MFO Summer 2018 Signups and Progress [by PhineasB]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @PhineasB on Aug 8, 2018.
(link to original thread on

Howls will echo through the Pit. Icy Shards will rain down in the Ancient Tunnels. Lightning bolts will fly and corpses will explode across the land.

Pindle’s horde shambles along in dread of the carnage. Baal’s minions cower in the face of the coming onslaught, and their master’s arrogance is pierced by a moment of doubt.

Sanctuary beware. It’s time for the Magic Find Olympics!

* * *​

Alright SPFers, it’s time for the 2018 Summer MFO, a longstanding SPF tradition (as documented here)! After the rousing success of the MFO Warmup Combination Magic Find/Rune Find tourney hosted by @ffs (running thread and results thread), let’s get to the main event!

Most of the content that follows is shamelessly copied from previous MFOs. So thanks to the prior hosts, mostly nulio, Fabian, and jjscud, and most recently Grape. I hope this updated formatting works for everyone.

Also, I made one small tweak to number of prizes winners can claim (reduced by one). Please let me know if there are concerns with that or if I forgot something important. In general, if you have any questions or comments, you can ask in this thread or you can PM me.

* * *​

I. Basics
Short version:
Run one of three targets—A85, Baal, and Pindle+— as much as possible during a ten-day window spanning two weekends and hope for many golden sacred armors (of the blue variety).
Long version: See section II ;)

Start: Friday, August 24 (00:00 local time)
End: Sunday, September 2 (23:59 local time)

II. Overview
MFO stands for Magic Finding Olympics. For those new to the MFO, the basic gist of it is everyone picks one of three targets and runs that target like mad for a little more than a week. At the end, everyone scores their Sets/Uniques using the scoresheets below and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they may claim a few items from lower scoring participants who ran the same target as prizes.

You need to have a trading profile to participate due to winners getting to claim items (see Section V for more info on this, as it’s less complicated than it sounds).

All participants must register the categories they wish to compete in before MFO kicks off. No deciding to participate when that Mang’s drops while doing casual MF runs after MFO starts. Sign-up post will follow below.

The Categories
- Hell Baal
- Pindle+: Pindleskin (or Shenk, Eldritch, Thresh or Sharptooth).
- Level 85 Areas

Eligible Finds
The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered in each category:
- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs only.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques (and their minions, in the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth).
- Level 85 Areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including minion waves).

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle’s Garden, Chests in the Pits/Ancient Tunnels, etc. So if you’re in the Baal category, that Tyrael’s that drops from a random boss pack in the Throne Room doesn’t count :eek:

Beyond that, there are very few limitations. No restrictions of class, builds, items, or approach, provided everyone abides by general SPF rules regarding forum accepted mods (FAM), etc. So any SPF FAM mod and any version 1.11 or later. If you’re not sure about FAM, please read the rules.

III. Scoring
The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the Immortal King Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique. Here are the score sheets for each category (from Community Links Sticky): A85, Baal, Pindle+. The full txt files in two formats (alphabetical and item ranking) are also embedded in the spoilers below.
Aldur's Deception                   4.5
Alma Negra                          8.8
Andariel's Visage                   4.1
Arachnid Mesh                       5.6
Arioc's Needle                      2.2
Arkaine's Valor                     7.4
Astreon's Iron Ward               230.4
Azurewrath                          7.5
Baranar's Star                      3.1
Blackoak Shield                     5.6
Blood Raven's Charge                6.5
Bloodmoon                           3.1
Boneflame                          11.0
Bonehew                             2.2
Boneshade                           7.5
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge          32.6
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian        32.6
Cerebus' Bite                      10.6
Cranebeak                           4.5
Credendum                           1.7
Crown of Ages                      93.9
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Darkforce Spawn                   172.2
Death Cleaver                      76.8
Death's Fathom                    140.9
Death's Web                       231.0
Demon Limb                          2.6
Demon's Arch                        3.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.6
Djinn Slayer                        3.1
Doombringer                         5.4
Dracul's Grasp                      5.7
Dragonscale                        19.5
Eaglehorn                           5.4
Earth Shifter                      76.8
Eschuta's Temper                    4.4
Ethereal Edge                       2.4
Executioner's Justice              76.8
Firelizard's Talons                 5.0
Flamebellow                         3.1
Fleshripper                         6.1
Frostwind                           6.1
Gargoyle's Bite                    76.8
Ghostflame                         76.8
Giant Skull                        10.7
Gimmershred                         2.6
Griffon's Eye                      93.9
Griswold's Honor                   94.7
Griswold's Redemption              97.7
Griswold's Valor                   39.8
Gut Siphon                          6.1
Halaberd's Reign                   11.0
Harlequin Crest                     3.9
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.4
Heaven's Light                      9.3
Hellrack                            2.5
Hellslayer                          2.5
Horizon's Tornado                   5.4
Immortal King's Soul Cage          39.8
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Jade Talon                          2.9
Lacerator                           4.5
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Leviathan                           6.0
Lightsabre                          2.5
M'avina's Caster                    5.5
M'avina's Embrace                   2.5
M'avina's True Sight               39.8
Mang Song's Lesson                230.4
Marrowwalk                          4.7
Medusa's Gaze                       6.0
Messerschmidt's Reaver              6.1
Naj's Light Plate                   3.2
Naj's Puzzler                       3.2
Natalya's Mark                     38.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Nightwing's Veil                    6.0
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.4
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.3
Ondal's Almighty                    2.5
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.5
Ormus' Robes                        3.7
Ravenlore                          19.5
Razor's Edge                        3.4
Rune Master                         3.1
Sandstorm Trek                      3.7
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            2.6
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Schaefer's Hammer                  15.3
Shadow Dancer                      93.9
Shadow Killer                       2.3
Soul Drainer                        6.3
Spike Thorn                         6.3
Spirit Keeper                      13.7
Spirit Ward                        10.7
Steel Carapace                     10.6
Steel Pillar                       76.8
Steel Shade                         6.3
Steelrend                          93.9
Stone Crusher                       6.1
Stoneraven                          5.8
Stormlash                          16.2
Stormshield                         4.7
Stormspire                         76.8
Taebaek's Glory                     4.5
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            4.5
Templar's Might                    93.9
The Cranium Basher                 76.8
The Gladiator's Bane                4.7
The Grandfather                    76.8
The Reaper's Toll                   3.1
The Redeemer                        9.3
Thunderstroke                       4.5
Tomb Reaver                         4.5
Trang-Oul's Girth                   4.5
Trang-Oul's Guise                   4.5
Tyrael's Might                    422.5
Veil of Steel                       6.0
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.1
Viperfork                           2.5
Warshrike                           5.4
Widowmaker                          4.5
Windforce                          76.8
Windhammer                          2.4
Wizardspike                         2.2
Wolfhowl                            7.0
Wraith Flight                       4.5
Tyrael's Might                    422.5
Death's Web                       231.0
Astreon's Iron Ward               230.4
Mang Song's Lesson                230.4
Darkforce Spawn                   172.2
Death's Fathom                    140.9
Griswold's Redemption              97.7
Griswold's Honor                   94.7
Griffon's Eye                      93.9
Crown of Ages                      93.9
Templar's Might                    93.9
Steelrend                          93.9
Shadow Dancer                      93.9
Death Cleaver                      76.8
Executioner's Justice              76.8
Windforce                          76.8
Ghostflame                         76.8
Gargoyle's Bite                    76.8
The Cranium Basher                 76.8
Earth Shifter                      76.8
Stormspire                         76.8
Steel Pillar                       76.8
The Grandfather                    76.8
Griswold's Valor                   39.8
Immortal King's Soul Cage          39.8
M'avina's True Sight               39.8
Natalya's Mark                     38.7
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge          32.6
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian        32.6
Ravenlore                          19.5
Dragonscale                        19.5
Stormlash                          16.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  15.3
Spirit Keeper                      13.7
Halaberd's Reign                   11.0
Boneflame                          11.0
Giant Skull                        10.7
Spirit Ward                        10.7
Steel Carapace                     10.6
Cerebus' Bite                      10.6
Heaven's Light                      9.3
The Redeemer                        9.3
Alma Negra                          8.8
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.6
Boneshade                           7.5
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.5
Azurewrath                          7.5
Arkaine's Valor                     7.4
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.4
Wolfhowl                            7.0
Blood Raven's Charge                6.5
Steel Shade                         6.3
Spike Thorn                         6.3
Soul Drainer                        6.3
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.3
Messerschmidt's Reaver              6.1
Gut Siphon                          6.1
Fleshripper                         6.1
Stone Crusher                       6.1
Frostwind                           6.1
Leviathan                           6.0
Veil of Steel                       6.0
Nightwing's Veil                    6.0
Medusa's Gaze                       6.0
Stoneraven                          5.8
Dracul's Grasp                      5.7
Blackoak Shield                     5.6
Arachnid Mesh                       5.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.5
Eaglehorn                           5.4
Horizon's Tornado                   5.4
Doombringer                         5.4
Warshrike                           5.4
Firelizard's Talons                 5.0
Stormshield                         4.7
Marrowwalk                          4.7
The Gladiator's Bane                4.7
Cranebeak                           4.5
Widowmaker                          4.5
Wraith Flight                       4.5
Tomb Reaver                         4.5
Lacerator                           4.5
Thunderstroke                       4.5
Aldur's Deception                   4.5
Taebaek's Glory                     4.5
Trang-Oul's Guise                   4.5
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            4.5
Trang-Oul's Girth                   4.5
Eschuta's Temper                    4.4
Andariel's Visage                   4.1
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.1
Harlequin Crest                     3.9
Ormus' Robes                        3.7
Sandstorm Trek                      3.7
Razor's Edge                        3.4
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.4
Naj's Light Plate                   3.2
Naj's Puzzler                       3.2
Demon's Arch                        3.1
The Reaper's Toll                   3.1
Bloodmoon                           3.1
Flamebellow                         3.1
Rune Master                         3.1
Baranar's Star                      3.1
Djinn Slayer                        3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          2.9
Demon Limb                          2.6
Gimmershred                         2.6
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.5
Hellrack                            2.5
Viperfork                           2.5
Lightsabre                          2.5
Ondal's Almighty                    2.5
M'avina's Embrace                   2.5
Ethereal Edge                       2.4
Windhammer                          2.4
Shadow Killer                       2.3
Wizardspike                         2.2
Bonehew                             2.2
Arioc's Needle                      2.2
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Boneflame                          10.4
Bonehew                             2.3
Boneshade                           7.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Cranebeak                           4.3
Credendum                           1.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Death's Web                        27.9
Demon Limb                          2.8
Demon's Arch                        3.3
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Doombringer                         5.7
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Dragonscale                        14.6
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Flamebellow                         3.3
Fleshripper                         4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Giant Skull                         8.1
Gimmershred                         2.8
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
Hellrack                            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.6
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Jade Talon                          3.0
Lacerator                           4.3
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Leviathan                           5.7
Lightsabre                          2.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Marrowwalk                          5.0
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Ravenlore                          14.6
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Rune Master                         3.2
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Steel Pillar                        9.3
Steel Shade                         6.6
Steelrend                          10.7
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Stormlash                          17.0
Stormshield                         5.0
Stormspire                          9.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Templar's Might                    10.7
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
The Grandfather                     9.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
The Redeemer                        9.8
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Viperfork                           2.6
Warshrike                           5.7
Widowmaker                          4.3
Windforce                           9.3
Windhammer                          2.5
Wizardspike                         2.3
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Death's Web                        27.9
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Stormlash                          17.0
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Ravenlore                          14.6
Dragonscale                        14.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Templar's Might                    10.7
Steelrend                          10.7
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Boneflame                          10.4
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
The Redeemer                        9.8
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Windforce                           9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Stormspire                          9.3
Steel Pillar                        9.3
The Grandfather                     9.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Giant Skull                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Boneshade                           7.9
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Steel Shade                         6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Leviathan                           5.7
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Doombringer                         5.7
Warshrike                           5.7
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Stormshield                         5.0
Marrowwalk                          5.0
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Fleshripper                         4.6
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Cranebeak                           4.3
Widowmaker                          4.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Lacerator                           4.3
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Demon's Arch                        3.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Flamebellow                         3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Rune Master                         3.2
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          3.0
Demon Limb                          2.8
Gimmershred                         2.8
Hellslayer                          2.6
Hellrack                            2.6
Viperfork                           2.6
Lightsabre                          2.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Windhammer                          2.5
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
Wizardspike                         2.3
Bonehew                             2.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Arachnid Mesh                       5.9
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Azurewrath                          7.8
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Boneflame                          10.4
Bonehew                             2.3
Boneshade                           7.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Cranebeak                           4.3
Credendum                           1.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Death's Web                        27.9
Demon Limb                          2.8
Demon's Arch                        3.3
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Doombringer                         5.7
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Dragonscale                        14.6
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Flamebellow                         3.3
Fleshripper                         4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Giant Skull                         8.1
Gimmershred                         2.8
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
Hellrack                            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.6
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Jade Talon                          3.0
Lacerator                           4.3
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Leviathan                           5.7
Lightsabre                          2.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Marrowwalk                          5.0
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Ravenlore                          14.6
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Rune Master                         3.2
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Steel Pillar                        9.3
Steel Shade                         6.6
Steelrend                          10.7
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Stormlash                          17.0
Stormshield                         5.0
Stormspire                          9.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Templar's Might                    10.7
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
The Grandfather                     9.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
The Redeemer                        9.8
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Tyrael's Might                     48.2
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Viperfork                           2.6
Warshrike                           5.7
Widowmaker                          4.3
Windforce                           9.3
Windhammer                          2.5
Wizardspike                         2.3
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tyrael's Might                     48.2
Death's Web                        27.9
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Stormlash                          17.0
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Ravenlore                          14.6
Dragonscale                        14.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Templar's Might                    10.7
Steelrend                          10.7
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Boneflame                          10.4
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
The Redeemer                        9.8
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Windforce                           9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Stormspire                          9.3
Steel Pillar                        9.3
The Grandfather                     9.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Giant Skull                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Boneshade                           7.9
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Azurewrath                          7.8
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Steel Shade                         6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Arachnid Mesh                       5.9
Leviathan                           5.7
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Doombringer                         5.7
Warshrike                           5.7
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Stormshield                         5.0
Marrowwalk                          5.0
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Fleshripper                         4.6
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Cranebeak                           4.3
Widowmaker                          4.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Lacerator                           4.3
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Demon's Arch                        3.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Flamebellow                         3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Rune Master                         3.2
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          3.0
Demon Limb                          2.8
Gimmershred                         2.8
Hellslayer                          2.6
Hellrack                            2.6
Viperfork                           2.6
Lightsabre                          2.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Windhammer                          2.5
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
Wizardspike                         2.3
Bonehew                             2.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0

