Gambling my life savings again: Another 1,000,000,000 gold gambling game for the NPCs of sanctuary


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2009
Introduction: Earlier this year, my first 1,000,000,000 gambling game was completed. 4 contestants - Gheed, Elzix, Alkor and Anya, pilfered, plundered and robbed me of every penny of my life savings, hoping to win the title: Sultan of Sanctuary. Ultimately even 1 billion gold was not enough and a sudden death elimination round was needed to crown a victor. Finally, after nearly half a year of feeding the unholy gambling addition, forumites from all across the SPF cheered and jeered as Elzix was appointed Sultan of Sanctuary with a final score of 7!

But alas no sultan rules forever. As the days darken, all is not well in Sanctuary and a new evil has come to threaten the bearer of this opulent title. From the darkest depths of the netherworld, an evil has surfaced which would threaten the very balance of nature. What could possibly be more evil than the 4 gambling horsemen of the previous game you ask? That title belongs to none other than this pestilent filth:


Having heard of the near endless greed of his counterparts, Nihlathak has been brooding ever since he was so heartlessly excluded from the first competition. Now he vows to consume every piece of gold ever dropped in Sanctuary to strip Elzix of his title, while providing 'just enough' to win. And not a penny more!

With this challenge looming, I have once again been blessed (or cursed) with the task of amassing a sum worthy of naming 'my life savings:'


Rules of the "2nd Life Savings Gambling Game:"

  • The gambling npcs Elzix and Nihlathak will be the exclusive competitors of this game
  • The gambling npcs will be visited by a level 98 character with a full inventory and stash of gold and holding an Edge bow and a Gheed's grand charm
  • All gold will be spent on circlets and coronets until the inventory and stash are exhausted
  • This process will repeat 4 times with one npc before moving to the other. Once both npcs have received 4 full inventories+stash of gold each, a "round" will be completed
  • If the gambling vendors provide an item *worthy* of being added to the player's collection they will receive a "point"
  • "Rounds" will be repeated until all 1,020,000,000 gold is spent or the player's gambling addiction is cured
  • The vendor with the most points at the end of the last cycle will be declared the winner!
Scoring: While ultimately up to the discretion of the player, most combinations of the following prefixes/suffixes may be considered worthy of one "point"

  • +2 Class skills + 20 FCR magic quality
  • +2 Class skills + 20 FCR + X rare quality (X can be @res/STR/Dex/etc)
  • +3 Skill tab + 20 FCR
  • 70+ Gold Find + Teleport charges (to help feed the gambling addiction)
  • +2 Class Skills/3 Skill tab + 20+ PDR
  • +3 Skill tab + 90+ Life
  • Kira's or Griffon's - you never know...
  • ...and last but not least, the two "jackpots" of the 2023 goals and objectives thread:
Prize: The vendor with the most points at the end of the competition will be admired by all as the Greediest of the Greedy, Miserliest of Misers and Avaraciousiest of all! From that moment forward, he shall collect every piece of gambled gold until anyone worthy enough to usurp such a title would dare challenge him!

Will evil triumph over good slightly less evil? Will Elzix maintain his streak of seemingly endless piles of garbage with an occasional diamond in the rough? Or will Nihlathak prove once and for all that we "have no idea of the power we face..." Stay tuned to find out!
Standings: This section will be updated periodically to show how many points each vendor has earned

Starting gold: 1,034,562,809
Remaining gold: 0

Completed Rounds: 38

Points: 10
Points: 13
Be sure to cheer for your favorite participant!

# of Jeweler's tiara's/diadems = 30
With suffix = 14 (jackal, fox, mind, sorcery, mammoth, lamprey, pacing, mammoth, luck!!!!!!!, enlightenment, locust, magus, telekinesis, leech, mammoth, life, twister)
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No qualifiers
A near miss from Elzix

And then a surprising very early first blood! A modest point for Elzix!

However, Nihlathak was not about to let that go uncontested:
Of course he also threw in a Jeweler's Tiara of the Jackal...Nethertheless, a very promising start from both competitors!
A close call from Nihlathak
But no qualifiers
After deliberating, the jury has ruled that this circlet from Nihlathak:
while technically meeting the scoring criteria, will not award a point. The scoring jury has ruled that in this, more dire 2nd competition, the 3/20 circlets must be of a reasonable skill tree in order to qualify for a point.

After extensive contemplation, the jury could foresee no situation in which this circlet would be useful.
Sensing the class of the player, BOTH competitors decided to cruelly tease with near qualifiers. First Elzix:

And then Nihlathak:

Thanks for nothing you scumbags!
No qualifiers but a beautiful near miss:
Next to continuously teasing me with nothing less than the 7th(!) jeweler's circlet, this round featured a near miss (sorry Nihly):

And concluded with Elzix narrowly squeezing out a point:
Just enough eh Elzix.... :/
A random, almost usable, combination of affixes:
But not point worthy.

And a sad joke:
No qualifiers
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Rooting for the champ, Elzix. I think I speak for the majority of the untwinked 99er community with my hatred for Nihlathak. Look at that little crummy **** with his arms crossed..
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Definitely not that snake in the grass Nihlathak!

