Moor Tournament! 2v2 Odd Couples!

@Naab (and everyone else, of course): Please don't use the word "****" as casual slang, as making light of a serious issue in this manner can be considered offensive.
Those who make light of the mongoose are obviously unfamiliar with the unstoppable force of nature known as Riki-Tiki-Tavi, and anyone who's unfamiliar with Riki-Tiki-Tavi is uncultured swine. And we all know that swine can't PvP very well since they lack opposable thumbs and the manual dexterity needed to operate a mouse and keyboard.

Ours plan is to finda house, then I will play something that shoots like firaballs or something or a trapper. Then colony takes the biggest, most tankiest barb or pala that we can make, then he stand in the doorway so noone can come inside :rolleyes:

Breast Plate
Defense: 831
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Strength: 30
Required Level: 65
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x978d964c
+763 Defense
Damage Reduced by 8%
Increase Maximum Life 5%
+14 Life after each Kill
45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 to Teleport
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+2 to All Skill Levels
+71 to Strength (Based on Character Level)
95% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (3: 3 used)

Your tactic fails. GG.

@Naab (and everyone else, of course): Please don't use the word "****" as casual slang, as making light of a serious issue in this manner can be considered offensive.

So Cat...who ya rootin' for? :wink3:

*struts stuff*

I see ya browsing this thread quite a bit. I know its not just to keep the trash-talking under control. I know your type, you're madly in love with big, studly PvP'ers and let's face it...I'm the biggest, studliest one of them all. Go on, give these muscles a squeeze. :smug:

But alas, I know our paths will never cross. You're a mod...I'm a member, it would never work, we're just too different. Perhaps if this world wasn't so cruel, maybe this mixed up place would appreciate a love like that can never be. :upset:

Regardless I wanna see you in an "I <3 Team Ravenous" t-shirt on the day's event. Seeing you like that might just give me the inspiration I need to empty my heart of all pity and mercy to better slaughter the competition. Later Cat. Meow. :wink3:

Breast Plate
Defense: 831
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Strength: 30
Required Level: 65
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x978d964c
+763 Defense
Damage Reduced by 8%
Increase Maximum Life 5%
+14 Life after each Kill
45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 to Teleport
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+2 to All Skill Levels
+71 to Strength (Based on Character Level)
95% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (3: 3 used)
Your tactic fails. GG.
Kab. You are such a show off :wink:

Don't take your victory out yet, me and colony are working some 1337 house guarding strategy's out :evil:
*puts WoF's up in his bedroom for stunlock, just in case*

edit: @liq. haha how romantic lol

I could do a table ....

Rich losers with NGMA                Poor Pauper PvPers

Oh and Cat, watch Liq. I *used* to be 'luscious' and now .... nothing. I'm better off but I am just warning you .... He's only sucking up in case the trash talk goes too far :wink:
I think team scorpions home-matches should be in in act 2, to keep up the theme :azn:
Oh, and I will also fake that I have eni, by using amu wih charges, just to scare the pants of the other teams :evil:
Breast Plate
Defense: 831
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Strength: 30
Required Level: 65
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x978d964c
+763 Defense
Damage Reduced by 8%
Increase Maximum Life 5%
+14 Life after each Kill
45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 to Teleport
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+2 to All Skill Levels
+71 to Strength (Based on Character Level)
95% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (3: 3 used)

Your tactic fails. GG.

Amulet of Teleportation
Required Level: 48
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 61
Fingerprint: 0xb4a96a77
Level 1 Teleport (22/22 Charges)

3 of these and 2 mil's gold in stash > Enigma :wink2:

*mock Fishwife voice*

DOOOOOOOMY! Is your PM box broken? Or MSN?

/poking Doomas
Why does noone want to post in this shiny, nice thread? :hide:
For the next challenge, I think that either enigmas, or pro's should be banned :rolleyes:
Ban the pros. After the last challange it seems that noob > pro


@Zarfen below: Your right. I looked at it wrong. If the noobs > Pros then we need to ban the stronger ones and just let the pros play so they stand a chance
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I got this in a PM and wanted to clarify.

Is it allowed to use more than one set of characters over the course of the duels?

No, you use 1 set only.

Your char and your partner's char are set in stone once you've dueled once with them and you'll need to continue dueling with that pair until the tourney concludes.

@ zarfen- Keep up that anti-pro attitude and you'll be banned next tourney! :wink3:
:rolleyes: I will let the axe talk, liq.
but for the sake of it (for tha sake of me not being banned next tourney :rolleyes:)
You just gave all pro's a reason to not trash talk, if they shut it, I won't be in the next tourney :evil:

@ A_A I do so too :wink3:
also way to reveal your build in that mpgame :p
This tournament doesn't matter as im not in it :rolleyes:

and thats all i gotta say about that
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