The winning player is determined by the five highest-ranked items they find during the MFO. In case of two players tying with the same score, the winner shall be decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided. Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Nulio created an excel file that can help you with several things:
1. 'Tables' sheet has all the scores
2. 'Point Calculator' sheet allows you to list all your finds and calculates your score
a) You have to indicate the category
b) If you are playing more than one category, duplicate the sheet
c) To allow automatic timestamping you need to turn the iterative calculation (File > Options > Formulas > Enable iterative calculation). If you don't want it just delete the column
d) To allow auto completion of cells you need to turn it on (File > Options > Advanced > Enable AutoComplete For Cell Values).
3. 'Rankings' sheet can help supervisors... supervise

A word on teams. As a fun little side competition, players can join teams. It's a person from each category (that have enough people signed up to allow multiple teams), and the combined scores of teams are ranked for an overall winning team, in addition to the individual medalists in each category. No prizes or such, except the eternal bragging rights. Creative team names are highly encouraged!

IV. Sportsmanship: Updates and Final Scores
Do not post any qualifiers found during the MFO!
Here or in the Item Find Thread. Post as many high runes, cool charms, non-qualifying drops (that Tyrael’s from the random boss pack from the Throne Room for our Baal runners). But don’t spoil the surprise and competition by giving too much detail about your progress or likely score!

Updates and Final Scores. In the interest of sportsmanship, please send a private message to your category supervisor (the “Start a conversation” option) with updates of your progress and total score at the following three points in the process:
- The first three days (Friday and first weekend), until the end of Sunday, August 26
- The first seven days, until the end of Thursday, August 30
- Final score as soon as you can (but no later than 12 hours after you finish). Please just send it when you finish playing for the MFO!

These should be in the following format:
Title: SPF - MFO results
Category: A85
Forum name: Grape
Asteron's Iron Ward 27.8
Ravenlore 14.6
Crown of Ages 10.7
Windforce 9.3
Windforce 9.3 (example of a duplicate find)
Total 71.7

For the final score, please also include the ATMA/GoMule readout for your top 5. If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor a PM saying so.

Seriously, Please Send Final Score as Soon as Possible. PM your score and ATMA/GoMule readouts of your top 5 to your area’s supervisor within 12 hours after the end of the MFO. There's always a few people who take a long time to do it, and it holds everything up. It takes literally less than 2 minutes to fire off your Final Update email, and it keeps all of us from waiting a day or longer for the results.

This time, please send the results in quickly, so the area supervisors can finish their lists and send them to me quickly, so I can put up the Results Thread quickly. When you finish running, please send the results right away.

*** I will supervise A85 and Baal. But I hope someone will volunteer to supervise the Pindle+ area. I plan to enter in that category and, in case we have another entrant, I’d like to remain in suspense about the winner til the end. ***

V. SPF Trading Profile Needed to Participate (But It’s Easy to Create One!)

Trading profile is necessary due to tradition of winners getting the option of claiming items from others, as explained in the next section. Also, if you've been banned from trading and/or mp'ing then you will not be allowed to participate in the MFO.

It’s pretty straightforward to add a trading profile (here), as explained here. A sample trader profile is here. (Note that I created it just to participate in MFO. It took about 5 minutes.)

Hopefully this summary makes it go even faster for others who otherwise wouldn’t participate due to not having a profile and feeling it’s too complicated (which I can relate to for sure).

But, in the end, if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

VI. Prize Distribution
Part of the tradition is that MFO medalists get to claim items from other lower ranked entrants within the same category. You don't have to claim anything, and I don’t believe anyone has claimed for at least the last 2 MFOs. But it’s part of the tradition, so I’ve maintained it. Please give if you're asked.

1st Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant)
2nd Place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max 1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 1 item from ANY other entrants ranked below you

There’s a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.

Here are some previous “good sportsmanship” suggestions. These won't be enforced but any reasonable person shouldn't have any problem following these:

1. Don't claim items for their trade value, claim items you want to use or as a trophy
2. If you want a trophy, please be considerate (i.e. no grailers)
3. if you claim an item and the player really wants it, give them a chance to trade back their self found item for a similar or better one or other item as you see fit.
4. If someone is claiming one of your items, you may personalize it before giving it to them.

* * *​

Good luck and HAVE FUN!!! For inspiration, here’s a pretty sweet haul pick from a past MFO (randomly selected from many great ones):


Let’s see if someone can top prior high scores in each category this year! HYPE!!!!
Last edited:
Originally posted by: @PhineasB

Please note your version/mod status.
Note: your category isn't final until signups close and the MFO starts.
Note 2: I'll update this post as more people sign up and as soon as MFO starts so there is one easy-to-find list of runners.

Sign-ups as of 30 August 2018 (in the pm, US West Coast)

zemaj [1.14d SC FAM]
Saluki [1.13d SC FAM]
TheNix [1.13d SC FAM]

PhineasB [1.13d SC FAM]
srrw [1.13d HC FAM]
maxicek [1.13d SC FAM]
Neksja [1.14d SC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Baltha [1.14d SC FAM]
mulligan [1.14d SC]
RIP [1.13c HC FAM]

Level 85 Areas
Pharphis [1.07/1.13d HC FAM]
ffs [1.14b SC FAM]
Albatross [1.14d SC FAM]
Pb_pal [1.13d HC/SC FAM]
Locohead [1.14d SC FAM]
T72on1 [1.14d HC/SC FAM]
smloeffelholz [1.14d SC FAM P]
NanoMist [1.14d SC FAM]
Nagisa [1.14d SC FAM]
Trappin' [1.14d SC]

The Untwinked PbPhUnderdogs
- Pb_pal, PhineasB
LastMinuteTeam - Albatross, Neksja
SC ist fur sissies - Pharphis, srrw
Ordo Tyrael's Strictioris Zodservantiae - T72on1, Grape
The Unparalleled Stupidity Brotherhood - smloeffelholz, Baltha
Team 3 - NanoMist, RIP

Available for teams

I'm in!
Level 85 Areas.
v 1.14d no mods at all!
Most definitely in! Starting a new untwinked Sorceress tomorrow, so hoping that I can reach Hell AT and/or Pindle in 2 weeks, so I can then decide which category to run. I've planned on doing loads of Pindle runs anyway, but not sure if I want to AT instead, so will add myself to the table closer to the closing time once I see how I'm progressing!

Backup plan is my 99 Hammerdin running CS, but hopefully I can retire him now.
That's a pretty sweet haul pic!

The qualifier list being sorted alphabetically instead of by score seems.. very strange to me.

I'm glad the tradition of the MFO continues, it's the most significant and important thing we have in the SPF, in my opinion. Starting it just in time for when the summer break ends is a bit unfortunate, so I probably won't run, but good luck to those who do.
@PhineasB There are tables sorted by score in the MF/RF tourney post, if you want to include them (or both alphabetical/by score). They do not include a separate Pindle table so that would need to be adjusted for the items he cannot drop.
Great! I will be in. Not sure in which category, though. It depends if I can hit the date with my new untwinked sorc or not.
Hype :D

Got a few things I'd like to clear up:
1) I've remade my trader profile after the last one got wiped (I guess) and now it has "probation" in the title, which is no longer the case, should I create another since I can't edit the title?
2) Can someone briefly explain what teams are?
3) I volunteer to supervise pindle+
If you just need someone to receive messages about scores, compare, and forward at the end, I'd be glad to. I'm always interested in these but not in a position to participate. Sort of a "I can't fly, but stay close to the birds" sort of thing.
Well, here we go again. The timing works out weirdly well for me (for once), and I should have more time than I otherwise would be able to run. I won't be able to run the second weekend at all, but I'll have loads of time the first weekend, so it should even out. :)

Looking to run with my 99er-to-be Druid (HC) if he can get Infinity in time, otherwise it'll be a rust-laden Pit Zerker (SC) that gets the call.
Great to see all the early sign ups!

Updated the opening post to include item ranking sheets (in addition to alphabetical). Thanks to @ffs and @ioupainmax for making those available during MFO warmup.

I also added a blurb about teams, which @Albatross correctly noted missing (and I guess was not included in prior writeups?). I can tweak that if it isn't quite right or isn't clear enough.
I'm in, however - I will not participate in item claiming in either direction, since I was refused my claim in the last MFO. Not joining a team since I can't guarantee I'll finish.
I'm in. Of course I'm in !! Finally a reason to level my PitBarb again after his setback due to a win crash. And hopefully a way to work on my grail.

I won't be able to run much though. But that's how it is.
Count me in. I had too much fun during the last tournament to sit this one out.
Locohead said:
I'm in, however - I will not participate in item claiming in either direction, since I was refused my claim in the last MFO.
Can you link to the relevant posts?
I’ll be missing this one, sorry. Pit Barb will be ready for the next. GL to all!
I'll have to bump it to enlist myself for teams :)

I'd like to propose "barrel bottom scrapers" or "the sewer sifters" for the AT crew :D

We could pit against those pitiful pit runners!
Nanomist in? I'm stiil going for second place, hah !!

@Albatross Team is one of each category.
@T72on1 - I'm worse with the unlimited format, there's no 20 hour mark that's pushing me to run more.
New rules on trading are up, including a new trade profile template. Now may be a good time to update :)
Don’t worry, nobody is going to get in trouble for using the old format...
...not just yet anyway ;)
I’m in, although not sure how much time I have. At least running Pindle means I don’t have to spend a week rollling maps...
Adding myself to Pindle table. I'll have anywhere between 5 and 100 hours to spare for this, really no way of saying with my current workload, but I'll do my best. Also depends on how quickly I can quest my new untwinked Sorc through to Hell Pindle, hopefully by the time this starts so I don't have to spend valuable time from running to quest through.

Also available for teams but doesn't look like Baal is getting much love in this MFO.
Alright, entering officially :) Will use my recently completed S/U tourney zon, who is staying untwinked but is about to go on a shopping/gambling spree and do some runs for basic gear upgrades so she can at least be semi-competitive.

Also adding myself for teams. Maybe we should give it until next Friday and if we still have only 1 Baal entrant, we can start forming teams based on A85 and Pindle+ only. That will allow plenty of time for creative team names and a little trash talking ;)
I'll be afk for a week+ starting next Thursday, but feel free to add me to whatever team needs a player :)
I will join the Pindle category, 1.14d sc fam, available for teams. My trader profile is here

Would anyone be so kind to add me in the table? Im not at home and posting from phone.
Not sure how much time I'll be able to get in, but I'll run Pindle since I don't have Teleport!
...and here I thought froz was joking. There's still a month until new XIV raid tier, so here we are. Need to make a new character and relearn the game, but it's probably fine.
Hi Nagisa, welcome back.
Its very silent here. What build are you using, guys?
Now that I've got Infinity on him, I'll be using my Fire Druid in the AT. Won't be the most efficient of runners, but I think I can cram a decent amount of MF on him, so that should help.
I should level up my ww barb (he is at clvl 83 IIRC) and respec and gear him up as a zerker and learn how to play him, but I am not sure if I do have the time to do so. The nursery school is still closed for holidays and I have to take care of my child. Blizzard sorc is my back up plan but I may end up using my meteorb to lvl her up a bit during the tourney.
I'll be running Pits with Berserk Barb on this cute map. Admittedly I was thinking about progressing my untwinked 99er Necro some more and switching to the Baal category. But I respec'ed him and he's now running Nihlathak, so that's off the table. And I'm curious as to what the Barb can deliver. :) Unfortunately it's looking like I have to work a lot during MFO though...
and here I forgot to add myself :rolleyes:
If I somehow get to level 93 before the MFO I might switch to Baal, but it looks like that won't happen
PitBarb here.