I understand why you didn't include Jamella the first time, but you must give her a chance against this winner
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About 33 months ago I posted a short sappy love poem about Nihlathak.

But I've never felt inspired to wax lyrical about Elzix, so I guess I'll be supporting Team Nihlathak in this little contest. 💀
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After blitzing through the first 1/4 million, all I can say is: imagine buying 250,000 lottery tickets and winning 50 bucks. This summarizes the experience of gambling with these lowlifes...

No qualifiers
Unprecedented! What a VOLCANIC goblin of a round!! Nihlathak offered this nifty druid circlet for 1 point:

Then, not more than a minute later, he erupted with this beauty for a 2nd point in a single round!! :

I could barely believe it, had to double check my stash, and confirm this was indeed a THIRD point in a single round!! :
Can never have enough of these for when Larzuk is having a bad day.
That's 3 points in one round for Nihlathak!!

Then there was also this nifty souvenir which fit the almost category:

Another teaser 'almost' :

AND a M'avina's Diadem! (junk)
AND a Jeweler's Tiara of the Mammoth (insta-babyrage-sold)

All uncontested by Elzix....

God.... help us all!
No qualifiers
First a near qualifier from Nihlathak:
Just not enough 3rd stat power to score.

No matter. Because Nihlathak seems to be running away with it!
This brings him to 5 points!
Elzix you have got to try harder!

Nihlathak is slowly winning a place in my heart!
Another point for this misunderstood necromancer...
No qualifiers
1699551989334.pngIs there a cure for the gambling addiction in sight?
Only a cruel joke from Nilly:
Artisan's Tiara of the Lamprey :(
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OMG, I missed this thread and can't believe I did. Such epic SPF-ness, both in the task and also in the creative approach to documenting and commentating on it. I can't wait to see how this contest unfolds the second time around.
About 33 months ago I posted a short sappy love poem about Nihlathak.

But I've never felt inspired to wax lyrical about Elzix, so I guess I'll be supporting Team Nihlathak in this little contest. 💀
I also wrote a love story about the pasty one (with him as the protagonist of all things - see the spoiler toward the top):
So I may also be rooting for him . . . .
I also wrote a love story about the pasty one (with him as the protagonist of all things...
He definitely attracts the best women, doesn't he? Not surprising that he would fall in love with a 99er, nor that he would be devoted enough to die hundreds of times to help her get there.
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This looks like most relevant thread to post...
Have you guys seen the new Infinite Gold Trick? (2 hours old)

It works just in D2R. It is only a visual bug in LOD

  1. Open a Shop window and find "item with by level stat" Grinding would be the best choice.
  2. Buy the item and equip it. Tooltip will show it can be sold for more gold than what you paid for it
  3. Switch to Legacy Graphics!!
  4. Click Sell button
  5. Sell the item from your main hand by using the Sell button
  6. Get more gold than what you paid for

Only works in Legacy Graphics and by using Sell button while item is equipped

EDIT: It used to work in LOD but it was patched out. Looks like devs re-introduced it in D2R at one point
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New year, new gambles! The third quarter of gambling madness has begun and the first few rounds somehow produced similar results to most of the third quarter in the previous gambling game...

Just a trophy
Jeweler's Tiara of Telekinesis - wahoo....!
Almost an amazing zon circlet:
But alas no point!
Nothing at all
Artisan's Circlet of the Whale - whoopity wooo
Nothing :(
Big round!
Starts off with a nice trophy, although not a point:

After tempting me with that near qualifier, Elzix coughed up this just-good-enough-to-qualify point:
A point for Elzix thus! Whoop Whoop!


The wily snake was not to be outdone...Nihlathak immediatly responded:
An absolute beauty and point for Nihlathak!

But only one point was not enough....Nihlathak continued, offering this, almost perfect (level is slightly higher because Tiara), actually useful headpiece:

Summary for round 28: 1 point for Elzix and 2(!) for Nihlathak!
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Entering the last quarter billion (and hopefully the last for a while!), Nihlathak seems to be amassing what looks like an unshakeable lead. Will he reign as the greediest, slimiest, filthiest scumbag of all? Or will Elzix wake up and smell the gold!?

Started off with a tease from Nihlathak, in the form of a Jeweler's Tiara of the Mammoth. Bah!

Then Elzix seemed to realize its do or die time and provided a qualifer that will directly into the trash bin:
Nevertheless, a point for Elzix!

And another teaser to end the round:
Round 30 started with a teaser as well:

And then Elzix realized he had better wake up if he wants to stay in the running, and produced:
MEHHHHHHHHH, but a point is a point - for Elzix! Bringing him to 6. There is still room to catch up...

The best that ole Nihly could muster this round was:
Just a teaser.

to be continued...
Zilch, zip, nada :/
Elzix attempted to provoke me with a silly 2/10 pally circlet. Thanks but no thanks Elzix.

Moments later, perhaps feeling a bit more sympathetic, he decided to provide (yet another) a bare-bones qualifier:
Starting to get a few too many of these....but nevertheless, a point for Elzix!

