The Certain Death Tournament.

1- How exactly does Lightning Strike work? At level 20, it hits 21 targets, now i would assume that means if there is a pack of 21 monsters, it will hit each one once, yes? What about if there is only 3 monsters? will it continue to "pin ball" between the 3 until all 21 hits are done?

2- Can it be spammed? What i mean is, once you hit a target and the chain goes off, if i hit the same target again, while the first chain is still bouncing, will they 2nd chain overlap the first one? Or do they cancel each other out?

I've used LS before as a replacement for Lightning Fury, simply because LF is used by everyone. That said it was early in my DII career so not completely sure of the specifics. But I do recall it bouncing back and forth between the same monsters when 21 weren't in range. However keep in mind that it can be affected by the next delay bug. And yes it can be spammed, whether they cancel each other out I don't know, but I don't think so. However it's been a while since I've used it, so can't be absolutely sure of any of this.

To all those died, your deeds will be remembered, and avenged of course. :tombstone:

Jaheira decided to stop procrastinating and ventured out into the desert. I've found that this trapsin has the longest weapon range of any character I've ever made, other than my Stafazons. As such monsters normally don't get too close when outdoors since I can see them coming and hide behind the mercenary. Just drop a CoS on top and then spam lightning sentries (or Death Sentry if there is a summoner about). As such she basically flew through the outdoors with no contested spots.

Inside proved to be a tad tougher, but with DS now available corpse removal of skeletons is simple and leaves the unravellers naked to the mercenary, ie toast. Have to mention that the Summoner was taken out quite unfairly. Inched towards the platform and when just a corner was visible dropped five lightning sentries on it. As Jaheira was just barely out of the summoner's range he couldn't do anything about the rude gestures she gave him before he succumed to electo-shock therapy.

As with the desert, the great outdoors of the jungle were fairly easy, with one exception; Stormtree. I knew he'd be lightning enhanced so planned on trapping him on the opposite side of the river and take him out with Fireblast. Or not as the case would be, since he apparently healed faster than Fireblast with Lighting sentry backup could hurt him. Definitely need to pump that more (next priority). As such he had to be parked, which I hate doing but saw no other option. Which of course brings me to the other unique I parked, Sszark in the Spider Cavern. He spawned extra strong, cursed and lightning enhanced. No fair! Mercenary died instantly to him so Jaheira played ring around the stalagmites and scooped up the eye on her way out, with Sszark hot on her heels. Good thing I had cleared the rest of the level beforehand.

As with Act II, inside was by far the worst. This was made doubly difficulty with the significant presence of dolls in the sewers and both the first and second levels of the Durance. Jaheira almost deeded on the first level to an extra fast might enhanced doll boss around the corner from the entrance. Her life dipped to no visible health, but thankfully my merc jumped in the way (ala Secret Service) and distracted the boss so Jaheira could gulp a few full rejuvs and scamper back to safety. After that she used LS as a scout the rest of the way. Slow but manageable. Mephisto himself ended up being a pushover. Completely ignored Jaheira this time (did drink thawing potions this time around) so a steady stream of healing potions and a few trips back to town later Mephisto was defeated, and gave junk of course.

[highlight]Jaheira the Trapsin, Level 63, NM Pandemonium Fortress[/highlight]

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

As with the desert, the great outdoors of the jungle were fairly easy, with one exception; Stormtree. I knew he'd be lightning enhanced so planned on trapping him on the opposite side of the river and take him out with Fireblast. Or not as the case would be, since he apparently healed faster than Fireblast with Lighting sentry backup could hurt him. Definitely need to pump that more (next priority). As such he had to be parked, which I hate doing but saw no other option.

I would have hit him once with a javelin (or other throwing weapon) of Vileness, then started Fireblasting.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

The Marsh, and temples were cleared at p1 after a p8 cows clearance, a handy grand charm being dropped off a boss in the temples and goblin toes dropped by a random bovine being the only items of note found. Having amassed 4 sols, 3 amns and 3 thuls (but no shaels) up to now the simple circlet of haste was replaced by lore, the vidalas amulet was then replaced with a weak gambled maidens amulet but the two resistance rings were kept on though a very nice fortuitous ring of fortune (35mf) cubed during nightmare was occasionally put to use when safe to do so. Resists were then found a bit wanting on arrival in hell so there being no shortage of perfect gems (about 50) a simple 3 socket diamonded kite shield was a make do. A rhyme shield (using up the remaining sols) would have left resists dangerously low though and the atrocious block rate of the kite shield was countered by a significant increase in dexterity.

