KTA - New Run Starting 16-07-18


New member
Jul 18, 2006
Good day Hardcore Untwinked Enthusiasts!

I'll start off by posting the rules as usual to get them out of the way :p

For any new entrants interested, here are the rules:-

1) We play every Monday, from 7:00pm (1900) to 9:00pm (2100) UK Time, most European players should add 1-2 hours onto that for time difference!

2) We play untwinked, full clears with all quests completed in each act.

3) Items are to be shared equally and given according to needs of the current party builds etc; if a charm drops, take it and I.D it by all means, but if you find a 6% Fire Res charm and yours is already in the 50's and you are a caster, check to make sure someone else (like a melee-er) isn't in the 20's etc...it's all amicable play, with the idea in mind of being a strong party!

4) If you decide to join our merry band, please make sure you are there as often as possible...if you think you can't really do Monday's as your schedule is too hectic, don't sign up, sorry. Blunt, I know, but it's just rather a bad thing to have a group of 6 in theory and end up playing with half that most of the time. Absence is usually posted in the thread beforehand with reason so it's never a problem but excuses of "I could not be bothered" don't cut it...commit people!

5) We meet in channel KTA before each session to discuss, mule off items before playtime commences etc and if the channel is empty, you are late and we are in-game already! The game name and password is given in-channel so please arrive promptly.

6) Members of the old run get priority placement on the new run

7) I manage the runemule which holds the runes for the run and post screenshots with contents on request. Joe (Krupa) handles the gem-mule.

8) Most of all, we respect each other and have FUN. We are out to kick the minions of Hell in a challenging way, why not do it as a group of mates eh?!

So guys, do we want to theme this one or just enjoy the fact there might be a few of us this run and make a solid party? Please post any thoughts, including any desire of character class or build you might want to be :)
Kaxe, I only came here by accident and saw this post! Respect for keeping the KTA alive. I'm not even sure if I could find my D2 CDs these days and the account I used to register has long been confined to the bin. 18 years of Mephisto smashing and you're still going strong. Hope all is well with you and yours in RL!

I still play PoE with new leagues but I've had to stop playing HC as my reflexes are not as good as they used to be!
Postponing the start until next Monday the 23rd guys as I am waiting on replies for some members, some have things to take care of and some have no idea about life :p
If my Amazon Basin group game on Euro HC, which also runs on Monday evening, ever ceases to exist, I'll know where to turn to, as this is more or less based on the same principle.

Good luck !!!
Same thing the other way around of course. If this group game is ever running out of steam, or running low on people, don't hesitate to contact me or check /post in the thread on our group game: Oliver's Army. Currently we have 6 people in the group, but it has been as low as 3 a few years back, so ...
That's awesome, thanks for that! We have been 2 for the LONGEST time, and this run is the first in ages we will have some numbers so I am really looking forward to it!
So tonight's run went well, despite some technical hitches and jobs halving the time for two of the members!

We are ready to descend into the Jail next week, Malus rescued, level 14. Builds are as folllows:

Me: Singer Barb
Joe: Kicksin
Adam: Freezing Arrow 'zon
Laurens: Mage Summons Necro

Silverfox, where you at? ;)
Nice combination of characters there. Good luck !!!

We are currently at Hell act 3. With summer vacation around, we'll probably need quite some session to finish the rest of Hell though, as we repeatedly miss people and get them caught up the week after. Our current theme is all Druids.

Like in the olden selfie days

E: I've caught up to Jail lvl 1 waypoint
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How has the group been doing lately? Or has there been a break due to holiday?
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