Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Looking at the Baal and team updates i say we should stop the MFO right now. Better to stay on top, as the only other way for me is down. And way to go A-team! Keep up the good work.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

After being out this weekend, I was slammed at work on monday, then very ill the next couple of days...

Maybe now I can get to it...I really have been looking forward to this, R/L just keeps getting in the way...

Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

This hurts I bet :(

I don't even see crazy auras around. How the...?
I know that if lvl 98 death happens to me I would probably delay lvl 99 project for another year or so. If ever.

Hope you can find motivation to continue.
Awww, that sucks.

I call the story like this: amped + 2 dead dolls = dead sorc.

RL is taking a major toll on my efforts as well. Grrrrrr....
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

To all the Other alvl85 Area runners:

I'll be doing my last update sometime within the next 12-24 hours, so please send in your current top fives to me at thereadmenace(at)gmail(dot)com. To the five players whom I haven't heard from at all, it'd be great to see something from you, even if it's just to say "Yes I'm running" or "I haven't had the time."

Nailed myself an Ist yesterday, which is an extremely rare drop for me in any alvl85 area since I always play on /p1. I've been so tired, though. I don't think I managed more than an hour. I was expecting it to be my last day to run, but I've been blessed with an entirely free day today so I'll be finishing up my runs with a massive power session.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

@trm: I apologise for the lack of updates. I just ended my exams on wednesday and I had no notable qualifiers on the last update. I will be sending you an email with my current top 5 now.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

It was a severe case of lack-of-multitask-ability from my part - was watching the O'Sullivan - Stevens semifinal while playing.

Apart from that I don't really know what went wrong.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

@TRM, did you get my update from 2 days ago? I did send an email, but the interwebz is tricky businesses.
No update for me, despite an additional 40 hours running.

...did I mention I left my counter running on accident? :p
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Thomh, I haven't send any update before because I haven't played much.

That will change from now on and I'll play a lot till the end of the MFO. :D I hope to get nice stuff and give some points to my team!
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I've foudn 2 more items I've never seen before, but I STILL haven't seen any increase to my score since monday. This is crazy. I'm also level 92, and have no idea how many AT runs I've done now.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Final Other alvl85 Area Runners Update:

1. Fyourics
2. zgpmf
3. FredOfErik
4. kestegs
5. CorruptedMollusk
6. Kaeron
7. VoltageR
8. janooo
9. maxicek
10. Verno
11. HeadKick

There's less than two days left, and still anyone can win this. All it would take to turn the tables is one good item... and I mean good, not godly.

I've heard from WoRG (no reported score), but I'm still in the dark with Mungo, Fabian, and Thomh.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Yeah sorry bout that, not been running much, no score to speak of.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

No problem, Fabian. Too bad you haven't been able to make a massive effort this time around, but that seems to be an epidemic for a lot of us.

...Including me. My weekend's booked solid from here on out, so I've sent my final score and GoMule readout to Thomh. I didn't get the luck I was hoping for; I guess I should be glad that none of my top five are grailers, so I won't be disappointed if any of those items get claimed.

Good luck to all the runners in these last hours of the MFO!
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results sent to both jjscud and Thereadmenace.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Had a very nice find today, that I hope will allow me to participate in the race for first place. I'll maybe do a bit of running later, so I won't send in my results just yet.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress <iframe src=

I finally found a slight boost to my score. I plan to play on and off today and hope for the best. I'll send my results within 12 hours.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress <iframe src=

Sent in my final score update.
It is not an embarrassing score, but I'm disappointed in my drops. Meh.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results sent. Had a minor upgrade on my no 5 item on friday. And again on saturday. So in total since the update i only have a minor improvement in score. Still, it's looking better than expected as i went for exp > MF. Hopefully it's enough.

In total i did 255 runs. Got my zon from 91,5 to just past 95. This means she climbs on my personal ladder from 11th place to 6th. Best non-qualifiers were bane ash, templar's might (found in WSK2) and BK wedding band.

All in all both the lvl gain and the score are exceeding my expectations so i'm one happy camper. *keeps fingers crossed while waiting for final results*
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