These changes bought about another decrease in running speed but thought acceptable against the weaker and generally slower act 1 denizens. The fighting started at snails pace with a p8 clearance of blood moor and the den, which was good xp but then dropped for sanities sake to p3 to the start of the underground passage with plague javelin damage coming to the fore.

Dropping to p1 Treehead Woodhead was finally tracked down in the dangerously cluttered dark wood and the lady of fortune finally handed Damasque a superb amazon javelin to play with.Cain was then released but Tristam left uncleared and after reaching the Black marsh waypoint hard by the Dark Wood entrance and the Tower the game could be saved and exited after being kept open for three days allowing the javelins to be upgraded and a faster pair of ruby boots to be bought.

On the restart the Cave, the Hole, then the Burial ground were cleared where the huge LI undead army, tanked easily by the Valkyrie, conducted massive lightning damage onto poor Blood Raven. After then clearing Tristram on then through to the outer cloister, then in another stage to the inner cloister, then down through the 4 levels of the catacombs all at p1 there were a couple of near misses when life was halved. First with a fireball from an enchanted mage boss in the jail and then a single pulse from an aura enchanted disfigured boss who popped his head out from a doorway in the catacombs. Generally play was kept tight, no poisoning being received from Andariel though the Valkyrie was recast several times. Knowing there's no mercenary in play and Damasque does not use bows the drop is carefully adjusted. :coffee:

Retracing steps again first to the crypt and mausoleum at a very slow p8 but getting nearly a whole exp level for the time, then the tower cleared at p1(getting 3 tals in the process) leaving only the pits for later.

Tarantella Damasque Skirmisher Lut Gholein(H) Level 78

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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I would have hit him once with a javelin (or other throwing weapon) of Vileness, then started Fireblasting.

I was thinking of making a ghost as my next character in this tourney. While reading Mursilis post I thought about how to handle immunes and fast regenerators as I don't like to park monsters.

So thanks for the tip.


EDIT: @Tarantella: Would you use bigger pictures as my old eyes cannot read the text from so small pictures?


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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.


I have noone but myself to blame for this. =(

Note to self: Energy Shield stops working with no mana.

I saw the Blood Mana curse and was like, ok, just need to watch HP while spamming static and use health pots. My mind did not compute "Baal drain mana -> No mana, no ES -> bad". What hurts is that I was utterly convinced this char would at least go to Hell. I guess she did, in a way.

Final exp: 41,310,321

I'm considering entering again, but don't know if the build I want to try out is viable.

[highlight]Teff, ES Sorceress, lvl 48, killed by Baal[/highlight]

Everything taken at /p8, but I don't think going p1 would've made any difference.
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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Jason Maher, welcome to the tournament bro! Just post your highlighted information; I update the table on the original post daily, and post it in the thread every 40 posts or so. Good luck! (Sorry, I don't have the club information)

jian, that's really cool Blood Raven info. I had no idea the game was that "smart" or "fair" about the battle. I just assumed she could raise them whenever she wanted! Also, that's pretty impressive damage on your Rogue there.

Zelator, sorry to hear that. Have you tried getting an Act II prayer merc a good weapon with the savage polearm recipe? He can take out most of normal by himself. I will WitchofEndor and leave her on the table for now. You can enter a new character whenever you like, and resume the Witch of Endor whenever as well. Or you can ceremonially kill her. Or, if you insist, I'll remove her from the table.

Morathi, welcome back sir. (You know, you would be tied with the other "four entry" players if you let me add your first character.;):evil::shhh::whistling:) (I almost want to have several characters be killed by An Exploding Barrel so I can take the lead with this statistic.)

Ohom, the IM + Blood Golem bug has been fixed. I'm pretty sure Blood Golem is useless now. Or worse, since when it tanks something, you die. Aw man, now I just had a tournament idea. Everyone has to have a Blood Golem alive at all times. It would be like a handicap! *giggle*

Nagisa, ack! RIP. Can you tell me what level of the Tower? If not that's okay, but I like to be specific as possible with the table. Welcome back, too. As for the game, well, it was fun. :) We had good seats at least.

