Need In-Game Help With Quests/Rushes/Muling/Ubers/Help? Ask Here!

i could desperately use some mule help, my hammer is full of all kinds of stuff, and i feel like continue gem/mf/exp/jewel/****-running all night...

peace and thx

I am perming my mule right now so you can join my game and mule there.
Whisper me at *mrcmule
Anyone got two mins to give me a free rush throught act 4/5 normal.
Thanks in advance.

Europe sc ladder
Pm me here ta.
I'll message you tonight (in 3 or so hours) and if you are on than I can do it no problem *spankytee
Hmm he couldnt finish dia he just started too. So Now im stuck in A4 :p
So if your still willing to help later that would be great.
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ISO: Grush/Guber Paying all forges+Soj.

Realm-East sc non-ladder.

thanks in advance!
Need ONE or TWO chaos games and hell ancients if anyone has time.

Uswest Ladder
*spankygee online now.
thanks in advance.
I just started the game over after taking a 2 year break from it, if someone could please rush me through it would be much appreciated, just message


in game please and thank you in advance

edit - USWest Ladder
If anyone has a few minutes to spare I could use a Hell Ancients run. I dont have the WP if it matters to anyone. I play on US east ladder and my ingame name is IGotSoul. My Sorc is named IGS.
Not sure if this is the right area to post but we are having an uber leveling game tonight about 8:00 est. This is on east sc ladder. All we need is leachers and maybe another hdin. This is limited to people with a solid diabloii history only. If interested pm me.
[SCLW] I need help w/ nm ancients if any one has time. pls whisper me in game at *castnblast. I have a tp up to the summit so it should only take a sec.


edit: never mind killed em after a few tries then went to baal and never died. 1st run got magefists and tals mask woot
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i have just started again after stopping due to not enough time, but now im back in action but, its been a while so tht 90 day limit actually got me :(
so i was wondering if any1 fancies rushing my new sorc through so i can mf a few crappy things then trade, get rich you know the rest.
im online now if you want to help.
much appriecaited
Anyone on USEast have time to help my sorc do Anya's quest in Hell difficulty? I'll back off from you if you want the drops (or you can give me a TP when you beat or are about to beat Frozenstein).
Estimated market value