Post your cooless stylish rare weapon!! :) :)

that pb all you gusy are drooling over was created on single player or soemthing.. forgot the exact story but its not on any realms.
my botd spear that i cant figure out what im going to do with (merc i guess)
(apologies for posting a botd, :uhhuh: i know, but awesome dmg)

my sword from my other thread here:

i made this today:

a good starting merc weapon:

and dont hostile me or my merc will stick this up your butt: (meph dropped this!! :thumbsup: )
here is the one I'm using in my conc barb

Havoc Barb
Balrog Blade
One-Hand Damage: 58 to 333
Two-Hand Damage: 215 to 501
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Dexterity: 87
Required Strength: 185
Required Level: 53
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0x2a108a7c
+292% Enhanced Damage
+138 to Attack Rating
Adds 13-52 fire damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
+39 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+1287 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (1: 1 used)
i am fairly certain thats not his rod - i am sure that screenshot was floating round the pala forums a month or so ago in a similar "gosu rare" thread.
ya but thats asomething that you just dont ever sell.......ever... i heard that the owner wouldnt ever let it go or soemthing.. even at insane offers. haha 10000 runes anyone?
dkay said:
ya but thats asomething that you just dont ever sell.......ever... i heard that the owner wouldnt ever let it go or soemthing.. even at insane offers. haha 10000 runes anyone?
mmmh let me think.
a super unique one of a kind weapon or 10000 duped runes.

-jordy :king:
maybe im just asking a n00bish question.........but with regards to the seraph rod........where does the ITD come from? im pretty sure it can't spawn on rares or magics of any kind, and i see a LO rune in it (not a Jah).......can someone tell me why?
jordy666 said:
mmmh let me think.
a super unique one of a kind weapon or 10000 duped runes.

-jordy :king:

duped or not. 10,000 runes can basically get you anything you want. with that many runes i can get 8 chars so beefed up its not even funny. its the real question is:
seraph rod only good for pallies greater than 10+ chars with THE best items?
id choose the second :)
teh_roy said:
maybe im just asking a n00bish question.........but with regards to the seraph rod........where does the ITD come from? im pretty sure it can't spawn on rares or magics of any kind, and i see a LO rune in it (not a Jah).......can someone tell me why?
suffix 'of piercing' - pretty common.
ahhhhh......thanks.....i thought there was no magical mod for ITD.......i considered it a damage modifier like deadly strike, crushing blow, open wounds, etc.
Estimated market value