Nice to see you return Nagisa !!
I will be able to participate till 30th of August, after that I'm on vacation and I will have a break from all the usual stuff im doing. I guess one week of running Pindle with blizz sorc (or maybe I can try barb this time, not sure which skill should I use though, I will make some tests runs) has to be enough :)
With Enigma project finished, i can no longer avoid this tourney...Created Trader profile for this, hopefuly everything is all right...Just can't figure out, how to properly link my profile here...can someone teach me how to do it, please? (via PM possibly)

My profile is here

Edit: Thanks to @Pb_pal now i know how to do it...Thanks alot
We're getting close! As mentioned earlier, I plan to close the Baal category unless someone else signs up to allow time for @zemaj to pick another category and for teams to form and some trash talk to ensue before we get started on 24 August. And also more sharing about builds and approach.

So, unless there is another sign-up in Baal by Sunday 5pm PDT, we'll end up with A85 and Pindle+ as the only two categories. Thanks!
Ooft. Cutting it a bit close. My Sorc just got to NM Pindle, so I have less than a week to get to Hell Pindle. And I haven't even started farming for any gear yet, so even if I make it to Pindle in time, she won't have much MF on.

I'll get there, might start a day or two late.
@PhineasB : As for teams, i have one question though...Which format You want to use?I've been not part of MFO since 2009, but back then there were four categories (Meph included), so each team has four members...this seems to be very unlikely with two available categories, so two member teams then?

I remember, that being part of the team helped me keep my motivation really high, so i'm really looking forward to this...
Good question. I've seen a past MFO (2015 Summer, I think) that had two-person teams, with scoring based on combined raw scores. That's what I had planned, given relatively even spread between the two categories. The one possible adjustment would be to score teams based on combined placement within each member's category.

Unless others prefer a different format, let's aim for teams with a person from each category, and if we don't have more Baal sign-ups by tomorrow, we'll end up with two-person teams, scoring based on combined raw scores.
Thanks for clarification ;)
Ok for me. Do we pick our team member in that case, or do you assign people to teams?

Iirc I have been in a team with @Grape in a past mfo, so I wouldn't mind that again. Other persons are fine too of course. Ir's just that he is the Zod God ... ;).
Yep, having a deity as a teammate is pretty solid! We pick our own teams, so you can start recruiting now :)
I will be playing a blizzard sorceress in the Ancient Tunnels again for this tournament. Since I'm not looking for runes this time, players 1 should work just fine. I am also going to be testing killing the cold immunes this time around, since my merc got a new toy tonight.


I found the base during the MF/RF tourney, and I finally worked up the courage to roll it for sockets (it was plain eth when I found it). I'm never lucky with this stuff, so I was really happy when it rolled 4 sockets. This was the 7th Insight roll, and I was pretty pleased with the result.

I will probably spend some time this week looking for a new AT map, since my last one was not ideal. From what I have read on the forum, I will be looking for a map that has around 6 boss packs with an easy route that swings by the sparkly chest.
@smloeffelholz 17 Aura is nice but the +1 Critical Strike is the lowest roll there, and that's a huge boost to Merc damage. So, probably a good idea to roll that one again I'd say. :rolleyes:
I'm sorry smloeffelholz, but I'm with ffs on this one. If you want to kill immune monsters the CS roll is very important. 6 is the max it can roll and provides the merc with 46% chance to critc, while level 1 is only 16%.
ffs said:
@smloeffelholz 17 Aura is nice but the +1 Critical Strike is the lowest roll there, and that's a huge boost to Merc damage. So, probably a good idea to roll that one again I'd say. :rolleyes:
Well, I guess I need to dig out that pile of Hel's again... Hopefully I will have another good result without too many rerolls.

Edit: After rolling the stats again for a bit (I didn't count this time), I came up with this.


The AR is on the low side, but everything else looks good. Also, I don't have an infinite supply of Hel runes, so this will have to be good enough. I don't mind spending some more resources, since this is the best base I have to work with. Still, I started to get worried about getting stuck on a roll much worse than this one.
All right, we have multiple competitors in each category, so I think we can maintain all three.

But that complicates teams -- there are only two possible 3-member teams, but limiting teams to A85 + Pindle would exclude zemaj and Saluki from the fun. So how about, if we get two 3-person teams, they can challenge each other, and everyone else can form 2-person teams?

Suggestions welcome!
I've never ran a Baal MFO before, so what the hell. Whipping Boy, here I come!
I have no D2 just now, but I'm happy to help out if there are any administrative things that need done.

Have fun all - looking forward to those haul pics :rolleyes:
PhineasB said:
All right, we have multiple competitors in each category, so I think we can maintain all three.

But that complicates teams -- there are only two possible 3-member teams, but limiting teams to A85 + Pindle would exclude zemaj and Saluki from the fun. So how about, if we get two 3-person teams, they can challenge each other, and everyone else can form 2-person teams?

Suggestions welcome!
Ok for me.
PhineasB said:
All right, we have multiple competitors in each category, so I think we can maintain all three.

But that complicates teams -- there are only two possible 3-member teams, but limiting teams to A85 + Pindle would exclude zemaj and Saluki from the fun. So how about, if we get two 3-person teams, they can challenge each other, and everyone else can form 2-person teams?

Suggestions welcome!
That sounds good to me too.
@Pb_pal and I have formed a team, The Untwinked PbPhUnderdogs. Depending on other team configurations with a third Baal entrant, we can add a third teammate. And I may have to recruit two more Pindle runners to join a team.

To highlight the reason for the team name, here's an intro to my Pindle runner. After finishing S/U tourney playthrough at level 83, Quinta respeced to LF, 20 decoy, 6 pierce, rest to max CS and LF, then first synergy. She had almost nothing useful, so starter gear was shopped, gambled and made from low-level runewords in bases she'd picked up.

I won’t bore people with the details, but typical rotation for undergeared character, various targets, changing things up as things got dull or frustrating. Details are in the spoiler for anyone interested:
A 4os Partizan picked up on way to Nihl became Insight for A2 Might merc (with the spare Lem going into 3os Wire Fleece for Treachery that we found early on in the leveling). She shopped a 3os mage plate of balance (3 pTopaz) and a gambled a 2os circlet of something (2 pTopaz), gloves were rare with resists/MF that she picked up during the playthrough. She went back to Vidala set (boots and amulet) for MF, Nagel and a rare ring, equipped a rare short spear she had found with +1 javelin skills, and shopped staff of teleport (48 charges). Early on, I remembered an eth CV stashed from S/U playthrough, which was on the right side of 1-out-of-2 odds, and the merc got an Insight upgrade.

She rolled a nice Andy map for a bit (no major finds), p1 Pindle, a little LK (about 25 runs total, picking up nice javelins, but she was still a Lum short of Harmony, so LK wasn’t a good option). After hitting 84, we decided it would be worth it to roll a NM Meph map with one teleport through wall to stairs, in the hopes of getting some basics (most notably something for resists). P7 runs, hitting council members in Durance 3, and picked up 2/20 gloves (sweet!) and the Lum after about 30 minutes, allowing Harmony for Pindle runs.

We then rolled decent Hell Meph map (one teleport to stairs and another across the moat). This allowed Pindle/Eldritch runs (p1 to start and eventually able to take p3 easily), and then p1 Meph runs once we had built up a store of full purples, which were necessary due to still-negative lightning resists. That was the routine all the way to level 90, although we dropped Eldritch from the rotation at level 89. We set a goal of level 90 before MFO with 500 Meph runs mixed in, which is complete.

Early drops were Andy’s from Meph, which was very nice. The highlight of this stretch was a Ber from Pindle:
View attachment 10589
She then experienced her first death, due to operator dumb-ness: she wore Rockstopper for Meph due to still-negative lightning resists without it, and the 2 pTopaz circlet for Pindle. I forgot to switch headgear before going back to Meph and she caught of face full of charged bolts :\ This is why I don’t play HC . . .

Meph then dropped this nice circlet with 20@ and teleport charges, which allowed Harmony switch for Meph runs also (and not-negative resists). Eldritch dropped Chance Guard (which were 40% MF) and Pindle dropped this prismatic amulet of fortune, which was enough of an upgrade to finally drop Vidala’s amulet/boots for some rare boots with MF. Around this time, she also found a 3os death mask, which got 3 pTopazes for extra MF for Pindle/Eldritch.

We then got War Travelers, Gladiator’s Bane (which replaced treachery on merc), and Skullder’s from Meph, which was a nice set of upgrades to the kit. There was also a second eth CV dropping that also got 4os in the cube, allowing a better damage roll Insight. Pindle dropped an Ist, and then the final upgrade before the 500th Meph run, Thundergod’s, which was awesome given lack of skillers and +skills in general. No Titan’s, Shako, or +skill ring, but otherwise very solid haul for her needs, with Razortail and Silkweave also picked up.

Looking ahead to MFO, there were plenty of qualifiers from Pindle, but nothing spectacular: B-K mythical sword, Lacerator, Spikethorn, Runemaster, Mav armor, Eaglehorn, and some others. But there was quite a bit of time taken away from Pindle runs by Meph, so I’m hoping the singular focus and improved MF make a difference for MFO.

My untwinked 99er pally is now back in the mix also to renew his crawl toward 98.2 But given there’s some days before MFO, and based on the Ber, Ist, and Mal she has stashed now, I’m setting a goal of 500 LK runs before MFO starts. We’re 250 runs in, with nothing higher than an Um on run 249 (next best is a Lem). But there have been some nice charm upgrades with resist/MF and this 5@ Shimmering SC of Balance. Also, her second death due to hitting ~ instead of Esc when amp’ed and stuck in a hut :\
So, without too much trouble, she is decently geared, with the following set up likely to open MFO unless we get some major luck (read: a Ber) from LK runs over the couple days:
Head: 3os death mask (Tarnhelm is an option, but only 28% MF)
Body: Skullder’s Ire
Amulet: Shimmering (17@) Amulet of Good Luck (22%)
Gloves: 2/20 rares / Chancies (40%)
Belt: TGods
Boots: War Traveler (42%)
Rings: Nagel (29%), Nagel (24%)
Weapon 1: 3/40 Maiden javelin
Shield 1: Rhyme grim shield
Weapon 2: Harmony
Shield 2: N/A

Head: Andy’s
Body: Gladiator’s Bane
Weapon: eth CV Insight

Look forward to seeing details on others' runners and plans. Five days to go - hype!
I'll be running on /p8 with the ol' Fire Druid.

Efficiency is overrated. You're all going down.
Pb_pal said:
Efficiency is overrated.
I'm starting to believe that. :)

I'm sorely tempted to keep pushing XP with my 99er Necro as well, really like running him at the moment, and now grinding around ~97.5 means every bit of motivation should be made use of generally... But it would be a shame not to try and compete with the Pit Barb, and I think some drop luck is way overdue for my tournament efforts! #complaining ;)
My untwinked sorc just got a Moser's Blessed Circle from NM Pindle. I threw 2 P. Diamonds at it and send her to quest in Hell. Perhaps I have time to hit Pindle with her in the end. Late to the Party team, @Neksja ?

By the way, how do you mention someone in a post?
Baltha said:
By the way, how do you mention someone in a post?
'@' in front of the name. When you start typing the name, the forum software should start making suggestions based on the first letters you typed.

Btw, still looking to form a team. Someone from the Pindle section, and then maybe someone from the Baal section if they want to. Still looking at you @Grape, but don't feel obliged or anything ;). It's just that the Zod God and someone who turns burgers into Zods should go well together :).
Like this @Baltha? Just put an @ and start typing someone's name, three letters are enough to trigger the autocomplete. Then you pick the name out of the list or narrow it down more (pwned by T721on1).

Hey @maxicek, what do you say we team up on our way to the grail?

Since @logoutzero and @Kitteh have offered to help with keeping score, I'll gladly hand over that responsibility for the pindle category :p In all seriousness though, if you are unable to I'm still in. It's just that I'd rather spend the time grinding, if someone who's not running in the MFO has volunteered.
Thank you guys!
<- still volunteering to keep score
PhineasB said:
Look forward to seeing details on others' runners and plans. Five days to go - hype!
I will be running with Dynaheir, my blizzard sorceress, in the Ancient Tunnels.

Head: Ptopaz Shako (141)
Body: Skullder’s Ire
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Gloves: Magefist
Belt: Arachnids Mesh
Boots: War Traveler (45%)
Rings: Nagel (28%), Nagel (27%)
Weapon 1: Hoto flail, @39
Shield 1: Spirit Monarch
Weapon 2: 2 BO CtA
Shield 2: Lidless Wall

Head: Andy's (Ral)
Body: Gladiator’s Bane
Weapon: Eth GPA Insight

Inventory has enough charms to bring fire and light res to 75 while bringing total MF to 400%.

I finally found a map that I think I am happy with. The entrance is a short 3 teles away from the waypoint, and the map is very simple. I do a single loop without any backtracking and pass by the sparkly chest. I haven't done a ton of runs yet, but it seems to average around 6 boss packs per run without having to go off course.

Edit: I was just playing the map, trying to get a better feel for the path I should take, and this dropped.


I now have to test my kill speed when I replace Mara's/Skullder's/Arach with Tal's/Tal's/Tal's. This should give MF a boost, and make resists better so that my inventory isn't so cramped. Either way, I am embarrassingly excited, because I finally completed Tal's set!

