French People Are From France Mondaily

Re: French People Are From France Mondaily

RL: Didn't realize the Nvidia 600 series was out, time to read some benchmarks! Also never got around to reading benchmarks on the affordable 7000 series. I bought a 6950 for 260 (still waiting on rebate from Januray 12, stupid Sapphire) so I am interested to see the results. About waiting for a lower price, the 6950 series was basically the same price all the way through the entire life. There was only a couple of times where there were some deals and they weren't for very much.

Checked a quick review, and the 7850 seemed a tad quicker and they are the same price and even cheaper. Not a bad deal.

And for the laptop questions, I have had good success with the cheap Dell laptops. Had 3 different 15.6" ones over the last 6 years or so and they have held up fine. Replaced a battery and keyboard on the oldest one, but the two new ones (bought 2-2.5 years ago) are just fine with no slowdown whatsoever. My main criteria for laptops is 1. Processor = good intel (I3 ivy bridge would be what I would shoot for now) and 2. battery life and 3. ram to be at least 3 gigs.

D2: Random character. Hate the beginning of the game, takes so long before you can have any fun in nm and hell.
Re: French People Are From France Mondaily

RL: finished watching the Star Trek: Voyager. Mein Got! I'm not gonna tell how it ends (for those that haven't watched it yet) but I hate finishing series like that!! It' like saying good bye to old friends. I need to re-watch Buffy I think, to take my mind off it...

D2: My first char in my sept (yeah yeah; not HC but still..) Anna the amazon has made it through NM and it is now Barry the barbarian's turn to take on NM. He is already into act 2 and it feels very unsafe. I have a crappy weapon and no armor to speak of..
Re: French People Are From France Mondaily

@ Steven Q: Good luck with your exams/busy week!

RL: I've finally graduated culinary school and am moving across the country in 8 days. I'm done working as of yesterday, and I've been busy packing and enjoying my free time. And by free time I mean..

D2: Hammer time in the pits, maybe some LK runs.

OVG: Going out later with some friends to play some Adams Family Pinball at the pub!
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