Meet Aphrodite - The MF Javazon

I also put 1 point in all the passive tree except Valkyrie.

Do you have infinity? What Player Settings are you farming?
Do you have issues killing mobs? On players 3 even without infinity you should be perfectly fine.
Last time I played her I took her from LK to councel without too much problems on p1. Entering Durance of hate I was ambushed by a group of LI meanies that one shotted me. Haven't tried since then but found some better gear to try out again. The unique javalins are still nowhere to be found unfortunately.

I am farming LK for Infinity, Enigma and CtA (allready made a grieve and a treachery for my zealer but needs a faith)
I have runes for Cta but no base yet (looking for crystal sword), and have bases for Infinity and Enigma, but am still short on runes. I did find 2 Surs last week and made a 3rd out of my earlier found Gul, Vex and Ohm. So it's looking better then a while back.
Yeah I’m kinda having issues to prioritize my runewords 😂

Grief felt like something I needed to get my pally to the end. Infinity feels like that for the zon. Enigma and CtA feel like nice to have for later on.

This in a nutshell is one of my major issues when playing D2
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