Rest-assured Elzix promptly returned to trolling therafter, with nothing less than an artisan's tiara! Whoopie
The last 1/4 billion is proving interesting! The first event today was nearly vendored by mistake; thank goodness I caught it in time so that this little trophy can start collecting e-dust on the e-shelf where it shall sit for eternity:
A point for Nihlathak!

Elzix responded with a 2/20 druid circlet with mana leech. Sorry Elzix, that doesn't qualify!
After the near miss of last round, Elzix reached deep into his pocket to provide just enough stats on this beauty to let it score him a point:
I always like these PDR helms :)
Before his session was over, he teased me again with another 2/20 rare, this time paladin but no 3rd stat to let it qualify. Grrr. Nihlathak had no answer for this round so the score is Elzix 8, Nihlathak 9. It's anybody's game to win!
This round began with a nice teaser from Nihlathak, which actually might see use someday:
interesting but not a point.
Before I could blink, he offered up a Jeweler's circlet of speed too. Now that was frustrating.
But before his turn was up, Nihlathak decided to buy himself some breathing room as the tourney comes to a close with this qualifier:
Not terribly interesting, but rules are rules, and this circlet earned Nihlathak a point.

Elzix, perhaps not realizing the end of the tourney is in sight decided to continue the day's trend of teasers:
Interesting indeed! And also just might have a chance of being used in some twinking shenanigans.
As the round came to a close, Elzix woke up and realized he needs to act now if he has any hope of winning. And true to the theme of the tournament, he offered up the absolute minimum necessary to score a point:

Basically a technicality, this is one of the most useless combinations of 3/20 available. But a rule is a rule and in this round both of our competitors scored a point while conceding as little value as possible...
The once limitless pile of gold is growing scarcer by the day. Elzix currently with 9 points and Nihlathak with 10, either of these vile beasts could claim the ultimate prize. Last round was almost insulting in the way that Elzix decided to make a measily effort at defending his title with a 3/20 curses circlet. And this round would prove even more ridiculous...

But first, a near miss and possibly useable circlet from Elzix:
Not bad, I guess. However this time Elzix failed to come up with something just barely worth a point and so the focus shifted to Nihlathak...

And as if Nihlathak was watching the end of the last round, he decided if Elzix is going to score points with garbage, why can't he?
Wow, Nihlathak thanks!! The rules however stipulate that the grimy bastard earns a point with this
And to add insult to injury, Nihlathak ended the round with this:
2 of the scummiest points ever awarded.
Perhaps overconfident, Nihlathak decided to provide something average for a change:
Yet another point for this nasty necromancer...
This was followed by a jeweler's Tiara of twister and a plain jeweler's Tiara just to keep my hopes and dreams alive...

Elzix answered with his own jeweler's Tiara (come on guys!!) and closed the round out with something much more interesting than all of the last point-scoring finds:
A beauty indeed! A point for Elzix.
After 37 grueling rounds, the gold reserves have been depeleted to a mere 13,000,000. This would mean only 1/2 of a normal round would be possible before the gold would run dry, so I've decided to farm another 14,000,000 to provide enough gold for one, final round. Who will be the victor?

Ab-so-lut-ely nothing! Figures....HA!
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Heroes and Demons of Sanctuary, we have a winner!

After 38 rounds of pure hedonism,
Hours upon hours of unscrupulous spending,
Until the pension funds finally reached 0...

In the first tournament, Elzix was adorned the Sultan of Sanctuary, for his ruthlessly greedy performance against Gheed, Alkor and Anya...
But his greed planted the seed of evil for a new challenger to cultivate plans for usurping this title...
It was not long before the Sultan's rule would be questioned by this conniving and vile being, known to lurk in the humble town of Harrogath...

And the wretched and plunderous greed of Nihlathak has perhaps left no citizen of sanctuary in doubt that in this eternal contest between good and evil...

Only one vendor could prove greediest...
Only one vendor could give only just enough to best his opponents...
And surely not one cent more!!

On this fateful day the financial fate of santuary has been sealed. The funds are no more. And all future gambling in the realm will be subject to his will, for:

Nihlathak - engorger of coffers - sunderer of stashes

Has, this day, become the new and uncontested Supreme Sultan of Sanctuary!


Let all bear witness to this melancholy day. And take heed that whatever monies you may be hiding, whatever stashes you may aspire to hoard, no penny will ever be safe from the greed of this gambling diety!

Indeed, we have no idea of the power we face!



So, of all of those round head decorations you obtained during this long-suffering overtime contest, what was the best item, and was it provided by Elzix or Nihlathak?
Probably the 34mf jewelers tiara of luck because that has long been on my list of 'hopes and dreams'.

Otherwise round 5 had 2 decent 2/20 pala rares which were both missing sockets or one other decent stat to make them really nice hammerdin circlets.

There was also a 2/20/20 sorc circlet with 10 @res whose only real use would be on a fire sorc...but then again I also found a 2nd (or maybe 3rd) 3/20 fire skills circlet which could get 2 sockets compared to just one on the rare, making the 3/20 ultimately better for a fire sorc.

Still looking for that 3/20 PnB circlet but alas 2 billion gold is not enough it seems :/
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Estimated market value