Ahh, pepi, RIP. I think your assessment is correct: BF is worth maxing if you have good gear (I was surprised and impressed when I read that thread), but it's a 1-point wonder in a single pass tournament, if you use Shadows. If not, a Might merc might make it worthwhile (but then, as you said, your Shadow points would be wasted). Good luck with your Sorc. :)

Ulla, I loved reading your updates and I'm sad to see Tilsit go. The Barracks has claimed many lives. More than any other place, actually, unless you count the Chaos Sanctuary and Diablo together.

srcrw, that's a pretty kooky death right there! I wonder how far a level 6 Leap barb could get in the game.:crazyeyes: GL in the GwE tournament. Gambling greens is hard! I've spent hundreds of thousands trying to score the Arctic Furs.

Wow Mursilis, that's an exciting update! Congrats on pushing further ahead. Of course, as you do, your life bulb falls further behind...:evil:

Tarantella, your progress is astonishing. It feels good to have a (H) at the top of the tournament. How much life do you have anyway? Your health dropped to half twice? /p8 in Hell?!?! You don't even seem to be breaking a sweat! Those are some pretty awesome Javelins, too.

cenyth, that's too bad. ES sorcs are cool. I'm considering entering with one. What build are you thinking about? We can probably tell you if it's viable.

* * *​

I normally try not to respond to so many people, but there were alot of deeds posts here.:coffee: Ouch. I don't know if I've ever seen so many 'RIP's in a thread! Oh well, that was kinda the point when I made the tournament anyway.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Ulla-I do apologize for the small pictures and I've edited the image resolutions in the last two updates.

Wakiki- Luckily only p1 in the areas where I took damage. It took hours to clear the p8 areas with plague javelin but keeping well behind a level 28 valkyrie most of the time is safe play.
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

GeneralJoe and friends have cleaned out the evil that is the Viper Temple and visited the Harem and Cellars.

Best find of the night was a 24% MF Nagelring. I think it's time to start gambling better gloves and headgear now.

[highlight]GeneralJoe, level 24, Arcane Sanctuary; hp = 98[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

edit: another question for anyone who knows the answer: what is classified as a club for the purposes of gaining a +Druid Skills mod?

Sorry for not answering sooner.

Only Clubs, Spiked Clubs and their exceptional/elite versions can have +Druid skill (or +Druid skill tree). Gambling is your best bet for getting one reasonably early.

Shopping is only possible in the first two acts in Nightmare difficulty, but it works in a peculiar way. Any Club or Spiked Club in Nightmare will be "upgraded", either to a higher qlvl Normal mace type or to a Cudgel/Barbed Club. You want the latter, of course. On one hand, it´s tough because you need the pretty rare 'upgrade to exceptional' to happen but on the other hand, anything that looks like these clubs in the shopping window will be the exceptional types.

NM Gheed can sell Cudgels.
NM Gheed, Charsi and Elzix can sell Barbed Clubs.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Zelator, sorry to hear that. Have you tried getting an Act II prayer merc a good weapon with the savage polearm recipe? He can take out most of normal by himself. I will WitchofEndor and leave her on the table for now. You can enter a new character whenever you like, and resume the Witch of Endor whenever as well. Or you can ceremonially kill her. Or, if you insist, I'll remove her from the table.

I've had a prayer merc along with nice polearms all the way. :p I just find it boring cursing 24/7 and relying on my moron. Just trying to figure out a char to make atm, then I'll probably reenter.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Sorry for not answering sooner.

Only Clubs, Spiked Clubs and their exceptional/elite versions can have +Druid skill (or +Druid skill tree). Gambling is your best bet for getting one reasonably early.

Shopping is only possible in the first two acts in Nightmare difficulty, but it works in a peculiar way. Any Club or Spiked Club in Nightmare will be "upgraded", either to a higher qlvl Normal mace type or to a Cudgel/Barbed Club. You want the latter, of course. On one hand, it´s tough because you need the pretty rare 'upgrade to exceptional' to happen but on the other hand, anything that looks like these clubs in the shopping window will be the exceptional types.

NM Gheed can sell Cudgels.
NM Gheed, Charsi and Elzix can sell Barbed Clubs.

Thanks mate. :thumbup: I couldn't care less about the upgrade one way or the other, as I'm a single tree Summoner, and won't be doing a lot of hitting things myself. The only thing I'm looking for is +Summoning skills. The Uber-Grizzly will hopefully take down anything not PI, and if the Creeper can't take down the PIs, they will be getting parked.

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

@Jian and Mursilis. Thanks for the help on the Lighting skills :thumbup:.

However.....i have decided to hold off on the Javazon idea. I don't feel the build i had planned will work very well for this tournament (need a Merc and Valk to make it possible, i feel). Also there has been quite a few attempts at a Javazon already, so i want to go down a different path :nod:.