PS: I would appreciate any advice from people about which equipment setup I should use. My gut feeling is that I will go for Tal's, since blizzard mows everything down at P1, and the other mods on the set equipment are much more helpful.
PhineasB said:
Details are in the spoiler for anyone interested:
Most eagerly interested; thank you very much! :)
Albatross said:
Hey @maxicek, what do you say we team up on our way to the grail?
So many great team name options here (Monty Python references, historical/mythical). I hope it works out (for the team and Grail progress!).

Thanks for volunteering to supervise the Pindle category @logoutzero -- you've got it, much appreciated!

@smloeffelholz - 3-piece Tal's should outperform the other set up across the board. A number of folks have used it for dedicated AT running (e.g., to lvl 96, to my recollection), which is a pretty strong endorsement.
@smloeffelholz congrats on the tal's armor, it's the most difficult to find of the whole set. 3 part tal's is very difficult to beat so I encourage you to try it out.

Maxing fire and LR is great general gameplay advice, but you actually want high cold and LR for AT. Chances are you'll get hit with frost nova blasts, sometimes multiple, either from different sources or from a LE, CE boss. You shouldn't be standing close enough to get hit by FE because those will never be immune and there's no need to tele stomp them, but you probably will be teleporting on top of CE bosses.

From the Amazon basin wiki:
When a Unique is Cold and Lightning Enchanted, an invisible nova will be released whenever it is put into hit recovery.

L96, 146 points into strength, rest is vitality
Maxed blizzard and synergies, spare points go into FO to further boost GS/IB
1 point static, tk, teleport
no armors or warmth

F and PR around 0
CR: 56
LR: 93 (a little bit of stacking is good vs conviction)
MF: 516
FHR: 60 (spirit + one 5% SC)
FCR: 105 (no matter how many times I try, I just can't make myself run with 63)

3 part tal's (ptopaz in the guardianship)
ptopaz harlequin
2x nagelring
trang's gloves (FCR and CR)
war traveler
death's fathom (ist)
+5 bo crystal sword and another spirit on switch

gheed's and 29 small charms with MF and other mods, still too many with 5% and 6% MF, but I really don't feel like running LK

insight CV
fortitude AP
andariel's (cham)

The way you describe them, the map's layout and density sound good. Even if it doesn't turn out to be excellent, it's risky to reroll since the MFO is this close.
Are the teams formed already?If yes, let us know, please...I don't think this is against any rule, or am i wrong?

@Albatross : As for Tals set, my untwincked Trapsin found two armors, two amulets already, and i'm still missing the Orb...From my point of view, Orb is hardest to get part of this set :D
PhineasB said:
So many great team name options here (Monty Python references, historical/mythical). I hope it works out (for the team and Grail progress!).
They'd have to run Barb using Taunt though, and threaten to use it again.
ffs said:
They'd have to run Barb using Taunt though, and threaten to use it again.
Of course, I'm French! Why do you think I have this outraaaaaaageous accent?
Warming up for the MFO:

Tomb Reaver
Cryptic Axe
Two Hand Damage: 110 - 502
Durability: 60 of 65
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: 165
Required Dexterity: 103
Fingerprint: 0xf8f30c3a
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+60% Increased Attack Speed
235% Enhanced Damage
+196% Damage to Undead
+283 to Attack Rating against Undead
All Resistances +34
10% Reanimate as: Returned
+10 Life after each Kill
64% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+4 to Light Radius 3 Sockets (0 used)

Finally 3os, but crappy roll otherwise.

Btw, how many boss packs and what running time should I be aiming for again with a PitBarb?
Check out the SPF hall of records, getting anywhere near the top scores means you are doing great.

@RIP looks like some people just aren't responding to invitations so only one team so far has been formed.
I am still running my new map to polish up the route, and I had another interesting drop.


I used to tend towards the heavier paladin shields to make an Exile, but this seems like it could get pretty bonkers. If I were brave enough to ebug, this could be an 1100+ def 43@ Exile that still has an average smite damage of 46 (same as Vortex Shield). I don't have a Vex right now, but it might be tempting when I find one.
So we're close to the start at international date line (e.g., only 7 hours until Midnight on Friday in New Zealand). So it doesn't look like we'll have teams for this MFO. :( But that means MFO is about to start :)

Good luck to everyone who's running, and hopefully the first weekend is productive for all. Folks can sign up or change categories up until the start in their time zone.

Most recent sign-up is copied below (and in second post of the thread) for ease of reference:
@Neksja, are you going to stick to pindle? It's still not too late to form some LastMinuteTeam :D
@Albatross yes, still sticking to Pindle. LastMinuteTeam eh? I like it :)
@PhineasB Just make teams up at random from those who want to do it.
maxicek said:
@PhineasB Just make teams up at random from those who want to do it.
Agreed. Looking forward to know who is the lucky forumite who gets me as partner ;).
Okay, at moderator's direction, I made some stuff up :p

Actually, I think Phar and srrw had already said they'd be on a team, and I let recruitment of Grape by T72on1 stand. So four teams of A85/Pindle pairs. I won't assign names, so that's for the contestants to devise.

There are three Baal runners interested, and we'd lose one current team if we go with three-person teams. There are two remaining A85 runners. So if one more A85 runner is willing to sign up (ffs, Nano, Locohead, Nagisa, Trappin), we could have a second group of three teams of A85/Baal, which would be interesting. Hope someone is willing to throw their hat in the ring.

Taking a cue from Nulio a few years ago, I'll leave team sign-ups open through end of day Saturday (my time, West Coast US).

I will have a big chunk (well, big for me anyways) this weekend, so I'm looking to have this thing in the bag by about Sunday. You guys can feel free to run as well, I'm sure some of you are missing some exceptional uniques and should be able to find a couple here and there.

@Pb_pal This is not about something easy like getting to lvl 99. This is MFO we are talking about. So get your act together ... you don't stand a chance ;).

@Grape Hah, seems like you are stuck with me !!! If that's ok of course. Never rub a god the wrong way ... . A name, hmm, I'm terrible at that. We'll have to discuss that.
I'm off and running; one hour, five qualifiers and an Ohm. Catch me if you can!!!!!
I'm afraid that i will have much less time available for this event than i originally thought, so is there any chance to change the category?Its still 23. August (Czech republic - Mid Europe), so MFO did not started for me yet...if i can, i would like to change category to Pindleskin...Thanks for the answer
@pharphis SC ist fur sisses? No?
Yes @RIP -- good to change bc MFO hadn't started for you yet. Could you please post an updated sign up and teams list?

Good start everyone who's already running! Let's have a great event!
srrw said:
@pharphis SC ist fur sisses? No?
team name? yes
Sorc is re-geared and ready. I'm not sure I'm completely comfortable running without CtA, but runs without Harmony are sooooo slow. We'll see how it goes.

Edited team names ))
Just did some test runs on my Pit map. It's not that bad actually, so I'll keep it.

Good luck everyone !!!
@T72on1 @Grape

I vote team name should be "72 grapes on 1 vine make a fine bottle of dry wine"

Or "Easy Pickin's" for short.
Oh my, turns out I now have friends visiting this weekend and the next one and need to work some 70 hours a week at the moment. Fantastic! I guess that pretty much does it for my MFO hopes before it even started. :) Couple of hours after-work running maybe, but I'd need some insane luck to be even remotely competitive...
My strategy for this MFO is outluck everyone @ffs :D.
ffs said:
Oh my, turns out I now have friends visiting this weekend and the next one and need to work some 70 hours a week at the moment. Fantastic! I guess that pretty much does it for my MFO hopes before it even started. :) Couple of hours after-work running maybe, but I'd need some insane luck to be even remotely competitive...
Mostly the same here. I rely on Phar... Schhh... :rolleyes:
Do we have area supervisors for sending updates?

I'm running AT with my dubious untwinked Blizzard sorceress. 38-40s runs with 5.0 packs or so. Getting old sucks, etc.
Well, at least I'm all set. Managed a couple of warm-up Pit runs, and went on with some charm min-maxing with MF breakpoints in mind, ending up with this setup:

Kill: 775 MF = 189% Unique MF
Hork: 655 MF = 180% Unique MF

54% Find Item
8720 AR (Berserk)

Shako 'Cham'
Grief PB 35/383
PB 'IstIstIstIstIstIst'
Enigma MP
1 Barb/10 FCR/16 MF craft amulet
40 MF Chancies
50 MF War Traveler
Upped Goldwrap
30 MF/73 AR Nagel
30 MF/72 AR Nagel

Wizzy 'Ist'
Suicide Branch 'Ist'

Merc (Might):
Insight eth Giant Thresher (17 Aura, 248 ED, +5 CS)
Andy's, socketed with 15 IAS/23 ED jewel
CoH Wire Fleece
48 MF total on him.

GoMule dump for those interested:
Name:       barbi
Class:      Barbarian
Experience: 2129751601
Level:      93

Strength:   96/177
Dexterity:  134/136
Vitality:   315/327
Energy:     10/12
HP:         1459/1598
Mana:       102/282
Stamina:    474/474
Defense:    33/1441
AR:         655/1086

Fire:       41/1/-59
Cold:       48/8/-52
Lightning:  34/-6/-66
Poison:     42/2/-58

MF:         775       Block:      16
GF:         455
FR/W:       70
FHR:        0
IAS:        45
FCR:        10

Bash: 1/6
Leap: 0/0
Double Swing: 0/0
Stun: 1/6
Double Throw: 0/0
Leap Attack: 0/0
Concentrate: 1/6
Frenzy: 0/0
Whirlwind: 0/0
Berserk: 20/25

Sword Mastery: 20/25
Axe Mastery: 0/0
Mace Mastery: 0/0
Pole Arm Mastery: 0/0
Throwing Mastery: 0/0
Spear Mastery: 0/0
Increased Stamina: 1/6
Iron Skin: 1/6
Increased Speed: 1/6
Natural Resistance: 1/6

Howl: 20/25
Find Potion: 1/6
Taunt: 0/0
Shout: 14/19
Find Item: 20/25
Battle Cry: 0/0
Battle Orders: 1/6
Grim Ward: 0/0
War Cry: 0/0
Battle Command: 1/6

War Traveler
Battle Boots
Defense: 139
Durability: 48 of 48
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 95
Fingerprint: 0x52cf54d1
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25% Faster Run/Walk
Adds 15 - 25 Damage
+190% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Vitality
40% Slower Stamina Drain
Attacker Takes Damage of 10
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+30 Maximum Durability

Horadric Cube
Fingerprint: 0x5fcf649b
Item Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Required Level: 7
Fingerprint: 0xca16a249
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+72 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Required Level: 7
Fingerprint: 0x64b8f25a
Item Level: 52
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+73 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Battle Belt
Defense: 85
Durability: 18 of 18
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: **
Fingerprint: 0xdb21609e
Item Level: 76
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Increased Attack Speed
+58% Enhanced Defense
+25 Defense
73% Extra Gold from Monsters
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 to Light Radius
Required Level +5

Mage Plate
Defense: 1020
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0xba244cc0
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 to Teleport
+760 Defense
+69 to Strength (Based on Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced by 8%
+14 Life after each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
93% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
3 Sockets (3 used)
Socketed: Jah Rune
Socketed: Ith Rune
Socketed: Ber Rune

Jah Rune
Required Level: 65
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Ignore Target's Defense
Armor: Increase Maximum Life 5%
Shields: +50 to Life

Ith Rune
Required Level: 15
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +9 to Maximum Damage
Armor: 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Shields: 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

Ber Rune
Required Level: 63
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Armor: Damage Reduced by 8%
Shields: Damage Reduced by 8%

Chance Guards
Chain Gloves
Defense: 27
Durability: 15 of 16
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0xcfa3e7a9
Item Level: 56
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25 to Attack Rating
+24% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
200% Extra Gold from Monsters
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 to Light Radius

Havoc Gorget
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x48937db8
Item Level: 93
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Barbarian Skill Levels
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+15 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 7%
Damage Reduced by 3
55% Extra Gold from Monsters
16% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Snake's Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x7fcf468f
Item Level: 83
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+12 to Mana
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Viridian Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x3240a08f
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Poison Resist +6%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Steel Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xd7253b8d
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+34 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Bronze Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x24bb53bf
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+7 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xc4d54df5
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Tangerine Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xf7dc74b0
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +4%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ruby Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x74932a57
Item Level: 84
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +11%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x664a52a
Item Level: 76
Version: Expansion
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x76ad0bb4
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Maximum Damage
+14 to Attack Rating
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Sapphire Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x15a85230
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Cold Resist +11%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Bronze Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xab35d688
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Attack Rating
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Serpent's Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 40
Fingerprint: 0xe9980750
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+14 to Mana
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xf27f721b
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Maximum Damage
+11 to Attack Rating
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Iron Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x569e295a
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+22 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Steel Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xa26a4ca0
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+29 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x3a4d2b23
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xb44dc1da
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x63bb38f6
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Iron Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x74551b85
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+16 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Stout Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x74609313
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 Defense
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xc01ff2e2
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x6afc5e92
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x114bd3a8
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Lapis Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xa8cfd9c
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Cold Resist +7%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Septic Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xcd5877e9
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 15 Poison Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Viridian Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x3240a08f
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Poison Resist +6%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x76ad0bb4
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Maximum Damage
+14 to Attack Rating
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x62112e55
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Maximum Damage
+12 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x9799fec
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x2b6db9c9
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Maximum Damage
+17 to Attack Rating
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Iron Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x160b837b
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+14 to Attack Rating
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Steel Small Charm of Fortune
Small Charm
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x2bcfc8f0
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+27 to Attack Rating
4% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Harlequin Crest
Defense: 136
Durability: 11 of 12
Required Level: 67
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x1b367492
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +2
+139 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+139 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Damage Reduced by 10%
Cannot Be Frozen
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Cham Rune

