Possibly OT?: "Taint"

And I am still laughing at the comment that the Red Rune Mod is some kind of cheating hack. A hack? Yes - it makes runes red. Cheat? No - it makes runes red... it does nothing else whatsoever to gameplay - it merely allows those of us who really can't be bothered to dig through piles of white items and who have lazy eyes to continue without losing out on decent rune drops. It has no bearing whatsoever on the game or anyone else's.

It most certainly is a hack. It modifies the game from the way it was intended to be played. If you used it on b.net you would be banned (eventually).

It also gives the player an unfair advantage.

a RRM'ed player opens 3 chests, see's no red and moves on.

A non RRM'ed player opens 3 chests and has to spend much longer checking to make sure they don't miss a rune.

Meanwhile the RRM'ed player has had time to open 5 more chests. Making them much more efficient at finding things.

I would say that deffinetly gives the RRM'ed players an unfair advantage over the non RRM'ed players, which I believe is one of the deffinitions of a hack, or cheat.

Read again - I said it *was* a hack by definition - I said it wasnt cheating!

Let us then say that it addresses the issues that people without perfect vision have in playing the game - it is a disability aid.

It does nothing anyway - the person looking through the whites could have found them anyway - if the pile of crap is big enough, the guy with RRM wouldnt have spotted them either.... *shrugs*... I really dont get why people have these things over the colour of drops. I cant make the RRM mod work, but if I could I would use it without a thought - I'd have one for gems too if I could... and I consider myself 101% legit and would be very amused to hear anyone say I wasnt.

Naturally though, this is for another thread, so if you'd like to respond directly about RRM then feel free to PM me.
It does change things though! If the RRM'ed person can check 8 chests in the time it takes a vanilla person to check 3 chests then the RRM'ed person has better odds of finding an item (not just a rune, but any item) because more chests = more items.

And it is relevent to this thread because people are using RWM/RRM as an example to compare to 'taint.' You guys are responding to it by saying "that's comparing apples to oranges," and shooting it down.

Well I'm saying it's comparing apples to apples, and that their arguments should hold water. I mean I don't care if you use it or not, but I do care if you try to pretend it doesn't change anyones odds.

We could go back to athlete x and argue that he needed the steroids because his muscles were slow so he had a disability so the steroids were simply to even out the playing field. Some how I don't think the Olympic Commity would buy that though.

I've got to agree with Hp on this one. I've just recently installed RRM, and rune finding is at least 50% faster. This would have a lot of bearing on rune hunting from LK since any increase in speed would allow for more runs in a given time which means a greater chance at a sweet rune. And I was running Countess and my runs were faster since I could very quickly pick up the runes and exit game.

However, for Hellforge rushers and standard game play, don't thinks it makes a difference since your couple seconds saved really aren't going to change anything in the grand scheme of things. But even in this case it acts as a fail safe against not noticing rune drops.
And it is relevent to this thread because people are using RWM/RRM as an example to compare to 'taint.' You guys are responding to it by saying "that's comparing apples to oranges," and shooting it down.

Well I'm saying it's comparing apples to apples, and that their arguments should hold water. I mean I don't care if you use it or not, but I do care if you try to pretend it doesn't change anyones odds.

No, it's not comparing apples to oranges. It's comparing apples to little green men from Arcturus... it's that much of the mark :smiley:

You say "not the way Blizard intented it to be = cheat" and that's where I (and I guess many others) disagree. We aren't discussing here what Blizzard thinks is cheat or hack or whatever. Blizzard isn't setting rules in this community, members are. Cheating = breaking rules. If maphack was allowed (or drop mod, etc, etc) then that wouldn't be cheat. You cannot cheat game, you cannot cheat Blizzard and nothing you do in freaking game is non-ethical. Why? Because nobody gives a damn. You can only cheat other humans by breaking rules on which you all agreed. And people agreed to use these mods. Nobody agreed it's OK to hack and dupe items, use maphack and drop mods, etc, etc. You see the difference?

Oh, and no need to mention how these mods give unfair advangate compared to vanilla game. Last time I checked vanilla and moded MP and trading community were separated, right?

