PvP Poisonmancer


Mad Mantis said:
Try Three Part Trang to further boost your Poison.

Definitely worth trying. I just traded for the gloves, and it boosted my low end pnova dmg by over 300 (lvl 24 +partial synergies). I'm not being scientific, but the damage was comparable to what I was doing w/ my +3PnB ammy (for 27+partial synergies) instead of my mf ammy.
Annoying as hell in pub duels you cast your lower resists and everybody yells at you great for a soso that duels with you or auradin and btw poi necs are rare and cos of that nobody carries full death set or uber items for poi dmg and also -50 to poi res from deaths web and facets are not a small fact ... Be warned ive already seen some in action they do very well to kill 3 melee at same time as well as some sosos...
Overall a good guide.

But since the marrowwalk bug does not work anymore...
With my hybrid psn/sumoner necro I was aiming at PVP.
Perhaps I got caught up in the PVM fun of the char but I thought MEAT shield and SM would be the place for my 20.. (80-100th skills).
I hear RS over SM all the time although I think the few less skels and overall more powerful army is best.
ORRR have i completly ****ed the PVP aspect and should have gone for BONE armor synergys, synergys not skill for the synergys give +15 per lvl as skill is only +10 per lvl.
QUESTION::?!?:: IS MAX BLOCK NECESSARY!? dex over life? i mean i have 450vit overall with base dex. Although it does seem that life goes down fast.
SPIRIT or HOMUNC!? Spirit also takes care of the 86 FHR BP probleme since you get ZERO fhr from the regular necro set up.
Mine is::
Shako(gunna um it)
MP enigma
2-2-49 (5/5 facetd) Dweb
Trang glove (obviously)
and +3, perf rez boneflame.(homunc?for blocking?)
10fcr moded
+2nec,strg,dex,allrez,manareplenish,6fcr ammy :)

MY..DILEMAS::: 1) I'm currently working to purchase a 20fcr circ so I can reach the 75FCR BP.
2) The 86 FHR BP seems impossible unless I aquire FHR PNB gc's.. lots, and EXPENSIVE. So, potential solutions, a) spirit b)treks-although still a ways away.
3)Since meat shield is only good untill you finally get caught and put to sleep for the first time should I have put synergys in bone armor instead of SM?.. up for debate cuz i could be a ***** and get my army after every death.
Let's keep this discussion alive!
Gotta love the nec =D
For each birth there is death and life once again shall be made.
as has been said this is slightly outdated. Id consider my knowledge of a pvp poisenmancer not too small, if I get time I might try and write up/edit this guide. But alot of it still holds true.

fhr = yes, you need this, my new poisenmancer is aimed for 86%fhr. to do this

trek boots=20%fhr
4x5%fhr sc=20%
4xpb skillers with 12% = 48%

for the majority of players I prefer 125%fcr AND max block

the vit vs dex question. necro's get horrible life per vit 1 vit=2life i think, while max block can negate many many many attacks. definately get max block if you are serious about pvping

125%fcr helps you catch sorcs etc and helps you get out of tricky situations like a sin using MB on you. Also helps you get in drop your bomb and get out super fast

although if your enemy has thrown on alot of +resists and has high life, then its time to bring out deaths web, drop down to 75%fcr. otherwise it takes too long

atm most enemies only take 1 nova and I use Hoto

my current gear

Circlet:2nec skills 20%fcr 2 sox (2x5/-5 facets)
amulet:+2pb skills 19%fcr 11res all 6%mana regen
weapon:Hoto 40res@
shield:Homunculus 192%ed 5/-5 facet (or pdiamond dependant if I need to stack resists more)
armor:enigma light plate(my anni and torch arent perfect so 55 str req mage plate is beyond me) 882 total def
belt:arach 113%ed
ring1: 10%fcr 90mana 29%psn res and other minor mods
ring2: (atm 10%fcr 82mana but this will become SoJ when I find 1)
cta/lidless wall on switch

hellfire torch
skillers (still got to get these) - I will get 4xpb skillers 12%fhr and 5xpbskillers with life eventually, just plain ones to start with though hehe
4x5%fhr sc
6x5res all sc

base str
170 dex
rest vit
base energy

I currently have 1.5klife at lvl 86 and 800mana, I hit the 125%fcr bp I have 75@ res in hell 40%fhr my bone armor absorbs 455(i think thats the number lol) damage and my nova deals 7.8k damage with just 1 plain skiller, probably will have just over 11k nova when I have the skillers.

I maxed poisen synergies
I have 1 point in curses to get lower resist
I have 1 point in each summon except revive atm
the rest of my points are in bonewall(1point in bone prison too)
I were thinking about doing the same thing.
Estimated market value