Noob Pkers

masakerr said:
Duels are good. Duelers are good. Dueling is good.

Actually no. The current state of dueling on dii is - generally speaking - down the toilet.
PKs aren't duelers, they are gamesters that want us to play in their rigged game and lose our chars while they are totally safe and risk nothing.

Until that changes, best to just leave the game and make a new passworded one (after you squelch/mute them).
How do you program the exit button on your mouse... I want :D .

Also my views on pks are just a natural filter proccess of to make sure softcore people who can not handle hardcore do not make chars that they fall in love with and then die with because they can not handle hardcore. j/k =P Actually, I make pk guinnie pigs now and then, (iron maiden necro, or thorns paly) The goal is to get it to lvl 15 with a bunch in iron maidon or thorns, and use different skills... look like you are going to xp, then as soon as pker comes after you, put on thorns/cast iron maiden, and even though you die. so does the pker =P

Also, are you about the no pks in tristram thing? I see pkers in tristram runs all the time, usually I leave at the sound of DUN DUN DUN hostile ring.

The worst pk I saw was a lvl 69 volcano druid who pretended to rush people, ran down to w/e area you asked for, makes a volcano, tells you to go down tp, meanwhile he runs up tp hostiles you. And you get killed by volcano. Saw it happen to some dude who seriously should know better then to take a tp from a complete stranger. Still it sucks to see a guy lose the whole sig set and a torch of iro =/

My jabber ran into a level 43 hurricane druid once. God was he depressed when my level 18 jabber wasnt impressed by his hurricane and proceeded to jab him to 50% health in a second... he didnt come back ^_^.
Try this tactic. This works for me. If a PK hostiles you. TP to town. Squelch the PK. Tell the PK that they have been squelched. Type "AFK" and go stretch your legs.

If your in a party, mute the PK from hearing you and tell everyone in your party to do the above. It works a treat.

If you have no intention of "duelling" a PK then squelch them. There's nothing worse than a PK's egotistical wittering!
If a Pk comes in, hostiles, recignizes everyone is in town and leaves I tend to say nothing.

If he does not leave and insists on antagonising I turn it back on them. If said pk is obviously a much higher lvl there is no holds barred I will thrash this punk to no end.

I hat PK frist and for most, but I can respect those going after much higher lvls. I also can respect those that make thier attempt and leave, but I totally loath the assholes of bnet and will do what ever I can to aggrevate them!

It is fun to get in a battle of wits with an unarmed man!

The true lowlifes havent got a clue of how stupid they are.
classic is worst.
only 3 builds.. lvl 4x rattle/gobtoe barbs, lvl 24 snap chargers, lvl 8x blizzard sorc

thats all.
and they all "PwNz JOo NuUb" T.T
Tridge said:
classic is worst.
only 3 builds.. lvl 4x rattle/gobtoe barbs, lvl 24 snap chargers, lvl 8x blizzard sorc

thats all.
and they all "PwNz JOo NuUb" T.T

hehe no. Currently I am testing about 10 different pk builds in classic and will post the results later. At least you forgot 12 lvl pike pally who is real fun :)

And as to pking in general, pking is not duelling. Pking is hunting on PvMers. PKer is built to deal max dmg with min defence. PKer vs PvP char = dead. PvP char is not effective at hunting. So dont compare
Raven-Hood said:
How do you program the exit button on your mouse... I want :D .
Go to "my computer"
Go to "Control Panel"
Go to "Mouse"
choose which button you want and click exit or whatever the command is.
First post for me.

So I'm in a Sewers game in normal, all players around lvl 15. Lvl 22(?) assassin comes in and hostiles the group. We all end up going back to town and start making fun of the PKer. This actually goes on for quite a long time.

In the end, we somehow manage to find out that the PKer had quit a while ago and was back on for the first time in months (I think). We proceeded to unleash a tirade upon this PKer. First, he started responding with the "you have no life" argument. Then the "I make $100k, have a hot wife, this is just a hobby" angle. At some point, the attempted PKer started getting somewhat upset. "Blah blah you guys are mean, blah blah community has sure gone downhill, blah blah.".