@ Spearthrower: it was decided long ago that vanilla and moded game are two different things... just to avoid all this nonsense cheat/hack/unfair advantage/etc we can at least agree it's different. So if vanilla players don't wish any contact with RRM/RWM chars/items that's their right. We don't force them to use mods, they don't scream "hack! cheat! ban!" all the time :grin:

P.S. Sorry Dashy.

Just pass by and saw this thread still hot and going strong.

Well, I hope I got all the brief ideas already posted.

Here is my $0.02.

For those who support less strict rules, and let tainted items/chars free in trade/MP pool: this is reasonable thinking, however, by doing so, we would effective encourage hack/dupe because even the one intended to hack/dupe will be much easier to get away (everything can slip through "unwillingly recieved items").

On other hand: It is understandable why we have current very strict rule. There should be better system to improve what we already have. Only it will be hard to find one most will agree on.

Last, but not least, let me give you a real life example of something I experienced myself.

Back to years ago, I was driving in the rain, and had full car of people. Upto a red light, some how I missed to see it turning red, and failed to slow down a second (or so) too later. I guess we all know how much difference a second can make. I couldn't stop anymore, and I made my decision to continue through. Then a cop car turned out from nowhere and stopped me.

I would be fined and lost points on my licence. However, I didn't. How? I talked away and use the same excuse everyone does. I said I'm sorry but my car had full of people, I couldn't stop in the rain, so I had no choice but beat the light. I was totally "unwillingly" to do so (part of the story is true, I made the "correct" decision to break the law).

The cop accepted my story, and let me go free.

I can honest say I never did anything similar again. But I don't think everyone else who got way would do the same as I did (never repeat again). The fact that cop can choice "not" fine someone, greatly encouraged many of dangerous driving we have seen today.

I know my example isn't perfect, in fact it is bad example, but I think it highlights "how can you enforce a rule, if you let it loss anyway". Maybe some other guy saw me got away without a fine, would feel free to beat the light just because he knows he can get away. In our D2 term, we let one person go "tainted" and go free with trading and MP, how can we enforce others to follow the rule?
Grab that tea people ... Thyiad the Verbose is back with two browser windows and the cut and paste keys ...

Cattleya said:
I'm going to try to explain my basic problem with the concept that only the hacked item should be deleted. Basically, what this creates is a system where the only risk of trading is losing the items you traded. (Obviously you lose the hack, but you didn't have that to start with.) This could cause people to become more careless and less concerned about the legitmacy of their items.

Firstly, that covers haxxored items; but no mention of items that look perfectly legitimate. Additionally, I have to mention reputation here. There are already official trading hoops - probation and unofficial ones - "I reserve the right not to trade with anyone with whom I am not comfortable". The other is reputaton and gut instinct. Let's not forget how big a part they play. There are people I won't MP/trade with and I am betting a large part of the SPF has too.

Cattleya said:
..given how easy it is to cheat in SP, it was would be a disasterous thing for the economy around here.
See my point about HF rushing. Can you be sure they are actually being done? I could dupe runes and just say I rushed. You wouldn't know. Trust has to be part of this, and at the moment, trust is not being extended to those caught by items that look perfectly legit.

Cattleya said:
I would stop trading and MPing if we decided to completely eliminate the concept of taint when dealing with hacks.
It is the definition of taint that I am questioning. The concept is fine in practice but the effects are wide-ranging and penalize forumites who have done nothing wrong except trade with someone who has later been banned.

Cormallon said:
I won't be trading if there is this risk of being forced to delete stashes and chars when I'm the victim of a bad trade (or being hrown out of trading / MPing/ tourneys if I don't).
This is an honourable stance, Cormallon. Let me ask the forum, how many people do you think trade and either keep quiet about a trade/MP with a banned member but continue to trade/MP? At which point does an unknowingly MP with a banned member created the necessity to delete the character? A rush? An Act's questing? A dfficulty? A Baal run?

Quickdeath said:
First, no one is implying any criticism of you two - this is a discussion about rules, and the ethical prinicples that underlie them.

Quickdeath said:
And what should be done with items and characters that are "tainted X-times removed?" That is the question.

