out any monsters."
Britta: "Seriously, I've bought you armor and a nice polearm, get up there and fight."
Azrael: "Have you seen those demons? I don't want to fight them!"

*a few monsters come on screen.... Azrael heads directy away from them, well behind Britta. Much cursing and swearing is heard, MB is spammed and lightning sizzles*

Britta: "What is the point in having you around anyway?"
Azrael: "Fine then, I'll just stay right here... if you want me you can TP to meet me in town."

He genuinely might be the buggiest merc I've had. The monsters rarely attack him, usually going right past him at Britta. Also, when he falls behind, he frequently just stops wherever he is and doesn't move anymore at all. Seeing dolls run past him straight at Britta was nerve racking... especially with LS blasting as they exploded next to Britta on a couple of occaissions. The worst was a CE doll unique... I thought Britta was a goner, but I guess she either blocked or was just outside the main blast range and she survived the cold blast. One doll in Durance 2 took her down to about 20hp! ouch.

In any case, Britta cleared the entire act at p8. I wasn't going to risk the temples and possible stair traps originally, but seeing HP doing them in hell guilted her into it. Fortunately no unique packs in entrance rooms. One stair trap had spiders and archers but it wasn't too bad with MB.

Best finds: +7 res all large charm (unless I stop using Sigon's boots, no way to use this), cubed a +pally combat/22 life charm, Hwannin's bill for the merc. Still quite a few greens and golds thanks to the MF (currently 261) but none useful. Meph dropped crap. I should try to craft a couple of items and shuffle the gear a bit I think.

I'm thinking act IV will be at p5 due to the LI's expected and the higher hp of some critters.

[highlight]Britta, lvl 64 Trapsin, NM Pandemonium Fortress[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

...a running conversation something like this:

Britta: "Look, I hired you to go up there and keep them occupied."
Azrael: "Yeah, but it's way nicer back here where you've already cleared out any monsters."
Britta: "Seriously, I've bought you armor and a nice polearm, get up there and fight."
Azrael: "Have you seen those demons? I don't want to fight them!"

*a few monsters come on screen.... Azrael heads directy away from them, well behind Britta. Much cursing and swearing is heard, MB is spammed and lightning sizzles*


I've had this same ****ing conversation with my Haseen many times too. There is something about having no life, that makes you pay even closer attention to what your merc is doing.

My favorite is when monsters come on screen, and my merc starts running away from them. My knee jerk reaction is to run towards the monsters, so I can tug on his leash and pull him towards the monsters. In response to this he generally charges straight past the monsters and up to the edge of the screen where he agro's a few more monsters. By this time the original monsters have engaged me, so I have to retreat away from them, which give Haseen another mighty tug and he immediately charges back down past me, dragging all the freshly agro'd monsters along with him towards me. So now there is even more monsters attacking me, and he is right back standing near the edge of the screen, smelling the flowers. And I am seeing red... :yes:


Estimated market value