Gosh! I am so indicisive :p :coffee: :crazyeyes:.

Introducing Drake's twin brother, Iago, whose sole purpose in life is to seek revenge by reeking havoc to the Goat Men atop of the Arcane Sanc. If successful he shall push further, in hope of finishing what Drake had started.

Unlike his brother Drake, Iago is a shifter, of the wolf vairety. He plans on building a strong Fury, aided by his infectious bites in Rabies. Lets see how he fairs!

[highlight] Iago the Fury/Rabies Druid, Level 1, Normal Rogue Camp, Life = 55 [/highlight]
Hell was, yes you guessed it...hell. Started off with Leapers everywhere, who kept being pushed off screen by the Lightning Sentries. As a result the mercenary kept chasing them, awakening more monsters and so the cycle continued. It was pretty much one continuous fight for the entire level. Next section was a bit unnerving at first, as I wasn't sure if Souls would make an appearance or not. They didn't, so pretty much flew through that area, until Jaheira ran into the roadblock that is the City of the Damned. First encounter with LIs, and it wasn't pretty. Fireblast is not quite maxed yet, so relying on the merc to poke LIs to death, which doesn't work so well when is weapon is a wet noodle. Lots of running away and returning to town to heal here.

Thankfully the River of Flame didn't have this problem, instead it had a whole new issue. Made sure to completely clear the area before engaging Hephasto, just in case running was required. It was. Hephasto spawned spectral hit, lightning enhanced (of course) with an aura, Fanaticism to be exact. The merc lasted maybe five seconds, and then the race was on. Earlier I had scouted out the area for a nice place where I could trap Hephasto on one side of an object safely, thankfully found it. It wasn't perfect as Hephasto liked to wander away and Jaheira had to go scouting for him to lure him back. Thankfully with BoS active Jaheira is just as fast as a fanaticism enhanced Hephasto. Unfortunately being lightning enhanced Hephasto didn't go down quickly, took a long time for LS to finish him off. Tried Fireblast, but Jaheira kept getting in the way of the CBs from Hephasto and didn't want to risk getting stun locked.

Onward to the Chaos Sanctuary, which went down quickly oddly enough. Only had to resurrect the mercenary twice all told. The seal bosses were dealt with all in the same way. Plant several LS where they spawn, press seal and back up several spaces. Then return and pick up loot, or a few more LS just to finish any stragglers off. Diablo proved to take longer, but not too dangerous. The merc died pretty quickly to a firestorm so Jaheira simply kept LS active and ran circles around Diablo, literally. My one fear was getting caught in a Bone Prison, but that didn't happen. Oddly enough Big D dropped something useful, Hwanin's Bill. Must have understood the merc desperately needed a better weapon.

[highlight]Jaheira the Trapsin, Level 65, NM Harrogath[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

I've been wanting to join another tourney for a while, and this one definitely looks good, though possibly short. After a recent success with a trapsin, I'm going to see if I can repeat with that luck. So Britta (named because it's close to brittle, which is a good description, and the character from the TV show Community, which is hilarious) has been born, and I'll see how far I can take her before her certain death.
I'm currently undecided on the merc/shadow question. The shadow is recastable, but the merc is more predictable. I'm leaning towards the merc, but then I don't have to decide just yet so we'll see if I get there anyway. One quick question, unlike the no vitality tourney, I see no shield restriction. Is this correct?

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Been playing a bit on and off on my BoneMancer, very slow progress due to me being tied up with school work. Anyways, this is my little summary. Found a Pelta Lunata but unfortunately no screenie. Everything has been going smoothly so far. A few NDE's caused by CE Uniques but he is still going strong. Next session, Andy will go down.

KingLeoric, BoneMancer, level 19, Jail level 1 WP
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

One quick question, unlike the no vitality tourney, I see no shield restriction. Is this correct?

Say What? There was a shield restriction in that tourney? :scratchchin:
Does this mean my Pally Guardian is not legal? (Checks thread.)

Nope, couldn´t find any shield restriction there either...

Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Shatterproof gambled a chromatic circlet early on in act IV, since she was trying to prepare for Diablo. No vit and 7% fire resist are not a good combo for big D.

She started out at /p7, and it was a bit slow, but steady, and not terribly dangerous. Izual took some button-holding, but it didn't even take up a full quiver of arrows to kill him. He didn't drop anything useful, but right after I killed him, I found doomslinger. Lots of nice mods, but the damage was pathetic. So I upped it, and used my normal socket quest to put a pskull in it. The extra piercing bumped me up to 100%, and as a chu-ko-nu, it only needs 10% IAS to max out its speed. I'm not sure if the strafe bug affects crossbows, but even if it does, it was a great speed improvement.