Psychic Watch said:
This is where the "statute of limitations" should come in. Everyone would have to agree on what (short) amount of time (perhaps a month or two) contaminated items could be eligible for the scorched-earth deletion policy (everything and everyone in contact is deleted or rolled back).
I think if there is an opportunity to rollback, people take it - especially if it is a quick catch (within a few days). But what happens when you find trades going back months where a member has only just been banned?

I loathe out-of-game examples but here's one. Ratchett & Clank 3; I played it like crazy and got a good way through - Spitney Gears or whatever the bosses name was. Decided to load it up to show a friend, but I was tipsy and hit save and not load. Save game gone. I still cannot play that game, I just cannot face it. Going back and doing what I have already done. OK that was my own (slightly drunk) stupidity and a we are discussing here those who have unknowingly been effected. But again, we punish those who have done nothing wrong if we make them rollback months of work.

Psychic Watch said:
I can see this being a slippery slope of "if I can get away with it for X months, the items become legit".
Which is why if a trade is published in the SPTF, no one screams at the ATMA readouts, the recepient shouldn't be punished. The details were published, there was no way to know there was a problem with the trader. If the sellers reputation and your gut instinct as a buyer says go ahead then that should be enough. You did your homework, the trade was public how much more caveat emptor (buyer beware) can you do?

Psychic Watch said:
@Thyiad: How long did you have those items before their source player was banned? What led to their discovery? Did those banned ever mention whether those items were found "under the influence"? (trying to get a sense of the time scales)

Anything I trade for tends to sit in a quarantine stash for a good few weeks - longer now. I only do trade threads irregularly when I have a number of things I want. The Maras I have been trying to trade for since I got here and acquired in my most recent trade thread, is still sat in a quarentine stash.

Chain of Strength trades were in my 23 July 2006 thread; he was banned around 28 August. 6dollarburger trades were also in 23 July 2006 thread; he was banned 8 October 2006. (That was one bad trade thread for me.)

I was told to delete the items because the sources were people who had been banned for hacking (a charm IIRC from CoS, a jewel from 6dollarburger). They were not 'discovered hacked' just from a source who was later banned. And there were no questions in my mind about the legitimacy of either of those members at the time. Similarly with jantias gems. The pgems were fine; the member was banned. I have no idea if the members admitted finding them while using hacked items - that would be a question for the Mods. But my purchases were of items that looked fine in an open trade.

@Throndhart - Absolutely right. A complete wipe would be the only way to ensure a completely clean pool. I wouldn't do it, for one.

DeathMaster said:
Back to years ago, I was driving in the rain, and had full car of people.
DeathMaster said:
I know my example isn't perfect, in fact it is bad example, but I think it highlights "how can you enforce a rule, if you let it loss anyway". Maybe some other guy saw me got away without a fine, would feel free to beat the light just because he knows he can get away. In our D2 term, we let one person go "tainted" and go free with trading and MP, how can we enforce others to follow the rule?
You're right, that is a bad example. :tongue: You deliberately went through the light. Therefore you are in the obviously haxxored camp. Therefore you delete. In your example, if you were driving an emergency vehicle on-call (IE blues and twos - lights and siren on) you would still be caught and fined (and in the UK that has been done, it is an absolute offence). I would like to see someone justify that. For the record the judge who fined the fire-engine driver said the case shouldn't have been brought.

No one can possibly say that by limiting the concept of taint, the SPF welcomes and legitimizes haxxoring. Following the rule of not making items is set in stone and no-one is challenging that. What is being challenged is that traders/MPers who have followed the no-haxxoring rule, who have tried their utmost to be careful in a trade have been caught out through no fault of their own and are then on the wrong end of a witch-hunt.

As both SPTF Mods have posted here in favour of the current regulations, it is quite clear that nothing will change. Those who have done nothing wrong, except be unlucky enough to trade with someone who was banned will delete the traded items, items found with the traded items and characters who used the items or be banished from the forum.

I will just sit back and wait until we find out who has made a trade with Fbob or whoever, continued to use that item and not mentioned it. We'll discover they have MP'd and traded with most of the SPF and by the current concept of taint, nearly everyone here needs to delete everything in order to continue trading/MPing.

