
Borlag said:
Can you say addicted?
Yep. It's quite easy, actually: Addicted.

No. Wait, that's wrong. That was writing! If you say addicted and nobody hears you are you still teh ubar PWNER?
Shade said:
It is inevib... invetib... oh, dang it, PWNED U N00B!...

Yeah, too bad that was a horrible movie. Hey Wachowski (sp?) bros: We know Neo is Jesus. Now get over it and stop using that damn water explosion effect already!

btw, that movie had the worst ending line ever:

Architect, to Oracle: "Did you know about this?"
Oracle: "No, but I believed."

Can you say Christian Allegory? two thumbs down for me.

Odd that this thread became a movie review. Don't know how that happened :scratch: . Might as well give my two cents. After second matrix 2 I saw that it was going downhill so I wasn't very surprised when it sucked. That's why I always said that LotR was the best trilogy and I wasn't dissapointed.
What was really disappointing to me was the fact that even though Matrix Reloaded had problems, there were some interesting possibilities raised for the conclusion of the series. Specifically, the fact that Neo could influence things outside the Matrix raised a host of speculations about what was really going on...

Instead, we get some handwavium in movie three to explain that away, no answers to any questions, a battle sequence that was populated with cardboard characters and stereotypes that went on far too long, and a wholly unsatisfying ending.

And they wasted two of the most interesting characters in the 2nd movie - the Merovingian and Persphone. Again, they raised some interesting questions and possibilites, and then were dismissed very quickly in Revolutions.


Anyways - post count +1!
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