The valk is now maxed, and tanks impressively. Here she is tanking Hephasto while cursed, and yes, her life bar stayed green the entire time. Hephasto was so impressed, he dropped IK boots, although Shatterproof probably won't use them, since they require more strength and don't have resistances. Hellforge was a shael, not the ko, or lem, or um she was hoping for.

She gambled a bit more, and got some nice boots, raising her fire resists from 7% to 10% and her mf from 0% to 15%. She shuffled around her gear, and with the chromatic circlet and taking off charms, she got her fire res to 46 and light to 49. Big D and minions were taken on at /p1.

Big D dropped the valk into the yellow, but didn't kill her. For some reason, his lightning hose didn't seem to hurt her, but that might have been because she got close enough. Finally, Diablo died. There was one NDE early on, before the valk got close enough to tank him, I finger fumbled and misclicked as he shot a lightning hose at me. It took me to ~1/3 or 1/4 health before I ran/drank a fat purple. I'm not sure if it hit me full on, or if it just brushed me, since I was too busy not dying to worry about that.

I then decided to do the bloody foothills on /p8 for the xp. How hard could it be? It was a breeze in normal and I'd just gone through act IV without much trouble. I forgot about the guest monsters. I hate burning archers. :rant: When hordes of ranged monsters simultaneously fire a volley at you from just offscreen and any one of those arrows can take you to ~1/2 health, you end up spending most of your time running around screaming and drinking potions, and very little time returning fire. Eventually I got used to it and adjusted my tactics (from paranoid to very paranoid), but there were an embarrasing number of NDEs right outside the gates. After gaining a level, I dialed the /p setting down to 5.

Frozen arrow was abused, and the valk and decoy were also invaluable. The valk was regularly combat cast either on catapult platforms or to keep her from wandering off in the wrong direction. Found an amn on the way.

[highlight]ancalagon, Shatterproof, Strafer, lvl 65, NM Frigid Highlands[/highlight]
Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Say What? There was a shield restriction in that tourney? :scratchchin:
Does this mean my Pally Guardian is not legal? (Checks thread.)

Nope, couldn´t find any shield restriction there either...

Faulty memory on my part I guess. I was sure there was a no shield rule there though. So what tourney was it that had the no shield rule? *slinks off to refresh memory and find tourney

Found it! It was the AQT tourneys (a quick tournament) also no vitality allowed, but those ones also disallowed shields.


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Re: The Certain Death Tournament.

Super-long TheAragorn update ahead. For those of you who wish to skip reading the thesis: TheAragorn has completed a good many deeds of valor. Those deeds include killing Mephisto and Diablo. So he's currently chilling in Harragoth.

So on with the meaty part. TheAragorn tore out of Kurast like a Dark Familiar out of the City of the Damned. Holy Shock had finally reached the point where it was hitting for more damage over time than Holy Freeze, so he swapped to that except against certain particularly nasty opponents, and he was once again two- or three-shotting most mobs on /p8. The Spider Forest had that incredibly annoying and stupid layout in which the Great Marsh is WAAAAAAY on the other end from the entrance to the Flayer Jungle, with the waypoint smack in the middle and closer to Kurast than either exit. Nevertheless, he cleared the Great Marsh and, sure as shooting, Gloams sprang forth in all their infernal glory. Even with only 24% lightning resist, though, they were surprisingly tame...but this is only Normal. Hazade killed most everything melee while TheAragorn namelocked on blowdart-spitters or Flayer Shaman, wading through the hordes indiscriminately until he could take down the target. A couple of uniques were spat up in the Marsh but aside from that nothing--and I do mean NOTHING--of any real interest dropped for the remainder of Act 3. TheAragorn burned through at least half a million gold before finally getting his hands on a Static Circlet of Luck, which, coupled with Holy Shock, pumped his damage to even more obscene heights.

There were a couple of stairtraps in the abandoned temples but, well, they were devastated so fast they weren't worth a screenshot. Spiders, Flesh Hunters, Blood Divers, Dark Lords...didn't matter. Namelock and kill while the merc tanks. Same with the Council, with a tiny bit of dancing involved for the hydras.

