The Avenger guide for V1.11.

Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

Bump. Nobody is answered my questions :(

Also, would Laying on Hands work as gloves? How does vengeance work with the 350% dmg to demons from the gloves? It would more than counteract Andy's visage -fire resistance, though, so you could socket your Andy's with more damage/IAS. Good combo, no? Though lava gouts have also substantial fire resistance bonus and I'm not sure if I'd rather just take the fire damage from lava gouts.
Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

if I have +10 to all skills and I equip a Dream helm do I actually get lvl 25 Holy Shock synergized with Resist Lightning? :O

no, it doesnot increas aura lvls that come with items.

And what's this I hear about avenger conviction countering ubermeph's conviction?

your pally cancels his aura and overrides if pal's conv is lvl21 or higher (now sure about his aura lvl)

i tried once with a dual dream avenger with ebotd but it was too slow. also baal summons mana drainer minions. when they drain your mana avenger is dead:D. as i said i tried but after a few min i realized that avenger is not good choice for uber (my opinion, maybe my avenger sucked even with high end items), i switched to smiter and finished all.

Allso, would Laying on Hands work as gloves? How does vengeance work with the 350% dmg to demons from the gloves?

sorry, i dont know if ed to demon/undead works with vengeance.

i prefer dracs because of life tap


also didnot check if someone mentioned but i find beast caddy a good choice for avenger weapon (with its fana, no need to sock IAS jewels to items). also caddy's can come with good skills (my caddy had +2 conviction) so that u can max every synergy.

Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

What kind of damage do you with the Griswold set considering the pretty low dmg on the weapon?
Is it alot worse than going for runewords?
Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.


Socket it with 4 duped 40ed/15ias jewels and you'll have a nice weapon. A good Oath roll will still beat it though.
Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

What did I miss?
Vengeance + pre = 22 skills
Holy Shield + pre = 5 (lvl 6-7 HS should be fine right?)
Conviction + pre = around 19 (lvl 15 conviction and then you have + skills)
RS+RL+RC = 60
= 106
which -> lvl 95 (right?)
Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

What kind of damage do you with the Griswold set considering the pretty low dmg on the weapon?
Is it alot worse than going for runewords?

Id expect a ladder griswold avenger c/w torch/anni should get around 6.5 - 7 kay average damage @ 8 fps. Duped 40% ed 15 max damage jewels or quad Ohm's in the weapon.
Oath beats the weapon true but you have to consider the set bonus, extra 20-40 damage which works with vengeance and the sockets of the set which you can fill with vermillion jewels of bliss/carnage and so forth.
Torch/anni plus set bonus and shield base will take care of your resists mostly so the full set is a big benefit.
The other benefit of griswolds is the all those holes. If you get a 400% ed caddy (including sockets filled), 185-215 plus set bonus, 205-255, 230 average and then average 10 points in each socket of the rest of the set, you have a 310 average weapon damage (for vengeance damage calc) which is up there with the rune words. You can get up to 440% ed in the caddy with a perfect plus quad ohms and you can do better than 10 points average per socket.

On a rune word pally, chances are you'll have far less sockets available for off weapon damage which is why griswolds works well for avengers.

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Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

Great guide Asmodeus! +1

Just two points, as a vengeance fanatic myself

1. 1 point redemption and 1 point meditation + skills = solved all mana problems.

2. From my experience with normal-attack skills, maxed Holy Shield vs Zealots/Druids/Barbs in 1.10 and beyond is *ESSENTIAL*, as well as 8 FPA Weapon...

My own weapon in 1.09 was a zoded eth Cruel Cryptic of Quickness... But ETH (Rune bug) used to own me, otherwise, I did well in duels against melee... 1Hit Kills with 1.09 PVP damage scaling were common.
Re: The Avenger guide for V1.11.

The dream weapons today IMHO would be a rare eth -10 SPD weapon with 110% IAS
or eBOTDZ with 160% IAS <- 100 IAS off weapon.
Estimated market value