Cham Rune
Required Level: 67
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Freezes target +3
Armor: Cannot Be Frozen
Shields: Cannot Be Frozen

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Gheed's Fortune
Grand Charm
Required Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0xbde6774e
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
127% Extra Gold from Monsters
Reduces all Vendor Prices 14%
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Bronze Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 53
Fingerprint: 0x7060eed2
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+11 to Attack Rating
+35 to Life

Steel Pillar
War Pike
Two Hand Damage: 103 - 558
Durability: 13 of 25
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 165
Required Dexterity: 106
Fingerprint: 0x462ba15b
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25% Increased Attack Speed
214% Enhanced Damage
-20% Target Defense
25% Chance of Crushing Blow
+61% Enhanced Defense

Tome of Identify
Fingerprint: 0x4a63e35
Item Level: 93
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Flawless Amethyst
Required Level: 15
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +100 to Attack Rating
Armor: +8 to Strength
Shields: +24 Defense

Small Charm of Vita
Small Charm
Required Level: 39
Fingerprint: 0xa78faa62
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+16 to Life

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Um Rune
Required Level: 47
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 25% Chance of Open Wounds
Armor: Cold Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +15%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist +15%
Shields: Cold Resist +22%
Lightning Resist +22%
Fire Resist +22%
Poison Resist +22%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Scroll of Identify
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Scroll of Identify
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Scroll of Identify
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Scroll of Identify
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Bronze Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xd01978ee
Item Level: 84
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+7 to Attack Rating
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Fortune
Small Charm
Required Level: 21
Fingerprint: 0x4d89241d
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Maximum Damage
+13 to Attack Rating
3% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Fortune
Small Charm
Required Level: 21
Fingerprint: 0x10636e08
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Maximum Damage
+17 to Attack Rating
4% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Full Rejuvenation Potion
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Replenishes Mana 100%
Replenishes Health 100%

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xd4e8f8e6
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fine Small Charm of Fortune
Small Charm
Required Level: 21
Fingerprint: 0x85124343
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Maximum Damage
+14 to Attack Rating
4% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Bone Knife
One Hand Damage: 23 - 49
Durability: 16 of 26
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 38
Required Dexterity: 75
Fingerprint: 0x9c99109d
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+50% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
+186 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Regenerate Mana 15%
All Resistances +75
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Ist Rune

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Suicide Branch
Burnt Wand
One Hand Damage: 8 - 18
Durability: 15 of 15
Required Level: 51
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x2ca7465a
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+50% Faster Cast Rate
+40 to Life
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
All Resistances +10
Attacker Takes Damage of 25
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Ist Rune

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Phase Blade
One Hand Damage: 31 - 35
Required Level: 59
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 136
Fingerprint: 0xb1b10caf
Item Level: 84
Version: Expansion 1.10+
35% Chance to cast level 15 Venom on striking
+35% Increased Attack Speed
Damage +383
Ignore Target's Defense
-25% Target Defense
+174% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
-22% to Enemy Poison Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana after each Kill
+13 Life after each Kill
5 Sockets (5 used)
Socketed: Eth Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Lo Rune
Socketed: Mal Rune
Socketed: Ral Rune

Eth Rune
Required Level: 15
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: -25% Target Defense
Armor: Regenerate Mana 15%
Shields: Regenerate Mana 15%

Tir Rune
Required Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +2 to Mana after each Kill
Armor: +2 to Mana after each Kill
Shields: +2 to Mana after each Kill

Lo Rune
Required Level: 59
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 20% Deadly Strike
Armor: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Shields: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

Mal Rune
Required Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Prevent Monster Heal
Armor: Magic Damage Reduced by 7
Shields: Magic Damage Reduced by 7

Ral Rune
Required Level: 19
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Armor: Fire Resist +30%
Shields: Fire Resist +35%

Gemmed Phase Blade
Phase Blade
One Hand Damage: 31 - 35
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 136
Fingerprint: 0x271e970c
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
180% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
6 Sockets (6 used)
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


Name:       Emilio
Race:       Desert Mercenary
Type:       Off-Nightmare
Experience: 97576790
Level:      93
Dead?:      false

Strength:   200/254
Dexterity:  162/167
HP:         2087/2087
Defense:    1529/2780
AR:         2009/464079

Fire:       192/152/92
Cold:       222/182/122
Lightning:  222/182/122
Poison:    292/252/192

Chains of Honor
Superior Wire Fleece
Defense: 886
Durability: 30 of 32
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 111
Fingerprint: 0x71d581ff
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+200% Damage to Demons
+100% Damage to Undead
8% Life stolen per hit
+84% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced by 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Dol Rune
Socketed: Um Rune
Socketed: Ber Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune

Dol Rune
Required Level: 31
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25%
Armor: Replenish Life +7
Shields: Replenish Life +7

Um Rune
Required Level: 47
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 25% Chance of Open Wounds
Armor: Cold Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +15%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist +15%
Shields: Cold Resist +22%
Lightning Resist +22%
Fire Resist +22%
Poison Resist +22%

Ber Rune
Required Level: 63
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Armor: Damage Reduced by 8%
Shields: Damage Reduced by 8%

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Andariel's Visage
Defense: 365
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Level: 83
Required Strength: 102
Fingerprint: 0x936f195b
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
15% Chance to cast level 15 Poison Nova when struck
+2 to All Skills
+35% Increased Attack Speed
23% Enhanced Damage
10% Life stolen per hit
+136% Enhanced Defense
+29 to Strength
+10% to Maximum Poison Resist
Fire Resist -30%
Poison Resist +70%
Level 3 Venom (20/20 Charges)
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Realgar Jewel of Fervor

Realgar Jewel of Fervor
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x7a3674be
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15% Increased Attack Speed
23% Enhanced Damage

Giant Thresher
Two Hand Damage: 217 - 595
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 178
Required Dexterity: 130
Fingerprint: 0x1ebbaf01
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Level 17 Meditation Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
248% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
230% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
+5 to Critical Strike
All Stats +5
+2 to Mana after each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Sol Rune

Ral Rune
Required Level: 19
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Armor: Fire Resist +30%
Shields: Fire Resist +35%

Tir Rune
Required Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +2 to Mana after each Kill
Armor: +2 to Mana after each Kill
Shields: +2 to Mana after each Kill

Tal Rune
Required Level: 17
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
Armor: Poison Resist +30%
Shields: Poison Resist +35%

Sol Rune
Required Level: 27
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +9 to Minimum Damage
Armor: Damage Reduced by 7
Shields: Damage Reduced by 7

Posted about his map here including some recorded runs. It's pretty amazing, averaging around ~4.8 seconds/boss kill in those initial runs. Kind of sad I won't be able to run it much. :mad:

Good luck and have fun everyone! ;)
srrw said:
Mostly the same here. I rely on Phar... Schhh... :rolleyes:
well I'm planning to take it lightly for a few days since my wrists feel like garbage. I have been lightly practicing for the last month, though.
Ok, so basically everybody is going for the underdog position, except for @Pb_pal ? Hah, so cliché, no us, don't you agree @Grape ? Euh, Grape, where are you anyway?
It will be an interesting MFO, no doubt. Staying true to the name, this LastMinuteTeam's member will be focusing heavily on the last 4-5 days of the MFO and going easy on all of you until then!

@T72on1 apparently, Grape is one of those difficult to summon type of gods :)
Got this. I know I have 0,001 Fabians more efficiency if I drink my whisky while walking through Harrogath....
My Pit Barb is ready.. I think my map averaged somewhere between 7.5-8 bosses if I recall, so not that great. I mostly run Pindle for casual MF, but I'm switching it up for MFO.

@PhineasB If teams still need another 85 runner, I'm available.
NagisaFurukawa said:
Do we have area supervisors for sending updates?
I am supervising A85 and Baal, and @logoutzero graciously volunteered to supervise Pindle so I can remain in suspense as I run.

NanoMist said:
@PhineasB If teams still need another 85 runner, I'm available.
Thanks Nano. Added you to available list below. But RIP's change in category means we'd still need one ore A85 entrant to fill out three teams of A85/Baal.

Edit: Quinta hit her goal of 500 LK runs before MFO. The last 250 runs yielded only a Mal on the rune front, and a possible upgrade for her javelins. I'll do one hour with the 3/40 set and one hour with the other to see what's best in terms of total runs. I suspect, at p3, the replinish mod will make a bigger difference than IAS to cut repair trips down. But I'm not sure how much. LK also netted +32% MF from charms, plus some other nice vita and resist charms for post-MFO use.

I'm going to cube all gems and roll GCs before bed in hopes of getting a javelin skiller, but I'm not optimistic. MFO starts for me in 3 hours, so I'll probably do a few runs tomorrow am with my coffee and then try to get in a few hours after work. The weekend is also pretty open, so I'm hoping to make some good headway before the first update.

Good luck to everyone who's running!
T72on1 said:
Just did some test runs on my Pit map. It's not that bad actually, so I'll keep it.

Good luck everyone !!!
Ok, so I came home late from a meeting yesterday evening, so I couldn't resist doing some MFO running already when the clock hit midnight. After a while I realized that my Pit map was less good than I thought it was, so I decided I would reroll after all. Half an hour later I still didn't have a good map, so I decided to call it a day. However the computer froze and instead of turning it off, I hit the restart button instead. Apparantly there was a major win update, so I waited for that to finish. It had me suspicious though, after the issues I had with a major update previous time.

And indeed, the same damn thing had happened: the win update messed up my D2 again. Again I have long loading times, although not as severe as last time. But my mouse also doesn't work properly anymore.

So yeah, I have the afternoon off from work to spend some time on the MFO, but it seems like I'll be solving win issues first (probably revert the win install again) and then be rerolling maps before I can actually do some running :(.
Pindleskin said:
Please tell these guys to take it easy on me, the Lesser Evils are dropping by this weekend for some drinks, and I tend to get pretty generous whilst drinking. The following weekend we have a meeting and inspection with the Harrogath Gardens Home Owner's Association, so my boys will be trying to get the place cleaned up. Very busy for me, and I'm not in the mood to entertain too many guests... Terrible timing on my part...
Got this PM from ole Pindlebritches earlier, I lol'd.

Good luck everyone!!
@T72on1, try what worked for me Issues with D2 after windows update

tldr; lower your windows resolution, but avoid a 16:9/10 format, check "desktopresolution" and "captured mouse" in the wrapper settings.
Thanks for the tip @Albatross . Unfortunately it didn't help, but it did make me revisit my old thread, and this reply gave me the solution:

drmalawi said:
Do you run as Administrator mode and in compatability mode Win XP (service pack 2)?

Last time it didn't make a difference, now it did :).

Ok, let's get that good Pit map asap now !!!
Btw, I'm available to teams. Don't know where I got lost from the list.
Btw, goals ... don't we have goals anymore when entering a tournament?

My first and most important goal obviously is to not let down the Zod God. Not an easy task, but I hope I will succeed :). Other than that level my PitBarb some more and find at least a grailer, hopefully even a useful one (yes Griffon's, I'm looking at you !!!)

104 runs done, happy about my start. I particularly liked this Circlet:


Seems tailor made for a PitBarb actually, but I don't really see how I could include it in my setup and not loose mf. But definitely an item that screems to be used one day instead of just muled away.
Let the games begin!!
If you guys want a laugh, you can watch how I run the pits... I've streamlined my runs to under 5 mins o_O
Also it's not always that slow, that pack of skeletons hurt with the amp damage :oops:

I have a +vigor on my CTA that i use when running around which is why i switch weapons. The map is great for me. The top right part of it doesn't spawn bosses often enough to go up there so it's a quick map for a runner!

Once i find either a highlords or a faster weapon I can use draculs, but at the moment I need the LoH to reach breakpoint and the dmg to demons is nice in pit.
Actually my REAL goal is survive this tournament :D

GL ;)

@Trapin' : After watching Your video, may i sugest getting amulet with teleport charges to be able positioning Your merc much better?With higher players setting and not exactly great weapon, i think that Decrepify from Reapers is someting You badly need to improve Your killing speed ;)
Vigor-Charge from WP to Entrance and in between packs would also save him quite a few seconds.
@Baltha I’ll team up with you, if you are looking for a partner. I may be brand new to the forums, but what I lack in experience and skill, I make up for with unparalleled stupidity and naieve enthusiasm.
RIP said:
Actually my REAL goal is survive this tournament :D

GL ;)

@Trapin' : After watching Your video, may i sugest getting amulet with teleport charges to be able positioning Your merc much better?With higher players setting and not exactly great weapon, i think that Decrepify from Reapers is someting You badly need to improve Your killing speed ;)
Ya it's not a bad idea. The AR/resist on metal grids might be necessary for me, but maybe I could switch it. Generally I don't like teleport :p As a melee char I think running is a novelty long forgotten in the game!

Yng said:
Vigor-Charge from WP to Entrance and in between packs would also save him quite a few seconds.

