Question About Higher Leveling..

Zero Diablo said:
Just outta curiousity...Who and where is pindleskin ? Everyones talking about him :p. Ty for info ~Zero

Pindleskin is the Superunique Reanimated Horde just through the Red Portal at Anya that leads to the Halls of Anguish
ventilator said:
Pindleskin is the Superunique Reanimated Horde just through the Red Portal at Anya that leads to the Halls of Anguish

personally i dont do pindle runs. If u make a mistake or lag even a little u will die very fast. I did a couple for the first time last night and will never do them again after getting chopped down to 17 life before i could exit. That was with 1300 life and 25% dr. I had my merc/valk and i set a decoy, but i must have set my decoy a little to far back becuase before i knew it a bunch of the horde ran past my decoy and charged me a couple times. I left the game and when i got to the next game i had 17 life. I have never had a close call like that doind pit runs. The most ive gotten down to there was around half life.
xxsteelxx said:
personally i dont do pindle runs. If u make a mistake or lag even a little u will die very fast. I did a couple for the first time last night and will never do them again after getting chopped down to 17 life before i could exit. That was with 1300 life and 25% dr. I had my merc/valk and i set a decoy, but i must have set my decoy a little to far back becuase before i knew it a bunch of the horde ran past my decoy and charged me a couple times. I left the game and when i got to the next game i had 17 life. I have never had a close call like that doind pit runs. The most ive gotten down to there was around half life.
I on the other hand have decided that pindle is much safer than least there's no fanat cursed extra strong slingers hanging out at the entrance to the red portal.

Of course that's with a trapsin, but a javazon should work just as well for pindle runs.
MoUsE_WiZ said:
I on the other hand have decided that pindle is much safer than least there's no fanat cursed extra strong slingers hanging out at the entrance to the red portal.

Of course that's with a trapsin, but a javazon should work just as well for pindle runs.

Well, a good dose of Mindblast helps a lot with Pindle. Run him all the time with my trapsin. Still know a few people who lost sorcs and other chars to him.
xxsteelxx said:
personally i dont do pindle runs. If u make a mistake or lag even a little u will die very fast. I did a couple for the first time last night and will never do them again after getting chopped down to 17 life before i could exit. That was with 1300 life and 25% dr. I had my merc/valk and i set a decoy, but i must have set my decoy a little to far back becuase before i knew it a bunch of the horde ran past my decoy and charged me a couple times. I left the game and when i got to the next game i had 17 life. I have never had a close call like that doind pit runs. The most ive gotten down to there was around half life.

Earlier my impression was the same as yours with pindle, had quite many close calls there, that place looked so scary(especialy if pindle spawned as LI..) but now i found a new way to kill. I gambled nice res/all amu with teleport charges. and i teleport in pindle chamber, so my merc and valk stays with me, next i cast a decoy at pindle. That way i am more safe, even if pindle is LI i recast decoy at top of the stairs so the new awaken zombies would not charge me and let my merc finish pindle.
BattleCookie said:

i got a very different idea about leveling. I wonder why everybody is just doind this-runs and those-runs. Why dont you just play and clear whole areas in the game? No wonder about most people complaining about a boring game. Well making hundreds of baalruns IS boring.

Im just entering games with some players in. That can be publics or games with friends (GAT for example) and then just play trough act4 and act5 and so on. Its a lot of fun and its kind of a challenge. And the exp there is quite fine too..

What are you saying? That the game ISNT supposed to be mindless pursuit of levels just to get x-levels and endless MF runs? That's crazy talk, man. Next I'm sure you're gonna say that there's like a STORY or something behind the game, or that there are characters that actually run RIGHT up to the monsters and hit them! Or that there's like, actually tombs in a desert setting somewhere, with interesting graphics and challenging monsters. Or maybe some kinda wild tales of an actual jungle setting, zombies and stuff. Bah. You must be nuts, man. Thats just crazy talk. Level 99 or joo R teh suxxor nooblar, dude!
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