Holy Shock did pose problems for me, though. Come the Flayer Dungeon/Swampy Put/Durance, the last thing I wanted was to get exploded on by those <expletive deleted> dolls, and Holy Shock, while it couldn't one-shot-pop them, could knock off a good half their life, while the merc would merrily skewer the last bit away. It was almost deeds a few times when I crept around a corner only to have three or four of them waiting for me. After the second time, I switched to Holy Freeze while exploring those places and swapped to Shock for Preserved Dead, Maulers, etc.

Remember how Duriel gave up the Angelic Sickle, which is not of much use to a Ranger like TheAragorn? Yep. The RNG must be taking advice from ZAngband.

And here's Mephisto. TheAragorn switched back to Holy Freeze to help the merc survive. Had a NDE when Meph released his Charged Bolt spam and a goodly number of them wiggled around the merc, knocking off 2/3 of TheAragorn's life. Eep. Nevertheless, things ended the way I foresaw. The pike on the ground was a real doozy of a find...enhanced damage, added cold damage and 5% chance to cast Amplify Damage. I traded the old 4% leech brandistock for it in a heartbeat. The rest was crap, including the circlet.

I love Act 4 in Normal. The XP shoots through the roof, the monsters are not difficult at all, the drops noticeably improve, the Hellforge teases with its offering of runes, and the place is so very nostalgic. So TheAragorn killed and killed and killed. Namelock the Flesh Beasts, thereby killing a good half of the babies. Namelock the Abyss Knights, thereby pelting Maw Fiends or Doom Knights or Pit Fiends and eventually hammering a path through to victory. Namelock this guy and chortle as Amplify Damage goes off again and again and again and Prayer keeps everyone unscathed.

The River of Flame was easy beyond words. Pit Fiends, Maw Fiends, Abyss Knights. No Urdars, no Grotesques, the merc took the damage and TheAragorn did the killing. A slightly interesting find dropped near the Hellforge, and Hephasto had a fun little aura. Too bad his nearby Abyss Knight friends were annihilated, else they maybe could've put a dent into the merc's health bar. The forge drops were a mite disappointing, though I'll take any non-Eld rune I can scrape up. I hate Elds.

On into the Sanctum! During the stretch of the River after the waypoint, I collected every. single. healing potion. that dropped because I knew I would have to keep a steady stream flowing into the merc for the Big D. The stash was filled to overflowing and the inventory was clogged and I cleared and I killed. Hazade dropped a couple of times to a surprise IM (amp'd Doom Knights and all) but mostly the clearing went smoothly. Namelock the OKs and kill. That went even for de Seis, who wandered into view to cast Weaken, of all things, TheAragorn. Which, of course, opened him up for a namelocking and hot electric death.

Then the Infector of Souls came along. That's TheAragorn running from them after he and his buddies curbstomped Hazade. The Infector's the scary chilled one. What's going to happen here? Well, I switched to Holy Freeze to buy a few extra seconds, opened a TP in the second "clearing" of the Sanctuary, ran around the second "lava pit" with the mob tailing me all the way, popped to town, and then took the long route back via waypoint. The Infector is much less frightening when his mob is strung out over half the Sanctuary. Thanks, Holy Freeze! :thumbup:

Then the moment of truth and potion preparation dawned. The first major bump in the road: what does Diablo do to archers who namelock him? He puts bone prisons 'round their skin and looses the lightning hose again. But the lightning hose wasn't the scariest part. No, Diablo's fire ring easily took the cake. It shaved off about 1/3 of TheAragorn's life with each volley, and he couldn't just take cover behind a wall and let the merc do his work, because he needed to keep D's attention on himself as much as possible, lest he spend all his money on merc resurrections and die an ignoble death from lack of help. The Amplify Damage also helped things along. Why, oh why, did I spawn him at /p8?

Anyhow, the battle of attrition wore on. Would Diablo's massive life bar or TheAragorn's chimpmunk-like hoarding of potions give out first? Granted, he could buy more reds, but it was the purples with which he was most concerned, and as of that screenshot there were only two left. They're what kept the merc hale and hearty; the reds were mostly for TheAragorn's own use against the dread fire ring.

Shatter. It's so nifty when that happens to the biggest of bads. The drops are about what I should have expected from the hateful RNG.

This about sums it up.

[highlight]TheAragorn, Ranger Paladin, Level 35, Harrogath[/highlight]

And now for a quick question: I know there's the +HP limit on items, but I didn't see one for +VIT (or, by extension, +all stats). Are we allowed to equip things with bonuses to Vitality/all stats; if so, is there a cap similar to that for +HP items? I'd like to know so I know what to look for when I begin assembling gear for NM/Hell in earnest.
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Estimated market value