Our ruthless (and witty!) mocking had pushed him to quit again. :D

Seriously, if you're going to jump into a game and hostile the party, do you expect that the party is going to be nice to you? :xrollseye
Oafijev said:
Seriously, if you're going to jump into a game and hostile the party, do you expect that the party is going to be nice to you? :xrollseye

Well of course you should be nice! Heck serve them milk and ear shaped cookies - but first grant loot and empty your stash and charms onto the ground so he can pick through those too.


People are funny, they can be all mean and nasty to you but deep down inside they just want to be luvved. So, that in mind, next time a way out of his league PK joins don't tell him to pick on chars his own size just tell him you love him. Feel free to be graphic and involve household appliances.

example: "Hello Mr PK Man, I know that I am only 15 and you are 78 but I love you. I love you more than I love my microwave and it makes me my warm buttery popcorn. My blender might get jealous but I love you more than it too."

Keep that up long enough and they will leave - guaranteed.
drinkturps said:
Try this tactic. This works for me. If a PK hostiles you. TP to town. Squelch the PK. Tell the PK that they have been squelched. Type "AFK" and go stretch your legs.

If your in a party, mute the PK from hearing you and tell everyone in your party to do the above. It works a treat.

If you have no intention of "duelling" a PK then squelch them. There's nothing worse than a PK's egotistical wittering!
Guaranteed this will have the best result. Most (& note Stephan - I say most!!!) pkers have very little patience.
Also, if you wait long enough, a pkk may show up. I (Sharks) just love arrogant bonesnap chargers... they look at the gear on my L34 Druid and scoff. Pity their math skills are about as good as their ability at dueling.
Oafijev said:
Seriously, if you're going to jump into a game and hostile the party, do you expect that the party is going to be nice to you? :xrollseye

I doubt noone expects a party to be nice to them if they hostile and try to pk. However, there are times when the nasty comments are going a 'bit' too far. I once killed some lvl 25 or so necro with my lvl 9 basher barb after I had hostiled a party doing arcane runs. The necro laid some nasty comments, ofcourse but his friend was another story. Just for attempting to kill him too he started whispering me.... And he whispered me about my sexual preferences for animals, my mother, my father, yada yada. Sure, I can take that, up to a limit, but this guy kept at it for several weeks. Whenever I logged on to my pk account he started whispering me the usual nasty stuff.

The funny thing about that situation is that he was harassing me and I'm pretty sure I could have reported him to Blizzard for it.

tomatoman said:
Go to "my computer"
Go to "Control Panel"
Go to "Mouse"
choose which button you want and click exit or whatever the command is.

its alt f4
Yes, i must agree with Mali and Barry.

Mali, i agree about those snappers. They will duel anything that will fight back, they dont seem to realize that fighting Malis 34 Druid, or my 25 amazons is different than that level 11 necromancer they just "pwned" in the sewers.

Barry, i agree on jabbers, they are quite potent :) (i know, i know, everyone knows what i think of em) Mine dueled an 82 druid twice, once he fluxed at half life, once i juved and ran and 2/3 life (didnt want to take a chance, those level 82;s can have some tricks up their sleeves...) but yes, jabbers are quite effective at taking on high levels if you know how to use em ;)

I'd love to see an eth upgraded titan jabber in a mid-high pvp duel.

Max block, max evade, 4fps or whatever it is jab, max dr, some crit and DS.

Could be interesting thats for sure.
Actually, i think a jabber might come out on the wrong end of a mid/high duel. They could probably tank very well, but i think their damage would be too low vs mid/high dueler Barbs, pallies, Druids etc, and any Teleporting dueler would just rip them apart. (Telezerker, Any sorc, Teleing Bone necro, Tele-windDruid etc would be damn near impossible for them to kill) While i have not personally HLD'd, i hear there is a LOT of Enigma/BOTD dupe crap around.
Estimated market value