And then I will say "I told you so".
I actually punched my desk out of anger when I woke up and read this. You people are stubborn beyond belief. I simply do not understand the logic behind some of the things you think, but I am obviously outnumbered.

I actually punched my desk out of anger when I woke up and read this. You people are stubborn beyond belief. I simply do not understand the logic behind some of the things you think, but I am obviously outnumbered.


I'm sorry you feel this way, but your arguments thus far have been quite well played out, so I hope you don't give up entirely on the thread. If you don't understand things, elaborate and ask questions of the people that you're not understanding.

I know this sounds strange from the guy who has only posted like four times in his own thread, but it doesn't help if you just punch your desk and walk away from it all.

Alright. Getting down to business.

So far in this thread we've covered the following.

-Is bad.
-Is defined as an item gained when a character is currently using items of which have been acquired from a trade, in which the trader was 'convicted' of hacking or cheating in some way, but not necessarily the items traded.
-Is by association of another item a hacked item because it would have otherwise not have been attainable without the knowingly (or unknowingly) 'hacked' item(s).
-Need to be deleted along with said 'hacked' item(s), and in the case of one having gained experience with a character using those items, the character must be rolled back to a "safe" point, or deleted.
-Taint not only effects items found from characters, but also character experience, as well as other characters and their experience/items in MP games regardless of knowingly or unknowingly having a "tainted" item.
-Taint also has a second meaning when applying to the accepted mods (RRM/RWM) as a qualifier to alert others when trading of the type of things the user does on their machine.

Did I miss anything? I looked around in the FAQs and couldn't even find a definition of taint, so at the very least if we don't have something changed about the way taint is handled, by god there's going to be a proper definition of it somewhere.

I think it's extremely hard to place real world examples to a situation such as this. Regardless of how close in nature they are, it's too easy to say, "Oh, well that police officer was doing what they're paid to do" or "Yeah that's how the law is, though" and it's really hard to place that type of context with forum rules and moderators taking the place of police officers and laws. Or stoplights. Or athletes.

Thyiad said:
I will just sit back and wait until we find out who has made a trade with Fbob or whoever, continued to use that item and not mentioned it. We'll discover they have MP'd and traded with most of the SPF and by the current concept of taint, nearly everyone here needs to delete everything in order to continue trading/MPing.

And then I will say "I told you so".
No, this is when an exception would be made to the rules, when something has been so widespread and effected, the moderators won't up and tell everyone to just delete everything or you can't participate in the forum. It just doesn't work that way and there would either be a huge community drop or a change in policy due to irreconcilable problems with the trade pool. The person that came forward with such a stance would most likely be banned for coming out claiming to use tainted items for so long and trading anyways, and the forum would move on it's way, especially if it effected a large number of people.

So let's make people delete their stuff until then? Nice, very nice. :rolleyes:

No, no, I think you misunderstood. I was making a bit of a sarcastic statement in response to what you were saying. As in waiting until such an occasion popped up would be the only time something like this would be "accepted" or have anything done about it.

In other words I was agreeing with you. :badteeth:

Serdy, sweetie, I knew you were agreeing with me, but I felt the sarcasm was necessary for two reasons. Firstly, I have restrained myself for 12 pages and secondly, I wanted to make it obvious to those who didn't realize it, exactly how ridiculous a position it was. GG. :grin::flowers:
First of all let me say that while I do not trade( not because of the possibility of getting tainted, but because I find it more enjoyable to play self-found... or semi self-found, because I accept items that drop in the mp game I participate in) I do mp, so I inspite of me not-trading, I might have been tainted. I would've been tainted if somehow Thyiad, smilts, Aman or DM happened to cheat(not that I say you are... If I thought you're cheating I wouldn't have played with you guys:wink3: ). The taint would've spread over all my chars and stashes. It wouldn't be a big deal, since I recently started fresh and my wealth is still quite limited, but still...

My thoughts on the subject:
Rules are not meant to protect individual, but rather protect a society as a whole. Also, when we set up some rules we have to remember - we cannot set up rules that will reflect what we belive is just and right, we have to set up rules that will be practical.