Saving seconds off my run times isn't a priority. I rather enjoy the journey than the destination :D
Also for some reason charging around everywhere seems a bit cheesy to me :rolleyes:

Appreciate the advice tho!
smloeffelholz said:
@Baltha I’ll team up with you, if you are looking for a partner. I may be brand new to the forums, but what I lack in experience and skill, I make up for with unparalleled stupidity and naieve enthusiasm.
You got me with the unparalleled stupidity, I often identify with that. Bonus points for the Edwin portrait. We have a deal!

How about The Unparalleled Stupidity Brotherhood? USB. Oddly satisfying.
O.k, it seems that @NanoMist and me is the last remaining option for two member team (Pindleskin/Alvl85) , so if You have nothing against it @NanoMist , i'm offering You alliance for this tourney ;)

However, there is not enough players in Baal category, so i'm afraid this possible partnership might be short-lived
@Trapin' taking the scenic route to untwinked 99, what a masochist.
Okay, only the three Baal runners left available for teams. We could now split into two categories for teams, with three teams each: (1) Baal/A85/Pindle and (2) A85/Pindle. Could be fun. Folks can match up, but I can assign the Baal runners to existing teams late tomorrow if it isn't sorted by then.
@Albatross you better have the luck on your side. I forgot that I am spending all day tomorrow at friend's stag do, so that's Saturday and Sunday (owie my hair hurts) gone from running.

But hey, we are called the LastMinuteTeam for a reason, I'll just pop couple of Death's Webs on the last 10 runs and we're golden, okay?
Eh dwebs, my plan is to get buried in tyrael's sacred armors, so no worries, for the LastMinuteTeam never finishes.. last?

Friday - check
Work done - check
Let's get cracking!

@Trapin' any non tele, melee build MFing the pits can only get admiration from my end, I'll just suggest that you leave all those shiny gold pieces on the ground for the duration of the MFO, even the big piles you went for. Good luck :)
Albatross said:
Eh dwebs, my plan is to get buried in tyrael's sacred armors, so no worries, for the LastMinuteTeam never finishes.. last?

Friday - check
Work done - check
Let's get cracking!

@Trapin' any non tele, melee build MFing the pits can only get admiration from my end, I'll just suggest that you leave all those shiny gold pieces on the ground for the duration of the MFO, even the big piles you went for. Good luck :)
I'm not sure you understand the cost of repairs!! :p
It seems like I'll have most of tomorrow for myself which means a lot more running time than I expected. Starting tonight! :D
T72on1 said:
Btw, goals ... don't we have goals anymore when entering a tournament?
Yes we do! Get Jah from Pindle so I don't have to run LK for it! On a related note, I'm not really interested in most of the high TC items atm. Only Tal's Armor is at the top of my wishlist. I wouldn't mind a Griffon's/WF/DWeb tho :rolleyes:
I have so much luck that Pindle isn't droping me flails... but FLAILED Tyrael's.
Already preparing a speech about my first ever 40% gheeds and how it's bound the be a good luck charm. The damn thing must be cursed because my sorc got blown up by a CELE accompanied by another boss with LE and conviction like 3 runs later. Went down super fast even through full rejuv spam :D


Wonder if I'll ever manage that level 97.

@Baltha did you really get a failed Tyrael's? Must be heartbreaking.
No, I didn't @Albatross. It was just a bluff...

Or not.

*Uses a charge of Darksight Helm and surrounds himself in a cloud of mistery*
RIP said:
O.k, it seems that @NanoMist and me is the last remaining option for two member team (Pindleskin/Alvl85) , so if You have nothing against it @NanoMist , i'm offering You alliance for this tourney ;)

However, there is not enough players in Baal category, so i'm afraid this possible partnership might be short-lived
Sign me up!
RIP said:
O.k, it seems that @NanoMist and me is the last remaining option for two member team (Pindleskin/Alvl85) , so if You have nothing against it @NanoMist , i'm offering You alliance for this tourney ;)

However, there is not enough players in Baal category, so i'm afraid this possible partnership might be short-lived
Any team that includes @NanoMist automatically incurs a -1 Tyrael’s penalty. Looking back through tournament threads, he has obviously bribed the Diablo gods, which is unfair to all other teams involved.
smloeffelholz said:
Any team that includes @NanoMist automatically incurs a -1 Tyrael’s penalty. Looking back through tournament threads, he has obviously bribed the Diablo gods, which is unfair to all other teams involved.
Good to me :D I've been away for couple of Years (since 2009), so i had no idea how great @NanoMist is ...
Hype!! Good luck all!

T72on1 said:
Ok, so basically everybody is going for the underdog position, except for @Pb_pal ? Hah, so cliché, no us, don't you agree @Grape ? Euh, Grape, where are you anyway?

Happy to team up with you @T72on1 ! I've been away from civilization, (and the SPF!) for more than a week. I was on a hiking trip, used my phone maybe three times :)

I'll be back where I live (and where my laptop with D2 is) by Monday night. I suppose I'll be able to start running on Tuesday. Next weekend looks good though, so maybe I'll get some decent running in after all.
I forgot to share my goals. Even though I've already started running, here's what I had as goals before MFO:
  • Get to level 92 (and a little ways into the level)
  • Pick up 100 qualifiers
  • Improve at least one gear slot (Shako, Griffon's, Titan's, Thunderstroke, +skill ring)
  • Have fun :D
I also had some hopes, but not really something that can realistically be a goal because it's so RNG-based:
  • Have one of the qualifiers be one the three overall remaining grailers for me that Pindle can drop
  • Find multiple gear upgrades, and have Griffon's be one of them :)
  • Get 2 Vex+ rune drops
I'll hold off on an update until end of Sunday, but let's just say so far I've achieved at least the last goal. Good luck to everyone who's running!
Our team name will be Ordo Tyrael's Strictioris Zodservantiae.

Good luck everyone !!
Keep pushing guys, and don't stop believing!

Do not sing along while farming, though. You will lose 0,0001 Fabians in efficiency.
No upgrades for a while, but I found my second Ohm for the MFO today.

BTW When is the first update due?
Instead of running with cube to hold items, I decided to run with 4x2 open inventory space + ID tome for more relaxed running. Consequently, my MF breakpoints dropped from 775/656 to 743/619, a 2%/3% drop in effective MF. Relaxed runs allow me to run more, so it's an improvement in my eyes.

Death's Fathom (Been after this for a long time)
Get other grailers (I think I'm in the single digits, I should check though)
First update is at the end of Sunday. So please send you top 5 to area supervisor (me for A85 and Baal, @logoutzero for Pindle) as soon as you are finished for the day on Sunday. I know everyone keeps a running list of top qualifiers and working total that is updated as you go (or at least I do :p), so please don't forget the update.
@logoutzero an update sent for the first 3 days.
Idiotic question here - so there is NOT any 20 hour (or any) running limit on this tourney?

I'll send my update tomorrow morning. Had to work at the tournament of our local soccer team all weekend and I'm dead tired now. Sorry.
Results sent. @logoutzero

I'm pretty happy with my results so far. And I should be since I don't know if I'm gonna manage any runs during the workdays. Probably will make up for it next weekend :p
Saturday was bad, I think I fell asleep for a couple of seconds during a few runs before giving up.


Today was great, I broke the 33s average. Wish I had more time to grind :)

Results on the way!

Edit: these are AT blizz sorc runs.
Results sent too, @logoutzero . Thanks for your effort.
You guys are nubs; this isn't a competition to see who can get the most Breastplates, get your heads in the game! :p
I can't find how many points Cathan's Seal is worth. It must be a qualifier!
The Pindle runners are on it for getting updates in; hope we get similar response from A85 and Baal (thanks to those who already sent). Eight hours to midnight for US West Coast, so maybe updates will pick up shortly.

In that vein, I may do a little more running this evening, but update sent to @logoutzero

Best non-qualifiers, with an Ohm and a nice Vita skiller from working through her flawless gems as a break now and then:
PhineasB said:
(...) and a nice Vita skiller from working through her flawless gems as a break now and then:
Very cool skiller, although skill tree could have been better.

Results sent. Off to some hours of running Pits.
Totally forgotten to mention my goals in the MFO!

First and foremost, Death's Fathom. It's a really, really long shot and I'm not really expecting to find one, but it really would make my MFO. And then, probably a Griffon's, since I've never found one and if I could get one rune Vex+, that'd be great. So I'm fully expecting not to find any of these and the highest rune will be Io, just to mess with me because it quickly looks like Lo.

I've found some cute charms too btw:



And also just found this thing. A load off my chest early on, Aura struggled with this all the way until the end. It's weird to see one finally.
Grape said:
I've been away from civilization, (and the SPF!) for more than a week
Interesting fact, followers of the Zod religion differentiate between SPF and civilization. Now which is closer to the Zod god though? Zod God >> SPF >> civilization? >> the dark realm of chipped gems? ;)

I started running yesterday but so far didn't manage more than half an hour. This was kind of unexpected, running P1 with a single target build:


Apart from that nothing too fancy yet. Hopefully I'll be able to run some more tonight, though I expect this week to be tough at work.

My goals:
  • As always, improve efficiency. Hoping to get the Pit Barb to 4.5 seconds per boss kill.
  • In terms of drops, one of my three grailers would be nice: Tyrael's Might, Astreon's Iron Ward, Darkforce Spawn. Of course ideally all of them. :)
GL HF all!
First Weekend Update -- Baal and A85 Categories
All updates for Baal are in (thanks), but I'm still missing updates for three people in A85 category. To avoid giving too much away and undermining anyone's motivation, my update summaries will be pretty general.

We have an early frontrunner in both the Baal and A85 categories, with things tightly packed behind the leader, like only a few points separating the pack. The leader in each category is by no means secure, as one good drop could swing things. And even those who haven't started running aren't out of the race, as victory remains in reach for anyone with a solid stretch of drops over the last week.

I may, um, update the update for A85 when I get home from work this evening if I've received the remaining updates and they change things. :)
Pindle delivers @logoutzero !

T72on1 said:
Ok, so basically everybody is going for the underdog position, except for @Pb_pal ?
Well I usually go for the underdog when using a powerhouse character, so I tried going the opposite direction with an underpowered one. We shall see how it all turns out. ;)

1. Don't die
2. Reach level 95 (hopefully, if playing time holds out)
3. Don't die
4. Hone the route of the map and hopefully bring my runtimes down
5. Just don't die.

but still slightly worse than mine
I've sent my results to @logoutzero yesterday, forgot to mention it here :)
my goals:

Not playing too much though since I bought Hollow Knight last week... but I will get some time in!
My untwinked sorc wasn't ready for the MFO yet, and The Grail is not my cup of tea (although getting some grailers is always nice) so I'm pretty much aimless. Getting a good roll usefull high-end unique would be nice. Or a good/stylish eth. And a Cham.
Not a Cham yet, but today was a good day in the runes department anyway...



How do people play without the hp/mp numbers showing in orbs omg :mad:
Yng said:
How do people play without the hp/mp numbers showing in orbs omg :mad:
I do not! I just turn it off so my screenshots look prettier! :p

I can live without the mana points showing in the orb, though.
Goals are simple, but either hard or improbable:

1) finally reach l97
2) do 5k AT runs
3) stay under or very close to 33s/run
4) complete the grail
My hp/mp numbers just seem to turn themselves on and off at random; what is the command to show the numbers?
TheNix said:
My hp/mp numbers just seem to turn themselves on and off at random; what is the command to show the numbers?
None. You have to click on the bottom of the bulb.
Baltha said:
None. You have to click on the bottom of the bulb.
I must click around the screen like a madman!!!
My guess is that you accidentally click there while you trying to teleport in that direction.
Pindle update when?

Also we always used to get rankings but not scores in the updates. These updates are now too cryptic - See here.
Albatross said:
Goals are simple, but either hard or improbable:

1) finally reach l97
2) do 5k AT runs
3) stay under or very close to 33s/run
4) complete the grail
Sigh. I must be doing something very wrong. I got bored of my PitBarb rather quickly (probably also due to the map, still not good enough but don't want to reroll yet again), so I decided to respec one of my Sorcs to Blizz and do AT with her. Using 3 pc Tal's, 500% mf total. Rolled a map which seemed quite good to me. I have to do some backtracking in one part and can't skip any parts as bosses can spawn anywhere, but the first few test runs it was so packed with bosses that it seemed really good to me.

The thing is ... 33s/run ?! I realize that must be among the fastest out here at the SPF, but I'm currently at 55s/run on average, my fastest run being 34s. The entrance to AT is 3 teleports south of the WP, which I consider very close. When doing other runs like Trav, LK or Pindle I'm also somewhat slower than the fastest runners out there, but 33 vs 55 s/run makes me think I'm doing something wrong, and I need to rethink about what a good AT map is.

It's just that I don't feel like rerolling once again, but I may have rolled away good maps already (both for my PitBarb and my AT Sorc) due to not knowing what to look for. I mean, for Pits I'm looking for compact, lineair maps, but maybe it's better to have a larger map where one can skip a part entirely. So yeah, how do you guys go about rerolling maps? How much of the map do you check before you decide it's good or not?

