Mostly copying this across and as there is nothing much to report this one will be short and sweet
Restarted everything from scratch due to self isolating, what its a damn good excuse to reusme from nothing if you ask me, so just the one character to date. This will be Nena the eventual untwinked 99er as before and i'll update that thread once i get to a XP total that doesn't round to 0.00 billion. Currently in act 3 which i never really like in normal, or at all, as its a pain in the arse killing things without my Frozen Orbs up and running.
Build plan for Nena is the standard max Frozen Orb, some Cold mastery, max fire ball, max meteor, finishing on fire mastery as iirc this is the way to do it if you fire ball more than meteor which is how i usually play.
And just to have some pics this is my first S/U and also what the first plated belt i was gambling for (for the extra slot space) after many many many cycles with no plated belt gave me.
Restarted everything from scratch due to self isolating, what its a damn good excuse to reusme from nothing if you ask me, so just the one character to date. This will be Nena the eventual untwinked 99er as before and i'll update that thread once i get to a XP total that doesn't round to 0.00 billion. Currently in act 3 which i never really like in normal, or at all, as its a pain in the arse killing things without my Frozen Orbs up and running.
Build plan for Nena is the standard max Frozen Orb, some Cold mastery, max fire ball, max meteor, finishing on fire mastery as iirc this is the way to do it if you fire ball more than meteor which is how i usually play.
And just to have some pics this is my first S/U and also what the first plated belt i was gambling for (for the extra slot space) after many many many cycles with no plated belt gave me.