For example: if I were a catholic politician, and I were to set up some rules regarding abortion in my country, I cannot say "I belive that abortion is wrong!" and just make it illegal. I have many things to consider - do majority of society belive it's wrong, what will be the reaction of some partner countries (for example european union) and how will the society react. In some cases creating too strict act's will just cause more "black market" abortions.(in our case more hidden cases of taint spreading)

Actually strict act's (for example no abortions permitted at all) will work good(assuming we want to lessen the number of abortions to a minimum) only in those special cases, when we have all or most informations about what is going on, and we are able to execute such law. In other cases it will just create a backfire effect, causing more abortions due to development of "abortion black market" and consequently availbility of said service. Just like Thyiad mentioned, I bet there were many people who spread taint and never told anyone about it, because of the fear of consequences despite being a victim.

I don't know which rule approach would be better in this case. I belive it would be simpler to try to improve our current system then to create a new one though.

one thing we could do would be to help our mods track dow "taint spread" by setting up a simple... well... not a rule but more of a habbit of writing down all the people that participated in MP game. A host could do it.It would be very simple, and wouldn't require much time, but would help very much in those sad cases when a person that was later discovered hacking played a few times in mp games. Probably a host could also write down characters names(not only members nicknames) which played, so a MP games thread would be an easily accessible archive for all of us.
*generic statement*

Seriously though. There are some good ideas floating around in this thread, I hope the mods are kicking the ideas around.
I actually punched my desk out of anger when I woke up and read this. You people are stubborn beyond belief. I simply do not understand the logic behind some of the things you think, but I am obviously outnumbered.


I'll add my 2 cents.

I think you are right in saying the RRM has it's own flavor of taint. Once you are RRM your items found are RRM.

Concerning the "taint part" this is equally to having RWM, some dropmod a third party tool like edit / character editor (this includes atma). I mean once a item/character is touched with a mod/third party tool, all newly found items are "tainted" with that mod/third party tool.

The difference is that some "taints" are seen as badly where others are accepted. (not all taints are bad from my point of view)

In this case RRM, RWM, atma are accepted taints, where the dropmod or a item editor is not.

The following post will probably not contain any new insights regarding the matter at hand. You are welcome to skip it.

I think that the reason this thread's 12 pages long stems from an interesting contradiction. On the one hand we have a community that prides itself on legitimacy. On the other hand we play SP, which unfortunately means that it's quite easy to do illegitimate things. As Thyiad said, why assume that everyone who posts a set of HF rushes actually went through the dull task of getting them?

I believe that they did so. This place attracts a certain kind of players, those that play for fun and with honor. I'd say (maybe overly optimistic and naive) that 99% of the posters here play honorably. There's a sense of accomplishment and pride when you complete a grail/rush an 'Enigma'/finish a septemvirate without hacking. This also means that any actions from bad apples can have a disastrous effect.

[for examples, see rest of thread]

I think that a sensible compromise is the best option here. Punish those that hack, delete hacked gear, and pardon the victims. I'll have to add that a pardon should be earned. If the victim traded a Windforce for an 'Enigma' or a 40/15 jewel, he/she wasn't very careful with his trade. If the trade seemed okay and no trade detectives had any alarm bells going off, the traded items should be shot, but the 'taint' should be pardoned.

I can hear wailing and gnashing of teeth already.
"AJK! Dude! What have you done! You practically invited people to hack up stuff, because there are no consequences! Exclamation marks!"
Let me point back to the third paragraph. We should not only pride ourselves on our own legitimacy, we also ought to pride ourselves on being able to believe that others play with honor too.

If you're someone who has a more pessimistic outlook, you're probably not trading/MP'ing anyway, and that's the choice you've made. I, on the other hand, try to remain optimistic and won't refrain from trading/MP'ing.

Last point: I guess I just copied Thyiad's, Serdash's and other's point of view.
Well, it's at least +1 to spam for me...
I agree - you would expect other people to assume that you were telling the truth and playing legitimately and were the victim should something untoward come to light.... so the same assumption should be extended to others.
Estimated market value