Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Thought I would show off my new AT map, since I rerolled it today lol. It's probably worthy for 50 second run times, when accustomed to it and with a well equipped character.
Ignore the question mark, as I've realised it usually contains boss packs. The big x is the place not worth visiting, ever. And all the blue smears are where I believe I normally run into boss packs. After a couple dozen runs, anyway. After a few hundred I'll have an excellent idea of where everything is. The yellow part is the chest, btw.
What do you guys think?

Edit: I forgot to mention you can see the entrance to AT from the WP, so it's only 1 teleport.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results sent, I apologize for the awful score. I had a plan to do a lot of running but ended playing World of Tanks for most of the time.

Total runtime 10h20min, 667 runs with 54.6 second average time which is almost 3,5 seconds better than last MFO. Highest runes were Cham and Mal.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results also sent.

1100 Baalruns in, 85M experience and not far from lvl 99. Would like to finish it before D3 comes out, but with busy week ahead not sure it will happen.
Jah Jah Lo Gul Ist from notable runes and total 145 qualifiers.
Overall score isn't bad for Baal, but still meh when I see happy Cyrax dancing around :p
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Sent in my score - I don't know what happened to my D2, I think it might be broken or something. Drops definitely weren't what I was expecting given the time I spent.
Got 35M XP, and lost 30M (which sucked, in case you're wondering) - still, a net gain of 5M - It's a long way to 99 that way.

I didn't count the runs, but given frozzzens runs/XP I'm guessing around 450 ;)

Edit. - Best Rune was a Fal... WTF.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results sent. They're the same as from my last update, which was 5 days ago. Completely lost interest after that and started playing carnivores. Ran about 10 hours.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Even with some computer problems in the middle I was able to play much more this weekend and got a new Top5. Sending results in the next hour.

Best non-qualifiers were a 5/5 poison facet, a -5/+4 lite facet, a Lo and a Gul.
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Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I can't believe it. I found another item which would change my top 5, but it was from the chest! This is terrible...
It was heaven's light, btw, and also came with IK helm, too. I double checked the ilvl to make sure, too.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results sent. They're the same as from my last update, which was 5 days ago. Completely lost interest after that and started playing carnivores. Ran about 10 hours.
hahah, I got freakin' bored aswell, my top 5 hasnt changed....

Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I sent my score in before I went to bed last night. Pretty meh really.

Best thing: No deaths
Good thing: Finding another Jah
Bad thing: Watching my XP race along like a sedated snail
Worst thing: No Grailies!!!!
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Alright, results have been sent. My top 5 finally changed today, after a drought of 5 days. I found 57 qualifiers in about 45 hours of AT. Went from level 84 to just shy of level 93, so I'm happy with that, and my mf went from 129 to the current 400 at the end.
Best non-qualifiers: Aside from the Ber and Lo, just about everything was really magnificent to find, considering it accounts for almost everything I have in hardcore, now. I'm looking forward to using the highlord's that I found, as well as some fo the fancier rare rings I got.

I got 2 uniques from a single chest, and remember reading that this number could reach a whopping 16! Has anyone ever had anything enar that amount? Even 10 uniques from 1 chest? It would be unbelievable.
I also got about 500 flawless gems, with close to 50-60 Pgems from the shrines, if not more.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Runs are done and I will send my results in the morning. Had hope for a last minute improvement but the game said no. Did right about 500 pits runs, about half as many as I had hoped to get done :(
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Thanks for running this jjscud and the area supervisors. I won't be winning anything, even a few hours on the last day didnt help me much. Found way too many green rings and Bonesnaps. Lots of Amns and Rals. 39 qualifiers, only a couple of which are particularly useful or high scoring. Did find a few other things worth keeping. Ohm and Ist were the only runes above Lem. I'll put up a pic and readouts in the results thread. Good luck to y'all.

Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I sent mine in a few hours early. I went from level 83 to 89 on p1 and immediately stopped upon hitting 89; that was enough. My crappy gear didn't improve much (129 mf at the start, 176 at the end) but I did find a couple of useful items at the tail end, even if they weren't qualifiers. I can't wait to post my "haul" pic. :smug:
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Last time I played on Thursday or Friday so I won't send another update.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I sent my score in before I went to bed last night. Pretty meh really.

Best thing: No deaths
Good thing: Finding another Jah
Bad thing: Watching my XP race along like a sedated snail
Worst thing: No Grailies!!!!

That all sounds disturbingly familiar, well, except the no graillies part.

@Everyone, please try to get your results in quickly with your top 5 and their readouts. Of course thanks to all those who already have done so, I know baal is looking really good already.

Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Sorry for not posting updates. Did run an hour or two but interest in D2, or gaming anything for that matter, is currently next to none. +15C outside (and like +25C in the sun) kinda motivates me to reach lvl 99 IRL rather than ICL.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Sent my results along.

I have no idea about how many runs I did, but I lvled from 83 to ~89,5. My runs time were generally about 2.30-3.00 which is... yeah rather slow. But still I got lucky and horked up a couple of high scorers. Quite a few grailers amongst those. Best non qualifiers were a pala combat skiller w. 19 life, Vex, Gul, Mal, a bunch of plain skillers, and a lot of useful exceptionals (which I always tend to deed away).
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I also sent my result and waiting the result from Paradigmshift to complete the Pindle category.

At first I wasn't excited about running but at the end I really got into it and found a lot of qualifiers, not the ones I hoped for, but still good.
I ran with Berserker, run times 50-60 secs, about 2500 runs. Highest rune was Gul, no other notable qualifiers.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

I apologise for being such bad sport. I did a few runs but I don't think a score of ~2 is worth sending.
Re: Pre-D3 MFO Signups and Progress

Results have been sent. Actually a little better than I thought they were.

Looking forward to seeing how everyone did.
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