I've had decent drops so far, despite my slow runs, and ever since switching to the Blizz Sorc (that build will always remain my biggest love in D2) I'm having a lot of fun, so although it may come across as such, it's not my intention to complain here. But I'm always looking to improve my efficiency of course ;).
I'd reroll only if you really have a lot of time, otherwise you might spend a few hours looking for a map and end up with something worse. All the while you could have been running what you have now.

Replied to the rest in the hall of records thread.
@maxicek is very pleased with his score so far, confirmed ;)

In all seriousness, the last couple MFOs had more general updates after discussion among Gripp and others. I believe the concern was that the rankings could hurt motivation for some. I stuck with that approach since it was the most recent, but it's not something I feel particularly strongly about. Either way, I think people can get a pretty idea where they are likely to stack up from past MFO results, with Baal maybe being different due to the extreme swings in score one item can provide. And the general update probably tells the people running enough because they know their scores.

So, long story less long, I am happy to post the rankings for A85 and Baal (and ask @logoutzero to do the same for Pindle) if it is indeed the will of the Council, er, SPF :)
I'm fine with keeping it general, without a ranking. Then again I'm the one who already found 2 Tyrael's this MFO, so it's easy for me to say something like that ... :rolleyes:
I will be running as much as i can, not matters on the rankings ;)
T72on1 said:
I'm fine with keeping it general, without a ranking. Then again I'm the one who already found 2 Tyrael's this MFO, so it's easy for me to say something like that ... :rolleyes:
You tell me. The Astreon just dropped didn't make it to my top 5.
You could always put the ranking in a spoiler and those that don't want to know just have to exercise some self-restraint? I don't know that it would mess with motivation much, since even in A85 a single good drop can make a big swing.
(Player not mod perspective) I’m not really bothered, but it seems a bit of a waste of time sending an update if the report is “Some people have some points, some others have more points.”
I though the whole purpose of the updates was to add some narration an excitement to the competition, in fact. But don't feel really strong about it.
Or to mess with us altogether, and just give plain wrong information? ;) Just for giggles, and because you supervise the thing and as such you can ...
maxicek said:
(Player not mod perspective) I’m not really bothered, but it seems a bit of a waste of time sending an update if the report is “Some people have some points, some others have more points.”
To be fair, we also know that yet others have fewer points... ;)
I started running yesterday! Will do more this evening... several Dwebs confirmed.

I'm fine with whatever way we reveal how it's going during the MFO.

It's not in vain either way imo, fun to see how the exact situations changed also afterwards
maxicek said:
(Player not mod perspective) I’m not really bothered, but it seems a bit of a waste of time sending an update if the report is “Some people have some points, some others have more points.”
ffs said:
To be fair, we also know that yet others have fewer points... ;)
And yet others have no points (because they haven't started running)! :p

I've repeated the first weekend update below, but with actual rankings in a spoiler for those who don't want to see the details. Thanks for the suggestion by @Pb_pal

First Weekend Update -- Baal and A85 Categories
All updates for Baal are in (thanks), but I'm still missing updates for one person in A85 category. We have an early frontrunner in both the Baal and A85 categories, with things tightly packed behind the leader, like only a few points separating the pack. The leader in each category is by no means secure, as one good drop could swing things. And even those who haven't started running aren't out of the race, as victory remains in reach for anyone with a solid stretch of drops over the last week. Current rankings (without information about point totals) are in the spoilers below.

1. NanoMist
2. Nagisa
3. T72on1
4. Pb_pal
5. Albatross
6. smloeffelholz
7. Pharphis
8. ffs
9. Locohead
10. Trappin'
1. TheNix
2. Saluki
3. zemaj
@logoutzero damn you're good at keeping the suspence :D
[...] Edited for containing spoiler, sorry!

Hurts my motiviation big time, you really shouldn't have posted the list @PhineasB.
Um, I don't think you'd even started running yet @ffs so hardly surprising you're in the "no points" group. And it's your own fault for checking the spoiler if your motivation is that fragile :p

Only one or two lucky drops and you could be in that top spot for the next update :)
The more you run, the luckier you get @ffs . This have been my motto during the whole MFO.
I'm sorry all, I should have researched previous events and been more familiar with the format. I just assumed that because our host wanted to stay in suspense on the Pindle results, that we wouldn't be posting results until the end. Here's what we have for the first weekend, I sincerely apologize for the late-ness:

I've yet to hear from Grape, but I expected this, as he stated from the start that he would be stalling for the first bit. I've also yet to hear from Hutton.

I haven't cross checked the player's points claims against the spreadsheet yet, I've been excruciatingly busy with the start of my second full-time job. I am off tomorrow, so will double check the numbers, but as of now, here are preliminary results using the honor system.

  1. PhineasB
  2. maxicek
  3. RIP
  4. srrw
  5. Baltha
I've got to be to work (again) in 3 hours, so please bear with the poor update. I will verify, and if it hasn't already been done by our host tomorrow evening, I will combine team scores, and post it. Again, sincerest apologies, and good luck!

Edit: Edit'd for T72on1's suggestion. I'm a stick in the mud. T.T.F.N. :)
ffs said:
I'm sick and tired of

always lucking in tournaments.

Hurts my motivation big time, you really shouldn't have posted the list @PhineasB.
No use putting ranking in spoilers when there's posts like these. Could you edit your post so that people who don't want to know, don't get a spoiler?

Edit: @logoutzero Grape posted he only started running after the weekend, so no score for him for the first update.

I think the exact numbers aren't meant to be in the ranking you post. Only placement.
Apologies @T72on1, actually I just meant to mess with @PhineasB. ;) Edited accordingly.

EDIT: You should edit your post (quote) as well though. Come on stop spoiling things @T72on1! :p
Lol, good catch. Done ;).
New goal: don't end in last place!

You guys are sick.
I don't know why I only posted the top 5, I'll add the others in around 10 hours when I get home.
Oh! I thought that others haven't started running yet.
Well, lots of work to do...Results will be insane, i'm pretty sure of it :D
Baltha said:
New goal: don't end in last place!

You guys are sick.
I got you covered. I take my bribes in Forum Drinks at the Bar, thank you very much.
Now that our update process is a well-oiled machine, the next update will be end of day Thursday to set things up for the final push over the weekend. It generally takes til the next morning, so my goal will be to post the A85 and Baal update Friday am (US West Coast) before I leave for work. That will ensure people early in the international date line have a sense of standings before the weekend and the final two days of running.

So please send your update when you are finished running for the day on Thursday. If you haven't run at all yet, please say so. And if you haven't improved score since first update, please just reply to the same PM and note no improvement.

Thanks, and happy running everyone!
DWeb I have you in my sights!

I had three yellow unearthed wands in the first 500 runs, then nothing. I just know I will be the first person ever looking for a damned Winged Harpoon to complete the Grail.

Best rune so far - Ist.
I already have 5 DW in my top 5. Running to 5 perfect DW now...
Latest update sent. On the home stretch now.
I couldn't join this round, had to travel for work and RL is way too busy right now for gaming. However, I am enjoying lurking through this thread - GL to all the participants, and looking forward to see whom wins each category! Thanks to those for hosting and managing the categories!
Accelerating.. next stop 32s/run.


Day off is going fine, but I'm afraid real life will soon swoop in and take me away until evening.

Sorcy managed to reach 97, I'm so proud of not getting her killed since the start of the MFO :) Might be my first level 97 character, certainly the only one that got there doing almost nothing but AT runs.
I'm going slightly mad...

Friiser said:
However, I am enjoying lurking through this thread - GL to all the participants, and looking forward to see whom wins each category! Thanks to those for hosting and managing the categories!
Wish I'd said that. ^5
No updates in my top 5. Managed a pitiful 100 runs in the past 4 days which was to be expected. Will be back with a bang this weekend... I hope so :D
is it updates again already? Yeesh I'm too old for this
Update (or lack of thereof who knows) sent.
I'm gonna drop out so as not to impede proceedings come results day...

I've hardly done any runs due to RL and motivation issues!

Perhaps next time!
So far behind schedule.. anyway, update sent!
Marginal update sent.
Update sent, although I almost didn't run any.
Can’t wait for those juicy haul pics. Should be good to go for all the future MFOs/RFOs, GL finishing up!
Albatross said:
So far behind schedule.. anyway, update sent!
If you are behind schedule, what on Earth am I? Multiple hours of 32 sec runs, and I was happy when my average dropped below a minute.
maxicek said:
DWeb I have you in my sights!

I had three yellow unearthed wands in the first 500 runs, then nothing. I just know I will be the first person ever looking for a damned Winged Harpoon to complete the Grail.
Hope that DWeb drops for you (and the Winged Harpoon while you're at it). I can relate -- 13th yellow Shako with no golden one yet :( Not great for MFO score, but it would represent a major upgrade for my zon. She's still rocking the 3 pTopaz death mask . . .

Update sent. Very excited to see how things are shaping up. Also, thanks @Hutton for letting us know -- I've updated list of runners on first page accordingly.

Edit: In the excitement to check the A85 and Baal updates in my Inbox, I forgot to include the best non-qualifiers in this stretch:
The eth Archon plate picked up 4os in the cube, and the Monarch dropped 4os, allowing Spirit. It wasn't enough of an upgrade to justify dropping 25% MF from Rhyme, so we went back after an hour or so. Vex allows her to meet goal of two Vex+ runes during MFO :)
Update sent also - I'm at around 1100 Pit runs now, time for the final stretch!
Sorry I haven't been updating! I've been pretty busy with irl, but I have found at least 5 qualifiers! :rolleyes: Ive been casually running pits before bed and have done maybe 50 runs :confused:.
smloeffelholz said:
If you are behind schedule, what on Earth am I? Multiple hours of 32 sec runs, and I was happy when my average dropped below a minute.
I'm pretty good at disappointing myself by setting unrealistic goals :D
First 7 Days Update -- Baal and A85 Categories
All updates for Baal are in (thanks). I'm missing three updates in A85 category, but think this is about right given what two two have posted (unless they are totally soft pedaling their progress) and sticking with initial update for the third. Feel free to send updates if you haven't and I can update this update.

I'm looking forward to the final weekend and seeing those results!

Things have held firm in terms of order, with our early front runner slightly extending the initial lead and some separation between the other two also. But it's Baal, so one good drop can still swing things at the end. Current rankings (without information about point totals) is in the spoiler.
1. TheNix
2. Saluki
3. zemaj

Our early front runner is pulling away, in potentially epic fashion. And behind that, things are shaping up into a very exciting race indeed, with some jockeying for position and jumps up the leader board by some. Things are still pretty tightly packed behind the leader though and then a second group behind that, so this will almost certainly come down to some key drops at the end. Excited to watch this unfold down the stretch! Current rankings (without information about point totals) is in the spoiler.
1. NanoMist
2. Pb_pal
3. ffs
4. Albatross
5. Nagisa
6. T72on1
7. smloeffelholz
8. Locohead
9. Trappin'
10. Pharphis
With the updates I received, there have been no changes to the rankings. I will include them here anyway, just to add those over rank 5, as I said I would earlier.

  1. PhineasB
  2. maxicek
  3. RIP
  4. srrw
  5. Baltha
  6. mulligan
  7. Neksja
  8. Grape?
Dropped: Hutton[/highlight]

I'd be happy to figure up the team scores and rankings, but the forums are doing that weird thing for me, where I can't see spoilers, and if I try to hit Reply or Edit, I get stuck in an endless loading loop. Starting to think it may have something to do with an ad script. Probably time to just become a Pal...
I'm in a dry spell, need something good in the next two days.

Highest rune still Ist, but I now have two. Not picking up anything else.
Sent my update. I totally forgot about the seventh day results. Sorry!

Most of my running will come from this weekend, and I already have some updates! Fear me :mad:

(spoiler, about a85 standings)
I'm so, so very surprised who are the top three, lol :D
maxicek said:
I'm in a dry spell, need something good in the next two days.

Highest rune still Ist, but I now have two. Not picking up anything else.
You should probably start picking up things other than Ist runes then. :p

I'm only about ~400 runs in (judging by hours since run counter doesn't work). And not much time this weekend either due to friends visiting. And it sounds like chances of catching our frontrunner are slim. And no grailer yet. And my best (recorded) seconds/boss session so far was ~4.7, quite far away from my personal target of cracking 4.5.

So yeah, looks like this MFO is going to be a huge success. ;) Anyway, I'll try and put in some effort this weekend whenever I find time to run. Good luck for the final push @ all!
I can't edit my post above, but the rankings are changed with an update from Grape:

  1. PhineasB
  2. maxicek
  3. RIP
  4. srrw
  5. Baltha
  6. mulligan
  7. Grape
  8. Neksja
Good luck runners, over the final weekend push!
I won't have much time this weekend I fear. And I meant it, not what you guys have been doing xD.
ffs said:
I'm only about ~400 runs in
Hmm, I was not too far off from 400 runs, and I'm still all the way down in 8th. Guess it's not just my slow run times...
Locohead said:
Hmm, I was not too far off from 400 runs, and I'm still all the way down in 8th. Guess it's not just my slow run times...
I have done at least 800 runs,
and I’m in 7th.
I knew that I had bad luck, but I didn’t know it was that bad.
I run 6+ hours a day

and I'm 5th

fully twinked against some untwinked opponents. So yeah, it's hopeless for me too.
Already at 4500 p5 Pindle runs...Planning to reach at least 6000 Pindle runs before end of this tourney...Tooo bad, did not
improved my score since run 1845 :(
I'm lucky to reach 2k Pindle runs in this MFO. You guys are nuts.

