Pindlethon 6

Change it as you wish. The pindlethons have never been about having exact MF. It's just a number that inspires others to try to improve, or something to measure how much you have and others are competing with. It's not a forced rule which limits your character. Rule #8 even allows you can use different characters - different chars, different builds, and as such, most likely different MF%.

@reddragon - You damn well know it... It doesn't matter about the drops or that I don't have plans or want any items (maybe that means I'll get mad drops since I'm not looking for anything,) the competition and community aspect of the Pindlethon is more than enough to entice me. It's so much more fun comparing drops and being part of it than observing the final results. :nod:
@Twibz - In your position, I'd take the necro you have in the Black Marsh to Pindle. It'd most probably be faster than getting a new Sorc there, but up to you, and a Necro runs Pindle fine.

@ Kitteh - Nice dedication, I like it :thumbup:

@ Drystan - Your attitude towards drops means you'll probably win, that seems to be the D2 version of 'Murphy's Law' And as to the community / comparing drops part, I couldn't agree more.

I mean when I was running him in my personal one, I was happy to see so many grailers, and above average number of TC87's, but I would have / will enjoy it more in a proper open Pindlethon, win or lose. :jig:
@redragon you know i think you are right, it probably is easier to get my necro through to pindle , but eventually I will be making a blizzy sorc anyway... Only thing i need to get then is a good hurt stick and armor for my merc right? let him smash then CE til dead, is this right? would an elite obedience polearm be good enough? and what cheap armor? and helm come to that?
Stealskull has dual leech and mf.
Obedience is good, and... Hmmm cheap armour. Treachery?

Ahh yes treachery! right then those are my targets now, will run pits til I have them acquired and then its fast progression through hell to pindy! watch out peeps, twibz is gunna own this!

Twibz: are you HC or SC? If you're 1.13d SC FAM I can donate some gear.

I can also offer some MP help to get you levelled up faster if you lean that way.
I used Toothrow and Rockstopper for armour and helm on my Necro merc when I was running Pindle.

If all else fails, I'd use decrep instead of Amp, at least until you get a corpse, that will slow the pack down until you get your first corpse.

I had The Reapers Toll on my merc, and noticed that the Decrep from it was as much use as Amp for the fight.
Twibz: are you HC or SC? If you're 1.13d SC FAM I can donate some gear.

I can also offer some MP help to get you levelled up faster if you lean that way.

id greatly appreciate the gear contributions as I am 1.13d FAM SC, just to put the merc on until i can get my own stuff, which should happen at a pindlethon one would have thought... i can level myself that is not an issue but thanks for the kindness, pm me if you really wanna help but honestly if you dont then its also fine as i enjoy getting my own stuff together and I would send back the items once I had finished with them anyway

I'm progressing a bit slowly with my sorc, mainly because I don't have much time to play. I'm at A1 NM right now, I should make it to pindle before the end of the tourney. Probly won't get 2k runs tho.
The offer to help with levelling and/or gear goes for anyone who would like it, so long as you're in 1.13d SC FAM. Drop me a PM.
Pivo made it finally to pindle. but i can´t scramble enough mf on him as i´d like to while still be able to kill on p8 - i doubt i´d feel comfotable killing with him on p8 whatsoever. is there a rule for running with different characters?
Krupa - Please read the first post for the rules. Yes, there IS a rule for running with different characters, but please read them yourself, and don't expect others to read them for you. Sorry to be so blunt, but, they are there for everyone to see, are clearly accessible, and are there to have a clear set for an organised tourney.

Also, Pindle at /players8 is usually only for the experience. The odds for unique TC87 drops are far greater from Pindle than his minions. For the Pindlethons, it is a set number of runs, and not a time limit, so in that case, it doesn't really matter, but in terms of long term Pindling, I would go against /players8. The increase in time would drive me insane personally. I'll probably be running at /players3, /pl5 at the most with plenty of MF.

I am definitely in. I have to optimise my sorc though, as she's currently set up for LK.
Krupa - Please read the first post for the rules. Yes, there IS a rule for running with different characters, but please read them yourself, and don't expect others to read them for you. Sorry to be so blunt, but, they are there for everyone to see, are clearly accessible, and are there to have a clear set for an organised tourney.

having a bad day, are we? :)
found it now. i did check the rules but this is listed under the sub-point of acceptable versions, which i skipped once i read versions

i don´t like p1 not even untwinked, specially if i run something 2k times...

Not at all, so please don't assume such. Great past three days actually. I don't like it when people ask others to read the rules for them, especially when they are too lazy to read them themselves. The fact that you missed it ("skipped") means that you only glanced at them, and expect others to read them and answer any question about them for you. They are there for a purpose.

Now, apart from that, this is derailling the thread, so I'll leave it there.

krupa said:
is there a rule for running[...]

Edit: On topic, adding myself to the table, using my primary Blizzsorc, Katara_IV, level 93 with 615% MF at the moment.

Forum Name                   Runs        MF     Build        Version
ReDragon                        0       504     Blizzard        1.13 
Jason Maher                     0         0     Multishot       1.13
Pharphis                        0         0     Singer          1.13
RobbyD                          0       414     FA/GA Burizon   1.09
Drystan                         0       615     Blizzard        1.13(HC)
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Not at all, so please don't assume such. Great past three days actually. I don't like it when people ask others to read the rules for them, especially when they are too lazy to read them themselves. The fact that you missed it ("skipped") means that you only glanced at them, and expect others to read them and answer any question about them for you. They are there for a purpose.

i´m happy to hear you had some good days. i won´t assume otherwise in the future. but please don´t read this much into that few words of mine either, especially not laziness, when stupidity would be better suited ;-)
i did read the rules, once when i posted i´d participate, three times over when i was looking for the rule about multiple chars and once using ctrl+f after your response. i simply could not find the rule i was looking for and was asking for help

i think your response was not polite and uncalled for. why you are so bothered by questions is beyond me and there would have been nicer ways to get the same message across like: "yes, there is. it can be found in the OP under sub-section rules.". you could have simply ignored my post completely following the guide-line: if you don´t have something nice to say, don´t say anything at all.

but you are right, the answer was there and this is getting OT

Forum Name                   Runs        MF     Build        Version
ReDragon                        0       504     Blizzard        1.13 
Jason Maher                     0         0     Multishot       1.13
Pharphis                        0         0     Singer          1.13
RobbyD                          0       414     FA/GA Burizon   1.09
Drystan                         0       615     Blizzard        1.13(HC)
Krupa                           0         X     Misc            1.13

10 pm the night before the Pindlethon, really need to reorganise my MF before I start in the morning.

GOOD LUCK everybody, may all your drops be Gold / Green.
Estimated market value