Sorry @Albatross I think you chose poorly your team mate :(
We'll get them next time, Neksja ;)

Moving is apparently a never ending process, hope it's done today so I can grind out Sunday in peace.

I either got very lucky last year or am getting the short end of the RNG stick this time around. Doubt I'll be able to contest the top runners, but still plan to run utill the last minute.

Looking forward to comparing run times and results!
I'm just a little over 1.5k Pindle runs and I really don't think I can go over 2k until Sunday. I miss the days where I could play endlessly :D

Oh and like I said, I'm not sure I'm comfortable running without CtA. This SS confirms it. 1 hit, No Might, No Fana, Not Cursed :eek:
I’m at 2600 Pindles, anything above 3k I am happy with.
@maxicek: So where is my luck then, if You have better score then me? :D
@RIP I stole the luck from @nulio :)

6k runs? I thought you were a power lifter, not an endurance athlete :p
@maxicek: Thats something You have to learn for strongman competitions...not just pure strenght, but endurance aswell ;)

I have to say, that i'm really enjoying my return to this forum, including this tourney...and i have to say thanks to my family for being patient with me during last nine days :)
Albatross said:
I either got very lucky last year or am getting the short end of the RNG stick this time around.
IIRC you won the last MFO, I think it's safe to say that's only possible with way above average RNG. :)

Admittedly I was lucky so far in terms of item score (items themselves are garbage :)) considering the amount of runs. Running on a great map with a pretty streamlined high MF setup, so probably to some degree that makes up for not being able to run as much as others. But it looks like I have some 5-6 hours today and tomorrow combined. Let's see how it goes!
Im at 7k + runs with 830+ mf, and losing to you both :(
@Baltha : That must be very frustrating, hats down for Your effort, You deserve victory for that ;)
@Baltha That sounds unlucky indeed :) though in terms of efficiency the most important stat is how many bosses you kill in a given amount of time, not just run times, number of runs and/or MF amount. But I'm curious now: What's your setup/target/build? Don't think I've ever seen a playable 830 MF setup. The most efficient MF runs here (by Fabian) were done with ~810 MF I think, and that was only possible on a Pit Zerker with ridiculous time-traveled items.
If I can squeeze in three hours tomorrow that will bring be up to about 25 hours for the ten days; 25 hours at an average of three minutes per run will get me about 500 Baal runs overall.
Standard Blizzard.

Shako Ist
Skullders Ist
Occy Ist
Monarch IstIstIstIst
2 naguel
Switch cta spirit
Full inventory Gheed, mf sc, cube

One hit kill pindle anyway if I can hit it in the right spot. If hes immune merc trt treachery guillaume kills him. Average 20 sec.

Cant compete against pitbarb but wasnt interested in learn to play one.

Efficiency is great. But in the end what matters in a MFO is how many runs you did and how much MF did you carry. Doing it in the less amount of time possible is a convenience, not a winning condition
So, naturally, one is about to witness a lot of desired bases that roll magics and rares... but these double drops are just such teasers
Baltha said:
Standard Blizzard.

Shako Ist
Skullders Ist
Occy Ist
Monarch IstIstIstIst
2 naguel
Switch cta spirit
Full inventory Gheed, mf sc, cube
To me that seems like a lot of "wasted" Ists. I guess it's not wasteful if you keep that character for a long time and/or you're swimming in runes, but I have a tendency to want to start fresh too often.

What is your MF total, or don't you want to share it? For the L85 AT I'm "only" running 451 MF, with more FCR and especially more skills than I probably need. But I don't even have many 6 or 7 MFSCs anyway (I'm using them all.)

Not trying to whine about RNG - it's why we're here I guess. But I think I just can't take competitions like this "seriously" like others do. I'm always questioning the time I put into this, thinking I should be doing more important things. And then mainly I get annoyed not at my low to mediocre placement, but if I spend lots of hours and don't find any useful items.

One thing that did slap some sense into me is finding a "really good" / "rare" item just now, which actually isn't even relevant to the MFO score. Kinda puts it in perspective. I think we get spoiled expecting 27-point items to drop every tourney, and forget how rare they really are.
Locohead said:
To me that seems like a lot of "wasted" Ists. I guess it's not wasteful if you keep that character for a long time and/or you're swimming in runes, but I have a tendency to want to start fresh too often.

What is your MF total, or don't you want to share it?
829% MF. As I said earlier, I can't kill any faster anyway. I tried running with 7 cold skillers and my time was more or less the same.

And yeah, I swim in runes :p. But I don't think Ists are that expensive anyway. I think you can cube up a Ist in 1 hour or so of countess running if you want to waste your time in it.
Ah, I thought you were running a85. How did you conclude the below when you're in a different category and may very well have a much higher score? :)
Baltha said:
Im at 7k + runs with 830+ mf, and losing to you both :(
~7k Pindle kills with Sorc is equivalent to ~1150 Pit runs with Barb (rough estimate), just to put the numbers into perspective.
829 MF is certainly impressive. I guess it would be fun just to have that high of a magic find after all these years. But for the purposes of the MFO, if you consider set items to be basically useless for a high-end final score (I think they all are) then looking at uniques, assuming the same kill rate, you get 12.3% more uniques than someone (me) who is at 451 MF. I suppose I really should work harder at having more MF for this tourney, but again I just can't take it as "seriously" as some others.
ffs said:
Ah, I thought you were running a85. How did you conclude the below when you're in a different category and may very well have a much higher score? :)
I didn't. I was talking about RIP and Maxi.

Anyway, I'm done with the ranting about my RNG :D.
I smell some impressive find in the air and at the same time am seeing myself falling to 4th place...Managed to finish 5k runs so far, just don't know, if i have will to try 1k runs more...Did not improved my score for more then 3k runs which speaks for itself :mad:
Probably one of the sickest chest clicks in the pits I've ever done clicked... Too bad I can't use the bow as a qualifier, it beats some other qualifiers I've found so far! :rolleyes:

Confirmed double drop for @Baltha with DWeb and Mang's ;)

Final Results. Now that it's Sunday many places, a reminder about sending final results. Please do so as soon as you are finished running on Sunday. The PM to your area supervisor should include the top 5 and total score, as well as the GoMule/ATMA readouts for your top 5.

Please don't forget to send results as soon as you're finished on Sunday! We'll do our best to turn the results around quickly. Monday is a holiday for me, so I hope to post in the am US West Coast, assuming we've gotten all the final results.

Good luck for the last stretch! Looking forward to some epic last-minute drops to make the results exciting!
Countess P1
1:236 Ist
1:157 Mal

With 200 FCR and a decent map you can get like 25-30s runs (I’m getting a 3-5 second delay leaving, unfortunately). Just figured I’d share since I just started running her last night with Ists in mind. It’s quite a bit more efficient than LK if you just want Ist.

(Did math @23s picking up gems)
Ist 9 known P7 patterns
15.66 chests per minute
1:464.98 chance per minute

Mal 17 known P7 patterns
1:3855 chance per chest
1:246.16 chance per minute
Monday is a holiday for me as well, and as of this post, I'm just halfway into Saturday.

Should be good for the results talking and posting, looking forward to seeing who turns the dial to '11' in the homestretch!
logoutzero said:
Should be good for the results talking and posting, looking forward to seeing who turns the dial to '11' in the homestretch!
Can I dial '911'?



We have a match!
Now you need to make a L56 lightning Sorc named Demon Heart, to rock that cruddy thing

Oh, also make sure to have her personalize it.
Locohead said:
Now you need to make a L56 lightning Sorc named Demon Heart, to rock that cruddy thing
looks like it's a failed unique as well
Hectic weekend. Still ran a couple hours today, but only got marginal upgrades. Ah well. Did finally get L95 though! First time ever.

... also found some crummy rune.

Final results are in. It's only 3pm here but I can't handle any more Pindle runs. Midway set goal was to hit 92 on my Sorc and that's exactly where I stopped. I've improved my score slightly in the last couple of days but I still don't expect getting in the top 3.

Total runs done:

The interesting thing was when I actually picked up more Rares and having my girlfriend around distracting me (Slow runs) the runs were actually faster :confused:

The runner:
Standards Blizzard Sorcy
Skullder's PTopaz
Shako PTopaz
Tal's belt
Tal's Ammy
War Travs
Chance Guards
Crap rare ring /w Str/Life/Mf
Gheeds + some crappy charms; mainly of Vita/of Good luck/of Fortune
Total MF: 387

non-eth Theresher Insight/Duriels/Guillaumes Prayer merc

The rune drops:
Non existent. Since my restart the rune drops have been so abysmal at times I think I might be playing 1.10 again.

I have found exactly 1 item that actually wanted from all of these runs and it's probably 15th on my priority list. Easy to say I'm extremely disappointed. Since most of the items I was after would be qualifiers had I found them I'd save that part for later. :rolleyes:
Right now i'm at 5700 runs, and still couple of hours left, so will be probably able to reach number 6000...Although i've found decent haul, its not exactly as good as i hoped...unless some godly drop comes in last couple of hours :D
I'm done and results are sent.
Nice @zemaj :) I too find myself having more time today than I thought, so I'm pushing! Got the Barb to 4.63s/boss kill in the last session, happy with that actually. Now all I'm asking for is finding those grailers. :p
6000 runs finished and still some time left :D
Sent my results. Thanks all participants, my team mate @T72on1 , @logoutzero for supervising and @PhineasB hosting!

Looking forward the results :)
Done...finished 6200 runs, results sent to @logoutzero

Kind of dissapointing results for so many runs, but it is what it is...back in 2009 i had unbeliavable luck scoring two Stormlashes in Pindlecategory (this item had highest score back then), now i had to pay the price for being that lucky

Edit: Thanks to both supervisors and host for the tourney, and GL to all, especially my team partner @NanoMist
Time's up for my time zone. Managed "just" 3711 AT runs in the end (almost 35h, still under 33s avg.). Such an unfortunate time to have to move, I really wanted to do more, guess I'll have to wait until the next MFO :)

Will send results soon..from my phone..since I don't have internet connection in the new apartment yet.

I'd like to thank the hosts and everyone who participated. It's been fun and it's nice to see this many people competing even after all these years.
Also finished and results sent. Eventually ran quite a bit this weekend and ended up with what must have been around 1400-1500 Pit runs in total. Couple of non-qualifier drops:

1597348587189.png 1597348611326.png 1597348635538.png 1597348661003.png 1597348689398.png1597348713876.png 1597348737339.png

Some of these I really wonder why I thought I'd pick them up tbh. :D The last 2 days when I did about ~70% of my running I didn't pick up blues and yellows except for GCs and circlets.

2x P&B
1x Combat (Barb) 29 life
1x Traps
1x Elemental

2x Sharp GCs 9 max

Thanks all, and GL to those still running.
You guys are hardcore :cool:
Hi all! As a reminder, please send your final results, with readouts of top 5, when you finish running for the day -- for Pindle runners, send to @logoutzero and other two categories to me. Thanks to those who've already sent results. I know a few said they'd push til midnight, so we'll do our best to post results tomorrow!

Edit: Results sent. There is still time but I'm finished with Pindle for now. Worthwhile non-qualifiers for this stretch were an interesting SC, a Pul, and then Highlords within the last 10 runs before calling it quits:
Highlights for my Zon's MFO:
  • Lots of fun!
  • Moving from lvl 90 to 93.33
  • Ohm, Vex and Pul runes
  • Three eth elite polearms to try in the cube
  • Highlord's, as the only S/U gear upgrade, with Spirit monarch possible also
  • 24 yellow Shakos without a golden one :mad:
  • Per the preceding bullet and last bullet in highlights, no other gear upgrades :(
This was lots of fun, thanks to everyone who participated :)
Get home from being out all evening, almost midnight. "I can squeeze in 1 last run before the deadline!"


@logoutzero results sent!

@PhineasB thanks for hosting this years MFO!

Was loads of fun, though I was a lot more time restricted than I wanted to be. Excited for the results, in case I can squeeze myself out of the last place in Pindle category but I doubt it.
Done, results sent.

Just over 3k runs in the end. Thanks to @PhineasB for running the tourney and @logoutzero for supervising.

Can we have a “meet the Olympians” thread this time?
Quite some HRs found by participants, despite p1 settings.
I got a Lo, Um, Pul.

While it's still fresh AT, but pit runners can also chip in, did you get the feeling that champion packs, especially bigger ones, would lower the overall quantity of spawns? I don't remember my last good map having this issue, but the current one would sometimes spawn 2x 3 or 4 champion packs, the chest boss and nothing else. This really brought the average density down.
Hmm good point.

Might as well be yes. The times I had a low boss density were usually the ones with high amount of champs iirc. Note that I didn't really paid attention or counted anything.
I'll definitely open a Meet the Olympians thread later today. In the meantime, thanks to the Pindle runners for getting results to logo, as well as the Baal runners. Missing two results in A85 category, but they were toward bottom of the leader board. So I'm getting started on the results thread and will post later this am either way.

Edit: Results thread is up here. Thanks to everyone for getting the results in so quickly, and to @logoutzero for doing such a great job of organizing the results for the Pindle category!
Estimated market value